Romney admits in video that Bain bought slave labor factories in China.

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  1. Dr Billy Kidd profile image90
    Dr Billy Kiddposted 11 years ago

    In the video for major campaign donors, Romney explains the details of the work farms with guard towers in China which Bain bought for off-shoring American jobs. …
    His total lack of emphathy is pathethic--it's just business to him..

    1. rhamson profile image70
      rhamsonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have written a Hub on why this country needs these slave labor camps to make America prosper. It is not Romneys fault as this is how the elitists think their need to get further up the rope. Just think of what he can do as president to help his buddies and himself along. The business and priorities of the people have been sufficiently pushed to the side as the cronyism and bought favors become the impedus. The problem isn't the politics of this country, it is the money that decides it.

      1. Dr Billy Kidd profile image90
        Dr Billy Kiddposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I think the election motto should be: "Its the Cash--stupid!"

        I really had not thought about the implications of Romney being an expert at getting things done on the cheap. I had just thought of him as Downsizing America and being unsympathetic to anyone who loses out because of an economic decision by some higher-up.

        1. Dr Billy Kidd profile image90
          Dr Billy Kiddposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Originally, the video was posted on an unauthorized account, yet the voice of Romney has been authenticated. The account holder says there's another hours worth of revealing details coming soon. YouTube shut the account because they could not verify who the subscriber is. Here is where the original video is now posted:

        2. mamuska profile image59
          mamuskaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I really don't know this time, which one of the presidential Candidates to vote for. One is for the Poor, Up sizing the Economy and one is for the Rich, Down sizing the Economy. Our now President is trying to establish a stable economic for all us to live in. Slave labor camps, overseas, has been established long before Obama. Thank you to Senior. We need someone to bring a stability in for the economy, because right now we are trying to get out of a depression, that is more difficult to get out of, than what it was before.

          1. Mitch Alan profile image80
            Mitch Alanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            For the poor? For creating more of them, you mean, right? Unemployment is 14+%, small businesses are closing, fuel costs are up to 2 times what they were 4 years ago, record deficit spending to the tune of $1 Trillion plus PER YEAR, tripling the debt, failed bailouts (on top of the Bush ones which were wrong as well)...etc. etc...

    2. Shadesbreath profile image77
      Shadesbreathposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations on posting a glaring lie so proudly. The title of the video is an outright, unabashed falsehood without the slightest, most microscopic grain of truth in it in any form whatever. You clearly did not watch that video.

      The fact that you would post the exact same title to this thread as that video proves that your approach to politics is that of an unthinking automaton who not only doesn't do any real investigation in the form of deep reading, but one that doesn't even bother to invest three minutes to watch a video.

      Man, it is so infuriating to see the base, manipulative, anti-intelligent partisanship that destroys this country run unchecked liked this. I don't even like Romney, but I have to say something when I see this kind of glaring, shameless perpetuation of deceit.

      You should be ashamed of yourself. If you hate Romney, find something legitimate to say against him. Don't just lie. Or if you're going to lie, if you place no value on truth at all, at least make it a super good lie. Why not say he kills babies with a chainsaw and eats their still-warm hearts or something.

      1. profile image0
        PrettyPantherposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I'm a little confused.  I watched the video and while "slave labor" might not be completely accurate, it isn't that far from the truth.  Have you read about how these factories actually work?  Mitt Romney's description of the factories in the video is skewed to make them sound less horrific than they really are.  He might truly believe what he is saying, though.

        1. Shadesbreath profile image77
          Shadesbreathposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          The title of this thread says: "Romney admits that Bain bought slave labor factories in China."

          The video has him talking about how he went to a factory and, after seeing the conditions there, questioned his Chinese counterparts about them, to which he was told about how the women are saving wages for dowries, and often left when they had enough, which brought lines of new women wanting to fill those vacated jobs. And, despite that being the answer Mitt was given, despite more people wanting those jobs, Romney clearly thought the conditions were crap, which is why his WHOLE point in THAT story in the video, not some other story you want to tell as you begin to do with this reply... the whole point HE was actually making in THIS video, is that in America, you, we, all of us, start off way better than people in China. That was his point. None of that other stuff you are talking about relates to the claim made by the OP that suggests evil Romney "admits" to buying "slave" factories.

