According to a former senior law enforcement official, multiple FBI investigations are underway.
Joint FBI-US Attorney Probe Of Clinton Foundation Is Underway
* … -underway/
The Clintons amassed $3 billion in four decades? Wow!
Hillary has ALWAYS been a pathological liar and has ALWAYS refused to follow ethical, moral and legal standards. Her history is down right despicable.
Scroll down to the "2013 Version"
“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”
Lots of confusion, but he reportedly said, ‘If I had the power to fire her, I would have fired her,’ I think that was in 2008.
Clinton Body Count or Left-Wing Conspiracy? Three With Ties to DNC Mysteriously Die
* … e-n2203000
Just saying!
Donald Trump called for the Clinton Foundation to be shut down.
"What they were doing during Crooked Hillary's time as Secretary of State was wrong then, and it is wrong now. It must be shut down immediately. It is now clear that the Clinton Foundation is the most corrupt enterprise in political history," he said. That is true!
The Clinton Foundation announced last week that it would stop accepting donations from corporations and foreign governments should Clinton become president. (wink, wink)
Thankfully, the ACLJ is on the case to get to bottom of the Clinton Foundations collusion with the Obama State Department
* … department
Really, this should be top headlines everywhere but then she apparently owns most news centers, or well Soros does, who owns her.
I would have never in my life believed such corruption would have gone on in the face of Americans and most of them approve!
George Soros is an evil man.
The American icon of media (MSM), has sacrificed all remaining aspects of integrity and trust, in a pitifully blatant, subjective effort to gloss over the corruption of their favored career politician, Hillary Clinton, and brainwash the gullible American mindset to be outraged over small things against the successful character and track record of Donald J. Trump. Journalists are instead, destroying their own credibility in the process.
True Americans are fed up with corrupt, career politicians and the corrupt, blatantly politically biased MSM and I hope and pray they will rise up in mass and speak at the polls in November and put America first again with Donald Trump!
Thank you for sharing, Polly.
Hillary wasn't allowed to reveal all the info about Benghazi, because one of the men killed was in the CIA, and Obama didn't want anyone to know the CIA was involved.
The worst kept secret, well one of them, is that whole deal was about shipping Gaddafi's stockpile of weapons to rebels in Syria.
The Administration was working through their 'allies' in the Muslim Brotherhood to get it done, and someone(s) along the way betrayed them (to a degree, hence the murder of the Ambassador and those trying to protect him) ... the riots weren't a riot, they were a pretty well scouted out and planned attack (another not so well kept secret)... the worst of all this (other than the lives lost) is the fact that they had the gall to go out in front of America and blame it all on a YouTube video (maybe the worst thing is that the media went out and sold that bogus story rather than exposing it for the lie that it was right from the outset).
No matter who wins, the country is so polarized it will probably stay that way for years. Sanders supporters seem to be going with the two Independent candidates. I am unsure if having more parties would help, but it seems likely it would (though not at this late date).
Hillary Clinton's own words, April 21, 2018, "I want Iranians to know that if I'm president, we will attack Iran. We would be able to totally obliterate them."
Hillary Clinton voted for the attack on Iraq, that lead to the deaths of over 100,000 Muslims.
A war that displaces millions of Muslims.
Hillary Clinton oversaw the attack on Libya, and laughed about it! An act of regime change that lead to the displacement of 400,000 Libyans, almost all of them Muslims. Of these, thousands have drowned at sea trying to escape the hell-hole Hillary helped create.
Hillary Clinton supported arming jihadist rebels in Syria, a country of 90% Muslims, being almost completely ruined.
Hillary was responsible for policies that created ISIS, and she helped transfer weapons to ISIS. (That's there in those emails.) ISIS has been responsible for killing 10's of thousands of Muslims.
Hillary Clinton's policies have lead directly to the death and displacement of millions of Muslims. She is the progressive candidate that Muslims should support?
Hillary Clinton Hates Muslims
Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. What the heck is wrong with those two? Are they lunatics, and completely mad?
