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Where Is Sarah Palin, And What Is She Up To.

Updated on March 19, 2017

Have you seen her ?

The only recent news about the once favorite character of the nefarious tea party movement refers to the fact that she is selling her properties in the state of Arizona.She has not been seen in any of the Faux News shows she used to be a staple feature on. I wonder if the creators of the tea party movement now consider it useless and as such are discarding it.Or maybe having to appear on shows is too much work for her.Some recent reports on her time as governor tell how short her work days were, usually a couple of hours every day, painting a portrait of a lazy person.Although she seems to have been able to cash in on her fifteen minutes of fame, signing a TV contract with Fox News.

Where have you gone Sarah Palin?

As a person who loves politics I have to say, thank God for Sarah Palin. Democrats do not have many things going for us right now; our party seems to be unable to communicate any cohesive, democratic coherent policy program. The achievements of a pretty good government performance by an accomplished pragmatic and intelligent president appear to be going to waste by not having the heavyweight political backup required to accomplish great things and have these things recognized as such.I don't know why the people that could turn this situation around aren't surrounding the president right now. Maybe their Democratic eggs are in another basket, or maybe the president or his entourage do not want to reach out to people they view as political opponents within the party. But whatever the reasDemocratic voters, and it is my belief the whole country will pay the price for this selfishness on the part of whichever is holding back.Now all things in perspective the political tsunami that was supposed to be the midterm elections did not materialize, it was a substantial victory for the Republicans but not a knockout blow like they expected, so I do believe that this can be overturned in the next election cycle, especially since the economy will slowly but steadily continue to improve for the next two years and the recession will be a thing of the past, and that's pretty much all the Republicans have, the recession they created and very successfully defined as the Obama recession

We can only hope she will keep talking all the way through 2012

But there's something we should be thankful for, and it's the appearance of Sarah Palin as the darling of the extreme right and her ambition that knows no limit. And not being tied really to the Republican party or having any ideology she has no loyalty but to her personal success, and the Republican party is just the vehicle that can take her to achieve her goals. That's why she couldn't care less if her actions or discourse creates turmoil and or divide the party.She has the backing of the de facto ruler of the party your royal highness Sir Limbaugh, so she can do no wrong, Republican or at least not have any harm attributed to Republican that wants to avoid having to apologize to Limbaugh publicly and on the air,e.g.Michael Steele, Phil Gingrey, etc. So she not only contributed to the democratic victory in 2008,but now she will contribute to the democratic victory in 2012,because in the present the party is held hostage by the tea party and the extreme right, no candidate that has any chance of winning a national election has a chance of being nominated in a primary that will have Palin as a candidate and whose supporters will not accept any candidate that is moderate enough to win the presidency,specially taking into account that if a moderate were to win the nomination he or she wouldn't repeat McCain 's mistake of carrying her on the ticket and that would definitely alienate the party base and split the party.Plus in the meantime as a bonus, she will continue treating us to such little jewels as her latest gaffe the "blood libel" comment.So yeah, defend your first amendment right Mama grizzly and yap on!!!!!


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