          How can we as a people ever get to real truths if we allow grotesque perversions of truth to be casually brushed aside as you do when you say, "Well, it might not be completely accurate" but then allow it to stand as justification for an argument against a candidate. At best, it's a problem with China. This OP is not condemning China. It's lying about Romney, and using China as the red herring to drag people away from genuine thought and genuine debate.

          Nobody cares about truth anymore. On either side. I feel like I'm trapped in a horrible Twilight Zone episode when I see people perfectly fine with this crap.

          1. profile image0
            PrettyPantherposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Sorry, but I think you're bending over backwards to prove your point.  Romney clearly said he went to China to buy a factory at the beginning of the video.  I do not believe this one video is justification for an argument against a candidate, but to say "at best, it's a problem with China" is to ignore that American corporations use Chinese workers to make cheap stuff for Americans to buy, and Mitt Romney is part of that.

            To be fair, all of us are part of that, unless you've never used a smartphone or ipad or any other number of products that we get for cheap because they are made by low-paid Chinese workers.

            1. Shadesbreath profile image77
              Shadesbreathposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              So is your point that, because Americans like cheap stuff, we should lie and have our political debate be total fiction?

              1. profile image0
                PrettyPantherposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                No, my point is that it isn't complete fiction.  Romney went to China to buy a factory; he said so himself.  This, even though he then goes on to question the conditions there.

                The title of the thread is "Romney admits in video that Bain bought slave labor factories in China."  Just because Romney was told that the fence around the factory was to keep people out, does not make it true.

                1. Shadesbreath profile image77
                  Shadesbreathposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  So because there is a possibility that a Chinese tour guide lied to him, it makes perfect sense for us to conclude that Romney is a bad candidate for president. And, therefore, because he's a bad candidate by that measure, we can then justify telling lies about him in Internet forums to prevent his being elected. Is that how it works?

                  1. profile image0
                    PrettyPantherposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    I thought you were complaining that the OP was a lie?

                    "The title of the video is an outright, unabashed falsehood without the slightest, most microscopic grain of truth in it in any form whatever."

                    I'm trying to point out that it is not an outright lie; that is all.  Romney said in the video he went to China to buy a factory.  The fact that it had a fence around it strongly indicates it was probably a slave labor factory, given China's history in that area.

                  2. Mighty Mom profile image78
                    Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Where did anyone say Romney is a bad candidate for president here?
                    No mention of his candidacy whatsoever.

                    What I heard Romney say here is that he was amazed (incredulous, maybe, but not shocked or outraged or anything with a harsh value judgment attached) to see how the Chinese factory workers live and work. He did not say the conditions were good, bad or indifferent. He simply described what he heard and saw.
                    Ending with "Boy, we sure are lucky to be Americans."

                    Presumably, the people who had paid what was it, $50,000 apiece (?) to hear him say these words -- I guess they must be pretty grateful to be American as well.

                  3. Hollie Thomas profile image61
                    Hollie Thomasposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    No, but it does raise some questions about his judgement, does it not?

                  4. Ralph Deeds profile image65
                    Ralph Deedsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Seems to me the video tends to confirm the point that many of the jobs Romney allegedly created were in China or some even lower-wage area.

            2. rhamson profile image70
              rhamsonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I agree that it is a stretch that Romney outwardly was promoting the slave labor that these factories represent but there is an underlying understanding that in order to prosper in business by selling at affordable prices America needs to be supporting these sweat shops. If any business breaks away from that model they surely risk failure as America cannot cheaply produce anything the Chinese can because of the labor constraints. The reasons why this has been brewing for many years is because of trade agreements like NAFTA and the like. I have said it before that it is a shame that the American model of free enterprise depends on communist labor!

              1. Dr Billy Kidd profile image90
                Dr Billy Kiddposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Wow. That is quite a statment: the American model of free enterprise depends on communist labor. Geez.

