Will the President ever take responsibility for anything negative?

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  1. JSChams profile image61
    JSChamsposted 11 years ago

    http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/20 … istration/

    His boys screwed up and the most useless Attorney General we have ever had is why. However the buck is supposed to stop on the desk of the President.

    1. Cody Hodge5 profile image68
      Cody Hodge5posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Not a story....if anything, it just shows that the GOP is only making an issue of this out of political spite..


      1. JSChams profile image61
        JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry Cody. If he wants to play in the sandbox with the big kids he needs to grow up a little. This is his deal through and through.

    2. habee profile image94
      habeeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I read a similar article somewhere else. I don't think Obama was purposely lying - I think he was clueless.

      1. JSChams profile image61
        JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Well I don't doubt that.

    3. Greekgeek profile image78
      Greekgeekposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Strange thing to ask, since I heard him take responsibility for not getting comprehensive immigration reform pushed through congress just yesterday.

      1. peeples profile image92
        peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Where did you hear this? I would like to read it or hear it. I'm curious if it was followed with a "but" or blame toward someone else. Not doubting he said it but would love to hear the context.

        1. Greekgeek profile image78
          Greekgeekposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          It was live on the radio. he was holding a town hall meeting with Hispanic Americans this week and they were raking him over the coals for failing to get that done. He owned up.

          seriously, since GOP leadership got together before Obama was inaugurated and laid our a comprehensive strategy to make him a one-Term president by opposing and underming anything he proposed, EVEN IF it had previously been a GOP initiative, program, or idea -- see the health care model he adopted from a Republican thinktank, or his immigration form program, or last summer'sa deficit compromise where the GOP bolted once they realize Obama wasa going to agree -- I think it's disingenuous to ignore that aspect of the last four years.

          The Republicans were quite frank that that's what they were doing, putting defeat of Obama ahead of getting anything done. That was their priority. Obama has actually been prettydurned restrained, considering that we have the records and ongoing quotes of the GOP leaders who designed this plan and made sure it was followed.

          1. peeples profile image92
            peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Oh I agree we shouldn't ignore, but I think many do ignore that of which THIER party is inolved with. It's not just the republicans, it's not just the dems, it's ALL of our government.

          2. Don Simkovich profile image61
            Don Simkovichposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Republicans had health care alternatives that Obama completely dismissed. When Republicans went to cut 2% during budget talks -- 2% -- Dems accused them of being "draconian."

          3. phion profile image60
            phionposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Obama didn't own up to anything, he diverted and brushed it away, like any hard question he gets. Changing the topic comes next. He's a pro, what are you gonna do? I must say it does get boring hearing him never answer important or hard questions. The uh uh uhhhs come out then poof diversion.

    4. Wayne Brown profile image82
      Wayne Brownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Obama is probably the only occupant of the Oval Office who who would hope that the unrest in the Middle East continues or even escalates between now and November.  As long as that is going on, the distraction from the campaing process is there shielding discussions of his miserable first term.  A friend reminded me last night that Jimmy Carter showed a 10 point edge in the polls over Reagan coming up to the election even with his troubles in Iran and the hostage situation.  We all know how that scenario went.  Obama is hiding behind distraction and Romney is failing to capitalize on opportunity as we stumble along as a nation caught up in this attempted fundamental transformation to socialism.  ~WB

      1. JSChams profile image61
        JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah Wayne it just helps prove that polls are crap.
        The proof is in the pudding.

        1. Josak profile image60
          Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Money where your mouth is JS? $25 says Obama wins, you in?

          1. JSChams profile image61
            JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            No because I don't wager on anything. You better go back and look who was ahead of the polls in the last elections and see what happened before you try to throw good money after bad. Just some advice...

            1. Josak profile image60
              Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Obama has already won me a few hundred so hey why not right? It's not the overall polls it's the electoral college to look at, Obama is ahead by about a third.

              1. JSChams profile image61
                JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                That's why they actually have the elections Josak. Carter was ahead of Reagan. Kerry was ahead of Bush. What happened?
                I have the same argument with my son who thinks because one college football team is ranked over the other they should always win. It doesn't work that way in either case.
                Obama may win. That will be what we deal with then. Do you honestly think that means I should sit down and shut up?
                I hope you aren't that deluded.

