2nd Presidential Debate - what points were made that you think are important?

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  1. ThompsonPen profile image66
    ThompsonPenposted 11 years ago

    2nd Presidential Debate - what points were made that you think are important?

    I am not trying to play people against each other. I know my own view, but I am very interested in what other people think and why. I hear a lot which breaks down to who is going to spend the most money, and how. What were the points that you thought were most important?

  2. Ken Burgess profile image75
    Ken Burgessposted 11 years ago

    I think every person has topics they are most interested in, for me, what is the biggest topic is the economy, and how they will address it.
    The biggest point was Romney bringing up going after China hitting them with tariffs, and then how he will lift the crippling regulations Obama has imposed on Coal and Oil so that we can not only put people back to work, but lower energy costs.
    One man clearly thinks growing the government, and increasing taxes is the way out.
    The other man, thinks that taking on China, increasing energy production at home, and finding ways to attract and invigorate businesses is the way to go.
    I believe a lot of our nation's problems will correct themselves once the economy gets back on track, and people can find work... and that trumps all other issues in my book.

  3. My Esoteric profile image87
    My Esotericposted 11 years ago

    I think Obama make clear Romney's tax plan isn't tax neutral as claimed, the CNN fact-checker's agree; they also said Obama's tax plan, what they know of about it right now, doesn't either.  Consequently, I need to relook at Obama's plan as I didn't think it had changed much from the one that did balance.

    I think Obama provided a clear path forward on many fronts; energy, research, education, infrastructure, etc; Romney only emphasized his vision for fossile fuel energy.

    I believe Obama provided sufficient examples of what he had accomplished in the two years he had available to him before the Conservatives shut gov't down and left Obama with Executive Order as his only recourse to get things done.  Obama can't really point this out because it looks like whining when he says it, but it points out reality when I do.

    One thing Obama missed pointing was the definitioin of momentum and initertia; the forces in play when the country is a Great Recession.  This was the case when Romney lambasted him about lowering median income, rising food stamps and the like.  Hell yes those things changed for the worse and stayed that way during Obama's adminstration; momentum kept it getting worse after the recession slowed down and initertia prevented it from getting better once the economy started improving.  Then, in 2011, Conservatives made a point of preventing any further improvement.

    1. Ken Burgess profile image75
      Ken Burgessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Obama's failure to accomplish getting a budget passed, to adjust taxes, to find compromise, is not going to change if he gets re-elected, his stubbornness to hammer things through his way will remain the same... unless the Dems hold a vast Majority

    2. My Esoteric profile image87
      My Esotericposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      - When Conservatives made it their game plan not to compromise on anything in order to make Obama fail in his Presidency was devised before he took office and stated by Sen McConnell, was the day that Obama was not going to be able to find compromise

  4. PrometheusKid profile image61
    PrometheusKidposted 11 years ago

    Presidential debates are nothing more than a circus show to give the peasants the delusion of choice. It's easier to slave does who believe they are free is common sense.

  5. TempusFugit profile image61
    TempusFugitposted 11 years ago

    The comments made on Gun Control by both disturbed me. I am a huge supporter of the 2nd amendment and wish more of it was left.

    1. My Esoteric profile image87
      My Esotericposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What is missing?  About the only thing you can't legally own from a gun show now-a-days is a nuke.


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