                I keep asking myself why can't we move forward. But we're hooked on the current model.

                1. rhamson profile image70
                  rhamsonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  I have written a hub on the subject if it interests you to read more. I try not to get too long winded on this subject in the forums because it gets to be a rerun record if you know what I mean.

          2. profile image0
            Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

            He never said it was immoral not to pay the Chinese workers more.

            1. Shadesbreath profile image77
              Shadesbreathposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              He was explaining why he thought American's have a huge advantage right from birth by simply living in America. That was the point of his story.

              If you can't see that when you watch the video, it's because you don't want to. It's like you just watched someone standing up at a dinner party telling the story of Hansel and Gretel and you can't believe they didn't explain how important it is to spay and neuter your pets when they were done.

              1. profile image0
                Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

                He talked about how people were lining up TO GET IN the factory.  Where was the discussion of the poor working conditions, and the immorality of the low wages?  NONE.  Perhaps you cannot see when you watch the video.

                1. rhamson profile image70
                  rhamsonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  What is hard to comprehend is that Romney relates to his elite level of capitalism while marveling what an opportunity he can exploit while thinking that the Chinese slave labor is clammering to get into the factories to exploit their opportunity. He doesn't even mention the level of desperation the Chinese slave labor has to endure to survive. Anybody can play it off as that they can look for a job elsewhere if it is so bad but that doesn't address that an Iphone in China sells for around $400.00 and these slaves of capitalist labor don't even aspire to catch up with the new Chinese elite but only to get married or help their family out. So many ways of gaffing this off but if you look deep you can really see the irony.

                2. Mighty Mom profile image78
                  Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Why would anyone expect outrage from Romney in this situation?
                  Situation meaning
                  a) touring a Chinese factory. He does not feel any outrage over the working conditions there. It's capitalism at its finest!
                  Situation meaning
                  b) matching his words to his audience. He's talking to other successful people (can't say for sure all are business owners, but they've got $$$ to drop on his fundraising dinner).
                  Why would they be any more outraged than he?

                  Romney is the ultimate pragmatist.
                  We seem to want or expect him to react to things the way we would.
                  I'm not holding my breath waiting for Romney to turn all Bill Clinton and gush "I feel your pain."
                  He doesn't.

      2. Ralph Deeds profile image65
        Ralph Deedsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Where was the lie?

        1. Shadesbreath profile image77
          Shadesbreathposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Read the title of the video, and the title of this thread. Like, actually look at the words and the claim they make when read together as a sentence.

    3. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't know Maddow had a youtube account.  Awesome deal.

      I am surprised at the lack of outrage expressed by Romney.  He initially describes the situation very matter-of-factly, and even praises it at the end.  Admitting to paying people a pittance of a wage?  Ha.  I hope team Obama uses this in a campaign ad.  He's disgusting.

    4. quatrain profile image57
      quatrainposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Get ready people, this kind of slash-and-burn lie is all the Obama camp has left. Expect to see plenty more distortions in the next 76 days before the election in November.

    5. Claims-Advice profile image61
      Claims-Adviceposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sadly, this total lack of empathy is standard for people in positions like this and it's that lack of empathy which earned them that position.

  2. Hollie Thomas profile image61
    Hollie Thomasposted 11 years ago

    @GA if your response was directly related to the poster then that's perhaps who you should have replied to. As it is, intentionally or otherwise, you replied to me. Personally, I don't really care if you buy what I'm thinking or not, I'll still continue to ask questions where I see fit.

  3. Shadesbreath profile image77
    Shadesbreathposted 11 years ago

    Thanks to this thread, I thought it important to research Romney more closely and I came up with this hub. I have to say, my eyes were sure opened up when I did research in keeping with what we learned here from this video.

    <link snipped>

    1. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I read your hub.  Do you feel better now?  LOL

      1. Shadesbreath profile image77
        Shadesbreathposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        lol, yes. smile

        1. profile image0
          Motown2Chitownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          So does everyone who read it.

