Ten years from now, do you think life in the United States will be better or wor

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  1. yecall profile image71
    yecallposted 7 years ago

    Ten years from now, do you think life in the United States will be better or worse for citizens?

  2. Tusitala Tom profile image65
    Tusitala Tomposted 7 years ago

    This will depend upon what you mean  by "Life in the United States."  Are you talking about an increase in real income? i.e. will people be better off materially, or do you mean Life in a wider sense: more free time, more actual freedom from regulation and law?

    One thing is pretty certain, as the population increases the regulations become more Draconian.   More people to govern, more law and law enforcement.   We will have more cameras everywhere, watching and monitoring the populace's behavior.   There will be more likelihood that more and more people will know more and more about our work life, hobbies, activities and even our private life.

    So ten year from now US citizens MIGHT be better off materially (no guarantee, of course) but will almost certainly be worse off freedom-wise.

  3. profile image0
    threekeysposted 7 years ago

    Just from how your country comes across in the general media in our country? I am scared for your people. A different form/style of government needs to take shape NOW. Your country may have been the experiment in full on Capitalism but it just CANNOT sustain itself this way. Big is not better. Its sacrilegious to buy buy buy spend spend spend like there is no tomorrow. There is too many of your people suffering in extreme degrees. This is not okay.The planet cannot handle it ANYMORE INMHO. How and what we need to do? I wish I could come up with an idea.....I guess its going back to the past to see what happened when the same signs were showing within the people. So perhaps reading history texts....but we have to do it quick smart.

  4. tamarawilhite profile image86
    tamarawilhiteposted 7 years ago

    It is worse now for citizens than it was ten years ago, simply by most new jobs created in the past decades going to immigrants, legal and illegal, reducing the workforce participation rate by citizens 10% to 1970s levels.
    Then there is the open privileging of immigrants over citizens. Illegal immigrants from Mexico show up and get in state tuition in several states, but a citizen from another state cannot despite parents being a US taxpayer for decades. Preferences in hiring ethnic groups and immigrants to the detriment of natives and Caucasians, plus preferences in admission to colleges and scholarships.

    If Trump wins and reverses these trends, life will get better. If a Democrat is elected, it will get even worse. After all, Black Lives Matter is taken seriously for demanding separate race based student governments and segregating whites from darker peoples for the comfort and supposed safety of blacks.

    1. Tusitala Tom profile image65
      Tusitala Tomposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      This flood of people from one country to another is taking place all over the world.  Worldwide television has opened the eyes of those worse off and they want some of the good life. World population growth is another major factor.


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