If both major political parties are liars of equal measure...

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  1. Sychophantastic profile image71
    Sychophantasticposted 10 years ago

    ...how do we solve our current state of political gridlock, disinterest, and the lack of confidence the American people have in our political system?

    1. gmwilliams profile image82
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      People have to be more aware of who they vote for.  They have to read about and study the candidate closely.  They have to read nonpartisan reports and rely upon inductive and deductive logic.   The problem is that so many American people worship the cult of personality as far as politicians go.   If a celebrity endorses a candidate, it is akin to the politician receiving some type of imprimatur.   C'mon now.    An example of this is Oprah endorsing Obama as the great future hope.  She sang the praises of a politician with very little political experience and we all know the results of this.     Read, do research, and carefully analyze the politician before voting for him/her.

      1. Sychophantastic profile image71
        Sychophantasticposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        So it took one answer for this to turn partisan. Not much hope for America if that's the case.

        1. Gemini Fox profile image82
          Gemini Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Exactly, it is those who immediately begin siding with one party/belief system that exacerbate the problem - which is just fine for the real powers behind our government.  They are delighted to have all of us scrapping away over who is right, liberals or conservatives.  It keeps the silly sheeples occupied while they continue to adjust the laws to suit themselves.  One of these days these people are finally going to wake up to a new world and wonder what happened and how it got there.

          1. profile image57
            retief2000posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Too late.

            1. Gemini Fox profile image82
              Gemini Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Hardly.  Too late will be when the lazy, complacent masses actually end up in the streets with pitchforks.  Unfortunately, this is probably going to be the answer to the question.

    2. rhamson profile image71
      rhamsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It is quite easy to find out who is on the take as their contributors expose the tale of the tape or should I say red tape. With the recent edicts from the Supreme Court with Citizens United it will be very hard to distinguish who is worthy and who is not.

    3. profile image57
      retief2000posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I think your premise is deeply flawed. The Democrats ( the more leftist, the more true is the following) tell everyone the truth about where they want to take America, if one listens.

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        That's a laugh - they claim they're heading for Utopia, where everyone has plenty.  In truth they are heading for Hell, where everyone has nothing.

        1. profile image57
          retief2000posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          They have told you what their Utopia looks like the whole time. A ruling elite controlling the distribution of everything and very little to go around.  Limits on energy production, deconstruction of the industrial world and the vast plenty it brings in food, medicine, creature comfort, security, freedom of information, freedom of motion, etc....  They have told you time and again that you cannot live the way you would like, drive what you want, eat what you want, live in the house you want, own what you purchase with the proceeds of your own labor.  They tell you that life is not sacred.  That you must be controlled for your own good and the good of others.  They tell you that they know a much better way to employ your talents, your product, your resources.  They haven't lied, if you listen.  Leftist, liberals, Democrats have all been telling you that they are taking everyone straight into "Utopia."

          Utopia, literally means, no place.  We have, thanks to lefties, arrived.

          1. rhamson profile image71
            rhamsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            And the great divide continues!

            1. profile image57
              retief2000posted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Harmony is fantasy. The divide is deeply ingrained in human nature. It isn't about partisan politics it is about the conflict between security and liberty. Some will pretend that they are not about security and all about liberty, but any more than cursory examination of the ideas they espouse will reveal that they are dedicated to the tiny safe confines of the public zoo not to the freedom of the Veldt.

              1. rhamson profile image71
                rhamsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Unfortunately many believe as your explanation defines. The discord is fueled by distrust and there you have the security issue you speak of. I would hope that as humans we could reason our way to a compromise. While maybe not harmonious many can find it tolerable as the lack of progress is not settling well with many. Security or freedom may be a bit narrow with its choice as neither side of the divide wish to budge and instead buy into the political rancor that those in charge wish us to use as the arguments. It is a shame that in the process we identify those on either with a set labels that preclude any understanding based on the pre-concepts truthfully or wrongly applied. I am not sure that the veldt of understanding is a broad enough plain with which one can graze at the mantra for human survival.

                1. profile image57
                  retief2000posted 10 years agoin reply to this
                  1. rhamson profile image71
                    rhamsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    So you are a connect the dots guy. With your reference to the veldt I thought differently of your post. Perhaps I will have to take the elongated tact.
                    I would hope that as humans we could reason our way to a compromise. What in human history suggests that this is possible?
                    Well moving from the caves and into a modern society with a monetary system is one way as compromise is the way we bargain and acquire what we want without beating another over the head with a club.
                    While maybe not harmonious many can find it tolerable as the lack of progress is not settling well with many.What in human history suggests this has ever occurred?
                    With current election conditions in government that suggest corruption many choose to still participate in the exercise even if it produces little. The Tea Party is a prime example of things not settling well
                    What in human history suggests this has ever occurred?  What suggests that human survival is actually at stake?
                    With current events such as escalation of terrorism and even so recently as the unrest in Ukraine there seems to be a steadfast lack of tolerance and or compromise that can assure peace. Putin is putting Obama on the hot seat with the lines he will cross to provoke a reaction

      2. Sychophantastic profile image71
        Sychophantasticposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for turning the conversation partisan and making no effort to answer the question. Makes dialogue pointless and asking questions pointless as well, at least here.

