Prosecuting malicious conservative republican politicians in congress for attempting to Shut Down OUR Tax-Payer-Funded United States Government is long over due ~ If there are no consequences for their irrationally reckless behavior to intentionally harm OUR country, the PEOPLE, OUR Economy, OUR Good Will, OUR Financial Status & Structure, they will continue to do so at will in the future ~
If not Prosecution for Treason which I believe is the only way to abate this malicious intent, what shall be a fitting penalty and or punishment for this reckless behavior?
Government shutdowns have been a norm for US governments, including when Democratic majorities have been in charge of both houses of Congress - many times this century we've seen it. There's nothing reckless, harmful or treasonous about it. And in fact when there is a government shutdown, most government functions continue just as they were; there's nothing criminal or treasonous about it.
I demand that ALL Functions Continue to operate at ALL Times, not a "Partial Government" ~ It's what I and all other Americans pay for ~
I don't think you realize how much irreparable damage was done to this country a few years back when the "Threat" of a Government Shut-Down and the "Threat" of Non-Compliance by republican congresspersons to Raise the Debt Ceiling was perpetrated ~
Our financial status was adversely affected by Radical Conservative "Brinkmanship" and this reckless behavior perpetrated by a tiny handful of individuals should never again be tolerated in a civilized society ~
I don't believe that the US is on solid financial ground anyway, and that's not likely to change whether our government is controlled by Radicals from the right or radicals from the left (like Obummer).
" It's what I and all other Americans pay for"
Apparently not - it seems to always be about tax rates and/or borrowing from our kids. (As you say the debt ceiling had to be raised for more money from the kids and some disagreed with that). Either way it hasn't been paid, which is what shuts the government down.
Interestingly, it seemed that the last time the Great Obama intentionally chose things to shut down that saved nothing (or cost more to close than they saved) but that would do the most damage to the most people. Like denying access of renters to property they had a right to visit, or closing the Mall in D.C. Politics at it's best; intentionally turn a bad thing into something worse to make a point.
So you destroy a country to try and save it? Which seems to be the conservative approach ~
If republicans truly cared about this country they would COMPROMISE, a dirty little word in their "Pretend World" lexicon ~ Ask John Boehner ~ He made that perfectly clear a few years ago, ZERO flexability regarding ALL ISSUES ~
Then we hear the whining n' crying by Fox Snooze nuckleheads and other GOPers when President Obama exercises Presidential Powers to get things done for "We the People" ~
How can you possibly think conservative led "Brinkmanship" to "Shut Down" and or "Deny Debt Ceiling Adjustment" is anything other than intentional malicious activity?
Hmm. Lots of compromise on the decision to force taxpayers to pay for medical insurance for everyone, wasn't there? Or deciding to let illegal aliens remain in the country?
However much you'd like to portray "Shutting down government" as a Republican ploy, it isn't and wasn't. First, it has never been done, only a tiny portion of government services are closed for a few days and then employees get back pay for time they didn't work, and second it has been done by both sides. As there Democrats declined to compromise, that tiny portion was shut down this last time, but republicans have also done it in the past. Deplorable, but then that's the way of politics today.
The federal government has been shut down quite a few times over the years. No one has been accused of treason before. Why advocate such a drastic response now?
Under the legal doctrine of official immunity, Members of Congress and state legislators are absolutely immune from prosecution for their votes and official actions. The U.S. Supreme Court, in Bogan v. Scott-Harris, 523 U.S. 44, 118 S. Ct. 966, 140 L. Ed. 2d 79 (1998), extended absolute immunity to local legislators (e.g., city council members, and county commissioners) when they act in their legislative capacities. {1}
So should we also prosecute the President for failing to enforce Immigration laws? Should we prosecute Congress and the Senate for wasting taxpayer dollars on pet projects? Or does your crime and punishment scenario only apply to Republicans?
It applies to egregious, irreversably damaging, potentially "Treasonous Offenses" on a Grand Scale where individuals such as conservative republican congressmen and senators, threaten and or actually succeed in "Shuting Our Government Down" ~
There is a tremendous difference between this and the "Debatable" issues you mentioned ~
P.S. ~ Both Democratic & Republican presidents have neglected to enforce Immigration Laws ~ At some point, according to Juris-Prudence, we as a nation might forfeit and or "Wave" our legal authority to do so ~
Naw, they're just playing games, but they are not committing any crimes. It doesn't rise to the level of treason. I think that word gets thrown around way too much.
