Palin Reminds Us Why McCain Lost

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  1. profile image0
    Sooner28posted 11 years ago … f=politics

    "He believes in socialism, in redistributing, in confiscating hard-earned dollars of our small businessmen and women so that they cannot re-invest their dollars and hire more people and grow and expand."

    Okay, so according to her definition of socialism, ANY redistribution of income is socialistic.  Does this mean EVERY welfare program is socialism?  Or that police, firefighters, and...the military! are the result of socialism?  These are all funded with taxes.

    Most conservatives agree in a safety net; they just disagree with liberals over its size.  Most conservatives are also in favor of police and firefighters, and the military being paid for with tax dollars. (Find me a conservative who is willing to call the military socialist). Does this mean that most people in the United States are secretly socialist!??!?

    1. Ralph Deeds profile image66
      Ralph Deedsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Palin is an ignorant mouthbreather. Obama is a centrist, not even a liberal Democrat. She whines about "redistribution" and fails to recognize that there has been a huge redistribution from the middle class and poor to the richest Americans since the late 1970s.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Hogwash ,  The only redistributing that has  happened is that more American  people are existing :"on the system"   than ever before !  There is more buss. than ever in this countrry , more money ,and  more success stories ! Every other person I meet is on SS,  disability , a pension from the gov. or  welfare , that is where your Redistribution has gone !  Palin would have done better in tha last four years !  Than Obama will in eight  !

        1. tammybarnette profile image60
          tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I think this may be due to the fact we just suffered the worst recession since the great depression,so 15% of the population is beloe poverty level and the baby boomers are aging through the system and drawing the checks they have earned..."Palin would have done better" LMAO lol

          1. Barefootfae profile image60
            Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Now Tammy you can do better than a bunch of talking points and you know it

            1. tammybarnette profile image60
              tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Just stating the facts Fae, I know there pesky little boogers, but the blame game is old smile

        2. Ralph Deeds profile image66
          Ralph Deedsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          "Every other person I meet is on SS,  disability , a pension from the gov. or  welfare , that is where your Redistribution has gone ! "

          You should read up a bit on the redistribution of income and wealth that's occurred in this country since 1977.

          1. Dr Billy Kidd profile image80
            Dr Billy Kiddposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Hey, Ralph, you're adding too much realism and solid facts to this discussion! But what is astounding about the facts you cite is that most people don't seem to care that their real income--in terms of what they can buy--has not gone up in 30 years; but the actually production per hour that they put out has doubled. And the wealth and income of the wealthy has doubled in those same 30 years. That is redistribution upwards--the trickle up theory is for real.

            Also, I think the fact that 50% of American household do not have $1000 to cover an emergency is telling. They'd have to borrow or end up on the street (or whatever the case is).

      2. Xenonlit profile image60
        Xenonlitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Palin is a useless ex politician who clings to her fifteen minutes by lying through her teeth. It's time to make the Tea Party a dormant part of politics.

    2. Repairguy47 profile image61
      Repairguy47posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Not all, just around 50 million.

      1. profile image0
        Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Or you could address what I actually said.

        1. Repairguy47 profile image61
          Repairguy47posted 11 years agoin reply to this


    3. Palomides profile image62
      Palomidesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The vast majority of the 1928 platform of the United States' Socialist Party has been adopted and are programs supported most vehemently by leftists.  Obama wants to expand the role of the government even further.  So what if he isn't a purist?  Other than Ron Paul, who is a purist Republican/conservative?  By the logic of "Obama's not a socialist because he isn't a devoted ideologue," then are Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin not conservatives because they aren't as hardline as Ron Paul?  No, of course not. … -platform/

      1. profile image0
        Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Do you know what socialism is?  Your entire reply leads me to believe you don't, but you could prove me wrong and I could simply be misunderstanding you.

        1. Barefootfae profile image60
          Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          1. tammybarnette profile image60
            tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Then use that herd of cows to produce milk, corner the market, raise the prices, and get rich while the rest of the people work their tails off to buy a glass of milk a day to split between 4, lol

            1. Barefootfae profile image60
              Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Actually i would probably open a Steak House!

              1. tammybarnette profile image60
                tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Even better smile Make the middle class pay,lol

          2. profile image0
            Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Ah, those who deal in soundbites but cannot engage in philosophical discourse.  It's quite amusing really.

            1. Barefootfae profile image60
              Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Actually it just gets so tiresome to hear Socialists tell others they don't know what it is that I came up with an answer.
              If you have lived as long as I have you have seen all these "ism's" in action and all that do you know what the definition is stuff is for the young when you are trying to confuse them.

              1. profile image0
                Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

                That's not an answer.  You gave nothing substantive at all.

                1. Barefootfae profile image60
                  Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Sure i did you just don't understand it because of all the Socialist garbage you have been taught.

  2. Gemini Fox profile image81
    Gemini Foxposted 11 years ago

    Palin provides evidence that Fox "News" learned absolutely nothing from its face-plant on election day as they're still allowing her air time.

    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      They keep her for ratings.  I think she is going to run for president!

      1. Gemini Fox profile image81
        Gemini Foxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        You ARE kidding about the president thing aren't you?! No way would the Repubs be dumb enough to let her run?! Probably should never say never.

        See they're already talking about 2016 - yawn . . .

        1. profile image0
          Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I've seen the dems talking about hilary running in 2016, and the republican party is wide open! 

          Who else is gonna run?  John Huntsman, Rick Santorum, Nikki Haley, Sarah  Palin, and Mike Huckabee.

