Ted Cruz’s Father is a Communist Cuba Refugee

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  1. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    A FACT that some Americans might be unaware of is that Ted Cruz’s Father is actually a refugee from Communist Cuba ~ We all know Ted Cruz has other issues shadowing his campaign, but once the majority of conservatives find out his father lived in a RED Country while growing up, how much do you think this “Communist Cuba Connection” will hurt his effort? ~  By now, I think we all understand the fact that Progressives welcome a DIVERSE Society while conservative republicans are collectively intolerant of Immigrants, Racial Diversity, Religious Freedom, and Accepting Refugees who wish to enter the United States, regardless of the country of origin ~ What shall be consequences for this radical republican candidate? ~

    1. Credence2 profile image77
      Credence2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Of course, the conservatives will ignore information contrary to their beliefs and objective, whether it is true or not.

      Didn't they harrass the Obama campaign endlessly over this minister of the church he attended and his political viewpoints? Well this is Cruz' Dad, a bigger target and definitely fair game!

      1. Alternative Prime profile image59
        Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Absolutely Credence2 ~ For Republicans, FACTs never got in the way of nonsensical propaganda or a Good Old Fashioned Lie ~

    2. TwerkZerker profile image74
      TwerkZerkerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Obama's father and mother are (respectively), a communist, and a communist sympathizer. On top of that, we know little to nothing about the details of Barack's education (other than he went to Occidental College). And on top of that, we have the fact that Barack had little qualification to be president (he's a community organizer, for goodness' sake). If these things didn't hurt Obama's campaign, I doubt this will hurt Cruz's.

      At the end of the day, the opinion viewers get from the media is what decides elections (case in point: 2008 and 2012), not any interest in facts, past actions and policy, etc.

      I mean, if the average voter were informed about anything relevant, Hillary Clinton would be behind bars, not running for president. Kinda sad, the state of today's voting populace.

      1. Alternative Prime profile image59
        Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        This is Truly Laughable, I know the Obama's have been called many things by CONservatives, but "Communists" ? That's a new one smile But why not throw it on the PILE of Bull ~

        You conveniently NEGLECTED to mention President Obama was also a United States Senator prior to his Presidential Tenure ~ Community Organizers do vitally important work, and I would say all that EXPERIENCE and Talent came in handy when he "Organized" one of the most successful Campaigns in History ~

        Believe me, Hillary would indeed be behind bars if she had committed ANY Crimes, the Right Wing Nut Jobs would have seen to that, but unfortunately for you my dear Twerk, she is a clean as they come ~ The ONLY individual who is in deep legal trouble as a result of the Republican Led Benghazi Committee SHAM is the Chairman CONservative Trey Gowdy for Defamation and perhaps additional charges in the future ~

        Sorry I let the FACTS Spoil your Fun Twerk ~ smile

      2. Credence2 profile image77
        Credence2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I am satisfied with Obama's record. Are you not the arrogant here? Obama won in both 2008 and 2012 by goodly margins. Are all these people according the rightwing playbook uneducated or misinformed? I doubt it. The state of the voting populace is a lot smarter than you give them credit for....  This attitude is why the rightwinger and their candidate will and must continue to lose and they will again in 2016.

    3. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Do you realize how childish this sounds , Na na na nan   na ,   How old are you AP ,like  seven ?

      1. Alternative Prime profile image59
        Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        ahorseback ~ I'm not sure how you as presumably a "Home Schooled" individual DEFINES the word  "Childish", but other than "TwerkZerker's" name and perhaps age, I don't see anything else "Childish" around here ~

        Ted Cruz Committing a Blatant War Crime like "Carpet Bombing", ? Now that's "Childishly Ignorant" of the FACTs, a promise by a SHREWD Politician, a Politician that was born in Canada who is obviously intending to bring about the Expedient DEMISE of the United States of America ~

    4. Live to Learn profile image60
      Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I have to side with ahorseback on this one. (Yes, it appears hell has frozen over)

      Ted Cruz's father being a cuban refugee should have absolutely no sway on how republicans feel about him.  Being a refugee from that country somewhat clinches that.

      By now, I think we can all see that those who claim to be progressive aren't really. Conservative republicans are not, as a whole, intolerant of immigrants, racial diversity, religious freedom and accepting refugees who wish to enter this country regardless of country of origin.

      I see the conservatives as those who may look at all of the facts we have available and putting the safety of the citizens already here ahead of the needs of potential citizens. I don't agree with them, yet I can't fault them.

      Name calling, as you are doing here in this thread, can be perceived as childish and counterproductive. A horseback appears to perceive it that way, and there is ample reason to understand why he might.

      1. Alternative Prime profile image59
        Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Live to Learn ~ Obviously, you're just a  "Casual Observer" of Politics if at all, otherwise, you'd understand that my Comments are as close to the TRUTH as you can possibly get ~ They are EASILY Verified for those who wish to take the time to do so ~

        Just in case you've missed the FACTS, here are a few for the RECORD ~

        * Ted Cruz was NOT Born in the United States he was Born in Canada and given the INSANE Birther Nonsense President Obama has gone through for the last 7 years due to CONservative Republican Propaganda, it would be safe to say "BIRTH Place" is Critically IMPORTANT to the GOP and  Ted NOT being BORN in the USA is an Immense Problem for the Republican Majority of Constituency & VOTERS ~

        * Ted Cruz recently shared the SAME Stage in Iowa with an idiot Preacher who is advocating the extermination of ALL Gay Individuals, he espoused that HATEFUL Rhetoric and then said "Here's Ted Cruz" ~

        * Ted Cruz is ADVOCATING the "Carpet Bombing" of a Foreign Country, an action that everyone understands is UNLAWFUL and one which would perhaps achieve his Father's Objective? The ALIENATION & Downfall of the United States? ~ Who knows what is lurking in an individuals mind when ADVOCATING "Blanket Bombing" innocent Human Beings from the AIR ~

        We could go on for ETERNITY, but just these three FACTS have already Disqualified Mr. Cruz even though he's STILL running ~

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          A.P.    Tit for tat !,      His was born of an American  national parent ,  makes him eligible , and likely !

          1. Alternative Prime profile image59
            Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            ahorseback ~

            There are REAL Tangible Requirements to be President, and then there are the GOP CONservative Republican CRITERIA to be President, and NEVER the TWAIN Shall MEET ~

            Barrack Obama was BORN in Hawaii and that mysteriously caused Republicans by the Truck Loads to JUMP Head First OFF 10 Story Buildings for the LAST 7 YEARS, and they are STILL Jumping to this very day ~ This includes a DimWitted Sheriff in Arizona who is STILL espousing the RIDICULOUS Birther NONSENSE ~ So, how do you think they truly feel about a CANADIAN like Ted Cruz ??

        2. Live to Learn profile image60
          Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Wow. Not agreeing with you makes me a casual observer. Interesting.

          1. Alternative Prime profile image59
            Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I never said that Live to Learn, but I'm saying this ~  Not understanding the FACTS surrounding the Conservative Republican  Agenda would lead one to believe you are a "Casual Observer of Politics" ~

            You should VOTE Republican if you truly agree with the Following Conservative GOP Platform:

            * Huge Tax Cuts for Corporations & The Wealthiest Individuals
            * Terminating Social Security & Medicare
            * Terminating the Veteran's Administration
            * Abolishing a Woman's Right to Choose
            * Obstructing Minimum Wage  Increases
            * Abolishing Affordable Student Loans
            * Obstructing Labor Unions
            * Carpet Bombing Foreign Lands
            * Deporting 11 Million Un-Documented Immigrants ~ This would include Hispancs, Asians, Germans, Irish, African etc
            * Inserting Religion into the Federal Government
            * Terminating Employment for Millions of Federal Employees

            The preceding are CORNER-Stones of the Conservative Republican Agenda ~ The MAJORITY of Republicans and or Republican Presidential Candidates, regardless of skin color or ethnic origin, believe in executing this Agenda whenever possible ~

            1. Live to Learn profile image60
              Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              I might point out that you are exaggerating a bit but i'm sure you are already aware of that.