PP ~
Take a good look at what happened in 2011 with the Debt Ceiling Crisis, and it was indeed a Severe Situation caused entirely by a radical conservative congressional element, then tell me what you think, if you've re-considered etc. ~
I know exactly what happened and I think it was despicable, but I also don't think it rises to the level of treason, although I am not legal expert.
18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
PP ~
It's no deeply held secret that conservatives have exhibited aggression toward our government in the past and will probably continue to do so in the future ~ I'm certainly not advocating the "Death Penalty" which of course should be reserved for the most heinous crimes, but in my opinion, A stiff fine or even imprisonment as penalty might get the message across and act as a sufficient deterent ~
It's serious business when the United States Credit Rating is cut, which is exactly what happened a few years ago when radical conservatives exhibited irrationally reckless "Brinksmanship" that actually caused this financial situation ~
So you don't think a penalty shall be imposed on those individual congressmen/women who directly cause the Credit Rating of the United States to be cut or cause any other damage to this country?
The "penalty" should be citizens voting them out of office. If there is a crime on the books that they have committed, that's different. Are you aware of a specific law that has been broken?
Edited to add: You are I agree on many things, but I don't like throwing around the word "treason," probably because conservatives used it so much to try to silence critics during the buildup to the Iraq War.
PP~ There's a good argument for Treason ~
It's a safe assumption when there are no other external forces at work and the Credit Rating of the United States is negatively impacted that malicious activity caused the action, and this action can be directly attributed to congressional republicans ~
If someone intentionally impacted a critically important financial rating system like your FICO Score would you be upset? Would it be a Crime? Perhaps ~
If you are not following the political aspect of this current fight, republicans are attempting to De-Fund Planned Parenthood if key conservative congressmen can rally support ~
Planned Parenthood provides a wide array of important Medical/Healthcare services to women including cancer screenings, abortion, etc ~ So, essentially, republicans are ready & willing to shut down OUR Government if Planned Parenthood continues to exist ~ Conservatives are still at odds with women’s healthcare and that’s an unfortunate fundamental fact ~
You are over simplifying in order to attempt to rally support. Planned Parenthood has some explaining to do. I'm pro abortion and pro women's rights but I am very upset with Planned Parenthood right now. Were they pro women's rights they would understand how delicate a system we have in place right now and they would not be jeopardizing the right to choice for the average woman by making so very many poor and shady choices themselves.
If their actions cannot stand up to the light of day then we have a problem.
I think you (and a whole lot of other people) have some deep thinking to do.
Either a fetus is a person, whereupon we are condoning legal murder of infants, or it is not. If it is not, what PP is doing is no worse than doing a biopsy on a chunk of tumor. It is not rational to declare a fetus to be non-human and then scream bloody murder when it is sold for the cost of collecting it.
wilderness ~ Unless she is a ghoulish monster, if you don't think every single woman who merely contemplates abortion is not "DEEP THINKING" in an Agonizing Struggle then you need to aquaint yourself with the psychological impact this decision has on a woman ~
P.S. ~ Certain State Amendments and or Alterations notwithstanding, abortion is a legal procedure according to Federal Law ~
If CONservatives, especially "Bible Belters" are concerned about certain elements of PP, that's fine, let's hear it and if warranted amend it, but don't attempt to SHUT DOWN the GOVERNMENT I pay for ~
Wasn't speaking of "every single woman who merely contemplates abortion"; it was very plainly directed at Live To Learn who indicates that PP should not sell human tissue for collection costs; a perfectly legal thing to do. Live To Learn, and anyone else that finds abortion OK but not fetal tissue sales.
ALL women deserve access to a multitude of resources including Locally, Federally, & Privately Funded, which provide preventative measures to detect potential health issues as early as possible in order to maintain optimum health and or deter serious illness ~
No system is perfect and if certain individuals have questions and or concerns they should be addressed in a civilized manner, not with the threat by conservative republicans of a GOV Shut Down, especially when the subject is the vital Health Care of Women and the inherent risks thereof ~ This is deplorable ~
If conservative republicans are indeed successful in Shuting Down OUR Government in Opposition and or Protest to providing one component of Women's HealthCare, many critically important Federal Agencies could Shut Down Entirely, or be adversely affected ~
Department of Homeland Security & Department of Energy are just 2 of the many critically important agencies which could indeed be negatively impacted by a republican led Shut Down ~
To my knowledge, UPS & FedEx are publically held corporations and should not directly be impacted and will remain open, although business could be in-directly impacted in a negative way due to "Loss of Gov Orders" ~ The full extent of economic impact due to a Shut Down will be assessed at a later date ~'s a way of life for our esteemed leaders! Whoever is not in power at the time threatens to "shut down the government" to stop the other party from getting their pork or other spending increases! And they DO stop some minor services - both sides have been successful at that when neither side will compromise. Never shut down anything really important, though.
