What bothers you more, that Trump won or that Clinton lost? Answer thoughtfully.

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  1. frogtalk profile image58
    frogtalkposted 7 years ago

    What bothers you more, that Trump won or that Clinton lost? Answer thoughtfully.

  2. jackclee lm profile image81
    jackclee lmposted 7 years ago

    You may not like it but my answer is neither. I did not vote the top of the ticket this year because I could not support either candidate. It is sad state in American politics when out of 320 million americans, we ended up with these two very flawed candidates. I don't think Clinton was qualified to run with all her past baggage and lack of accomplishments. I don't think Trump was qualified with his past business dealings and being part of the donating class that influenced government for personal gains.

    We need a fundamental change in how politics is conducted in this country. Service to the government should be a sacrifice. It should not be a life long profession. I believe term limits will solve some of the current problem but campaign fiance reform is also a good start. It should not cost 2 $billion to run a presidential campaign. The personal attacks must end. Good people will not run and put their family and reputation on the line for the disgraced media to attack. People should vote based on real objective assessments and not let party loyalty dictate who to vote for.

    1. frogtalk profile image58
      frogtalkposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the situation.

    2. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I'm disappointed Jack!  Your analogy & those thinking like you, is probably why Trump won!  They were people (not GOD) we had to opportunity to vote for!  The lessor of the two evils!
      Now look what we have as a "role model" for our children?

  3. lions44 profile image95
    lions44posted 7 years ago

    I second much of what Jack wrote. I did not vote for either candidate as I was part of the NeverTrump group.  He has set the party back many years regardless of how his term ends. 
    But I find myself in the odd position of defending his election. My wife is very upset. Friends and family are angry.  I don't like the guy but let's not make it worse by yelling, "Not my President:" and "Illegitimate."  It's tacky.   Many on the hard right did the same thing to Obama after his election. It was a disgrace.  So I urge everyone to calm down. 

    Trump is a New Yorker originally (like me) and that tempers everything you do.  Whether you realize it or not.  I cannot see mass deportations, and expanded military intervention happening in the near future.  I would bet the entire immigration issue gets put on the back burner after a plethora of excuses.  I really believe those in my party who want real reform (and humane reform) will triumph.

  4. Ken Burgess profile image77
    Ken Burgessposted 7 years ago

    Here is something I posted on FB:
    I see many friends and family members posting on FB, distraught over this election’s results. And it is disheartening that so many think Trump and his supporters as such vile and reprehensible people.
    I have never seen politics as 'my team' or 'my side' winning. For me it has always been about who appears to be the best person to lead the country at that time. I have felt bad when a candidate I supported lost, but I always knew we would survive what was to come... the country would move forward, its course would adjust.
    THIS VERY PROCESS is why America has stood for two and a half centuries... it ALWAYS auto corrects... it ALWAYS moves in the direction that is best for the people, eventually. What everyone needs to keep in mind, is that MOST people are good, decent, caring human beings. MOST people want what is best for not just themselves, their families, but for all people.
    WE make this a great nation, WE have the opportunity to get involved, to change the course of our country... and we have done so many times before.
    Trump is NOT the end of the world, he is NOT the end of America as we know it, he is NOT going to lead us into WWIII, he is NOT going to make Abortion illegal throughout the nation, he is NOT going to be the evil vile loathsome ruler our sad, biased, mis-informing media has led you to believe.
    I have tried to use words to express this to some of you, unfortunately all words are subject to interpretation, and sometimes efforts to console can be misconstrued. Believe me, I get no satisfaction or joy out of people I know and care about believing the worst about their newly elected President or feeling such remorse over this elections results.
    I would like to end this on an inspiring note, so I will leave it to the words of one of our most enlightened Presidents of the 20th century:
    Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us. Let both sides, formulate serious and precise proposals. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it -- and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
    And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go

    1. profile image0
      Cissy1946posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

    2. frogtalk profile image58
      frogtalkposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  5. suzettenaples profile image87
    suzettenaplesposted 7 years ago

    That Trump won.  He is incompetent, indecent, and is a danger to our country and the world at large.  He has the attention span of a flea, thinks only of himself and his ego, and is ready to "bomb the daylights" out of enemies.  He prefers to "bond" with Putin and Russia rather than our allies around the world.  He puts down the most vulnerable people in our society, the disabled, and mocks them on TV.  He bullies anyone who does not agree with him.  He wants to reinstate "stop and frisk" which was found illegal in NYC.  He wants to profile Muslims and anyone else coming from the middle east.  He wants to throw away alliances we have had for years, Japan, some European countries, NATO.  He is brash and doesn't think before he speaks. He whines and blames others for "unfair" treatment.    I think the man is a disaster and a train wreck waiting to happen.

    1. frogtalk profile image58
      frogtalkposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for sharing.


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