          OMFG!  I literally laughed until I cried.  Then the tears were real because it's all such a farce.

  4. Mitch Alan profile image80
    Mitch Alanposted 11 years ago

    They voluntarily worked, got paid and left when they earned enough...slave? labor so you can buy what you want from Walmart at cheap prices? Yes.

    1. Dr Billy Kidd profile image90
      Dr Billy Kiddposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Romney has stated many times he never outsourced American jobs. Here he's admitting to simply buying whole companies that put Americans out of work, This is quite different than his claim he knows how to create jobs in America.

      If it were just this one thing, alright, but he owns dozens of companies through shell coporations in the Cayman Islands which still outsource American jobs. And that is why won't let us look at his tax returns. We leaned too much on the last go-around.

      OK, what's wrong with talking about this stuff? Least we'll know what we're getting. Myself, I was not shocked at the casual  talk of Romney owning a labor camp--they used to be all over China, and China is just starting to introduce living wages. What's redicilous for me is the casualness of the whole thing.

      1. profile image0
        JaxsonRaineposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Google 'comparative advantage'.

        You probably think that we should manufacture everything that we use in the US, don't you?

  5. profile image0
    PrettyPantherposted 11 years ago

    There is a lot of buzz on the internet about this video.  The person who posted it to YouTube says:

    "Yes, More to come. MSM has been in contact and will have full (1 hour) version soon. Thanks for watching. You won't believe the things Romney says when he thinks the 99% isn't listening."

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

    1. Dr Billy Kidd profile image90
      Dr Billy Kiddposted 11 years agoin reply to this


  6. Mighty Mom profile image78
    Mighty Momposted 11 years ago

    If all but one word in a sentence is true, does that one word render the rest of the sentence false?

    Romney admits Bain bought factories (or at least one factory) in China.
    There are laborers in the factory/ies in China.
    Romney makes observations about the working (labor) conditions of the factories (or factory) Bain purchased in China.
    The working conditions in the factory/ies purchased by Bain in China constitute "slave"
    True of false?
    The women working there are free to leave and do leave when they earn enough for their dowries.
    Others are so eager to replace them in their jobs that they have to be kept out with fences.
    Romney appeared appalled by the labor conditions in the factory.
    We the viewers are appled by the labor conditions in the factory:
    Anyone disagree here?
    If the factory was in the U.S., would/could the same working conditions apply/be acceptable?
    While I'd like to say No, slave labor factories ended with the Triangle Factory Fire of 1911, I can't.
    Migrant farm worker bunkhouses and Tyson Chicken factories come to mind (from the film "Fast Food Nation").

    So where does that leave us?
    IDK but I enjoyed your new hub, Shades.

    1. Shadesbreath profile image77
      Shadesbreathposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Even though you subtly inject your opinion there at the end, I'm with you to here.

      Now we're off into the land of opinion. Which is fine. But the "False" you use here is not doing the same thing your first ones were. This "False" is in response to the imposition of your personality. You, as an outsider, get to assert how you feel he should relate that story at that dinner table. And rather than making his point the way he did, he should have, what? Thrown himself to the ground and started weeping and wailing? Maybe tossed up a slide show of dirty, crying Chinese women with Sarah McLachlan's "Angel" playing in the background? Would that have been better than just telling the story and getting to the point? Furthermore, saying "False" here insinuates that you know what the conversation was before and after. Which you don't. Or if you do, you aren't providing that evidence.

      My point, why not just talk about labor conditions in China. Why not propose an idea? Why not pull Romney's speeches on the topic, or something he wrote? A bill he signed. Something that could count as evidence for what you want people to think about him. I'm not even saying you're wrong about him. I'm just saying people are trying to build a case against the candidates without taking the time to find evidence to support the claims. I don't care what claims you make. Just have some kind of actual evidence. That's all I'm asking from both parties. (And, I guess, I'm hoping that some people will realize they might not know how to do that, so should consider learning before speaking out. Not only do they look stupid, but they are ruining the country despite probably feeling like they are "taking part.")

