Reversing Climate Change
It Can Be Done, But It's Not Simple
We well either self correct our course or nature will do it for us and without us in the end. There is a saying that “You can't taper a Ponzi scheme. (1)” Similarly, you can't taper capitalism. It is an oxymoron as capitalism, like a Ponzi scheme has to continually expand in order to profit. However, there is a built in limit for the later, as capitalism assumes and infinite growing curve in the context of a finite and limited ecosystem. Profit can only work if a small percent of the population is involved at the expense of everything and everyone else and that within a limited context in size and time. Giving the limits of the real context of nature in which this economic system functions, it can end in one of two ways. Either capitalism itself will end, or this business will bring its demise through the end of civilization and life as we know it on earth.
Recent information coming through the increasing severity of weather around the world and scientific analysis suggests that we have gone through 25 tipping points. It is not in the interest of profiteers to clean up their act as this would negate profit. So business continues as usual despite warnings from nature. What has brought us here and how do we get safely out. Let us first define the problems and the look at how to unravel it.
Carbon Dioxide content passed the 400 ppm tipping point in mid 2013
The increasing use and reliance on fossil fuels is hastening carbon dioxide buildup
Melting of permafrost and the Arctic is beginning to release methane in millions of gigatons
Climate belts are shifting causing wild weather and extremely severe storms
Deforestation has contributed to severe weather development and a lessening of atmospheric oxygen (2)
Species extinction and massive die offs spell something is terribly wrong
The use of fracking and shale gas is causing massive ground water pollution and earthquakes
Reliance on knock-off pipelines and jalopy rail lines is creating many spills and deadly disasters
Global dimming from nitrous oxide and particulate matter masks the real extent of the damage as well as that artificially added via stratospheric geo-engineering (3,4)
Oligarchs and Industry leaders are paying politicians, the court and other influential bodies to do their bidding
War is one of the most harmful and wasteful of activities and contributes heavily to pollution (5)
Planned obsolescence of all forms is ruining everything it touches (6)
The lust for ever increasing wealth mediated by interest bearing loans and Ponzi like schemes fuels all the process above
And now, the fixes!
Capitalism and the current financial system has to be dismantled and replaced with a sustainable one based on real values and not on fiat or fictitious capital oriented to profit
The existing state and its armed superstructure must be dismantled
Real values at the point of production belong to the producers and not the few robber barons of capitalism
Before we run amok and shut off all carbon releases at once, we need to develop, build and engage a massive and permanent carbon extraction program
As Carbon is removed and replaced by energies such as wind, solar and geo-thermal, it must be captured and stabilized
As carbon emissions shrink, capture and stabilizing programs must accelerate
As one energy source is removed, another equal or better must be added
All wars must end
Planned obsolescence must be replaced with methods that are totally recyclable
There must be a move away from plastics to natural counterparts and bio-plastics
Biofuels, a touted solution, only takes food out of poor and hungry mouths and does nothing to extract carbon from fossil fuels. It must be abandoned (7)
Cars must be severely limited to emergency vehicles and replaced with electric mass transit
Civilization needs to be decentralized and localized on all fronts, whether sheltering, food growing or water management
The need for a real education and a truthful media
A Need to Watch Series in Three Parts
Capitalism has served its purpose and must now yield to a better way of running economy and production based on a planned economy run from a grass roots economic democracy at the real point of production. Capitalism, once useful in taking humanity out of the feudal era and increasing production in efficiency and quantity, has now reached a point where it is detrimental in all areas of society. Human beings are pitted one against another in a plethora of ways the increases profits at the expense of everything else. This now hinders and harms rather than liberating from drudgery, unhealthy and dangerous work. Yet, those who top the hierarchy of this order will not relinquish their hold an everything, willing to destroy everything to maintain the status quo of the rule by a handful of oligarchs. Capitalism must be dismantled through direct challenge by organizing the grass roots including the world working class, unemployed, seniors and all other oppressed minorities. As this majority has its hands on all the levers of production, the dismantling of capitalism must happen through occupation of all work places and the total shut down of the capitalist run and managed system. This stance must be held until the working class and all its relations achieve the immediate and unconditional surrender of the elites, oligarchs, bosses, government, bankers and anyone else who maintained a continuous stranglehold on the world economy and by default, upon the ecosystem upon which we all depend.
Along with the oligarchs, bosses and their managers in all fields of this capitalist company planet, the end of the armed state must be accomplished. As it stands now, the armed state is a device of coercion with the single task of keeping most of humanity under control of the self declared owners/gods through intimidation, privation, deceit, distraction, bullying and genocide (8, 9, 10). All efforts need to be taken to enlist the military lower ranks to join with their working class brothers and sisters against the dictators within the military hierarchy. If the mass of soldiers join the working class, then a major step has been taken to smash the existing state apparatus that buttresses up the bosses.
Real value occurs at the point of production by workers in all fields who have their hands on the tools, do the work and handle the levers of industry. Therefore, they are the real owners of the product of their labours and should be the ultimate voice of decision as to what and how much is produced and how it is made. With today's technology and the use of crypto-currency like Bitcoin (11, 12), real peer to peer trading can become international, cutting out the banker and middlemen who stand in the way and act as parasites. In this system, no Ponzi like scheme can develop and concentrate produced values into a few hands while the real producers get empty promises of fake value. This is essential as it will allow the flowering of economic democracy internationally, which will be essential for the really big clean up jobs.