        1. profile image57
          retief2000posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Nice moral high horse, the irony of someone so free with vile names adopting a haughty position is hardly lost on me.

          The assumption is a partisan one to begin with. I am absolutely serious in my contention that lefties are honest in their promises for America.  The deception is by Republicans who promise a more conservative government and yet NEVER delivering it.  They merely deliver a less aggressively invasive, obtrusive, controlling, oppressive government than the one lefties honestly promise and than deliver. 

          Barrack Obama said plainly that he was going to correct the direction of America and he has certainly done so.  He promised that we could not live the way we want and he has fulfilled that promise. He said he would destroy coal powered energy and is doing just that.  He is one of the most truthful politicians that has ever been President.

          1. Sychophantastic profile image71
            Sychophantasticposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            "free with vile names"?

            1. Sychophantastic profile image71
              Sychophantasticposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              and where do you see a "moral high horse"? And how is the assumption partisan? You obviously know the definition of partisan. I gave no party a pass on the talent for lying.

              1. profile image57
                retief2000posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                That is where we are different, I maintain the Democrats and lefties tell the truth, if one listens.  It is the GOP leadership that is lying.

    4. Gemini Fox profile image82
      Gemini Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Completely redo the system - as it should be obvious to everyone that it is VERY broken.  Make #1 about getting the money/lobbyists out of politics.  In other words, make it so the American people actually feel that the government is for the people, by the people once again. Anyone thinking that voting for "better" candidates within the current two party system will resolve the problem is kidding themselves . . . How to actually do this?  Now, there's the million dollar question and everyone's waiting for an answer.

      1. profile image57
        retief2000posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        No amount of money can purchase a man who is not for sale.  It is not the money, it is the man.

        1. Gemini Fox profile image82
          Gemini Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Very poetic.  Unfortunately, our current political system is proof that money wins every time.  That is what needs to change.  For a candidate to even run for president/office takes tens of millions - all provided by those with money so long as that candidate does their bidding.

          1. profile image57
            retief2000posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            There are many who have won political office with much less money than their opponent.  It is not the money, it is the man. 

            Conservatism is no mere political partisan stance, unlike Democrat or Republican, it is a philosophy about the nature of human relations.   You can pretend it is all the same, it is not. 

            The fracturing of the GOP over ideas of what constitutes responsible governance and the solidifying of lefties around Obama clearly demonstrates an intractable and deeply seated divide.  It is endemic to humanity and will never be expunged, all else is fantasy - which is why it appeals most to disillusioned liberals who may have finally brushed up against their own cognitive dissonance and material reality.

            1. Gemini Fox profile image82
              Gemini Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              In local or state politics, maybe, but not at the national level and definitely not at the presidential level.  No man/woman who cannot be sold will ever make it to that level in today’s politics.  And the political races are only half the problem.  The other half is the money that controls politics on a daily basis.
              As for the rest of your comment, once again you’re simply exemplifying the problem.  Since you’ve now proven yourself capable of pseudo-intellectual “speak”, perhaps you should attempt to dazzle us with an actual answer.
              Here, let me help you.  #2: get the money out of the mainstream media.  If people in this country actually knew what was really going on, they’d probably sh** their pants and maybe, just maybe, things would start changing.  Of course, that’s assuming they could actually wrench themselves away from American Idol.

              1. GA Anderson profile image82
                GA Andersonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Well damn!
                "In the white trunks, standing 5'7" 123 lbs it's...
                Gemmmmmmminiiiiiiii  Fooooooooooooooxxxx!

                ...and by the judges card it's...
                Plainspeak 28 - pseudo-intellectual “speak” 18..."

                In our early political history, it was a rare newspaper that wasn't an organ of a political party or politician. Editors were the deal makers that many attribute to "smokey back rooms" now. Our media has improved - but in both directions; investigative and true reporting, and honing their skills as a tool of powerful money.

                Your point about the "daily" money in politics is too often ignored.

                You should join us for a drink more often.