      I haven't seen the factory. It sounds like I would hate it. As a fat, over-fed American, I am pretty confident that what he described would suck if I had to live like that. However, if any vestige of the Chinese official's story is true (as Romney related it), then perhaps there is some need of understanding that China is not the U.S., and therefore it might not be realistic to expect Romney to run over there, maybe give a speech or something, and have them completely throw off their entire system and course of history in favor of a quick U.S.-like makeover. It might just be that all he can do is go over there, have his eyes opened by what he saw (which he clearly did, given his realization of how great we have it in the U.S.), and then see what small leverages he can put into gradually, in a realistic way, continuing to facilitate the move towards getting them to adopt Western views of how labor should be treated, as has been going on for decades anyway.

      When we discover them, we make a documentary (probably skew some facts to make it look even more horrible than it already was), and get it changed. Maybe that's part of the 95% thing. Who knows. We're not China, so we do stuff like that. They might get there if we remain diplomatic and consistent, and don't start making economic threats and behaving like idealists who think sovereign nations of 5 billion people can be turned on a dime.

      I think it leaves us where we've been all along, in an imperfect nation that has, for the moment still, enough freedom remaining to still try to get back on course so that we continue to influence countries like China in the way we have. Reality when viewed through a microscope never looks as good as the Disney movie or Beatle's song versions, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep aiming high while we slog through the mucky truth.

      1. Mighty Mom profile image78
        Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I'm not sure Sarah Maclachlan would allow the use of "Angel" for this video.
        It's already associated with some pretty powerful animal anti-cruelty PSAs.
        Some might find it confusing to hear the familiar music juxtaposed with pictures of happy working ladies earning their dowries.
        They might actually become distressed if they didn't tear up.

        1. Shadesbreath profile image77
          Shadesbreathposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          That's true. Which actually illuminates yet another glaring... another bit of humor: All these indignant souls in this thread leaping on Romney for his clear <cough> advocacy in support of the the institution of slavery, and yet he's also by the same reasoning admitting he's a woman hater because he didn't vociferously proclaim the evils of a society that still has women needing dowries as part of that story he told at the table there. What an unspeakable douche he is. We should start the impeachment process now, just in case he wins.


          1. Mighty Mom profile image78
            Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah, about that.
            This clearly shows that Romney supports dowries for Chinese women.
            But what about us American women?
            Where's the love?
            What's he doing to help women like me earn our dowries?
            I want a dowry. A big dowry!
            I want to run from the factory and pay my fiance's husband a boatload of cash to make an honest woman out of me.
            Aren't I entitled to that?
            As a woman?
            And an American?
            I'm sure it's somewhere in the Constitution.
            I demand my God given rights to life, liberty, happiness, and a dowry!

            P.S. The fact that I am married is irrelevant to this conversation. I am speaking for EVERY WOMAN here.


            And yes. Good thinking about starting the impeachment proceedings.
            I can count at least 23 acts of treason he's already committed.
            Hey ho. Romney's gotta go!

            1. Shadesbreath profile image77
              Shadesbreathposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              lol. We'll have to update the Bill of Rights to get tax payer funding for all chick dowries.

            2. Mitch Alan profile image80
              Mitch Alanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Can clearly cite any of those acts of treason as defined by our Constitution?

              1. Mighty Mom profile image78
                Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Oh gosh. I probabably can, but it would require me to look up a bunch of stuff, Mitch Alan.
                Plus I would have to double check on how it all works in terms of non-elected citizens committing treason.
                Way more research than I intended for a flip remark.
                So in the end, I'll just admit it was a JOKE.
                Perhaps an "in" joke and perhaps not a "funny" joke.
                The intent of the ridiculous, way over the top accusaton was clear with Shadesbreath, to whom it was addressed.
                Guess I should have gone with
                lol lol vs. smile to make absolutely sure everyone got the joke.
                Have a great day!