              1. profile image0
                ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Exaggeration is the credo of the fringe left , always has been .

                1. Live to Learn profile image60
                  Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  And the fringe right.

              2. Alternative Prime profile image59
                Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                I wish I were exaggerating, but unfortunately for America, I'm not ~

                Obviously "Live to Learn" & "ahorseback" you don't FOLLOW Politics or don't really LISTEN to what republicans say when speaking, and or don't inspect VOTING Records in Congress ~ What I've listed above are Factual CORNER-Stones of Conservative Republicans, common knowledge ~ I know it's hard to look at and ACCEPT, but the TRUTH is sometimes very Difficult to Swallow ~

                To be even MORE Specific, your beloved yet moronic Ted Cruz has advocated the FOLLOWING Insane ideas ~

                * Carpet Bombing Foreign Lands and her Peoples
                * Abolishing a Woman's Right to Choose
                * He SHARED the SAME stage with an idiot Preacher who advocates the Extermination of ALL Gay Human Beings living on Planet Earth and perhaps elsewhere ~
                * He advocates HUGE Tax Cuts for Greed Driven Corporations and Wealthy Individuals ~
                * It's UNCLEAR as to his position to DEPORT Un-Documented Immigrants although his intent is to "Round them Up" sooner or later ~

                As always, I encourage everyone to research on their own to discover this is FACTUAL Information ~

                Oh, and yes, Ted Crux was NOT Born in the United States of America nor was his Father ~ Ted was actually born in Canada which could turn out to be an insurmountable Obstacle given Republican Criteria, his father was born in Communist Cuba ~

                1. Live to Learn profile image60
                  Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  I hope you do realize that Ted Cruz is not the Republican Party. I do wish you wouldn't post in such an irritating manner. Picking and choosing words to put in all caps. It is unnecessary. We can all judge which words you put emphasis on. By pointing out the obvious it appears you are a little too emotionally attached to the argument. Which, is a bad thing. It reduces your credibility immensely.

                  I find right wing politics as offensive and anti American as left wing politics. They've all lost sight of what the average American expects and needs from those who represent them. Your arguments for the far left are as ineffectual in swaying my vote as are those from the far right.

                  At this point in the development of our country we are usually faced with choosing who will do the least damage, not the most good.

                  1. Alternative Prime profile image59
                    Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Everyone has an OPINION "Live and Learn" ~ I'm with the Majority who don't find "Left Wing" politics offensive at all, as a matter of FACT Democrats constantly Fight for a Better Quality of Life for the Majority despite the propaganda espoused from Backward Republicans and I'll be enthusiastically supporting the Democratic or Democratic / Socialist Nominee right through the election whether it be Hillary, Bernie, or Martin ~

                    I'm sorry you feel Progressives are Offensive, it actually makes no sense unless you happen to be Filthy Rich ~ Progressive Democrats Fight for the Following while Republicans OBSTRUCT the SAME ~

                    * Higher Minimum Wage
                    * Woman's Right to Choose
                    * Equal Pay for Woman
                    * Affordable and or Single Payer Healthcare for ALL Americans
                    * Climate Change Abatement
                    * Strong Labor Unions
                    * Affordable and or "Paid for by Wall Street" Student Loans
                    * Racial Equality
                    * Path to Citizenship for Un-Documented Immigrants
                    * STRONG Social Secuirty & Medicare

                    AND the List of Good, Righteous values Democrats FIGHT for goes on, while Republicans as a whole, Obstruct & Block the Same VALUES whenever possible ~ I've never met an American who was AGAINST anything on this list except for the few who are Extremely Wealthy ~

                    P.S. ~ As for using CAPs, I like it and everyone else seems to as well because many around here are actually trying to Imitate my Creative Writing Style ~ smile I find "TRADITIONAL" Writing MUNDANE & Boring and I am a pretty good Teacher / Trainer after all ~

  2. Dean Traylor profile image94
    Dean Traylorposted 8 years ago

    It's true that his father was a refugee, and I believe that most of the public will not cue into that; especially with the rhetoric that's coming out of his son. However, I think a big issue is who Ted's father is and what he advocates.

    Ted Cruz's dad is an ultra-fundamentalist preacher with some real off-the-hook concepts. I know he was inducted in the "Encyclopedia of American Loon" (If I'm correct, some of beliefs reflects those of the end-timers). If anything, if he has profound influence on his son, there's no telling what Ted would do as a president.

    BTW, have you seen or heard the interviews with Ted's classmates? When Trump called him a maniac, he may have been right! Of course, Trump is a different issue.

    1. Jean Bakula profile image91
      Jean Bakulaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Dean,
      Yes, Trump is in a category all his own.

      As for some of the R candidates, I have concerns that Cruz and Rubio are both one term senators. In the end I think that hurt Obama a lot. A President needs to have relationships with both sides of the aisle if anything can get done. Since Obama was also a one term senator, I don't think he knew everyone well enough to sit down and make deals with them. Or maybe he was too proud, after all the snide attitudes. I'm not really sure of his feelings. But experience matters, and if R's think it through, voting for Cruz or Rubio is almost the same as voting for Obama the first time. Rubio is definitely "not ready for Prime Time" and Cruz has some strange ideas.

      I think Obama did a good job considering what he inherited.

  3. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    Hi Dean ~ All I can do is agree ~ I've yet to see the interviews with Ted's friends, maybe you can elaborate, I'm sure election followers would be interested in the info ~

    I did however witness an astonishing event which took place a couple weeks ago in Iowa I believe, where Ted Cruz SHARED the SAME stage with an INSANE Preacher who was actually advocating the Extermination of Gay Individuals ~ I couldn't believe what I was watching ~ It reminded me of the Witch Hunts of Salem how many centuries ago? ~  Just Shocking, EERIE Bizarre and of course dangerous stuff ~

    1. Jean Bakula profile image91
      Jean Bakulaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That is so creepy! I think Cruz deserves a lot more scrutiny. The way I understand it, his Dad was Canadian, Mom was American, but they married and continued to live in Canada for several years. Both parents worked in Canada in the oil business. Cruz was born while has parents lived in Canada, and he says now he never knew that. Duh? The Mom got dual citizenship eventually, and Cruz says he denounces his Canadian citizenship. But does he have a U.S. citizenship? After all Obama went through, I think this should be investigated more thoroughly. Cruz has some scary ideas, and is too much of a conservative Christian for my taste. I'm a Pagan though.

