What are your tips for being environmentally friendly?

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  1. ttrash profile image60
    ttrashposted 13 years ago

    What are your tips for being environmentally friendly?

  2. Avamum profile image81
    Avamumposted 13 years ago

    Compost compost compost! And stop using plastic throwaway water bottles - buy a stainless steel one and fill it with tap water or filtered water. And teach your kids to do the same. Or your nieces and nephews...or your neighbours' kids....

  3. Wayne Brown profile image81
    Wayne Brownposted 13 years ago

    Use common sense....we would have a much better world if people as a whole simply quit throwing trash out of their car windows onto the streets, etc.  Common sense first then grow from there! WB

  4. Rochelle Frank profile image90
    Rochelle Frankposted 13 years ago

    When we moved to a rural area, we had to start hauling our own trash to the landfill, and paying a fee by the barrel.
    I have become much more conscious of packaging-- buying very little in anything that can't be reused or recycled. I use my own grocery bags, recycle any plastic, cardboard, metal cans. etc. (Buying fresh fruits and vegetables -- and having a garden in the summer, does away with a lot of packaging.)
    A filter pitcher  has replaced most plastic bottles -- others go to the recycle center.
    We have cut back on meat and avoid styrofoam trays by going to the meat counter that wraps selections in paper.  Buying large  cuts of meat and whole chickens saves on cooking and can be divided up for multiple meals.
    With keeping hens-- I don't buy as many eggs. When I do, I get them in paper cartons which are great fireplace starters.

    Anything organic goes to the compost pile and the chickens.
    Most of this was initially done to avoid the dump fees-- but after you have visited a county landfill a few times, it also makes you
    feel good that you are not adding so much to the huge trash tidal wave.
    We use a woodstove for most heating instead of using propane and electricity for the heater. Most of the wood comes from old trees on our property.

  5. petulantM profile image85
    petulantMposted 13 years ago

    I try to re-use items, recycle what I can, and donate or re-gift items when appropriate.

    I'm a vegetarian, have driven a car twice in 10 years (rely on walking and public transportation), and wear/purchase vegan products (no leather, fur, etc.) 

    I turn off the lights when I'm not in a room (and use compact fluorescent bulbs and LED lights), shut off the water when I'm brushing my teeth and washing my face, and keep the thermostat low during the winter and high during the summer.

    Start with a few steps, do what you can, every little action helps, and don't beat yourself up for not doing more.

    Most of these tips will not only help the environment but also save you money.

  6. someonewhoknows profile image74
    someonewhoknowsposted 13 years ago

    Live somewhere where you can grow much of your own food ,somewhere where space is not at a premium and roads are limited  and you don't necessarily have to drive for an hour or more to get to work  is one way .

  7. canadianlegging profile image60
    canadianleggingposted 13 years ago

    Be an example let others see you and correct them self rather than explaining  when you explain others become offended
    when you do it they see they will try their best to correct them self

  8. AccountingGuru profile image57
    AccountingGuruposted 13 years ago

    There are so..so many. When you do anything just think twice to make sure there isnt better way. When you buy anything think whether it destroy environment and could you do without it.

  9. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image82
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    Boycotting anything produced by Halliburton, British Petroleum, and Monsanto.

  10. Chouji-Von-Lycan profile image60
    Chouji-Von-Lycanposted 13 years ago

    i walk or cycle to work, but these other comments are very insightful, thank you guys

  11. eBuddy profile image71
    eBuddyposted 13 years ago

    recycling is usually what step everyone takes first. Deciding on whether you should be environmentally friendly or not, usually tends to take the longest. But once you have figured out that you would like to become green, the next step is understanding a variety of ways to be green besides recycling.

  12. naturegirl7 profile image84
    naturegirl7posted 13 years ago

    Using sustainable garden techniques in your home landscape and setting aside "wild" places for native animals are 2 things that we feel are important for the environment.

  13. amsmoving profile image59
    amsmovingposted 13 years ago

    1 trip in a 26-foot-long truck beats countless trips in a car and SUV.  Hire Movers!

  14. MurciélagoHeart profile image61
    MurciélagoHeartposted 13 years ago

    Quote: What are your tips for being environmentally friendly?

    Be the best friend you can.


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