                1. Mitch Alan profile image80
                  Mitch Alanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Sorry Supes, I got the dowry was funny. I just thought the treason part was separate, as it smile

                  1. Mighty Mom profile image78
                    Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    The treason part was in response to Shadesbreath's call to proactively impeach Romney before he takes office.
                    While we're at it, maybe we should draw and quarter Obama and burn Ryan at the stake and make Biden walk the plank.
                    Todd Akin -- give him a nice Aryan Brotherhood roommate in prison.

                    Feel free to change up the punishments if you feel so inclined!

                    Note to any/all who might believe I am in any way serious about these suggestions.
                    I am NOT!

  7. Drax profile image82
    Draxposted 11 years ago

    Why would any sane person waste one moment of their life with these liars cheats and thieves... don't answer that... lol

  8. Drax profile image82
    Draxposted 11 years ago

    do people really expect truth from the liars that the entire political system has become...

    1. Shadesbreath profile image77
      Shadesbreathposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Some of us can start expecting it, and demanding it. We can stop participating in endless polemical insult-hurling contests and insist on honest dialogue instead.

      1. profile image0
        JaxsonRaineposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Only if... wouldn't it be nice?

        There are very few people interested in honest dialogue.

        1. Shadesbreath profile image77
          Shadesbreathposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Too much time and reading. That's why Facebook politics is so popular. The wittiest photo caption wins. Truth be damned.

      2. Drax profile image82
        Draxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        ah Shadesbreath... this is without doubt a truism...

  9. profile image37
    Mustang34posted 11 years ago

    The outsourcing argument needs context to be sensible. Ex: Mrs. Smith wants to buy a clock. She only has $50. She see's a clock she wants for $50 but it's made in China, the same clock made in America costs $70. Do you tell Mrs Smith tough luck? Go borrow $20? Forget the clock?

  10. profile image0
    JaxsonRaineposted 11 years ago

    Eh, outsourcing goes further than that.

    If an American worker can make 6 shirts per hour, or 6 processors per hour...
    and a Chinese worker can make 10 shirts per hour or 4 processors per hour...

    Americans could make 3 shirts and 3 processors per hour
    Chinese could make 5 shirts and 2 processors per hour

    So between us, we make 8 shirts and 5 processors per hour.

    But, if Americans only make processors, and Chinese only make shirts...
    Americans make 6 processors per hour
    Chinese make 10 shirts per hour

    So between us, we make 10 shirts and 6 processors per hour. Then we can trade with each other, and actually both end up better off than if we worked alone.

    But................................. big but...................... people don't like to talk about stuff like that. Outsourcing is bad, even if it enriches Americans and enriches Chinese.

  11. profile image37
    Mustang34posted 11 years ago

    @JaxsonRaine well said.

  12. profile image0
    HowardBThinameposted 11 years ago

    The video has yet to be verified, but let's assume it's true.

    Someone tell me what the difference is between running a foreign company and sending American taxl dollars to foreign countries that do not promote the welfare of the US?

    Does anyone here realize the amount of money that American presidents, especially Obama, have sent overseas that could have gone into creating jobs here in the States?

    Here's a hint - it's much more money (and it's taxpayer money) than what a single company uses to invest in any other company overseas.

    Since Obama has offshore investments - it becomes clear that he isn't "above" this type of thing either. And he's diverted hundreds of millions of dollars to other countries instead of using them here for job creation.

    What I find fascinating is the level of venomous attacks from the Left.

    Are they truly THAT desperate?

    Come on, guys. Take the high road.

    1. Ralph Deeds profile image65
      Ralph Deedsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Bain was phenomenally successful under Romney, but not as a U.S. job creator as Romney claims. Even Staples killed more jobs than it created. Obama has no direct offshore investments remotely comparable to Romney's tax dodges in the Bahamas, Bermuda and Swiss banks. Obama has a small amount of money in some kind of a pension fund that has investments outside of the U.S. (Your credibility would improve if you didn't make such obviously misleading statements.)

      1. profile image0
        HowardBThinameposted 11 years agoin reply to this
        1. Ralph Deeds profile image65
          Ralph Deedsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          The fact remains that Bain is basically a slash and burn operation, not a job creator under Romney and since his departure, if he has actually departed. My understanding is that he still is getting income from Bain or his Bain deals.