Politics in action, by whoever can't get their way any other way, and performed by both major parties. Pathetic and despicable, but what isn't on Capitol Hill nowadays?
The detrimental impact of a GSD can be significant, even cause irreputable harm ~
Believe it of not, Federal Employees, which conservatives could care less about, are Flesh & Blood Patriotic Americans, some of whom may not receive a paycheck if the self-aggrandizing republicans are successful in causing this disruption ~ A disruption they are more than willing to force if Woman's Health Care Options are not Significantly CUT ~
In addition, The Department of Homeland Security can be compromised with a work force REDUCTION ~ Several other vitally important agencies could in effect be adversely affected by the republican non-compromising posture ~
These may be considered "Minor Services" or "Minor Inconveniences" to some individuals, but most workers who need a paycheck or would like to feel secure in their own country might have a different opinion ~
Boehner’s resignation leaves Cruz with a big decision and a potential moment of strength that could put him in the White House if he implements a strategy to hold up funding Planned Parenthood.
The "shutdown " of the US government would be the best thing this world could use at this point ! Hell, lets shut it all down , a revolution by the voting public would be so significantly effective in changing the direction of politics ,And the worlds negative opinion of America that It could only be a good thing .
This entire thread is nothing but a naïve blast from the left though as if somehow democrats have never shut down the government ?Please - hey I know how to solve this , LETS NOT LET THE GOV. START BACK UP !
The entire rant of O.P. reminds me of the blindness of a naïve youth , Jees . get some experience in ideals , doesn't it feel a bit empty to continue spouting anti- conservative frat party rants !
You've pretty much summed up the Conservative Republican Agenda ~
ZERO Government, back to Outhouses, Winchesters, No Indoor-Plumbing, No Food Inspection or Taxes, Fetch n' Shoot Yur own Dinner in the Woods, No telephone cell-phone or television, no Laws or Regulation , Discrimination against Gay Individuals without Consequences, and of course ABSOLUTE FREEDOM to Drink and Drive a Horse whenever ~
But you still have not offered a solution, answer nor remedy for those hard working employees other than congressmen/women or senators, who might not receive a paycheck during a GOV Shut Down, or your assurance that we will be protected if the Department of Homeland Security is compromised, etc ~
John Boehner, Speaker of the House is GONE, skipped out of Dodge because he refused to be involved in this ridiculous conservative republican assault on Women's Health Care Options ~ And Boehner was considered to be an Extreme Conservative by many ~
You may be rather young so even though you appear fearful I can assure you it is unwarranted. I've lived through several government shut downs. Was on the payroll of the government during one and I can assure you; you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. Nothing stops moving along.
Okay Alternative Prime , Take a look at Seattle, Washington's ,passing a $15.00 an hour minimum wage law , look at what that's doing to small business' in the inner city , as to business incomes alone.
I recently listen to a NPR discussion that outlined restaurants losing customers , less tips for the waitress' pocket , lay offs of restaurant employees , lost business ! So , How is that progress ?
Shhh! You're not supposed to actually look at and talk about the result of such policies. Only cheer for them because they sound so fine and compassionate. After all, they can always be expanded when they don't work.
ahorseback ~ Still ATTACKING our Workimg Class I see ~ Let's unwravel this disgraceful activity ~
Where were you and wilderness when one of the Greediest Corporations in American History, Wal-Mart began infiltrating every single avaiiable retail space on this PLANET? Setting up shop right NEXT to MOM n' POP ~ Talk about a systematic eradication of small business which continues to this day despite grueling dissent from the general public ~
Where is your Adamant Protest against this egregious "FREE MARKET" opportunist? This Junk Selling Wall Street Corporation has been wiping out small Co jobs for decades on a massive scale ~
If your "Free Market Capitalistic System" can Absorb & Adjust to atrocious Corporate Greed of this magnitude, I'm confident we'll be just fine raising the minimum wage for American Workers ~
Can't speak for ahorseback, but I was here and watched WalMart take over the world. Of course, it should be pointed out that it could never have happened without the greed of the consumer, wanting more for less.
