Do you think North Korea will actually carry out its threats?

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  1. Iontach profile image70
    Iontachposted 11 years ago

    Every day I refresh my "North Korea" search on Goolge news, but always the same ol' story. "North Korea threatens to attack bla bla bla...". I wonder will leader Kim Jong Un actually do carry out any of his proposed threats. Possibly he is just talking the talk as to strengthen his legitimacy as a leader.

  2. Zelkiiro profile image61
    Zelkiiroposted 11 years ago

    Probably not, but I can hope. Hope for the day we finally have an excuse to stomp out another right-wing nutjob and his totalitarian regime.

    And then South Korea sweeps in and claims all that good land currently going to waste, forevermore being known simply as Korea. And then there would be much rejoicing.

  3. FatFreddysCat profile image60
    FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

    If Kim Jong Un really wants to commit suicide that badly, I'm sure the armed forces will be more than happy to oblige him.

  4. Iontach profile image70
    Iontachposted 11 years ago

    I'm not pro-war but part of me would like to see the U.S. invading that regime to try and set things right. I know that past U.S. encounters with countries, such as Iraq, haven't worked out so well, but they did do a good job in South Korea! Maybe it would be the same with North Korea...

    1. profile image0
      GavNugentposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      To be fair, South Korea's dictatorship was nearly as bad as North Korea's until the 1980's. A ground invasion of North Korea would be incredibly difficult, they've spent the last 60 years fortifying themselves against it. It would be long, bloody, drawn out, and costly. Nobody wants that.

  5. profile image0
    GavNugentposted 11 years ago

    No, I can't see Pyongyang doing anything that would put the regime at risk of collapse, and attacking the US or any of its allies in the region would definitely be doing that. This spike in tensions happens every year around this time, when the US-South Korea joint military drills happen. Kim Jong-Uns rhetoric was always going to be harsher, as he tries to establish himself, but I fear the USs response has escalated things.

    North Korea is the most paranoid country in the world, for good reason. How are they going to react to the US flying B52s on mock bombing runs over the South?

    They're always going to thing "they want to nuke us and invade". The risk now is that this classic case of escalation gets out of hand, and someone makes a serious misjudgement that causes events to spiral out of control. North Korea has a new leader, South Korea has a new leader, both looking to assert themselves, lets hope no rash decisions are made.

    The status quo will prevail, if everybody just calms down.

  6. SpanStar profile image60
    SpanStarposted 11 years ago

    I'm not sure if people are paying attention but this seems to be no shortage of insane people in the world. Which is to say we need look only as far as our own backyard to recognize we have our own homegrown willing to kill men, women and children justifiable in their minds-can anyone say Oklahoma City bombing?

    In this day and age killing seems to be as normal as breathing. I personally think people are not afraid of death they are only afraid of losing.

    I feel anyone who goes to the trouble of making nuclear weapons do not do so only to keep them on the shelf.

  7. Iontach profile image70
    Iontachposted 11 years ago

    Lets hope that pressure from China will dampen things. China supplies a tonne of their food relief and other essentials. Hopefully NK can look up to them and take some advice for once. Come on China!

  8. Comrade Joe profile image69
    Comrade Joeposted 11 years ago

    North Korea has not made any threats.  It is continually misquoted in the media.  Saying you will retaliate to aggression is not a threat, and that is all the DPRK have done. It is the country with nuclear missiles pointed at it, it is the country with 30,000 foreign troops on its border (discounting the enemy Koreans over the border), it is the country under sanctions. … un/5329687

    Rather than read the fabricated quotes, get your news direct from the source, without bourgeois tampering.

    1. profile image53
      Education Answerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Comrade Joe,

      With all due respect, are you on the same planet?  You want us to read something from North Korea and value it over anything the rest of the world says; that's quite literally like taking the word of an insane killer over all the witnesses who have repeatedly viewed the taping of the incident.  Why in the world would anybody do that?  Are you joking?  Are you serious?  I know you want to defend North Korea, but I doubt you will find another person on any political forum here at HubPages who will agree with this.  This is insane.