Trump is such a bad man for saying he would temperately ban Muslims coming into America until we can properly vet them. Bad, bad, Trump...oh dear, oh dear. Hillary says she will "totally obliterate them".
April 21, 2008 "I want Iranians to know that if I'm president, we will attack Iran. We would be able to totally obliterate them." ~ Hillary Clinton (sick)
I've been hoping someone else would address this, but since they haven't here is the full context. Note that her statement refers to retaliation for a nuclear strike against Israel, something most conservatives would support, including the "law and order" candidate Donald.
"Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned Tehran on Tuesday that if she were president, the United States could "totally obliterate" Iran in retaliation for a nuclear strike against Israel.
On the day of a crucial vote in her nomination battle against fellow Democrat Barack Obama, the New York senator said she wanted to make clear to Tehran what she was prepared to do as president in hopes that this warning would deter any Iranian nuclear attack against the Jewish state.
"I want the Iranians to know that if I'm the president, we will attack Iran (if it attacks Israel)," Clinton said in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America."
"In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them," she said.
"That's a terrible thing to say but those people who run Iran need to understand that because that perhaps will deter them from doing something that would be reckless, foolish and tragic," Clinton said." … 2720080422
It is Iran's #1 priority to destroy Israel and always has been since it began. I personally would never be in favor of dropping a nuclear bomb to obliterate a country, like Hillary Clinton would. I strongly doubt that "conservatives" or "liberals" who support Trump would either. That would be sick minded to even suggest.
Hillary has a track record of death & devastation.
She is sick in the mind. A very dark soul!
Oh, but don't look at her history!
ADDED: Interestingly, Israel has turned to Saudi Arabia for help in defense of Iran. Iran seems determined to bring about the apocalypse.
Imama Obama, pays Iran $1.3 Billion -- the country that shouts "Death To America" -- well, God Bless America!
The Clinton's are the real predators..
Hillary Clinton acknowledges 1994 crime bill led to mass incarceration of minorities, tells Daily News editorial board the bill also did good things.
* … -1.2594729
Hillary called Black Americans "“superpredators” ...and Bill defended his wife’s use of the term “superpredators.”
Dixie Mafia
Hillary Clinton remembers her friend and mentor, US Senator Robert C. Byrd. He began his political career by starting a local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in West Virginia. - 2010
At the time he constituted his local chapter, Grand Dragon Joel L. Baskin was so impressed with the young Byrd's organizational skills that he urged him to go into politics: "The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation," Baskin said.
Byrd never officially recounted how deep his connection was to the KKK nor how long it lasted. Anecdotal evidence suggests that it ran at least through the 1940s, if not longer.
Byrd, who voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Acts, had his ties to the Klan publicized by opponents when he ran against the Democratic Party's institutional choices. He never disavowed his ties to the Klan and even in his later years supported the Klan, ascribing many acts and notions formally attributed to it as cases of mistaken identity.
Uh Oh... Hillary is totally collapsing is Vegas Odds... I truly don't understand what's going on here. Hillary was a -410 about 3 weeks ago (that's betting $400 dollars to make one-hundred). Today she has collapsed... She is down to -230. And in just 3-weeks! The democratic party MACHINE is clearly hiding Hillary. Her coughing episodes...Her FBI interview...Her lies... Her history of deceit... Her expectation to be president simply because SHE WANTS THE TITLE... I just don't think enough democrats will go to the polls and vote for this pathetic, pathological liar...who has never in her adult life accomplished anything on her own.
Pollyannalana, I agree with you on S Leretseh's post.
At Hillary Clinton's last appearance she was her usual pathological liar.
Infowars reporter Owen Shroyer recaps some of the highlights from Hillary Clinton’s “press conference” on Thursday, pointing out and documenting the lies and spin that come complementary whenever Hillary Clinton opens her mouth to speak, specifically at this “press conference”.
A rebuttal to Hillary's latest public appearance
* … -response/
The sad thing is that Hillary has people who believe her every lie, or they don't care that she is pathological. I don't get that, it has to be conditioning (brainwashing) after 25 years of her in government, what a mess.