It always comes down to that, doesn't it - greed over riding common sense. We want cheap products, but that means cheap labor as well. Doesn't matter as we all jump at the chance and then cry "foul" when the business is successful as a result and smaller business (but more expensive ones) die out while we continue to support and grow the business we complain about. greed from the bottom of the pile clear to the top, but of course we ignore our own while focusing of that of someone else.
While it's fun to pretend that WalMart isn't successful because of our own greed it just isn't true. We all know how that business operates but when they build a new store, maybe in a small town somewhere, the people flock to it with the inevitable result that other business then end up closing their doors. Seen it over and over - the greed of the consumer supports that giant and without that greed they could not survive.
I agree with this, to a point. Consumers can shop according to their ethics and purchase products from local stores instead of shopping at Wal-Mart for cheaper prices, and there is a movement toward this. However, ethics doesn't just stop with the consumer; people who make decisions in corporations can also incorporate ethics into their decisions and still make a profit. Costco is a good example of this. In fact, Wal-Mart is fraying at the edges now for many reasons, but partly due to their unsustainable employment practices of working people part-time and paying them as little as possible.
No argument here! In fact, I believe that WalMart will be edging up their prices in response to the uproar - they earn their profit by giving people what they want (low prices) and there has been enough fuss the perhaps WalMart is convinced it is to their benefit to pay a little more. They still won't pay that mythical "living wage", (they can't and still retain a shadow of their business plan that has proven so successful) but I think it will go up slightly.
PP & wilderness ~ You both sound just like the typical "Out of Touch" republican, Mutt Romney, Jed Bush etc ~
What makes you think the average American has a CHOICE in where they shop? Wal-Mart is a NECESSITY for many non-wealthy citizens ~ Yet raising the minimum wage so working Americans MIGHT have a CHOICE in something as fundamental as grocers is blaspemy to conservatives ~ Ridiculous ~
I suppose ALL Americans have a CHOICE in Autos, Hair Styists, Neighborhoods in which they Live, Accountants, Attorneys, Diamond Rings, Health Spas, Limos, & Yachts RIGHT? ~
Now you know why Mutt Romney was wiped out, Jed Bush has failed, and Carly will be relegated to watching old films depicting how she crippled and nearly destroyed Hewlett Packard as CEO ~
I'm surprised & deeply disappointed in you PP, you seem pretty intelligent, it was an expected response from wilderness ~
So lets see ........It's the poor American that has no control over his purchases , please ! "I'm just a poor American , I can't help it that those rich republicans must own Wall-_Mart ". sniff sniff .
Maybe someday, Mutt Romney, Jed Bush and Carly F will venture out of the strict confines of "Pretend Land" and into the REAL World only to discover the truth, NO, most Americans Do Not have Control over their purchases ~
And yes, a SHUT DOWN can indeed adversely affect Government Workers, Americans which republicans continue to disrespect and discard as in-human robots that can be dismissed from their job immediately upon confirmation ~ And yes, OUR National Security can indeed be compromised by a Shut Down ~
"Still attacking the working class ........yea , like I am chewing off my own foot in a trap , after all , isn't that just what the working man does while trapped in a world of his own making ? You want to consume at your own pleasure , ten deal with it ! Wall-mart is the offspring of your own greedy loins . You can't accuse a working man with an opinion, of treason.
Alternative prime , I want to buy cheaper and cheaper goods , I want a whole aisle of choices , I don't care who works for 10 cents an hour or where they sleep . I'm going to wall mart ! Want to blame someone for this economy --look in the mirror!
Special NOTE : When you really look at what is happening in congress it’s incredible to the point of almost unbelievable ~ Republicans, the “Backward Clan of NO Ideas” is actually rigorously trying to either DE-FUND & Terminate Health Care Options for Women, or, induce a Government Shut Down as protest which could lead to detrimental consequences for Millions of Americans or even the entire country ~
They are NOT protesting the commencement of a war, they are NOT protesting Greed Driven Excessive CEO compensation, NO, republicans are protesting a program which is essential to Woman's HEALTH ~
This offensive against women is no surprise coming from conservative republicans given their history, yet still astonishing to think GOP politicians, predominantly comprised of men, would attempt to impede optimum health for women ~ It’s truly incomprehensible ~
But to help all these women, you are expecting the rest of us to provide for them. You want us, the capable many, to fork over for the apparently incapable few. It an old and ancient argument. You are entitled to your view. I am entitled to mine. I hope you understand that. There is a reason the conservatives think the way they do. Its not that they are brain dead, which is what you continually propose.