      Conservative and liberal channels, news agencies, and papers seldom agree on much.  They agree about North Korea.  The BBC agrees.  Even China has expressed its frustrations with North Korea.  For that matter, the POTUS agrees with Rush Limbaugh about the fact that North Korea threatened us.  Are you even remotely close to serious?

      Your statements are beyond fiction and beyond any semblance of reality.  Let's wait and see how many people come to your defense. 

      "North Korea has not made any threats." 


      1. Comrade Joe profile image69
        Comrade Joeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Firstly let me share with you this statement released today which clarifies the DPRK's stance, I will return to to clarify my own position when i find the time later.

        "DPRK FM Spokesman Dismisses U.S. Talk about Dialogue as Rhetoric Misleading World Opinion
        Pyongyang, April 16 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry issued the following statement on Tuesday:
        Recently U.S. high-ranking officials are vying with each other to talk about dialogue. This is nothing but a crafty ploy to evade the blame for the tension on the eve of a war by pretending to refrain from military actions and stand for dialogue.
        It is none other than the U.S which sparked off a vicious cycle of tension, pursuant to its hostile policy to stifle the DPRK by force of arms, and pushed the situation on the Korean Peninsula to the worst phase. The tension began escalating there due to the U.S. wanton violation of the DPRK's right to satellite launch for peaceful purposes.
        There is no country in the world which does not react to the encroachment upon the legitimate right of a sovereign state to develop space and its sovereignty. The nuclear war maneuvers staged by the U.S. against the DPRK in the wake of its prodding of the UN Security Council into the cooking up of brigandish "resolutions on sanctions" one after another compelled the latter to clarify its stand to take military countermeasures for self-defence.
        One may know well who is to blame for the tension when looking into who benefits from this.
        The U.S. benefited from drastically increasing its military deployment pursuant to its Asia-Pacific-pivot strategy by massively introducing all latest weaponry while inciting military confrontation with the DPRK.
        The U.S., which regards the DPRK as the primary target of its attack in the Asia-Pacific region, not only deployed all its operational nuclear strike means but also posed the threat of the largest-ever physical nuclear strike to the DPRK in recent months.
        It openly introduced strategic nuclear subs out of its three major strategic nuclear strike means into the waters off the Korean Peninsula, and let its strategic bombers openly make sorties into the sky of the peninsula for drills of dropping nukes.
        The third strategic nuclear strike means, the inter-continental ballistic missile launch, was reportedly postponed for the time being, but it is scheduled for May.
        Even now the U.S. is letting its nuclear-powered carrier strike groups operate in waters off the peninsula, staging ceaseless DPRK-targeted nuclear war drills.
        It is the height of rhetoric intended to mislead the world opinion to talk about dialogue for dismantling the DPRK's nuclear deterrent under this situation.
        The U.S. is sadly mistaken if it calculates the DPRK will pay slightest heed to such talk about dialogue as a robber's calling for a negotiated solution while brandishing his gun.
        Worse still, the U.S. claim that it will opt for dialogue when the DPRK shows its will for denuclearization first is a very impudent hostile act of disregarding the line of the Workers' Party of Korea and the law of the DPRK.
        The DPRK is not opposed to dialogue but has no idea of sitting at the humiliating negotiating table with the party brandishing a nuclear stick.
        Dialogue should be based on the principle of respecting sovereignty and equality--this is the DPRK's consistent stand.
        Genuine dialogue is possible only at the phase where the DPRK has acquired nuclear deterrent enough to defuse the U.S. threat of nuclear war unless the U.S. rolls back its hostile policy and nuclear threat and blackmail against the former.
        This time when the DPRK has been exposed to the U.S. direct and substantial threat of nuclear attack, it keenly felt the need to bolster up its nuclear deterrence both in quality and quantity.
        It is quite natural for the DPRK to take counteractions for self-defence by beefing up nuclear force now that the U.S., world's biggest nuclear weapons state, threatens and blackmails the former with a nuclear stick.
        The nuclear strike drills staged by the U.S. against the DPRK leave the latter with no option but to conduct drills to cope with them.
        There is no guarantee that these drills will not go over to a real war and the U.S. will be held wholly accountable for all the ensuing consequences.
        The DPRK will escalate its military countermeasures for self-defence unless the U.S. ceases its nuclear war drills and withdraws all its war hardware for aggression."

