Will a war against China and North Korea solve America's debt problem?

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  1. andrew savage profile image58
    andrew savageposted 11 years ago

    What terroritories/regimes should the United States annex during the next world war? Think of resources for example, a good place to annex for petroleum resources would be Saudi Arabia. Another good place for America to annex would be Africa for precious stones and metals.

    If the financial crisis of 2008 is over, then why is unemployment still above zero? Why is it currently lawful for the federal government to purchase goods from overseas with tax-payer dollars? Other than taxation, how does the government generate revenue?

    Should America sell more weapons to political and financial allies, to stock pile and use in the potential event of another world war?

    1. Credence2 profile image81
      Credence2posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Andrew, you have to be kidding, right?

      1. andrew savage profile image58
        andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Nope. There is a very large and growing capacity for such a war, direct or in proxy, to break out over resources, human rights, and future trading. Such a war will inevitably occur within several generations if the nations of the world do not develop self sustaining public sectors that compete with the private sector- thereby driving progress and effectiveness in both sectors. Such a war will occur if the developed nations of the world do not utilize more clean energy and recycling practices.

        All it will take is another financial crash, further scarcity of domestic resources, and a bankrupt public sector.

        Speaking of proxy-wars, we are currently in one, which is why we are in the process of arming our political and trade allies.

        I suppose you are reluctant for two possibilities: 1) You may have forgotten which side you are on. or 2) You are unaware of the desertification, resource depletion, prices of oil and electricity, and the lack of a self-sustaining public sector.

        Mind you, the present US public sector generates revenue mainly through arms deals and taxation of citizens. If the public sector were to drive competition in the private sector via the production of common goods, federal and state purchasing of ONLY US goods, then we just might have a chance of: 1) becoming a society of mixed economics in which the private sector and public sector compete for consumers. 2) Bringing unemployment down to zero. 3) Preventing the next world war. 4) Ending all poverty within the USA. 5) Ending malnutrition in the USA.

        Also, we may want to audit the Reserve and revive the Gold Standard to make our currency mean something more than promises.

        We may even want to look into having the United Nations sell portions of the moon and Mars to private enterprises to hasten the nations toward space exploration and colonization.

        I know- that is a lot to fathom in the state of sleeping during a time when a world war is about to occur if citizens continue to push the snooze button on every wake up call.

        Remember to always shop locally and think globally. In other words, support your local economies and invest in sustainable globalization.

        Such words may sound socialist, fascist or communist to someone just discovering the art and science of economics. However, what I am advocating is a system of mixed economics, an end to a need for welfare programs, an eventual end to the need for taxation, self-sustaining governments that can stand on their own feet when the economies of the world boom and bust, a system of economics and government for a Space Age world, and the end of all poverty.

        The ends: world peace, self sustaining government, a growth of effective and efficient small and middle businesses, low taxes, and a strong middle class across the globe.

        The means: real mixed economics with healthy competition between the public and private sectors. Also, honesty among the government and private enterprise.

        A way to begin: go to college and then start up your own business. Proceed to provide livable wages to support a middle class (thereby distributing wealth by appropriate means). Remind your employees to shop locally and think globally. Outlaw the federal and state governments from purchasing foreign goods, and have them produce whatever they state Americans are unable to produce. Open commissaries across the nation with US goods that may be purchased free of tax, thereby generating real revenue for the public sector. Invest your the retirement plans of your employees in tax-free federal and state mutual funds, local stocks, multiple government bonds, international corporations responsible for the rise of the middle class throughout the rest of the world, etcetera etcetera.

        1. profile image0
          Brenda Durhamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          you lost me at your suggestion of having the U.N. sell part of the moon and Mars.
          Last I heard, no one but God has ownership of those,  and I'm pretty sure He ain't in the market for buyers.

          1. Zelkiiro profile image61
            Zelkiiroposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Just like Randall Stevens.

          2. andrew savage profile image58
            andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Let God gripe and moan about it after it happens.

            1. profile image0
              Brenda Durhamposted 11 years agoin reply to this



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