      1. Alternative Prime profile image59
        Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I Absolutely AGREE Jean, Ted is CREEPY indeed & He’ll get further scrutiny one way or another, either Voluntarily or Involuntarily via Law Suits ~

        The shady Ted Cruz “Back-Story” is indeed “Murky, Convoluted & STRANGE” which means it’s difficult to “Vet” an individual like this ~ I would add though, Rafael Bienvenido Cruz, Ted’s father was actually BORN in Cuba at the inception of the Communist Infiltration while Presidential Candidate Ted his son, was Foreign Born in Canada and we all know how “FOND” Republicans are of French People ~

        Then, in the late 50’s,  Ted’s father Rafael according to reports, washed ashore on U.S. Soil as a Refugee then apparently made his way across the border to Canada ~ One more reason WHY Ted’s Radically Inhumane “Un-Documented Immigration” stance here in the United States and his apparent disdain for foreigners is about as Hypocritical & Dangerous as it gets ~

  4. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    "Progressives welcome a diverse society " ? Maybe as long as they all think the same .     Yup ........Lets see .....you've got Hillary and Bernie !  Two  old, white, boring career politicians   running for office .    Where do you come up with this stuff ?

    1. Dean Traylor profile image94
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      First of all what does this have to do with the subject? Do you really  think cherry picking a statement is going to add a talking point for your ideological side? Secondly, are you implying that progressive should reject old white folks because they are old white folks?  Seriously, you need to fire the person who scripted that argument for all you ideologists to use. That was just silly.

    2. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      What ahorseback dosen't seem to understand is the FACT that Conservative Republicans NEED "Diversity" in Constiuency & Voters, not Diversity in Presidential Candidates, and the GOP will NEVER achieve this goal of attracting more than just Angry Old Bigoted White Men voters until they CHANGE their Values, Policies & Agenda ~ They will always be Rejected ~

      What value does Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz bring to the now defunct party of extreme conservative republicans if they continue to Espouse  & Support Grotesque TAX Cuts for the Wealthy, Terminating Social Security &  Medicare, Terminating Healthcare for Millions of Americans, Terminating Employment for Millions of Federal Employees, Controlling a Woman's Body, Stagnating Wages etc etc etc ?? ~ It's simply the SAME Old Radical Republican message spewed from a different color skin ~ This Wall Street Corporate Controlled "Mindset" will drive even MORE voters away, not attract them ~

      1. Dean Traylor profile image94
        Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry, I had to say something about that comment. I get tired of reading these rambling wrecks from people who expouse obvious talking points and then try to pretend they are unique thoughts. The problem is that I catch it all the time when I go through the discussion threads.

        Anyway, to answer the other question: The roommate for Ted Cruz made a statement that Teddy was a nightmare. He had bad hygenes harass the ladies, and tried to get into arguments for the sake of an arguments. The roommate stated that "99% of it was his personality; if he actually agreed with politics he would hate him only 1% less."

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Dean Taylor , Typical liberal memory lapse , Perhaps you were too young  or not paying attention during the 2008 elections when the leftist media  and candidates stated that the right was Too Old and Too White !    THAT was my intent to remind you and your P.C. Crowd who the REAL bigots are ! 

          Alternative power ,  You want us all to pretend that Hillary is the  open minded  change that we all need . She's so plastic that you can actually see right through her .  Oh sorry  , you're the" feel the Bernie" guy, now THERES diversity for you  !

          1. Dean Traylor profile image94
            Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Horseback, was that supposed to be a burn? I didn't feel any heat from it. In fact, I can sense the desperation in your comment. Then again that was typical. You made an assumption.You don't have any clue what group I belong to or what my political affiliation is. In fact, I'm still undecided who I'm going to vote for. I know it's not teddy boy because he's a slime ball who supports crazy groups.
            You came to this thread looking for a fight. So stop whining that somebody called you out.
            Then again you're just a follower. You're the problem not the solution. Don't bother posting your remark. You lost the argument when went the typical route of your ilks.

          2. Dean Traylor profile image94
            Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Btw (1) spell my name correctly. (2) The pasty white man was a caricature created by editorial cartoons and comedians well before the 2008 election and (3) PC has nothing to do with topic. In addition, you still believe the myth the media is liberal? You truly are naive if you believe that.

          3. Credence2 profile image77
            Credence2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

            It not just about 'old and white', it is about ideas. The superficial analogies hardly help you to make your point.

  5. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    Hey TwerkZerker WAY Back Up There ~ We already know that President Obama is a Communist Muslim Russian Half African GHOUL, Fox Loser Snooze Propaganda Network said so, and just look at what this HIDEOUS Creature had the AUDACITY to do to this Country ~

    I'm just trying to save us from ANOTHER 4 years of catastophic disatserous tenure ~ smile

    P.S. The ONLY individual so far who has SERIOUS legal issues as a result of that Republican Led Benghazi SHAM is the conservative republican numbskull Committee Chair named Trey Gowdy ~ MILLIONS of Tax Payer Funds used and what was the END Result? YOUR own Guy is in the Frying Pan ~ But don't worry Twerk, I'm sure prior to election voting republicans will once again FABRICATE an invalid, frivolous case against Hillary ~

    P.S.S. ~ President Obama's Birth Certificate indicates he was BORN in Hawaii, Mr. Cruz's Birth Certificate indicates he WAS NOT Born in the United States, he was born in a foreign country called Canada ~ smile

    1. TwerkZerker profile image74
      TwerkZerkerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Friend, I think your caps lock key is sticking.

      You seem to have missed my point in its entirety. What I was getting at is that the average voter is a brainless puppet of the media. Whether the candidate in question is Republican, Democrat, or Illuminati doesn't matter: people will vote for who the media convinces them to vote for--even if that person was an axe murderer who drowns puppies in his spare time.

      Therefore, it really doesn't matter what Cruz's history is. If people cared about a candidate's history enough for it to decide their vote, Obama wouldn't have been elected once, let alone twice. The fact that he's in office for a second term proves that people don't care (or a just too lazy to do a bit of research).

      As a side note, I'm not sure why you're so keen to defend Hillary. She flat out lied about the Benghazi incident being the fault of a YouTube video--right to the faces of the families of the four victims. How do we know? Because she herself admitted it when she later declared the attack to have been an act of terrorism. Interestingly enough, even after Hillary came clean, Obama kept on with the YouTube video lie for another couple weeks.

      But even if you were to justify her actions in Benghazi, that'd still leave you with the task of explaining her illegal actions in the Watergate (trying to deprive Nixon of his constitutional right to legal counsel), Travelgate (where her false accusations nearly ruined the life and reputation of the then-head of the travel office), the Rose Law Firm scandal, her bullying the victims of her philandering husband's sexual crimes into silence, her use of the IRS as a personal attack dog against her political and personal enemies during Bill's presidency, "Hillary Care" (which was such an abject failure that it made Obamacare look like a writ of divine providence), her habit of illegal campaign fundraising, her past illegal laundering of money from the Chinese government, her taking donations from countries that sponsor terrorism and atrocities against women and gays, her habit of stealing legal documents (and lying about doing so) only to have them appear on her coffee table one morning (oops!)...

      It's not worth wasting breath defending her. To call all of these "frivolous" and "fabricated" cases would require you to believe that not only Republicans are wrong, but that the entire Judicial branch, the FBI, and the historical record are also wrong. Fat chance.

      If you're going to back a Democrat, back Bernie. He'd make a terrible president, has terrible policy, and doesn't understand how an economy works, but at least he isn't a criminal and he honestly believes he could help the country. And if that's not enough, he's probably the only Democrat candidate who could avoid getting embarrassingly demolished in a debate about gun control.

      P.S.  The requirement for being president is to be "of at least 35 years of age and a 'natural born citizen'". Being a natural born citizen doesn't require one to be born in America as long as that person is born of an established American citizen. Cruz's mother was born in Delaware, thus Cruz carries his mother's American citizenship by default. His mother wasn't a Canadian citizen living in Canada, she was an American citizen living in Canada due to the location of her husband's job.