              2. profile image57
                retief2000posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Yet again, you miss identify the problem.  It is political power that is the problem, devolve that power back to those to whom it belongs.  Money pursues political influence because political influence is dangerous to money. The vast power of the government requires the attention of those with money because they wish to protect their money and the mechanisms that produce it.  If you want a real remedy, chop all government down to its bare roots.

                1. rhamson profile image71
                  rhamsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  You have got this so backwards it is impossible to even explain it to you. Money drives "EVERYTHING" yes "EVERYTHING" in this country. That is the object of a capitalistic based system. When money is the object "EVERYTHING" is based on how to get it. Politicians are glued to whoevers purse is open at the moment. The more money you have the more "FREEDOM" and "POWER" you hold. If government was focused on getting as big as it can what is the end result? Power? With no money? Do you think the millionaires and billionaires would just fork over their money if the government held all the power? How is it that they have been able to reduce their taxes from around 90% under Eisenhower to about 14% as reported by Romney this past year. The money influence over politicians is so transparent and hidden behind the Supreme Court ruling on PAC money that it blows your take on it out of the water. That and the government has grown at an exponential rate since Eisenhower to its biggest under Bush and Obama. Your theory holds no evidence of its validity as applied to the current situation.

                  1. profile image57
                    retief2000posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    How is it that they have been able to reduce their taxes from around 90% under Eisenhower to about 14% as reported by Romney this past year.

                    This is an often repeated bit of rubbish.  The high tax rates under Eisenhower covered a tiny number of people and were marginal income tax rates off set by deductions that lowered the effect tax rate to but a fraction of the misquoted and misunderstood rate.  The rate paid by Romney was not an income tax rate, yet another bit of misinformation - often intentionally disseminated by leftist propagandists in the press who serve the leftist politicians.  It is a capital gains rate and taxed at an entirely different rate because the income tax has already been paid once.

                    Absolutes are fun aren't they.  Everything is about power.  Political power governs the flow of money in America, as it does everywhere else.  How can people be so foolish as to believe that a government that controls trillions of dollars serves at the behest of a business that, at best, controls perhaps a $1oo billion - JP Morgan Chase is worth around $150 billion, less than 6% of this years federal budget.

                    People act as if JP Morgan Chase is not in competition with Bank of America or Wells Fargo, but that they all collude as some vast and all powerful cartel to control the Federal government when it is the exact opposite that is the case.  Government shakes down business for every penny it can get.  It is government which corrupts.

              3. profile image57
                retief2000posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Perhaps you should engage in a little actual intellectual pursuit and read "The Ordeal of Change" and " The True Believer" by Eric Hoffer.  They are refreshing, informative and enlightening.  They also help one avoid mere contradiction and terms of little actual use, terms like psuedo-intellectual.

  2. profile image0
    Dave36posted 10 years ago

    Even a blind man on a galloping horse can see, that politics the economy & work etc is just one big con!..Once upon a time in the UK we ALL had our own family farm, & we grew our own food/live stock etc & traded with our neighbours..Then along came governments & royalty etc, & conned all those farms off us with the (enclosure act)..Come & work for us they said on big farms that can compete, & we will look after you we promise..Fast forwards  100/200 years & look what's happened, we can now work for them for 40 years to buy a piece of our own land back!lol..Just like the Red Indians of America who lived off the land, the white man slaughtered them just so they could "own/steal"" their land..So what exactly are we all working for just out of curiosity?, progress?, the economy?, an easier life?..No we're working because we're slaves, we're the slaves & their the slave masters..If their not the slave masters quit your job, & see how you survive, you can't unless you work for them..The thing is though no matter what "system" you can come up with, it will "always" end up being corrupted..Mankind is able to easily be corrupted, because most are too lazy to be bothered fighting for their rights, & what's right for others & all..Everyone's being brainwashed, & so well their totally oblivious to it..I mean wasn't it Abraham Lincoln, that warned about allowing governments having too much power..So now they have all the power even to arrest US citizens with "no" trial or evidence, just like the UK..Now why in the world would they try to pass a law like that, if their not all corrupt?..It's not all doom & gloom though because I'm pretty sure that life is a test, & everything in it (including them, the slave masters) are all part of it..Do we stand up for what's right, or do we go along with the masses..Will power vs Ego or Good vs Bad.

    1. PhoenixV profile image68
      PhoenixVposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What is the solution?

  3. maxoxam41 profile image65
    maxoxam41posted 10 years ago

    Abstention in the next elections. France scored its maximum record under the 5th republic. Maybe WE should lead down the garden path like in 1775!

    1. rhamson profile image71
      rhamsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Abstention they still win. That is the perfect result for gerrymandering and buyouts in their estimation.


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