Hillary is continuing her downward spiral...She has now dropped to -190 (bet $190.00 to make $100). She was at -400 just 3-1/2 weeks ago.
Hillary, whose health is now being questioned by even the liberal rags...just had a near fainting episode at a 9-11 ceremony. In fact, some media reports claim she literally collapsed and had to be saved from hitting the ground by her secret service agents. I doubt this old bag, out of shape, chronic drinker, on unknown medications, CAUGHT WEARING AN EAR PIECE so she could be provided answers to questions (WOW!)... is going to make to Nov... She is clearly mentally and physically unfit to be president... I think Joe Biden is a very real possibility to replace Hillary.
Great cartoon about the earpiece Hillary was wearing!
On a lighter note: HUMOR
Our soon-to-be fearless leader is not sick
Do not trust your lying eyes.
She did not collapse in some sort of seizure, probably a result of her brain tumor.
She is not wearing anti-seizure sunglasses.
She does not have prolonged coughing fits.
Sarah Silverman says only “assholes” think she is sick, and she is right.
Hillary says she has pneumonia, I guess that mean she is an asshole?...
Leave it Anthony Freda to be so creative.
British lawmakers assailed former Prime Minister David Cameron for his “opportunistic policy of regime change” in Libya, which was spearheaded by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. - Get him!
Hillary was gleeful after she got the news that Qaddafi had been killed. He was tortured and finally sodomized with a bayonet.
She said, “we came, we saw, he died.”...and she laughed.
She Is Sick!
Maybe she is being haunted by Qaddafi.
Hillary continues to spiral downward in Vegas Odds. She's now down to -160. She was above -400 (a virtual lock to win) just 4 weeks ago. Even money is both candidates at -110. New polls show Trump with a 6pt lead nationally.
According to "Puppet Master" G. Soros, even if she does not win the popular election she could win with the electoral college votes. Man, I hope he's wrong!
PS He said some strange things in this video clip.
Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, went on live TV and said that multiculturalism is a "living lie" and that if she could turn back the hands of time on bringing in a million Muslim refugees, she would. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the liberal media are silent.
* … t-mistake/
And, Hillary Clinton wants to increase the Muslim refugees coming into the US if she is president by 550% over what Obama has allowed.
You lying piece of filth, Hillary Clinton. You are intolerable!
A pathological liar is going to lie, that's what they do. She has sold her soul, and a very dark soul she is. IMHO
I double that Hillary Clinton will be able to go 90 minutes on the debate stage with Trump. I can see it now, all of a sudden there's a national emergency and all news coverage has to switch from the debate to cover another 9/11. And, she will say it was Trump's fault...Something like that.
I don't think she can debate Trump. She needs her rest.
* … -shooting/
Turns out Hillary Clinton blaming Trump and Russia for the DNC hack is a big fat lie. Idiot? Oh, my!
Former NSA official William Binney claims agency hacked DNC, not Russia or Trump
* … show-clips
Intelligence is very upset with Clinton's carelessness in handling classified information on her private email server. They do not trust her to be president, so they helped derail her presidency, smart guys. Thanks!
Hillary for Prison!
Lying Hillary Clinton wants you to believe that destructive hurricanes are entirely caused by human activity and wouldn't exist if she became president. This is about the same level of unintelligible hysteria as when she can't stop spewing her ultra-paranoid conspiracy theories about the "alt-right" and Russia.
"Last week’s hurricane was another reminder of the devastation that extreme weather can cause and I send my thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by Hermine. But, this is not the last one that’s going to hit Florida given what’s happening in the climate." - Hillary Clinton
"If it affects people who lose their homes or their businesses that took a lifetime to build, it doesn’t matter to him. When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and unqualified to be our President." - Hillary Clinton
Politicians shouldn't be allowed to pretend they know anything about science. Everyone already knows that politicians lie about almost everything and don't actually care about the people they're seeking to rule over, so it's disastrous whenever they claim science is on their side. They decrease the public trust in science when they spew nonsense like this. There's no sure way to make the public distrust science more than for hypocritical warmongering anti-human politicians to invoke science as justification for what they want to do to everyone.
