Do you think the drinking age should be lowered to 18?

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  1. spbarton21 profile image58
    spbarton21posted 11 years ago

    Do you think the drinking age should be lowered to 18?

    Should the drinking age be lowered from 21 to 18? If an 18 year old is allowed to vote should they not be allowed all the freedoms we have in our nation? Is it fair that states can reduce the drinking age but will lose federal funding for their highways? And if the drinking age should not be lowered to 18 for everyone should it be at least lowered for those that serve in our armed forces?

  2. profile image0
    SassySue1963posted 11 years ago

    I understand the logic behind moving the drinking age to 21, believing that, in some instances, those of 18 are too young to drink responsibly. My personal opinion though, is if someone is old enough to fight for our country, facing injury or even death, than they should be able to have a drink.

    If they want the drinking age at 21, then perhaps one can join the military at age 18, but not be sent into combat areas until age 21.

  3. chuckd7138 profile image70
    chuckd7138posted 11 years ago

    At first, my "shoot from the hip" answer was going to be that I feel that the age should be raised to 25. That is the age when the brain reaches full development. It's kind of like saying when your body physically becomes an adult, vice legally at 18.
    I also have firm beliefs that no one should marry until age 30, or if at all, and no one should have children until age 33-35. To me, these are the optimum ages for full maturity and completely understanding the full responsibilities that goes with these changes of life. However (and this is a big however), these views could be seen as fascist and unconstitutional, but then again, we're on our way there anyway.
    I did have to reconsider how to answer when you brought up the military aspect. I was in the Navy for 9 years. I joined when I was 18. For a long time, my only form of identification was my military ID, which most places will not take as a valid ID. Even after my 21st birthday (which was celebrated in the Persian Gulf near Bahrain), some nightclubs would not accept my military ID, even in a military town. So, even that raises questions.
    However, I believe a military member has earned the right to indulge in every vice if he or she so chooses. If you're willing to take a shot in the chest, you should be able to pour shots down your gullet.

    1. sethpowers profile image60
      sethpowersposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Are you saying more courageous people should be immune from the law? Why not 18 year old cops then? Or firefighters for that matter? How about emotionally courageous people like teens with disabilities? Your logic is erroneous and biased.

    2. chuckd7138 profile image70
      chuckd7138posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It's not logic. It's an opinion or a belief. Therefore, it is never wrong. It is however biased because I am a veteran. I respect military vets and service members far more than civilians. It also my opinion that you nuked my statement out too far.

    3. sethpowers profile image60
      sethpowersposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Logic was in reference to how you supported your inane belief, which I didn't say was wrong, but rather in error. Your bias indicate this. Similarly, your condescention nukes your ability to be taken seriously. Respect has nothing to do with ethics.

    4. chuckd7138 profile image70
      chuckd7138posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Inane? Stay away from insults while debating, or I won't take YOU seriously. I never insulted you or your opinion. ... Condescension? Yes, you better believe it. Don't like it? Move on, because I won't budge. I can stay firm without insulting anyone.

    5. sethpowers profile image60
      sethpowersposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the tip, kid. You're so assertive!

  4. lburmaster profile image73
    lburmasterposted 11 years ago

    Nope. Last month in only one week, two college students were home for the summer. The male was 20 and crashed into another vehicle killing four other individuals and himself. The female was 19 and killed herself and two other individuals. The answer is heck no!

    1. profile image50
      jenny clearyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      only cuz 1 person mead a mastake dose that mean we all do

    2. lburmaster profile image73
      lburmasterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Are you serious?! Those were only two accidents in the same city in one week. Imagine how many are across the U.S.

  5. sethpowers profile image60
    sethpowersposted 11 years ago

    How about we let all adults make their own decisions and take responsibility for whatever consequences ensue? If an adult believes they are ready to imbibe alcohol and are willing to accept the results of that action, then who are you to tell them they can't?

    The fact is, tons of 18 year olds (and people far younger than that) drink. Putting a rule down on a piece of paper has not and will not ever change that. All it does is label those people criminals.

    1. profile image0
      SassySue1963posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The consequences are not always theirs alone. Others lives are lost, many children.

    2. sethpowers profile image60
      sethpowersposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Your point is moot, both legally and logically. I don't see a direct correlation between the death toll of children and the legal drinking age reducing to 18. It sounds like you are alluding to DUI incidents, which is not the scope of the question.

  6. profile image0
    Deb Welchposted 11 years ago

    I would say - No.  Back in the day - when I turned 18 by law I could drink alcoholic beverages - they have since changed that to 21.  I was inmature - kids usually drink more than they can handle.  It seems too - they get fake ID made for no matter what age the law says is legal.  I don't see the comparison with drinking and/or fighting in a war zone unless they are drinking and driving - that could be a war zone.  If a parent thinks their teen-ager is mature enough to have a drink at home with company and not leave the house that seems sensible to me.  Many families drink wine with dinner or have a beer with pizza.  It's a judgment call - they say today.

    1. profile image0
      SassySue1963posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      There is no correlation between drinking and the war zone except that we expect our 18 year olds to be mature enough to fight and die for our country, but not mature enough to drink an alcoholic beverage. I just believe you cannot have this both ways

  7. undermyhat profile image61
    undermyhatposted 11 years ago

    There is no substitute for life experience and the accompanying maturity.  Granted there are many 18 year olds who can be more mature, more in control, more responsible than many 21 year olds - they are not the issue.  it is likely that such an 18 year old is also patient enough and understanding enough to wait for that all important 21st birthday.

    Thing about the problems that are already caused by irresponsible people over 21. the biggest difference is self control, body chemistry and physiological and bio-chemical maturity.  Someone 21 is physiologically different.  more observant, less impatient, less impulsive, etc... This is a generalizatoin but we are talking about a generally applied law.

    It is a shame maturity cannot be measured and placed as a wualifier on a drivers license but it cannot and so the general rule must be applied for the safety of the 18 impulsive and imature who would risk their precious self for intoxication and the lives of so many others.  Patience - you aren't missing much.


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