      P.P.S.  I also think Gowdy is a numbskull for wasting millions of taxpayer dollars trying to prove what can already plainly be seen. Hillary lied. Period. Why waste more money to prove what we already know? It would have been just as effective (and possibly even more so) to come out and call her a morally deficient scumbag (again, the historical record agrees) and save those millions of dollars. Ted Gowdy, though, is not "my guy". If you're going to go around pretending to know what I think and who I support, you're going to end up looking silly more often than not.

      1. Dean Traylor profile image94
        Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Hey Twerk, either you need to check your sources or stop data mining to find unverified "facts" to affirm your ideology. There's a lot known about Obama's past and his family. Joe the Plumber (the one who made the comment that his parents are communist) is possibly the worst source for this. And, Politifacts.com agrees.
          Also, the accusations you state about Hillary has been debunked numerous times, including the Benghazi thing. I've even stumbled upon the Watergate accusation. Guess what? Snopes.com labeled it false.
        Also, Obama had more negative reports made by the media than other candidates in 2008  and 2012.
        People elected Obama because he offered something different and fresh in the wake of the ongoing effects of the Great Recession. Also, he actually did very well in debates and with the ongoing negative publicity he was receiving.
        Now let's take a look at Ted Cruz.Teddy boy may lose because of that history of his. For one thing, he lacks the charismatic flare a president need. Also, his negative action during budget debates are still fresh in a lot people's minds. It doesn't help that he  seemingly places his support in things that can hurt the general public rather than help them. In other word his history is a major concern; especially, his college days.

        1. TwerkZerker profile image74
          TwerkZerkerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          You tried, I'll give you that. But when you go around citing Politifact.com, you throw all your credibility out the window. Politifact, despite their claims of being "impartial" is about as unbiased a source as the Huffington Post or Salon.com (i.e. they are all biased as hell in favor of liberals).

          Case-by-case studies into the methodology used by these "fact-checkers" to determine what constitutes "truth" have shown that sites like Politifact will use any and all available BS tactics they can to make it look like conservatives lie at every turn.

          Case in point:


          http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-gr … beral-bias

          As for your claim that Snopes disproves my claim about Hillary Clinton during the Watergate trials, you're so wrong it's not even funny. The only claim that Snopes looked (and debunked) is the myth that Hillary Clinton was *fired* by the Judiciary Chief of Staff, Jerry Zeifman. Technically, she *wasn't* fired. However, she did write a fraudulent legal brief (to deprive Nixon of legal counsel, despite Nixon having the constitutional right to legal counsel) and then confiscated relevant court documents which would have exposed her lie. Because of this, Zeifman recommended, on the basis of her moral depravity and habit of lying, that Hillary Clinton never be allowed to hold further public office. Snopes offers nothing but opinion about these other details.

          This isn't even the only time Hillary pulled stunts like this. She did the same darn thing during the Rose Law Firm scandal, and went on to become the first First Lady to be fingerprinted by the FBI for being so untrustworthy.

          Furthermore, Snopes seems to think that Hillary Clinton breaking the law at the behest of her supervisor somehow absolves her of any wrongdoing. If someone told you to kill someone, and you did, *you* would still be the one committing the crime.

          As for the rest of your lofty claims, I see not a single shred of evidence that suggests I believe even one of them. Hillary has been involved in more scandals than even most experts in politics could name off the tops of their heads, and she got out of almost all of them by low-order chicanery, convenient forgetfulness, and by destroying evidence. And Obama? The only reason he won the presidency (because according to polls, the majority of Americans actually favored Romney's policy), was the overwhelming media bias in his favor.

          Also, it's interesting you would fixate on Ted Cruz's college years, seeing as how we know absolutely nothing about Obama's college years (other than what colleges he went to). His transcripts are sealed up tighter than Fort Knox. For all we know, he spent his college days smoking reefer and sacrificing chickens to Karl Marx.

          1. Dean Traylor profile image94
            Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            As a former journalist i know which sites are good sources of well-researched material. News buster is not one of them.. that particular group was funded by conservative groups . The same with news max,brietbart, clear politics, and other countless blogs. 
            Most of the stuff you brought up has either been debunked or is just merely speculative at best.
            I don't expect you to believe me. I get the impression you're stuck in an ideological world that's black and white. Too bad because the real world has many shades of gray.
            For all I know you're a firm believer in conspiracy theories. Birther? 9/11 truther? End-timer? Well I'm just speculating and making things up right? Then again in one of your rambling comments you did mention illuminati.
            Anyway I guess the sky is really blue in that fantasy world. 

            By the way,  he went to occidental college, transferred to Columbia for his ba and then went to Harvard Law school where he became student president within that particular law school. Gee who could that be? Because there seems to be no information about his school years. Still, that sounds like a high achiever rather than somebody who  was deemed so arrogant that nobody wanted to be around him. And, oh yeah, that carried over to senate in his later years where he was despised  by both republicans and Democrats alike.

            Nice try twerk. But you whiffed on your claim.

            1. Dean Traylor profile image94
              Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              BTW: I just realized you used US News? That too is run by a conservative group. Also, upon further reading your response, I realized that you didn't read the Snopes article thoroughly. It cast doubt Zeifman. It appears he was the bad apple in the entire process. He hated everyone involved in the case. Thus, is validity is in question.
              Finally, most of the so-called accusations made against Hillary over the years have been coming from only a few sources. A lot of these claims appear to have come from conservative think-tanks. These groups have often been hired by opposing candidates to sling nifty-sounding BS to discredit an opponent. Even as a college journalist, they'd send PR flyers and letters trying to persuade us to believe this crap. And, I;ll have to say something that sound like I'm evoking the Godwin Rule, this is a tactic similarly used by Goebbels (you know, repeat a lie, and eventually the public will believe it). Obviously it didn't take much effort to convince you.

  6. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    Alternative Prime , This thread merely proves  wholeheartedly  that those on  the left , as in yourself ,  are far  more close minded and selfishly biased than the right .         How juvenile  the idea is that because his Father was Cuban  that the right would naturally despise him .       The right is  far more open minded than THAT .     We leave it to liberal  fascists  to bar a candidate because of his ethnicities , his family background  ,or skin color .  Either way  political correctness is for the left .

    One clear look  at the candidates of both parties   clears up your regurgitated  hatred  ,Clinton and Sanders are  proving that out as you speak .     What's with your candidates and their e- mails wars!

    1. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Tell that to the "Birthers" ~ Millions UPON Millions of CONservative Republicans who have refused to ACCEPT President Obama as Legitimate because he happens to be African American ~ Tell that to Ted Cruz who is anxious to start Carpet Bombing Innocent Human Beings in another Country and who apparently agrees with a preacher who advocates harm to all Gay Individuals ~ Tell that to Conservative Republicans who constantly OBSTRUCT Minimum Wage Increases, Women's Rights etc ~ Tell that to Dr. Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, and Paul Ryan who Advocate terminating Social Security and Medicare ~ Tell that to Mitt Romney who has a plan for affordable student loans "Go Borrow the Money from your Parents" ~ ALL FACTS that can be easily Verified ~

      It goes on and on ahorseback  ~ There is NO doubt which party is Racially Intolerant etc, and it ain't Progressive Democrats or Democratic Socialists ~ smile

  7. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    U*P*D*A*T*E :

    Latest Quinnipiac National Poll (One of Many National POLLS) ~ Extremist Cruz STILL Trails TRUMP

    Trump  ~ 28%
    Cruz     ~ 24%

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Short of Nuclear  war Ted Cruze will be the next president , get used to that !