Conservatives fight for the strength and power of the individual. This strength and power leads to independence. Through the pride and dignity of independence, joy of life is accomplished for men, women and their families. And it is only through this joy of life that the world is continuously renewed, the economy percolates, babies are born and heaven smiles upon us.
Also, we can help the poor. We know who they are and why they are poor. In many cases, the school of hard knocks is what they need. They need to reap their Karma.
Is there some problem with survival of the fittest, for You. A Prime?
Bottom line, Yes. He can't stand it. Neither can so many others. We are too "COMPASSIONATE" to let females be responsible for their own selves, bodies, health and consequences. They wanted it all. They wanted sexual liberation, they got it. They wanted birth control, they got it. They wanted independence and they can certainly have it if they want it. Yet, they give it away.
And now thanks to PP females reap way too little karma for what they sow. Good lesson for all girls, isn't it? And what will society be like with all this freedom and irresponsibility? Look around, but ten times worse.
No, we are too compassionate to think about the future of our society or to think about the souls of the vacuumed out fetuses.
In some kind of self-proclaimed mercy we fund the murder of millions of innocent embryos who of course feel themselves being ripped apart and sucked out. And who cares if their tiny shreds are sold for the highest price for all the scientific experiments which are oh so important to US. Oh well, their mother's don't care. What was truly their offspring was casually regarded as inaproriate tissue from inappropriate behavior in the very first place.
Why couldn't they have gone to a facility to have the baby and then given it to a welcoming couple for adoption? This is what PP should be sponsoring. But, are they?
Well, are they????
So, A Prime. Give it rest.
No, it's only incomprehensible to someone that refuses to listen or consider any viewpoint but their own.
Republicans are trying to defund and terminate an organization that murders countless babies and sells their body parts. Whether you or I agree that that's what PP is all about, that is the goal. Not to end Women's Health Care in America and until you understand and accept that your tirades are nothing more than empty (and false) claims.
In "Republican Pretend Land" abortion is illegal ~ In the "Real World" it is a legal medical procedure which is authorized by the woman who does and should have control over her body, subsequent to what we would have to assume is agonizing consideration ~
In "Republican Pretend Land" Planned Parenthood is "ALL about murdering countless babies & selling their body parts" ~ In the REAL WORLD, abortions are a small percentage of PP's medical procedures and or tests ~
BTW, human body parts as you put it have led to ground breaking scientific medical discoveries which means pretty much NOTHING to the average republican who IGNORES data derived from "Beakers, Telescopes, Microscopes, & Space Shuttle Missions" ~
P.S. ~ You'll never witness republicans attempting to Shut Down OUR Government in support of "Raising the Minimum Wage for American Workers", or "Fighting for EQUAL Pay for Women", or "Extending Unemployment Benefits for Layed Off Workers" or, "Strengthening Social Security & Medicare", NOPE, republicans will never fight for these issues but CHOPPING the number of OPTIONS Women have for Health Care? They're ALL IN on that one ~
So you DO understand, whether you agree or not!
Why, then, the incessant rant about Republicans wanting to shut down all Women's Health Care? Knowing it to be a lie, why continue to repeat the same thing day after day?
wilderness ~
Everything contained within my impassioned comment is Factual, no lies nor fabrications ~
SALIVATING for a Really GREAT Lie? Where's your warranted chastizement of Carly "Fired By Hewlett Packard" Fiorina? She's frolicking all over the media PRETENDING a snipet of video which in reality depicts a "Still Born Baby", was taken from Planned Parenthood when she knows it did NOT originate from PP? I can't see how she survives this blatantly blunderous LIE ~
To Alternative Prime ,- it's only republicans that sell the aborted baby body from the back door of Planned Parenthood to begin with , Its only republicans that go for multiple abortions , it's only republicans that vote to fund such an operation to begin with . It's only republicans that get pregnant out of wedlock . And it's only republicans that seem to be the blame for the very need for P.P. at the start .
Doesn't anyone else see that republicans are the very menace to our society ?
Anybody else see a pattern to Alternative Primes rants ?
If someone is unwilling to fight for the life of a child, then would they be unwilling to fight for yours' and mine?
Just Why it's so hard for so many to understand that conservatives simply want what we all want ; Accountability ! The hard part for all out liberals like Alternative Prime to understand is that much of Planned Parenthoods revenues come from our Tax dollars . If he had a healthy understanding of "yours and mine " as to the costs associated with P.P. he might also want accountability , must be he doesn't contribute to united way or something .LOL
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