      2. Comrade Joe profile image69
        Comrade Joeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I actually posted a hub a few days ago which justifies my stance.  You can choose to read it, it or not, but I'm not in any rush to re-post all the information in here.

        1. profile image53
          Education Answerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          This conversation is unbelievable.  Nobody agrees with you, not even the socialists here at HubPages.  You are in denial about North Korea.  North Korea butchers its people.  North Korea spends its resources on a military when millions of its people are starving to death.  North Korea has threatened a nuclear strike against other countries, including America. 

          In your hub, you say that pretty much every country, except Russia and North Korea, have misreported the threat.  Russia is your great, reliable source.  Let's see what Russia does say:

          "Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the North Korean launch had heightened instability in the region and called on other nations to refrain from further escalating tensions."

          "'The new rocket launch carried out by North Korea flaunts the opinion of the international community, including calls from the Russian side, and leaves us with deep regret,'" it said.

          Here's the full article, reported by Reuters:

 … 9N20121212

          "In a meeting between a Russian official and Pyongyang's ambassador to Moscow, Russia urged North Korea to avoid doing anything to further increase tension on the Korean Peninsula, the Russian Foreign Ministry said."

 … 8020130412

          This conversation is bordering on ridiculous.  NOBODY believes your story.  IF there ever was propaganda on HubPages, this is it.  You, on one hand, use any resource possible to confirm your beliefs.  Then, you deny the factual reliability of EVERY source in the world, other than those from North Korea and Russia, when you can't find a single source that agrees with your statement.  Here's news.  North Korea and Russia do not have a great record of telling the truth.  The truth is that North Korea's leader is a nut who has threatened a nuclear strike against America and other countries.  He has isolated his country from every nation. Russia doesn't support North Korea.  China doesn't support North Korea.  Nobody supports North Korea, because North Korea is the aggressor.

          This situation is so transparent, even the POTUS and republicans agree that North Korea has threatened us.  If that's not proof, what is?  (This is an attempt at humor.)

          1. John Holden profile image60
            John Holdenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I don't remember giving you permission to speak for me. I certainly don't recall sharing my thoughts on this issue with you.

            1. profile image53
              Education Answerposted 11 years agoin reply to this


              Don't get all emotional.

              What are your thoughts?  Do you believe the world's reports or North Korea's?

              1. John Holden profile image60
                John Holdenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Why do you resort to labelling any sort of dissension or disagreement as emotional? You did exactly the same when we were discussing compassion - left compassion didn't count because it was emotional!

                I fail to see how NK could seriously threaten the US without expecting that to be the end of NK. If they were sure that the US threatened them then it would seem sensible to let the US know that they had a fight on their hands.

                1. profile image53
                  Education Answerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  I'm trying to make it part of the conservative playbook, just like racism, compassion, the sequester, and George Bush are part of the liberal playbook.  LOL

                  You're giving double speak.  I am not asking whether it is a credible threat, only whether it was a threat.  Did North Korea threaten America with nukes?  John, you seem to like facts.  Is it or isn't it a fact?

                  1. John Holden profile image60
                    John Holdenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Is NK entitled to feel threatened?

                    Is NK entitled to defend itself against a foreign aggressor, renowned for invading, and over throwing governments of, countries that do not kow-tow to them?

          2. Comrade Joe profile image69
            Comrade Joeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I didn't say that Russia as a political state had given fair coverage.  I said that Russia Today, the news agency had done some factual reporting.  There is a difference.  So you quoting Russian ministers bears no relevance to that point.

            When I spoke of Russia Today, I was referring to pieces like this

            'North Korea has good reason to be afraid of US barbarism'

   … arism-725/


            ‘US does not want a war - they want regime change in North Korea’

   … korea-665/

            We can trade news items all day if you like.  Another point I have been continually making during this crisis is that while China's statements are being presented by western media and governments as pressurizing the DPRK, in fact they are much more so pressuring the US>

            "China's Defense Ministry Spokesman Yang Yujun said on Tuesday that the US is destabilizing the region by sending more troops, ships, and planes and strengthening its military alliances with regional partners.