          1. Gemini Fox profile image81
            Gemini Foxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Like to see Warren run . . . don't trust Hillary.

            Just watched them talking about Paul Ryan (can't stand him either!) and Rubio being the new up and comers for the Repubs. 

            Who knows - four years is forever in politics . . .

            1. profile image0
              Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Yeah, Rubio MIGHT, but I don't think he wants to ruin his political career, so the timing would have to be right.  Same with Warren, though I'd love to vote for her.  She's an actual liberal tongue.

      2. Paul Wingert profile image60
        Paul Wingertposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Palin is incapable running a hotdog stand let alone this country. She's nothing but a cruel joke, but she does provide valuable materials for the late night comedians.

  3. teonspeaks profile image60
    teonspeaksposted 11 years ago

    2016 will be a very interesting election. The field is wide open on both sides. Dems you have Hillary, Julian Castro, Deval Patrick, Lizzy Warren, and maybe Cory Booker. Repubs you have Rubio, Bachman, Perry, Huntsman, Ryan, Santorum, Rand Paul, and possibly Mia Love. I think the best candidates would be Castro v Santorum. We'll start to see the hats being thrown in the arena late next year.

    1. Palomides profile image62
      Palomidesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      For Republicans, I don't think that list is what I'd go with.  Huntsman is even more liberal than McCain, and the conservative base hates McCain  Santorum's insistence on talking about regulating birth control hurt the party -- I can't see him getting much support.  Perry's bumbling entrence and exit means he wont be back.

      Rubio's appeal is mostly because he's Hispanic.  I'd say Christie, McDonnell, and Walker all have the necessary profile and ease on the podium to pull off the nomination.  Kelly Ayotte (especially if Christie is the nominee), Nikki Haley, and Bobby Jindal are all in an excellent position to pick up the VP nod.

      Mia Love will win a Senate seat soon and by 2020 or 2024 be in a good position to take a spot in an administration, maybe even get a VP nod, but for 2016, I don't think she's looking for a national election.

  4. brimancandy profile image77
    brimancandyposted 11 years ago

    I don't know why I wanted to see this thread. Maybe I was hoping that Palin had a press conference to finally say that she was the reason that McCain did not become president. It's the truth. And, if she does run for President, I hope she gets squashed like a bug.

    Whats the point?

  5. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 11 years ago

    Palin , Obama , whats the difference , the best answer yet is above , " Late night comedy shows " thats where the average American gets their  insight for politics , Oh , and the "American Idol "political process ! The average American [above answers included] wouldn't know a candidate from a candy cane!

  6. habee profile image94
    habeeposted 11 years ago

    I've often wondered if Palin was a major reason for McCain's poor showing. I liked her before I learned more about her. It amazes me that so many people are still enthralled by her.

    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I saw a poll on CNN right after the 2008 election about why people voted for McCain and why they voted for Obama, and I wish I could find it again, because that particular poll had a small percentage of people voting for Obama because they didn't like Palin, and McCain's age made them wonder what would happen if he were to die.

      I don't think she had that much of an impact on the overall election.  I was engaging in a bit of hyperbole, because she generally tends to say stupid things.  She wasn't always like this in Alaska, but ever since she became a national figure, she has transformed.

      1. brimancandy profile image77
        brimancandyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! You just won the grand prize. Being correct.

        One of the main reason's a lot of republican's that I know did not vote for McCain, was the "What happens if he dies?" The idea of Sarah Palin being president scared the hell out of them. They say if McCain had chosen a better running mate, they may have voted for him. A lot of people who usually vote straight ticket, did not vote, or voted for Obama, so that there would be no chance of a Palin President.

    2. Jeff Berndt profile image72
      Jeff Berndtposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think yes, Palin was part of the reason McCain had such a poor showing.

      I remember back in the run-up to the y2k election, I was really hoping John McCain would get the GOP nod. But he got Roved: W's machine called around with polls that had questions like "Would you vote for McCain if you knew he'd collaborated with his North Vietnamese captors in exchange for better treatment?" Several friends of mine believed he'd sold out his fellow POWs and wouldn't vote for him.

      But by 2008, he'd fallen from grace. He picked Palin as his running mate, or else had her foisted on him. Both are bad: either he has incredibly bad judgement or he's not a strong enough leader (anymore). It's sad, because y2k McCain would have made a better president than W did (or Gore would have). '08 McCain, however, was a shadow of y2k McCain.

      I think the antics of McCain's supporters was another major factor in his loss. Do you remember the campaign event where this older lady got up and grabbed the mic and proclaimed that Obama was a secret Muslim who wants to destroy America from within, and poor McCain had to say "No, he's not--he's a good man, but one with whom I disagree on a lot of issues..." (a paraphrase)

      You could see it in his eyes--he knew the radical right-wing machine had run away with his campaign, and there was nothing he could do about it.

      Reminds me of a quote from Robespierre: "There go the people, and I must follow, for I am their leader."

  7. Barefootfae profile image60
    Barefootfaeposted 11 years ago

    Sarah Palin was the only prayer John McCain ever even had of being elected.

  8. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 11 years ago

    And that ! Is the problem , John Macain is a national hero , Not many people seem to have followed his life at all ! Especially those who  chose candidates  on methods of  fairy tails !  Most of the left unfortunately !  A little advice his life history and then go say a prayer for the  patriots who do protect your rights to vote for whoever you do !

    1. tammybarnette profile image60
      tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      John McCain shot himself in the foot when he picked Palin, I think he believed Obama would pick Hillary and therefore still the woman vote and Voila...Sara Palin


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