* … mp;theater
Hillary thinks you are stupid. Maybe you are just ignorant if you believe her.
UPDATE on Veges Odds...
Well, unfortunate, Hillary has opened up her largest lead... She is a whopping -450 to win the election (to win $100.00 you would hv to bet 450.00). Vegas odds are basically saying Hillary is a LOCK to win the election. Good Grief!! God help us! Trump was the wrong guy to represent the Republican Party. He could still bow out...and allow Gov. Chris Christie to represent the republicans. Yeah, I know, FAT chance...
All true blue Americans can still hold solace in this fact :: This is NOT the political system our founding fathers created. THAT system ended in 1964 with Compulsory Integration law (Civil Rights Act)... Look at the quality of people we are now getting to run for political office - to represent us.... It's laughable! In California, no white male will even run for the office of US Senator -- being vacated by the ding-a-ling midget Barbara Boxer. And who is the democratic party replacing ding-a-ling Boxer with? Certifiable DOPE Loretta Sanchez (already a member of Congress). Sanchez actually did a "dab' during a debate. What a CLOWN... Yet, the democrats in CA will march to the polls and vote this DOPE in as senator. ... The democratic party machine runs this country (basically, liberal jewish males)... They control the educational system, the media (i.e. visual images and determine whats 'news'), our federal monetary system/ policies, Wall Street, SEC, who gets elected to major political offices, and they are complete masters of the black race. I just hope I can outlive this thoroughly monstrous system. I serious doubt this system can withstand a Hillary Clinton presidency.
All we can do is enjoy is what is left: Nature!
And take care of it.
Being in nature is one of the most wonderful things we can do to clear our minds, to experience creation and best of all, to experience our Creator. What we experience reflects on our thoughts and behaviors, and that can turn genes off or on in our DNA. According to epigenetics.
May your times spent in nature be a genetic turn on!
I'm so glad you keep your sense of humor through it all.
At Wednesday's presidential debate, Hillary Clinton once again proved that she has little regard for closely guarded national security information. During a heated exchange about nuclear weapons, the former Secretary of State actually gave out America's precise nuclear response time.
"Here's the deal," Hillary said to Chris Wallace, "The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order it must be followed. There's about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so."
Thanks Hillary! We're sure foreign intelligence services will find that information useful!
Even dependably pro-Hillary Politico took note of the fumble: "This four minute figure may be “out there,” but it's certainly alarming how casually Hillary Clinton talks about sensitive matters of national security.
Almost as sloppy as hosting a private server without government security and transmitting classified and sensitive material via email."
Take a look at what some are calling the "WTF" moment of Wednesday's debate: Hillary Clinton just TOLD THE WHOLE WORLD OUR NUCLEAR LAUNCH SECRETS!
* … -15222415/
* … e-stephens
Hillary Insisted America Fact Check Her, So We Did…Here’s 6 Huge Lies From The Debate
* … _medium=SP
I'm just bookmarking this here to finish reading at a later date.
I read 1 & 2...
During the last debate, Hillary said, “Nobody should be surprised, because back in the Great Recession, when millions of jobs across America hung in the balance, Donald Trump said rescuing the auto industry didn’t really matter very much. He said, and I quote again, ‘Let it go.’ Now, I can’t imagine that. I supported President Obama’s decision to rescue the auto industry in America.”
The TRUTH is Trump has always defended to auto industry.
Trump said in 2008. He was remarkably consistent.
On Dec. 9, in an interview with Greta van Susteren on Fox News: “I think you have to try and save the companies, and I think you can easily save the companies.”
On Dec. 10, on CNBC: “You have to save the car industry in this country.”
On Dec. 17, in the full interview with Cavuto: “I think the government should stand behind them 100 percent. You cannot lose the auto companies. They are great. They make wonderful products.”