            Yang made the remarks during a press conference marking the release of an annual Defense Ministry report on security threats facing Beijing.

            "Certain efforts made to highlight the military agenda, enhance military deployment and also strengthen alliances are not in line with the calling of the times and are not conducive to the upholding of peace and stability in the region," Yang told reporters."

   … -presence/

            I don't mind that I am in the minority.  There is no safety in numbers when it comes to truth.  Most people are simply ignorant of the facts, they have not heard both sides - they are constantly fed and absorb only one narrative.

            You misunderstand or misrepresent me when you describe my stance.  The point is that the statements were first published by KCNA, that is the source through which the DPRK government releases its statements.  Western politicians and media then create their own story by taking the governments statement FROM KCNA and twisting them, knowing full well that nearly no-one will go and search out the actual statements.  Now please take this part on board, it is vital

            "It’s being reported across the globe that “North Korea” made these statements in a recent official release via state media Korean Central News Agency :

            “From this time on, the North-South relations will be entering the state of war and all issues raised between the North and the South will be handled accordingly,”Ria Novoski

            “Now that the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK have entered into an actual military action, the inter-Korean relations have naturally entered the state of war,” Huffington Post

            “From this time on, the North-South relations will be entering the state of war and all issues raised between the North and the South will be handled accordingly,”Reuters via Prison Planet"

            Ria Novosti, to their credit, caught the “mistake” from the AFP and published a retraction calling it a “faulty translation”. A noncommittal way of saying a “lie” I suppose. “Faulty” is right.

            Later on Saturday, however, Russian media reported that a faulty translation might have been to blame for this apparent uptick in bellicose rhetoric.

            The North Korean original statement apparently stressed that the country would act “in accordance with wartime laws” if attacked, and that “from that time, North-South relations will enter a state of war.” Ria Novosti

            What they are saying is if they are attacked they will be ready to enter “the state of war” with the South and their puppet masters the United States."

   … un/5329687

            1. profile image53
              Education Answerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              “Western politicians and media then create their own story by taking the governments statement FROM KCNA and twisting them, knowing full well that nearly no-one will go and search out the actual statements.”

              I would replace politicians with news reporters, papers, journals, news agencies, and politicians.  I would replace western with western, eastern, northern, southern, and worldwide.

              KCNA = Korean Central News Agency  (North Korea)  Your ONLY source, then, comes from the accused nation? 

              Does anybody find it ironic that this is happening under a POTUS who adamantly spoke about fixing our reputation abroad and removing soldiers from Afghanistan and Iraq?  Come on, this president is a lot of things, but he certainly isn’t antagonistic or aggressive towards North Korea.  He’s hardly said or done anything about the situation.  You know the argument is ridiculous when I resort to defending President Obama.  This is ludicrous at best.  North Korea says these things, and you’re in denial or in full spin mode.

              1. Comrade Joe profile image69
                Comrade Joeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                You can replace those words if you wish, but it does not impact upon the validity of my position in any way: the principle remains the same.  Every single report other than that released by KCNA got their information from KCNA, yet reported the words entirely differently.  KCNA is the only primary source.

                Obama's foreign policy is the same as every other US president.  He spoke about a lot of things, but did nothing.  He is the one overseeing drone attacks, continually backing Israel, keeping Guantanamo open.  Nothing changes but your president, policy remains the same.  You say he is not antaganostic to North Korea, but clearly the Chinese defence ministry does not agree, as shown in my last comment they accuse the US of increasing tensions and "are not conducive to the upholding of peace and stability in the region,"

  9. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 11 years ago

    No ! North Korea has absolutely no GDP  to offer the worlds economy ! So the only export "product" they are able to use to gain economic  trade is terrorizing the biggest image of the free world , foriegn aid ! There people are starving ,the government  corrupt , astruasized , and are one of the last great dictatorships in the world! ....They threaten the rest of the world  for money !