      1. Live to Learn profile image60
        Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Don't give him any ideas. Some people will do anything to keep a republican from taking office.

      2. Alternative Prime profile image59
        Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I think if Ted Cruz is SERIOUS about becoming the next president he must REPENT of his past Comments and then get SERIOUS about his Comical Physical APPEARANCE ~

        Someone on his Staff really should clue him in on how DOPEY he looks in his little "Hunting Costume" ~ smile His Plaid Shirt, Cracked in Half Shotgun draped over his flabby shoulders, a meek impotent little Cartoonish voice, he looks and sounds just like Elmer Fudd doing an impression of Dick Nixon ~ smile

      3. Alternative Prime profile image59
        Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry ahorseback, I may be wrong, but I believe Ted's Constitutional Eligibility to actually become the President of the Uinted States will be TESTED by his opponents and perhaps even individual states if and when he ever becomes a factor ~

        A Case could be made for BOTH sides, Eligibility and Ineligibility, and considering his Radically Extreme Beliefs and Insanely irresponsible Intent, challenging his Legitimacy would be the prudent course of action, anything less would be irresponsible ~

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Sorry AP. , he was born to a" nationalized American parent "  , Hey !, Kind of like Obama !

          1. Alternative Prime profile image59
            Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Um ahorseback....One Humongous DIFFERENCE, President Obama was born in Hawaii which I believe is a PROPERTY of the United States and  your beloved Ted "CARPET Bomber" Cruz was born in a Foreign  Land which can be a problem.......If you were a little more Law Savvy you'd understand the FACT that there are no less than "GRAY Areas", Contestable Cracks in the U.S. Constitution with regard to this subject ~

            Who knows, he might go Un-Tested regarding this Critical issue, however, I believe it would be Negligent to ACCEPT his Birth Place at Face Value ~ Sorry ahorseback, but those are just the unfortunate inconvenient FACTS for individuals who are born in Canada or Communist Cuba, or anywhere else other than the United States of America ~ smile

            WHY would you possibly want this Mentally Challenged individual as your President anyway? Ridiculous ~

  8. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    U*P*D*A*T*E :

    Brand NEW National POLL 12/23/2015 :

    Trump    39%
    Cruz       18%

    *Ted Cruz Trails Trump by 21% ~ ALL OTHER Candidates are at LEAST 29% BEHIND Trump

    * Jed Bush DROPs Again ~ sad

  9. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    U*P*D*A*T*E :

    LISTEN to this ~

    Ted "The CARPET Bomber" Cruz tells the Media to "Leave his Children Alone" ~ smile ~ He ACTUALLY said that believe it or NOT ~

    1. Live to Learn profile image60
      Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That's not exactly breaking news.

      1. Alternative Prime profile image59
        Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I never said it was “Breaking News”, I specifically  categorized it as an UP-DATE to this Thread for the Benefit of all my followers and or readers ~ If your apparent "Pump the GOP" agenda was not a PRIMARY mission here, you would have realized that ~ It’s NEWS which broke within the last few days or so and I‘m sorry if your demented hero Ted “The Carpet Bomber“ Cruz is beginning to be EXPOSED for what he truly is in this forum and elsewhere ~  I think the general public might find it interesting to know who this Absent Minded & Dangerously Disturbed individual truly is  ~

        By the way, thanks for your substantive contribution to this conversation in your last 5 WORD Comment ~ Now, maybe you and colorfulone can continue on with your NONSENSICAL Rhetoric Crusade & Promotion of Backward Hillbilly CONservative Republicans who are trying desperately to TAKE from ALL Americans and GIVE what they take to Wall Street, Greed Driven Filthy Rich Individuals , and Cash Hoarding Corporations ~

        1. Live to Learn profile image60
          Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this


          So, basically, by reading your post we can assume that you know nothing about any other hubbers.  Don't bother to read threads you didn't start and don't think much before you post. That's OK. For a pro bono propagandist that is probably the norm.

          1. Alternative Prime profile image59
            Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I don't even know what the hell you're talking about "Live to Learn" nor do I care, but my suggestion ? ~ Maybe WRITE and or Create a few MORE "CONTENT Rich" Hubs and perhaps you might EARN the Right to Particiapate in the HP Forums through Legitimate Contributions to this site ~ smile ~ 2 Measly HUBS does not a "Credible Contributor Make" ~

            In the mean time :

            http://giphy.com/gifs/obama-vs-cruz-wit … W4c3viXIxG

            1. Live to Learn profile image60
              Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Interesting. That's what appears to be the usual fall back position when you don't have a leg to stand on. smile

              1. Alternative Prime profile image59
                Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Actually "Live to Learn",  ALL the information pertaining to Ted Cruz on this Thread, with the exception of course of my Creative Writing Insertions & ENHANCEMENTS is indeed FACTUAL and Easily Verified by even those humans with a "Bare Bones" comprehension of the Queen's English ~

                Unlike yourself & colorfulone who constantly make False Accusations & Provide DUBIOUS Links ~

                So, just to RECAP, here are some HIGHLIGHTS of the FACTS on Topic to this particular Forum ~ I'll continue to Re-Cap more FACTS as we progress into the FUTURE ~

                * Although he has yet to Admit this fact in any of the Debates or Popular Interviews that I'm aware of, Ted Cruz was indeed BORN in a Foreign Land NOT the United States of America ~ According to Precedent Established by Conservative Republicans, this fact makes him susceptible to in depth Scrutiny related his Eligibility or perhaps In-Eligibility to LEGALLY hold the United States Presidency ~

                * Once again, he has never admited this FACT that his father was NOT Born in the United States of America either, but he was BORN in Communist Cuba ~ We ALL know Republicans have an Unabashed *LOVE* & *Affection* for "Cuban Refugees" or any other "Refugee" period ~

                * Ted Cruz admitted the FACT that he he would indeed committ the War Crime of "Carpet Bombing" Foreign Lands if God Forbid he was Elected President ~ What other War Crimes or CRIMES Period would he committ if given the White House Keys ?? ~

  10. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    U*P*D*A*T*E :

    Just watched a Vid-Clip of Donald Trump in 2011 PROCLAIMING "You Cannot be President of the United States if you were NOT Born in the United States" ~

    Um....Ted Cruz Admitted the FACT that he was BORN in a Foreign Country & His Father was BORN in Cuba......2 Irrefutable Facts....Conservative Republicans Despise "Foreigners & Immigrants" ~ Trump just "Popped OPEN" his Purse, Can the "HIT-Adds" be far Behind ~ smile

  11. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    U*P*D*A*T*E :

    Crazy Entrepreneur TRUMP Crushes Republican Politicians in Latest Natiional POLL ****

    *Trump ~ 35%
    Cruz    ~    18%
    Bush   ~     6%

    * At 18% & 6% respectively, or should we say Dis-Respectively sad it 's very difficult to believe that with these Chronically Anemic Numbers, voters who SAY they would actually show up to the Voting Booths in support of these Floundering, Lackluster & Incompetent Candidates, would indeed actually show Up ~ The REAL Numbers I would estimate to be approximately 9% for Cruz & 3% for Bush ~

    If Bush Continues to Spend Wall Street Funded Pac-Money, his numbers could conceivably start TICKLING the Geographical Boundaries of China  sad  NOT the Intended Outcome I would Presume  sad

  12. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    Well, here we GO just as I predicted smile Crazy Bigoted Trump Commences his PROBE into Lunatic Ted "The Carpet Bomber" Cruz's American Citizenship, or Trump's assertion of Ted's lack thereof ~

    At least now, unlike Trump's Frivolously Ridiculous Asinine Assertions against President Obama, who was clearly BORN in the USA, Hawaii to be more precise and the FACTUAL Data CLEARLY Supports his Legal Citizenship just like all other Legal Americans, his case against Cruz on the other hand, who was NOT even Born in the United States and admits he was Born in a Foreign Country, might actually be legit in the eyes of the GOP & Certainly Considered an Absolute "Abomination" to REAL CONservative Republicans ~

    Any SUSPICION of Foreign Born Candidates is Intolerable to CONservative Republicans, History Dictates this Sentiment ~

    How does Ted Defend himself ? Can he Survive these Informal Charges ?