It is easy to add carbon and methane into the atmosphere and just as easy to remove it, provided the will to do so exists and no one stands in the way of accomplishing the task. If a twelve year old girl can create a system to capture and stabilized carbon as calcium carbonate, then there should be no barrier to the rest of us beyond lack of will and the current economic blockades, a.k.a. the censorship of poverty (13). But the shutting off of all carbon production can only come with the capture and locking of existing carbon and must be approached sensibly, Thus, the immediate shutting off of carbon wastes must be accompanied with a rapid capture and lock process. As this will take time, a phasing out while building carbon extraction plants is a sensible approach while at the same time, implementing alternatives to carbon based energy. This needs to begin immediately! Alternatives already exist are are in use. These sources of sustainable energy mean that we do not have to march back to primitive living standards. We can use proven geothermal (14) power generation with already existing technology. If Iceland can go 100% geothermal, so can we! Solar farms already exist and they can be fitted to run on infra red energy allowing them to run on cloudy days and even at night (15). Wind generators are improperly designed and reconfiguring the design will allow us to generate our own wind and run power even on calm days and nights (16). As these come on line and carbon output shrinks, carbon extraction can continue until the optimal level for climate stability is reached. What is needed to continue to have a lifestyle we have gotten accustomed to, is an energy form that is more efficient, non polluting, sustainable and expansible. No one needs to live in the cold and dark while hungry because a few oligarch power barons create that form in order to further gouge those who are “willing” to pay. Animals do not pay some overlord rent for the privilege to live on earth; only deceived human beings do so. Once humanity roamed the earth without paying dues to some self declared overlord. We can do that again, but we first have to create a levelling in society.
As war is the single most destructive activity on the environment as well as being the instrument of genocidal pogroms, it must cease! There are historic examples of just how destructive war is, and one of those that stand out is the sheer waste of the 1991 Kuwait oil well fires (17). During the almost year long burn of over 500 oil well, a huge amount of carbon and soot entered the atmosphere from which no one at all benefited. The black smoke plunged the local area to freezing temperatures while the obscuring soot contributed to global dimming, temporarily masking the extent of general warming. Then there us the use of depleted uranium (18). There is no known way to clean up this atrocity against Iraq and this battle scar will remain in perpetuity no matter what we do. This is not to mention all the accumulated damage and waste of all post wars that have cost over a quadrillion dollars since WWI. At the same time, the speculations of war-bucks generated huge profits for the few.
As the latter day, post modern era of decadent and corrupt capitalism continues on the quest for monopoly, the strategy for profiteering by planned obsolescence became the new norm. This other activity is as harmful as war as entire oceans become littered with broken down plastic and junk. Planned obsolescence is mediated by two main methods; that is, by under-engineering commodities and by fashion. Under-engineering means that commodities are made to break or fall apart on or near a set lifetime and they cannot be repaired. Fashion means that a new better model periodically replaces the older, now inferior model, which must now be recycled or thrown out into a landfill or the ocean. As the demand for these commodities escalates, so does pollution, war and climate change.
The Second Part
Which is the most sustainable energy?
Plastic ultimately comes from fossil fuels and is a huge contributor both to pollution and climate change. Before plastic, more natural materials were used for packaging, building and storage. These natural products often had a long life, but this was detrimental as it slowed and lessened the profit curve. Plastics, touted as a single use, clean product is anything but clean in its manufacture. It entails a huge risk all away from resource extraction to product use and finally disposal. Most modern health problems have been tied to our overuse of plastic. In the environment, disposed plastics take a long time to break down and huge numbers of animals die from ingesting plastic, There must be a return to mere environmentally friendly substitutes for plastic, Plastics made from plant sources that are biodegradable are another consideration.
Along with oil, coal and other fossil fuels, the use of bio-fuels needs to be curtailed as the result of making these fuels means that millions have to starve due to the loss of agricultural production for food. There is no net gain in carbon reduction and these fuels are thus a stopgap at best.
The bane of modern existence is the private car of which there are now well over a billion. These are a major carbon contributor. In addition, the contribute to frustrating grid locks that do nothing but add to pollution of all sorts while idling at a standstill during rush hours on a daily basis. There are far too many cars and too little space, We could “solve” this by making bigger freeways, but as more cars come on line, this too will fail. Whole cities are designed that require cars for the vast commutes needed just to work, shop and go home. Too little is done to develop rapid mass transit as cities expand exponentially outward and upward. When there is rapid transit, it is often inefficient and left to become dilapidated. Thus, large cities must localize, be broken up and communities decentralized. Cities of huge size developed for a host of reasons, but the chief reason is so that a large and ready workforce is close at hand to run production. No where is that concept more apparent than in huge shanty town sprawls that pop up near new factories and mines. We now have mined enough natural resources that can be recycled and these mines can now take a background and secondary role in production,
Above all, there exists a need for massive re-education. Society has to tend away from dumbing down and regimentation. Education has to be geared to free and creative thinking and innovation. For that, the development of the mind based on truth and real facts must be emphasized over rote and propaganda. Real education must include the sciences, trades and anything else that is useful to humanity and nature. We live in the context of nature and must respect it or die. To respect nature is to respect the human working class and reject greedy practices that destroy everything for individual greed. The era of the cult of the individual is dead and must be replaced by the reality of our place as a collective in the web of life.
The Kaiser Report on RT: