Tagg Romney's a real tough guy

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  1. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 12 years ago

    RADIO HOST: I’m gonna ask something I know a lot of people want to know, or at least I do.  What it is like for you to hear the President of the United States call your dad a liar.  How do you react to that?

    TAGG ROMNEY: Uh, you know, uh, well, jump out of your seat, and you want to rush down there to the debate stage and take a swing at him. But you know you can’t do that, because um, well first because there’s a lot of Secret Service between you and him…”


    Some good lines in the article.
    http://americablog.com/2012/10/tagg-rom … obama.html

    1. lorlie6 profile image71
      lorlie6posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Never seen a macho guy on a swing, have you?

    2. lorlie6 profile image71
      lorlie6posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      PS:  How's the Bay Area these days, MM?

      1. Mighty Mom profile image74
        Mighty Momposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        NoCal doing aok, Lorlie.
        Thanks for asking.
        How are things in Bishop?

        1. lorlie6 profile image71
          lorlie6posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Finally getting into the 40's!

    3. junkseller profile image80
      junksellerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Caveman behavior from the Romneys is pretty much what I expect, though, throwing punches is the least of our worries. The real concern about Taggart's bias should be for the fact that he is a partner in a private equity firm which has a major investment in Hart Intercivic which is providing electronic voting machines for the upcoming election. What could be wrong with that?

      1. Mighty Mom profile image74
        Mighty Momposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        There is plenty of evidence about how easy -- and cheap -- it is to hack voting machines.
        I did not know that about the investment.

    4. tammybarnette profile image61
      tammybarnetteposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      MM, what bothers me the most about this isn't even political...Bullying is being made to look cool again, fighting with fists instead of ideas, as a culture we should be passed this neandrethal nonsense, very backwards move as a culture, very sad sad

      1. Mighty Mom profile image74
        Mighty Momposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you, tammybarnette, for articulating the real issue so well.
        Now that you've verbalized it, I realize that is EXACTLY what bothers me so much.

        Romney IS a bully and his base LOVES THAT. They chomped and cheered him as he steamrolled over Jim Lehrer as a stunned Obama struggled to process the almost complete 180 Romey did on his positions.

        They LOVED it when Romney talked over Obama and got in his face and asked repeatedly "Have you see your pension?"  He tried, but was less successful this time, to ignore the rules of the debate.

        It's like the Romneys are Jersey Shore while Obama's on The West Wing.
        Totally different cultures.

    5. kartika damon profile image67
      kartika damonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well you know, Romney is a man's man, not real in touch with his inner feminine unless she's barefoot, pregnant, and trying to get permission from her employer to get her health insurance provider to cover her birth control...or, getting breast implants and a facelift... smile Kartika

      1. Mighty Mom profile image74
        Mighty Momposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        He likes women ok if they are driving a "couple of" Cadillacs or a jet ski.
        But they have to be married!

    6. profile image50
      lindagistposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      I will blast back with; you, Mr President is a lair too , more of such article here http://lindagist.com/category/articles/

  2. habee profile image91
    habeeposted 12 years ago

    We gonna start on the candidates' offspring now? lol

    1. SallyTX profile image84
      SallyTXposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      We are when they talk like that and look like this ~


      1. Repairguy47 profile image60
        Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, he looks dangerous. lollollollol

  3. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 12 years ago

    If said offspring are out there talking to the media, as Tagg (are we sure he's not really a Palin?) is, yep.

    Maybe it's me, but saying that if the Secret Service wasn't in the way he would hit the President of the United States is just not ok.

    1. profile image0
      SassySue1963posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      And this has what to do with the election? Is Tagg up for some cabinet position?
      You should have posted some things from the rest of the article MM. It's a great example of what the left considers "news" and "journalism" these days.
      I'm sorry the President doesn't have a record he can run on, but really, candidate's children? shame on you.

      1. Mighty Mom profile image74
        Mighty Momposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Excuse me, but I posted a link to the entire article.
        Which people are welcome to read or not. The article is actually much more critical than the actual exchange between the radio interviewer and Tagg.
        And Tagg Romney is 38 years old and taking an active role in his dad's campaign. so hardly protected by the "candidate's children are off limits" clause!

        I'm sure there have been plenty of times Michelle Obama has wanted to use her buff "guns" to hurt on Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan when they continue to spout lie after lie about her husband. (And now, I don't mean assault weapons, as Michlle was raised in a two-parent home, thus not one of those unfortunate single-parent progeny who are responsible for the violence in our society).

        Imagine if she said what she really wanted to do?
        It would be spun into the stratosphere by the right.

        1. Repairguy47 profile image60
          Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Oh my Michelle is gangsta now? Buff guns? She strapped with chrome plated too?

      2. Mighty Mom profile image74
        Mighty Momposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Apparently his comments are considered newsworthy by outlets across the political spectrum.
        Actually, the left leaning ones like huffpo are kinder in their headlines, including that he "joked about taking a swing."

        But here's a little more detail from the NY Daily News -- not exactly a leftie rag.
        Another Romney prone to "inelegantly" (but exactly what he meant to say) comments then revised or walked back. The Romney rewind parade continues!!

        Some of the verbal punches thrown by President Obama during Tuesday night’s debate made Mitt Romney’s son want to throw one of his own.

        During an interview with a North Carolina radio station, Tagg Romney was asked how he feels when Obama accuses his father of being “a liar.”

        “Jump out of your seat and you want to rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him,” he responded with a laugh, according to a recording obtained by BuzzFeed.

        “But you know you can’t do that because, well, first because there’s a lot of Secret Service between you and him, but also because this is the nature of the process. They’re gonna try to do everything they can do to try to make my dad into someone he’s not.”

        “We signed up for it, we’ve got to kind of sit there and take our punches, and then send them right back the other way,” he added.

        The eldest Romney son also revealed that his dad isn’t immune to pre-debate anxiety.

        When asked if his father gets nervous before the debates, he responded: "Absolutely, are you kidding? He's terrified before he gets out there!"
        He then quickly backtracked on his extreme word choice.

        "Terrified’s too strong a word. But you know, he’s like anybody — he gets butterflies a little bit,” he said. “And then once he's in it, two or three minutes, he's forgotten about the nervousness."

        Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politic … z29fEvAEk5

    2. TamCor profile image80
      TamCorposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm sorry, MM, but how many times have you heard something similar from other people?  "If you weren't a cop"...."If your mother/father/brother/sister wasn't here"... smile  Just because he's president doesn't mean calling someone a liar is not going to hurt or anger the family.

      Personally, I'd have said the same thing, if it had been my father being called that--because he is my DAD! 

      No, it wasn't a wise thing to say in public, but he sure isn't the first one to speak his heart before his brain got a chance to review it first, lol.

  4. profile image0
    HowardBThinameposted 12 years ago

    It's amazing how low some will stoop to paint family members of politicians in a bad light.

    Desperation is in the air.

    1. xstatic profile image60
      xstaticposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Gee, if you quote thier own words, you don't have to stoop low at all do you?

    2. Quilligrapher profile image72
      Quilligrapherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The air is not filled with desperation. It appears to me that this is one picture Tagg painted of himself, sort of a self-portrait.

      1. Repairguy47 profile image60
        Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Taking what a son says in defense of his father isn't desperation? How about the binders stupidity, is that desperation?

        1. junkseller profile image80
          junksellerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Of course it is desperation, but it goes both ways and it doesn't necessarily mean it is insignificant. People criticizing him for these things are no different than you or FOX news stumbling over themselves trying to say that they are insignificant. Both sides are desperate, but what they are desperate for is to make a point.

          The binders comment, the 47% comment, Tagg's comment, Romney shaving a kids head when he was younger, offshore tax havens, etc. These don't necessarily matter by themselves, but combined they DO start to paint a broader picture. Much like individual strokes of a painting don't matter either. But overall, the picture begins to form, and yes, one side is desperate to make this picture clear. Romney is an elitist bully who will use force if necessary to benefit a narrow set of stakeholders. The other side is equally desperate to say he isn't that at all. He's just misunderstood and the secret bag behind his back is full of puppies and rainbows.