    Remember how Delusional Ben Carson's POLL numbers C*R*A*T*E*R*E*D a few weeks ago after CONservative Republicans found out he was Black ?  smile ~ Well, at least that's one of the theories ~ smile

  13. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    U*P*D*A*T*E :

    While CRAZY Trump, Olive OILY Ann Coulter, & Several other Prominent CONservative Voices were Questioning the Legal Citizenship Status of Ted Cruz who was NOT Born in America and whose father was Born in Cuba, DIZZY Republican Paul Ryan once again today via a Republican Controlled Congress, Attempted to STRIP Health Insurance from 15 Million PLUS Americans ~

    CONservative Speaker of the House Paul Ryan thinks "NO Fly" individuals should be allowed to OWN as many GUNz as they desire, yet 15 Million AMERICANS should be DENIED Essential Health Care Insurance ~ Your TAX Dollars at WORK  ~ sad

  14. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    U*P*D*A*T*E :

    According to a recent interview, AZ SENATOR John McCain, who is absolutely DEAD Wrong on his Policy IDEA to send at least 10,000 MORE U.S. Troops into the Middle EAST, is apparently on-board supporting at least an informal Investigation into Ted Cruz's Legal Right or lack thereof, to Legitimately Hold the Presidency of the United States ~

  15. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    U*P*D*A*T*E :

    No Surprise, Ted "The Carpet Bomber" Cruz is SINKING in the Iowa POLLs ~  Legitimate Questions about his "Eligibility" to be President of the United States of America are All Consuming at this POINT  ~ sad

  16. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    Yup, for once in their life times Ted "The Carpet Bomber" Cruz and the other 6 ANGRY CONservative Republican Presidential Candidates are indeed CORRECT sad ~ 10 American Naval Personnel were detained, apparently compelled to crouch on their knees in a submissive position, and were held for approximately 24 Hours then RELEASED ~

    However, what Ted " The Carpet BOMBER" Cruz & The other Magnificent 6 don't seem to understand or simply Neglect, is the FACT that if Ronald Reagan, George the Bush Senior, George W the Junior, Mutt Romney or John McCain where President and the same incident occured, it is Highly Likely given past precedent that the same 10 Naval Personnel would have been either Executed or Detained as Hostages for Months or even YEARS ~ JUST the FACTS ~

    P.S. ~ The LEGAL Definition of "Natural BORN" is Inconclusive at BEST, it could conceivably mean an individual is required to be BORN on U.S. Soil ~ Ted Cruz knows this but could care less if OUR Country were to be Muddled in Controversy & LAW Suits for years or even decades if he by that Extreme LONG-Shot actually became the GOP Nominee ~ sad

    Think Ted will "Bow-OUT" and save ALL of us the Aggravation & Embarrassment ?? My Opinion ? NOT a Chance unless of course his POLL Numbers SINK ~

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I know one thing  ,YOU are worried ,and  justifiably so , for the rush on the fact that TED will be our next president and he'll remember all your  anger towards the right , better get paranoid !

      1. Alternative Prime profile image59
        Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        lol ~ YUP, you might be right ahorseback, Ted got Cruddy Dirt-Pile Phil Robertson's Endorsement which of course means all registered "Skunk Apes" and Swamp Dudes who Practice Bad Personal Hygiene Habits & Shower once every SPRING if they can whittle a bar of soap should now VOTE for him ~ smile ~ Just enough to put him over the TOP......The TOP of the BOTTOM of the Barrel that is ~ smile

        It's common knowledge, Ted has BIG Problems, one being his "Eligibility Issue" ~

        P.S.  ~ The FIRST of Many Law Suits AGAINST Cruz has already been filed, in Houston ~ It might be enough to make him MOVE back HOME, to Canada ~ smile  smile

  17. psycheskinner profile image83
    psycheskinnerposted 8 years ago

    The legal defintion is extremely clear and applied every single day in diverse situations.

    If if people find your thread so boring you need to bump it 7 times, maybe take the hint?

    1. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I appreciate your input psycheskinner, but just like much of the U.S. Constitution, "Natural BORN" will remain Ambiguous at BEST until the United States Supreme Court Adjudicates the issue ~

      P.S. ~ The ONLY individuals who would have the audacity to call this thread "Boring" are CONservative Republicans, and I could certainly understand WHY, unfortunately for them, this and my other THREADS hit the TRUTH about Ted "The Carpet BOMBER" Cruz & Related CONservative Republicans  ~ smile

  18. colorfulone profile image78
    colorfuloneposted 8 years ago

    I love Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson and his wife Kay!

    "Duck Commander Phil Robertson Cooks his Famous Pralines"

    He takes you into his home into the kitchen to cook Pralines.  Looks yummy!  Looks like a nice clean organized kitchen, and he looks clean too.   I like his accent and voice.  He is his own man!  smile


    You can see their large dinning room and table.  Sweet!

    1. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah Right, what a Specimen, he sure looks like every Woman’s DREAM Man ~ sad ~

      If of course you like Lazy Home Schooled DIRT-Piles who ONLY git Up off their assiz’ to Drink Beer n‘ Hunt ~ sad ~ She doesn’t look that satisfied to me, and what woman could possibly be happy standing next to him. I can just imagine that SWAMPY Smell and the all those Dried Up FOOD Crud Crumbs falling from that Dirty Greasy  Lookin‘ Beard? ~

      Unless of course your twisted idea of an Attractive Man is someone who looks like a Drunken Inbred Pedophile who hasn’t taken a BATH in a few months ~ If this Crusty Lookin’ Dim-Witted Hillbilly didn’t have a few Bucks & Perhaps a Life Insurance Policy stashed in his Bank Account, do you HONESTLY think a woman would actually marry him ?? ~

      1. Thief12 profile image90
        Thief12posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Well, obviously not everyone has the same taste in men as you.

        1. Alternative Prime profile image59
          Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          "TASTE" ? I don't think so, I can't think of a single woman I know who would even entertain the THOUGHT of being with a Dirt-Pile like him ~ Even with a "DUCK Filled" Bank Account ~ sad

          When the ONLY other choice of a mate is a Dung Covered “Skunk Ape”, Jed Bush’s LONG Lost Cousin in Hiding,  or living in Poverty without help, anything to pay the bills even hookin' Up with someone like CREEPY Phil Robertson & his Crud Filled BEARD might be the ONLY thing a woman can muster out in the Filthy SWAMPs ~ smile

      2. Thief12 profile image90
        Thief12posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        You know, it's interesting because I've never even seen a single Duck Dynasty episode, nor do I care about the Robertson's. But I started reading a bit about him and it's quite interesting.

        Phil Robertson grew up poor, but was a highschool athlete. He earned a football scholarship and attended Louisiana Tech where he completed both a bachelor's and a master's degree. He was approached to play for the NFL but declined. He met his wife in high school, and married while still in college, long before he started the duck call business and became a millionaire. He worked as a teacher, fisherman, and bar owner before starting the Duck Commander company, in which his wife serves as VP. They've been married almost 50 years.

