The Bully Pulpit - Hate in America Starts at the top. A president filled with hate and bigotry can ruin an entire countr
The new conflicts
"Power over the people" has always been attained by the perpetual embracing of discord in society.
As problems are resolved, new ones must be found to maintain the "status quo" of social discord.
One would think that when a "just" law is finally passed to provide equality for the last of the downtrodden minorities that, that old 'debate in defense of hate' would cease to exist as would be the normal expectation. But, it is true that familiarity does breed contempt.
When hatred is taught to children from generation to generation, it takes years to quell that negativity. But without ceasing that indoctrination process, that negativity will never be fully eradicated from our society.
The "newest" conflict seems to be the fight for the right to continue discrimination and hate by using religion as the means. The conservatives will continue their fight for the 'rights to hate and discriminate' versus 'the right to love without prejudice'. Using religious freedom as a doorway to continue this practice is beyond the imagination of the greater intellectual mind. And it certainly undermines any semblance of goodness, charity, forgiveness, tolerance and acceptance remaining in the religious cults' teaching in our world today.
Haters will always fight to continue hating in their righteous ignorance and indifference. These are the same people who cannot see the evil that the confederate flag debacle conveys.
Why people hate others
- The Seven-Stage Hate Model: The Psychopathology of Hate | Psychology Today
The targets of hate may change, but the hate process remains constant.
Social discord
The "root" causes of social discord must be first named, then accepted as fact, and finally treated, as any old (or new) disease, or disorder, in order to implement a permanent cure.
The first step(s) to curing, solving, eradicating, and/or preventing any problem, illness, sickness, or social unrest, is to understand it and define its perimeters.
- A. Disease (dis-ease): a condition of the living animal, plant, human body, the planet, or one of their parts that impairs the optimal performance of a vital function (mostly pertaining to the "physical" properties of its makeup.
- B. Disorder: 1. to disturb the regular, or normal function of; 2. a breach of the peace or public order (abnormal physical and/or mental conditions)
- Should ''Freedom of Speech'' include Spewing Hatred toward others?
The depth of hatred in this world is extremely unnerving. Anonymous points of view are cowardly and useless.
While "diseases" and "disorders" are separate and defined in many ways, they are intrinsically connected to each other.
In other words, disease can cause disorder, and disorders can cause disease. Either can also be a "symptom" of the other.
Any single (or combined) adverse acts, events, noticeable mental or physical changes, and more globally: societal changes, indicate that something is obviously disrupting the normal, or natural, function of the body, the mind and or society in general.
- Maladies (dis-eases) of the Soul: Causations of Fanatics, Zealots, and Radicals and their recision f
Understanding diseases that effect our spirit. Diseases of the soul and the mind directly effect the body.
The origins of hate as a social disease, or disorder, is the first step to finding a cure for it.
The most difficult part of that understanding is to see the signs and symptoms of a problem, and understand what has caused those signs ans symptoms to show themselves overtly.
We then must admit that the signs and symptoms are causing a problem to the 'host' of them and to others around them.
In order to understand and admit that those problems are real; we must first learn some basic concepts. Including what man's contributions are to the problems and understanding and accepting the role that mankind itself plays in creating or causing these diseases, or disorders.
- A Philosophical and Religious study of the Art of Manipulation.
Is your family, church, religion, or political group the true path for you? We are all victims of some kind of mind control at various times.
After we (mankind itself) gain the knowledge and understanding that mankind itself is the problem, then we must accept the responsibility of correcting, curing, or averting those diseases and disorders in the future
"Treatments" must be viewed on a larger scale than that of any individual basis. We cannot cure diseases or disorders by only curing one individual symptom, or one person, at a time.
For example: polio, measles, et at....were removed from society as a deadly threat by immunizing people en mass to stop their destructive spread from person to another.
Knowledge is Power
- Your Mind Has Extraordinary Powers | Psychology Today
There’s a revolution going on in the world of healing emotional and also physical distress. The revolution hinges on a remarkable discovery. We all can access far more knowledge, including self-knowledge of what we need to heal, than most of us ever
Cure rates
While immunizations have been successful in the eradication of deadly physical diseases, a simple injection in individuals cannot halt, slow down, or cure the diseases of the mind on a large global scale.
Enlightenment can cure most of man's problems on the intellectual or spiritual level. But can mankind stand up to the challenge when global diseases and disorders require radical changes on a global scale? That remains to be seen.
The 'cure rate' is low and non existent at present. Mankind has not yet come to terms with its own part in these complex global problems.
Is Ignorance bliss?
- Is Ignorance Bliss? | Psychology Today
The other day, I saw a bumper sticker that made me sit up and take notice. It said, "Ignorance is NOT bliss!" At first, I loved it. That's my kind of bumper sticker. I am, after all, a knowledge-is-power, the-truth-will-set-you-free kind of girl. But
The truth will set us free
Facing the truth
There are greater reaching considerations that impair mankind's ability to heal itself.
Mankind must first come to terms with those problems we can actually change on a smaller scale in society, or on an even smaller scale of individuality that affect (or infect) the global society:
- The fact that cancer cures are slowed down to increase profits of those who exploit it
- greed as the governing force in the world; as well as the lack of humanitarianism, and denial of equality.
- Unfettered planetary destruction for greed without any regard for global impact
- the U.S. shameful history of refusing to "blanket policy" equality for women, blacks, or the gay community
- government refusal to stop polluting the planet with dirty energy sources while alternatives are available for renewable energy for no other reason than for the sake of greed/profits over logic
- religions refusing to take responsibility for their massive roles in global destabilization out of superstitious ignorance
All of which add to the promotion and continuation of hatred, inequality, and distrust of authority; while heightening the motivations for our law makers to deny positive changes lest they lose their monetary gains by denying support of the wealthy and corrupt corporations,
We cannot make those diseases, and disorders, go away by ignoring them, denying their existence, or worse - exploiting them for political and financial reasons. Our world is obviously still in its'' infancy'' without any righteous "adults" in positions of authority to guide its safe journey into a better future.
"we cannot change the past, but we can forge a better future by what we do (or not do) in the present" (anon)
by: d.william 07/12/2015