              2. Reality Bytes profile image75
                Reality Bytesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                All clairvoyance being done with the assumption that likely voters are going to well..ugh...vote!   I would wager voter turnout will be at a record low!

          2. phion profile image60
            phionposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Record voter turnout, bigger than the mid-terms! you'll see. I'm in for $25 on Romney~~ Josak.  Why don’t we just get one free “I tried to tell you” redeemable after the elections, since I don’t plan on hunting you down for $25 of increasingly worthless paper.
            Hopefully ACORN and the many other corrupt and fraudulent associations don't get away with as much this time.

            1. JSChams profile image61
              JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Well I wish you luck. I sincerely hope those various organizations are watched like a hawk
              Andrew Brietbasrt is hated because he switched sides and actually had the cajones to show what goes on in some of these places. That's a big big big big no-no. He was one of the bravest souls I am aware of.

    5. Mars 2012 profile image60
      Mars 2012posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The president takes responsibility all the time.
      He is the president, not the king, it takes more than the president to get things done.
      Who doesn’t take responsibility are the highly corrupted US congress, US senate and the US Supreme Court lead by multinational crooked lobbyist.
      Like minded people tend to think alike.

  2. Reality Bytes profile image75
    Reality Bytesposted 11 years ago

    The guy has been told his whole life how intelligent and special he is, how he was the brightest foreign exchange student at Occidental, how he was the most gifted member of the Harvard Law Review that he never authored a piece for, he is a delusional adult.  What sort of man, with absolutely ZERO real life accomplishments at the time, feels it necessary to have two books published about his life?  A life, that up to that time was used to agitate citizens and create unrest.  He does not dwell in reality, so he honestly believes that he cannot do anything wrong.

    The man has some serious megalomania traits with a blast of narcissistic arrogance.  It is not his fault, he has been coddled his entire life, only for the past four years has he had actual responsibility, since he barely showed up for work before taking the current office, what is he supposed to believe, that others will hold him responsible for anything?  He is Barack Hussein Obama, he can do no wrong, HE IS THE ONE, he probably wonders to himself why the whole world is not coming to him on their knees praying for their savior?


    And some do!

  3. peeples profile image92
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    No, but then again what president has? Have you ever heard a president say "Yes I screwed up" or "Yes I am the reason people are dying, homeless, and starving"? No. They just keep passing the buck off to the previous president. I mean how many years are we going to blame Bush? We've been blaming him for 4 years for things that took a lot longer than 8 years to produce (Not saying bush didn't help produce some of the problems, he did). Sooner or later we will have to step up and blame another person for not fixing it. No matter how much we blame a president NONE of them take the fall for ANYTHING bad. Yet they sure are quick to take the praise for something good happening. This is why I will not be voting for either of the nominees. I'm tired of the same ole' crap from a different face!

    1. Don Simkovich profile image61
      Don Simkovichposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Pres Obama blamed Bush for the economy, blamed Repubs during his univision interview as to why he couldn't pass immigration reform, and he blamed the lame movie for the unrest in the Middle East to South Asia. His famous statement of "leading from behind" and asking Medvedev for "more time until after the elections" shows that he is not a real leader.

  4. love my yorkies profile image60
    love my yorkiesposted 11 years ago

    As far as I can tell, every president in office has blamed the one before for all the problems our country is facing.  Neither side is willing to stand up and say "Hey, America, we messed up.  We made a mistake.  We were wrong."  And both political parties are just as guilty as the other one.

  5. quatrain profile image57
    quatrainposted 11 years ago

    For the first two years of his Presidency, Obama had Democrat majorities in both the House of Representatives and the US Senate.  He could have passed anything he wanted--comprehensive immigration reform, a budget, spending reform--anything. But he didn't. Instead, he spent his entire first 2 years ramming through Obamacare.  If he didn't get enough done in his forst term, he can't blame Congress. He owned Congress for 2 years.  Only he, and he alone, is to blame for not getting his agenda enacted.

    1. JSChams profile image61
      JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      NO no no man. George Bush and Dick Cheney are to blame . Really.

  6. Mars 2012 profile image60
    Mars 2012posted 11 years ago

    that is correct,
    do you always know where your dog is?


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