        So again, most of your insults and statements here are not true :-)

        1. Alternative Prime profile image59
          Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          First of all Theif12, do you honestly believe everything you READ ? Even if you do, nothing you've posted Dis-Proves what I've commented on, and just keep in mind, we're talking about Louisiana here ~ smile

          Secondly, "Duck Dynasty" is a DOG of a Reality Venture, Boring & Dumb just like the Actors & the Audience, a complete Waste of Time unless of course watching MORONS is your idea of a "Valuable Experience"  ~ smile

          I could care less about Phil Robertson & DUCK Calls either because I don't HUNT, we now have a NEW Invention called "Super Markets" where people can Actually PURCHASE their food already Skined and De-feathered, it saves Time & Energy for those Hard Working American SLAVES throughout the nation who have REAL Jobs ~ smile

          But when someone like Phil Robertson who is Clueless about American Values, pokes his nose through that Cruddy Lookin' Beard and into Politics, that's a different story ~ And when he supports a Foreign Born Radical CONservative Republican like Ted Cruz who shares a stage with an insane PREACHER who talks about Exterminating all Gay Individuals, or talks about perpetrating the WAR Crime of "Carpet BOMBING" foreign countries, that's even another story, it's Pathetic, Anti-American, and Dangerous ~

    2. colorfulone profile image78
      colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Phil, is a manly man, an outdoors-man.  I like Phil. 
      I'd go duck hunting with Phil and Kay. 


      1. Alternative Prime profile image59
        Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Nice pic ~ sad ~ Can you imagine what this guy smells like after sitting in Duck Crap all day? Look at him ~ sad ~ No woman I know would give this Creepy lookin' swamp dud a second glance ~

        But colorfulone, I'm NOT surprised at your feelings toward Phil "Dirt-Pile" Robertson, you must NEED a man REALLY Really Bad, or at least someone like Phil who kinda resembles a man ~

        Just remember, a REAL man dosen't Need a Gun, a REAL Man dosen't Hunt, and a REAL Man dosen't Look like he hasn't taken a bath in a few months, and a REAL man dosen't smell like a "Skunk Ape", and a REAL man Definately Does NOT Vote for Ted "Carpet BOMBER" Cruz ~

  19. Thief12 profile image90
    Thief12posted 8 years ago

    Some facts...

    Rafael Bienvenido Cruz was born in 1939, and left Cuba in 1957.

    Castro became PM of Cuba in 1959 after the Cuban Revolution, and the Communist Party didn't take control until 1965.

    So the premise of the forum saying that Rafael Cruz grew up in a "Red country" or that he's a "refugee from Communist Cuba" is based on a false argument. I don't care about Ted Cruz. I think he's a joke. But I also don't care about those that try to spread false statements as facts.

    1. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thief12 ~ It’s quite CLEAR that we’ve arrived at “Diverging Conclusions” as it pertains to Cruz’s Father and that’s OKAY smile ~ By now, I’m used to it around here, some individuals STILL Actually believe President Obama was BORN in Kenya despite a Birth-Certificate which CLEARLY Proves otherwise in FACTUAL Fashion, and so be it ~ No Harm No Foul, we all can believe what we choose to believe ~

      But what I think everyone needs to understand is the FACT that even though Al-Assad is the Dictator of Syria, the country is essentially Communist as Directly & Indirectly Controlled by Russia, and the same was indeed true of Cuba, the Dictator in the 1950’s, Batista, did not take an Overt Communist Title however, he was indeed CONTROLLED by Communists and this Control was Established long before Castro Assumed Power, long before 1965 ~  So, your interpretation of history that ONLY "Castro EQUALS Communism in Cuba" is nothing less than Flawed ~

      Once again Thief12, Facts are Facts but everyone is entitled to believe what they will ~ smile

      Anyway, "Carpet BOMBER" Cruz has much BIGGER Issues than this, but it is part of his Record ~

  20. Thief12 profile image90
    Thief12posted 8 years ago

    Now we're getting out of the land of facts and into the rugged terrain of speculations, opinions, and misconceptions. Good luck on your journey.

    1. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      NOT True for an individual who understands HISTORY ~ smile ~ It's a FUN Journey Thief12, and enlightening at times as well ~ smile

  21. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    U*P*D*A*T*E :

    NEW National Poll #s

    TRUMP ~ 36%
    Cruz       ~ 17%

    *Trump DOUBLES Cruz ~ ***** EVERYONE Else? GONE ***** ~

  22. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    U*P*D*A*T*E :

    Despite "Sea Barnacle" Sarah Palin Weighing DOWN the "Donald", TRUMP Builds Commanding LEAD in Iowa:

    Trump ~ 34%
    Cruz    ~ 23%

    ** According to his last HORRENDOUS Debate Performance, "Rollie Pollie" Chris Christy is anxious to see President Obama's "Rear-End" out of the White House ~ I guess it's an appropriate Comment from the New Jersey Governor considering it's one of the ONLY subjects he he knows plenty about sad .........He's the ONLY Politician I know of who can PLOP his Plump rear-end on a wooden stool in Hoboken and Attend a Debate in Balmy Las Vegas..........At the SAME TIME !!!!!  ----------> smile smile

    1. Jean Bakula profile image91
      Jean Bakulaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      We can't stand him in NJ! He's made a mess of our state. He can turn on the charm, like most politicians, like he did during Hurricane Sandy. He seems sincere about the state, but is bad on economics, environment, and women's issues.

      He had his stomach tied or whatever that procedure is before he began campaigning.

      1. Alternative Prime profile image59
        Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        NOW, he should get his Brain UN-TIED & Maybe grab a MOP and do something productive for a change to WORK them Xtra Calories ~ smile ~ I've also heard from the press that Chris "SHOOTIN' Down Russian Jets" Christy is a chronic LIAR ~ At least that's the book on him ~   

        Corruption Charges OVER-Shadow him as well Jean and some good people in New Jersey are now saying the Flooding and Incidental Circumstances in the Aftermath of the recent "Quasi-Blizzard" was even WORSE than what occured as a result of Hurricane Sandy ~

        Not good considering he PROCLAIMED they were "Better Prepared" this time around ~

        1. Jean Bakula profile image91
          Jean Bakulaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          While NJ fared well in the snow storm, apparently Cape May and points South did have a lot of flooding after this last snow storm happened. Although a lot of money was raised by Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi in our state, FEMA tried to jip people out of money they needed to repair their homes or to start over again. The Weather Channel downgraded Sandy to a "superstorm" instead of whatever level hurricane it was, just to save money. We lived without power for about 10 days, it was awful and cold even in the summer, because all that cold air comes in with the storm. You have no lights or hot water, so it's hard to live. So many people still don't have repairs, and some are rebuilding homes on stilts, like in a bayou.

          Even though everyone loves beachfront property, it may no longer be safe now that the climate is changing so much, Miami is sinking each year.

          Christie's abrasive style is accepted in NJ, most people here want the truth and not a lot of BS. I doubt he will get too far in the midwest or even southern states, his brash personality will turn people off. And I'm sick of hearing about what all these politicians did for 9/11. It was 15 years ago, we all lost people we knew or knew someone who had a loss, and we are tired of reliving what was traumatic over and over again. I live 45 minutes from NY, and it was terrifying. But R's love to run on fear. Christie was a state attorney general for a long time, but has a ridiculous amount of people in jail on pot charges and petty stuff.