On Dec. 19, on CNN in an interview with Wolf Blitzer: “Absolutely, they should try and save the companies. You just can’t lose Chrysler, you can’t lose Ford, and you can’t lose General Motors.”
The Pinocchio Test
Clinton is creating an imaginary Trump here, claiming that Trump didn’t really care about the auto industry.
The record is clear that Trump in 2008 was supportive of rescuing the auto industry, saying the government should do everything it could to save it: “You just can’t lose Chrysler, you can’t lose Ford, and you can’t lose General Motors.” He touted DIP financing, but he was relatively agnostic about the preferred path.
Even in 2015, when Trump seemed more uncertain about the preferred option, he said “you could have done it the way it went.” Clinton twists his “let it go” comment out of context and pretends he said it in 2008.
Clinton earns Four Pinocchios.
* … ios/31215/
Glad you put that here and I didn't doubt his word for a minute and only wonder why it is women are so taken with Hillary. I mean does she represent women today? I hope not! This country is in truly bad shape if she does.
I didn't doubt Trump for a second. I do my research and...
That is why I don't believe anything Hillary says.
Lie, lie, lie... … 324145093/
.VEGAS ODDS TODAY... Ms. Despicable...just 5 days ago...Vegas sportsbooks had her at -670
(( $670.00 to win $100.00>> a LOCK TO WIN)... Well, Ms. Despicable has just dropped 340 points! in just 3 days! (120 point today!)). And there's still 11 days to go! WOW! Remember people, even tho democrats SAY they will vote for Ms. Despicable...they MUST still go to polls and actually do it! Vote for THAT woman?!
The presidential elections over the last three years have been predicted by this AI system. This AI system is now predicting TRUMP wins! WOW … finds.html
That link page has been taken down for some reason. I found this though on Odds Shark for Nov. 4th. There must be billions of dollars bet on this election, maybe trillions.
Hillary Clinton -300
Donald Trump +210 … 16-futures
As of 12:30 pm eastern time (Tues.)...according to British bookmakers...Hillary has about an 88% chance of winning.
I don't respect this despicable woman...She ain't MY president. She's been forced on us by the democratic party MACHINE. The only question that how this despicable broad sold out America's she could be PRESIDENT.
Alex Jones gave a news flash that Hillary will be the winner even Trump assume won people popular vote, because it's all fixed.
Just like pro wrestling the bad guy beats all the the other assumed bad guys, then the ultimate good guy (Hillary) wins. Any hack from B or A- Hollywood could write this script, for anything.
to sell corrupted junk.
Still the selected fat lady has not sang.
As of recent, Vegas oddsmaker predicts Brexit-like victory for Trump.
Historically, Republicans usually wait until election day to vote rather than early voting, from what I have heard. If that be true, oh me, oh my!
Evidently, Hillary Clinton canceled her election victory fireworks display.
by Sychophantastic 8 years ago
You remember Benghazi, right?Four brave Americans died in an attack that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was responsible for. Prior to the election, investigations were closing in on hard evidence that was going to put Hillary Clinton in jail. Now, after the election, not a peep about where...
by Grace Marguerite Williams 8 years ago
Why do people believe that Hillary Clinton is innocent in light of her crimes while simultaneouslycriticize Donald Trump in light of his business misadventures?
by Mike Russo 9 years ago
The committee that is investigating Benghazi is either stupid or just naive. If you were given a week to turn over your server, what would you do? I know what I would do. I would delete all my emails or nuke the hard drive. All they are trying to do is ruin her brand...
by PhoenixV 8 years ago
If Hillary Clinton cannot protect one Embassy how can she protect the whole country?
by Kathryn L Hill 8 years ago
Liberals do not like the concept of "survival of the fittest."Or do they?Wondering.
by Susie Lehto 7 years ago
Judge Andrew Napolitano said, “The significance is an FBI acknowledgement that Huma Abedin, Mrs. Anthony Weiner, when she had a top security clearance as the number two assistant to Hillary Clinton when Hillary was Secretary of State, regularly sent copies of sensitive material to her own laptop so...
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