    1. John Holden profile image60
      John Holdenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      "astruasized"  is that some sort of star struckness?

  10. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 11 years ago

    Oh no John ,, its the spelling policeman !

  11. profile image53
    Education Answerposted 11 years ago

    Somebody needs to be the reality policeman in this forum.  Comrade Joe thinks North Korea is a great, peaceful nation that never threatened America.

  12. nArchuleta profile image73
    nArchuletaposted 11 years ago

    I do not think so. I think Kim Jong-un is rattling his saber to make a name for himself. They celebrated the Day of the Sun on Monday in honor of their Eternal Leader's Eternal Birthday (101), and he calmly went to the opera with his aunt. They're in the middle of their Spring People's Art Festival. Of course, he rattles his saber, and South Korea's running drills on "chemical incidents." All propaganda.

    1. profile image53
      Education Answerposted 11 years agoin reply to this


  13. profile image53
    Education Answerposted 11 years ago

    I, too, do not believe he will nuke us, but he said he would.  It's a fact.  Some can try to analyze, interpret, spin, or defend the statement all they want.  Just don't deny reality.  Don't try to reinvent the truth, or re-educate us.  It happened.  You may or may not have valid reasons for the statement, but it happened.  Be honest, and articulate your reasoning.  Don't deny what "most, some, all, or one" of us know to be reality.  The evidence is beyond overwhelming and in favor of the truth; he said it.  This isn't a matter of public opinion.  It's a matter of reality and fact.

    I find it interesting that some of the people who deny North Korea's actions state that CNN, CNBC, PBS, Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, Reuters, the New York Times, Time Magazine, U.S. News and World Report, the Huffington Post, Rush Limbaugh, President Obama, almost every other reporter, news agency, or country are all categorically wrong about North Korea's actions.  Then, these same people will cite from these same sources to prove points in the future.

  14. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 11 years ago

    i don't know...but i do know...stupidity can be dangerous............................................................

    1. nArchuleta profile image73
      nArchuletaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You got that right.

  15. Thief12 profile image71
    Thief12posted 11 years ago


    To answer the question, no, I don't think North Korea will carry out its "threats". But I wouldn't put it past them to react to the constant bullying of the US and its allies.

    1. profile image53
      Education Answerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Do you mean constant bullying from its leaders?  America should treat North Korea the way North Korea treats its citizens.  How does that sound?

      Bullying?  Ha.  Who is going to nuke whom?

      Do you mean constant bullying from its leaders?  America should treat North Korea the way North Korea treats its citizens.  How does that sound?

      Bullying?  Ha.  Who is going to nuke whom?  The point was made with redundancy.

      1. John Holden profile image60
        John Holdenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Have the citizens begged the US to declare war on its leaders?
        Have the citizens begged the US to destroy the very people it claims to be saving?
        Try backing away from North Korea and then see if they still threaten to defend themselves from US imperialism.

    2. Clint Ward profile image61
      Clint Wardposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      And then evaporate into tiny particles.

      1. profile image53
        Education Answerposted 11 years agoin reply to this


        Would that be glass particles?

        1. Clint Ward profile image61
          Clint Wardposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Hopefully not, it may hurt South Korea.

          1. profile image53
            Education Answerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Well, according to North Korea, they are at war.  All's fair in love and war?

            1. Comrade Joe profile image69
              Comrade Joeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              You know this is not true, yet continue in blatant denial.

              "The North Korean original statement apparently stressed that the country would act “in accordance with wartime laws” if attacked, and that “from that time, North-South relations will enter a state of war.” - Ria Novoski

              1. Clint Ward profile image61
                Clint Wardposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                They also said its former leader routinely hit 3 to 4 holes in one in every round of golf played. Sure wish he had been on the tour so I could have seen that, we only have slouches like Jack Nicklaus and
                Tiger Woods.

  16. writingpassion profile image50
    writingpassionposted 11 years ago

    I do not think so North Korea is going to do anything because she knows that bad circumstances of this big decision. Aftermath can be very worst which she has never imagined. So, just avoid such threatening statements.


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