          1. Mitch Alan profile image80
            Mitch Alanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Employees of these companies, among other are probably pretty happy that their companies were invested in or acquired by Bain. AMC Entertainment, Aspen Education Group, Brookstone, Burger King, Burlington Coat Factory, Clear Channel Communications, Domino's Pizza, DoubleClick, Dunkin' Donuts, D&M Holdings, Guitar Center, Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), Sealy, The Sports Authority, Staples, Toys "R" Us, Warner Music Group and The Weather Channel.

  13. profile image0
    HowardBThinameposted 11 years ago

    A question.

    We still don't know if Bain bought the Chinese factory, but lets suppose they did.

    How does buying a foreign company translate into outsourcing American jobs if there is no American company that closes its doors as a result of the purchase?

    1. Hollie Thomas profile image61
      Hollie Thomasposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Howard, what are you suggesting, that Bain is not an American company or didn't ever employ American workers, confused?

      1. profile image0
        HowardBThinameposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I'm suggesting that for "outsourcing" American jobs to be a real issue, there must be American jobs lost as a result of American companies moving overseas.

        If Bain purchased a Chinese factory but did not close down an American factory - where is the outsourcing? There has to be a loss of American jobs in the same industry, or it's not outsourcing.

        1. Hollie Thomas profile image61
          Hollie Thomasposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Oh ok. Gotcha ya, thanks for clarifying. Were there no job losses at Bain during this period, if we know which period the video is from, given that it has not been authenticated?

          1. profile image0
            HowardBThinameposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I don't know. I looked briefly and couldn't even find that they bought a Chinese factory - but that doesn't mean they didn't. But, it would be interesting to know.

            1. Mighty Mom profile image78
              Mighty Momposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I spent a good while trying to find any other information connecting Romney + Bain + Chinese factory.
              The top 3 PAGES of Google results were this spurious video that no one seems to be able to authenticate.
              Best I could find was a quote from Romney on on Chinese trade policy, which I posted.

              1. profile image0
                HowardBThinameposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                I couldn't find anything else either, but it could be out there...somewhere. Now that the video has gone viral, that's nearly all Google pulls up.

    2. rhamson profile image70
      rhamsonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is a very simple answer. Slave wages compete with living wages. The immediate sale of the company does not have any affect until that company sells its product to an American client at a much lower price because of the lower wages it pays its workers. Then for any other American company to be able to compete it must lower its cost (wages) so its price falls in line to compete. Guess what? Nobody can pay its American workers the same or less. Then the competing company in America either goes out of business or hires another slave labor company in China to produce their competing product. Either way Americans loose their jobs. The funny thing is when the American worker loses his job the competing company expects these out of jobs workers to buy their now cheaper product. This is the short sighted stupidity that now exists in American Corporate stragedy and when these bankrupt companies go out of business they step in and pick the bones and still make money. Until we wake up and understand that NAFTA and other free trade agreements will destroy this country we will have to live by the same standard of living that these other countries establish.

  14. Mighty Mom profile image78
    Mighty Momposted 11 years ago

    Romney campaign quote.
    He has taken heat from various sides for wanting to be too tough too soon on China.
    It's apparently mostly seen as campaign posturing.
    However, he is very clear here in his condemnation of China's human rights policies as well as trade policies.
    Is there a conflict of interest here?
    BTW, he has outsourced jobs to China. There are US car factory workers going to protest him in Tampa.

    "We face another continuing challenge in a rising China. China is attentive to the interests of its government – but it too often disregards the rights of its people. It is selective in the freedoms it allows; and, as with its one-child policy, it can be ruthless in crushing the freedoms it denies. In conducting trade with America, it permits flagrant patent and copyright violations … forestalls American businesses from competing in its market … and manipulates its currency to obtain unfair advantage. It is in our mutual interest for China to be a partner for a stable and secure world, and we welcome its participation in trade. But the cheating must finally be brought to a stop. President Obama hasn’t done it and won’t do it. I will."


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