          1. Repairguy47 profile image60
            Repairguy47posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah, well, I have four years of Obama facts that are a bit more telling and disturbing.


            1. junkseller profile image80
              junksellerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I didn't say anyone was right or wrong, just that I do think it matters. Not by itself, but because it is an element weaved into an overall narrative. Because the average American seems to be factually challenged, narratives are very important. On the opposite side, I think things like Solyndra and Fast-and-Furious are comparable small stroke elements which people use to build grand narratives. And these things do influence people. Right or wrong.

          2. Mighty Mom profile image74
            Mighty Momposted 12 years agoin reply to this


        2. Quilligrapher profile image72
          Quilligrapherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Hi again, RG.

          Are you having trouble following the conversation? In keeping with the topic of this thread, I was talking to someone else about how painting Tagg Romney in a bad light was a self-portrait. Did Tagg also say something stupid about binders or would you rather change the subject away from Tagg’s admitted violent instincts?
          Changing the subject is a good move when that’s all you have going for you.

  5. lorlie6 profile image71
    lorlie6posted 12 years ago

    And the Bristol Palin bruhaha wasn't orchestrated by her family as well as the 'liberal media'?  It was PR to the max.  It still brings in attention even though she's a has-been.  I hope.

  6. e-five profile image93
    e-fiveposted 12 years ago

    If any relative or family member of Barack Obama-- or even anyone remotely connected to his campaign--  had said on a broadcast interview that he/she wanted to hit Mitt Romney, I can only imagine the full-fledged, 24-hour extravaganza of outrage that would ensue on Fox News, crackpot right wing web sites, and talk radio.  There would be minor-key, militaristic theme music especially composed for the Fox News, CNN, and quite probably, major network news coverage.  Dancers would be hired for the Broadway-style musical numbers in between segments of outraged, apoplectic conservative talking heads-- each trying to outbid each other on the depths of their horror. The Koch Brothers would finance parades featuring enormous floats of images commemorating the utterance, and the entire Right Wing punditry would join in.  It would be Outrageageddon, 24-7, all the way through the election.

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image75
      Uninvited Writerposted 12 years agoin reply to this


    2. lorlie6 profile image71
      lorlie6posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      e-five,  quit yer imagining and you bring it to fruition-I'd love to see the hard core Reps shoot themselves in their feet!

    3. Mighty Mom profile image74
      Mighty Momposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      As it is, they're already apoplectic over Candy Crawley's moderation of the debate.
      The "whambulance" is whir, whir, whirring over on Fox News.
      You're so right.
      The thing is, such words would never, ever be uttered by Barack Obama, Michelle Obama or anyone on their campaign.  Not because they fear the overblown backlash (which you describe so vividly and I agree with Lorlie -- stage it and they will come),
      but simply because violence is not their solution.

      1. TamCor profile image80
        TamCorposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I don't believe that just because Romney's son said what he said, that he actually is a violent man, or that violence is his "solution".  I can admit that I have said similar things in my life--haven't you?  And never acted on them?  Has there never been a time you've wanted to throttle someone for something they've said or done to a loved one?  It's a knee-jerk reaction--at least it is to me. 

        Would you rather he had said "Oh, it doesn't bother me at all"?   THAT statement would've been much worse, I think.  Then everyone could've jumped all over him for being unfeeling...and you know that they would have!

        I swear--when it comes to politics, I get more and more discouraged everyday.  This country will never gets it act together if the parties don't quit fighting...and learn to get along.  Something we were all taught as children, by the way... smile

  7. Repairguy47 profile image60
    Repairguy47posted 12 years ago
  8. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 12 years ago

    I was beginning to believe I was imagining the pugnacious overtones to Romney's debate performances. I wondered if I had overreacted by posting a thread about Tagg Romney, who was only doing what any red-blooded American son would do in defense of his father.

    But tonight's SNL intro skit brought the whole Romney violence thing back to the forefront. Little Tagg even made the cut.

    I feel soooooo vindicated!
    I'm not crazy. Romney really is a bully!

    Did anyone else see this?
    And catch Tom Hanks in a cameo appearance as one of the LI undecided voters in the debate audience?
    Great skit!


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