          1. Alternative Prime profile image59
            Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Looks like your Prediction was indeed CORRECT Jean, Christie now OUT of Contention which is NO Big surprise with Bush, Rubio & Carson not far behind ~ Bush has been OUT from the begining but continues to "PRETEND" Voters support him which is nonsense ~ "Carpet BOMBER" Cruz will remain a little longer because believe it or not, we still have s few Dim-Witted Republicans who continue to Vote gainst their BEST Interests ~

            9/11 was a TRAGIC Attack on our nation, one which was executed on idiot George W Bush's watch which means he and his CONservative Cohorts must someday take FULL & Complete Resonsibility for which they REFUSE to accept ~ Republicans Strong & COMPETENT regarding National Security? A Monumental MYTH to say the Least  ~ sad

            I understand Florida is indeed "Sinking" ~ "Extreme Climate Alteration" is happening RIGHT Now, but CONservative Republicans are NOT allowed to admit to this FACT due to the severe Risk of "Campaign Contribution Cancellation"  which of course equates to JOB Loss ~

            Here's another little known FACT which is directly related ~ Oklahoma, Yup, Oklahoma is NOW the Undisputed "EARTHQUAKE" Champion as a DIRECT Result of "FRACKING" for natural gas ~ MORE Tremors are RECORDED in this Region than anywhere else on EARTH ~ -----> sad

            1. Jean Bakula profile image91
              Jean Bakulaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Wow, I didn't know that about Oklahoma.

              Jeb's presidential bid is getting downright embarrassing, he should just say he wants to spend more time with his family, the code politicians use when they need to step down and get out of something. He made a fool of himself talking about how his brother kept us safe, I guess forgetting  9/11 happened on his watch. Bill Clinton and the CIA warned him Bin Ladin was ready to attack the U.S. and he ignored it.

              I wonder if the R's will ever get out of their "bubble." I watch Fox news just to mock it once in a while, and all they do is sit there and tell outright lies about how Obama's Presidency was terrible. Is it prejudice? Or are we just that polarized? Obama plodded away, all the while they mocked and blocked him, and did a lot of good things.

              When you watch clips of the R debates, they don't have any solutions to any of the problems. If Hillary or Bernie wins, they will do the same thing and block all they want to do. We really need more parties. I'm supporting Hillary, but even though she has so much experience, she isn't really exciting. Maybe she's been around too long, but it's her last shot and I'd like to see her win. Bernie is good too, but they will be running negative ads with hammers and sickles if he continues to do well.

              1. Alternative Prime profile image59
                Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Hi Jean ~ Yeah, the developments in Oklahoma are quite ALARMING where this once relatively STABLE swath of good earth has evolved from experiencing 0 to 2 small tremors annually, which is to be expected from NATURAL Forces, to HUNDREDS and even Thousands per year and the ONLY change which this seismic increase could possibly be attributed to is the INTRODUCTION of EARTH Shattering "Fracking for PROFIT" ~ Yup, "Capitalism at it's Absolute FINEST" sad ~

                I would urge everyone who reads this to investigate on his/her own, it's STARTLING to say the least and it's not Limited to Oklahoma ~

                I also agree with your assessment of FOX Loser Channel where every time I Check-Up on what these Republican HACKs are actually trying to Peddle, it's all about Benghazi and their partisan LIES about said tragic incident ~ Ridiculous & Shameful to say the least, they need to let the Victims of this  event Rest in PEACE and move on ~

                When Hillary or Bernie accepts the keys to our White House it will indeed be "OBSTRUCTION" by the CONservative Congress as usual, that's why a PUSH to "REPEAL & Replace" these Wall Street Republican Corporate Puppets should be a primary focus as well as the Presidency ~

            2. wilderness profile image97
              wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Baloney.  Yellowstone National Park (a small portion of Wyoming) has as many as 3,000 tremors every year (that's nearly 10 every day).  And has for a long time now.

              Don't believe everything you read and even less with it comes from someone with an ax to grind.

              1. Alternative Prime profile image59
                Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                You're right wilderness, that's why I typically don't BELIEVE a WORD you say ~ sad

                Let's not be deceptive with our CLAIMS ~ Yellowstone experiences "AS MANY AS" 3,000 per year NOT 3,000 ~ ESTIMATES are between 1,000 - 3,000 annually which definately signifies a "Seismic HOT Spot" however, it also indicates a HUGE Discrepancy in STATS ~

                My Info stems directly from SEVERAL Reliable Sources including the "Oklahoma Corporation Commission" which has been studying this eerie phenomena since inception ~ They should have a GOOD Feel for the "SHAKING" considering they are right in the midst of this Critical Situation  ~

                Keep "Digging" for the TRUTH about the utterly ABSURD & Destructive activity of "Fracking" in Oklahoma and the LONG Term EARTH Destabilizing & Detrimental EFFECTS of said Negligent Practices which is supported primarily by your Greed Driven Capitalist Republicans ~

  23. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    I guess Ted "Carpet BOMBER" Cruz's "Stand UP" routine last night at the GOP Debate is considered FUNNY.............---------- > in CANADA ~ smile

  24. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    Just in case you are STILL actually contemplating a vote for CREEPY Anarchist Ted "Carpet BOMBER" Cruz, according to a PLEDGE he made at the "GOP CONservative Circus Debate" last night, if his " Eligibility Issue" pans out in his favor, he would actually begin his tenure as President by INCREASING National Unemployment by roughly 80,000 after he Abolishes the I.R.S. ~

    Essentially, he would Fire 80,000 HARD Working Americans who work for your Federal Government ~ sad  ~ TYPICAL Perverted CONservative VALUES ~ sad

  25. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    Cruz & Rubio are pretty much DONE and that's no surprise ~ When a NEVER was like Donnie Wahlberg tries to "PUMP U Up" like he recently did by trying to endorse Rubio over "Carpet BOMBER" Cruz, it's a sure sign of a Decrepit LOSING Campaign ~

    Maybe if Cruz spent a little MORE time on "REPEALING & Re-Placing" his OWN Ideas and petitioning a judge for radification of his legal U.S. citizenship  instead of Plopping his radical little rear-end in DUCK Crap all day playin' with that "Dirt Pile" Robertson, he might have been a contender ~ smile  ~ A contender for the NUT Case Vote that is ~ sad

  26. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    Cruz Stomped OUT by Trump AGAIN in Nevada sad Ouch sad ~

    Time for TED to Suspend then fly back home to Canada, FLIP his entire platform over, Change his first Name to TOM, Repent & Ask for FORGIVENESS of his sins, get some legal paperwork authenticating his U.S. Citizenship, take a few voice lessons so he'll sound like a real man when he speaks not someone who just escaped from the "Lollipop GUILD", then try another run in 8 years ~ smile ~ A run for "Chairman of the Toronto NUT House" that is smile

  27. colorfulone profile image78
    colorfuloneposted 8 years ago

    Ted Cruz's people reached out to Donald Trump to ask if he would commit to a seat on the Supreme Court for Ted if he dropped out before Super Tuesday.  Trump said, "No Dice!"

    Now, sources say Cruz is trying to make the same deal with Rubio.

    Rubo's wife called Ted's wife to plead and beg her to get Ted to drop out so Rubio can win the Florida primary.   If Rubio doesn't win in FL, the Koch brothers are going to have Rubio drop out and they are going to put Mutt in, in an all out ditch effort to stop Trump.

    I have no doubt that Trump could beat Mutt, too.
    You heard it here first.


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