What are the Differences between Liberals and Right-wingers?

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  1. Will Apse profile image89
    Will Apseposted 8 years ago

    When I visit the UK I have a choice of two newspapers that I can live with. One is the impeccably liberal Guardian, the other is the solidly conservative Telegraph.

    I must admit, if I am feeling tired or at a low ebb for any reason (like jet lag) I will go for the Telegraph. It will not contain shocking articles on the ravages of global warming, or include detailed accounts of the slaughter of innocents around the world as the powerful fight for their plunder (especially if the powerful include countries like the US and UK)

    The Telegraph will wrap me in a soft blanket of chauvinism (isn't the UK wonderful?), and tint my vision with a rosy view of a prosperous future. The only cloud will be the hilarious, albeit sometimes dangerous, antics of 'loonie lefties' around the world.

    So that is one difference. Right wingers like to avoid unpleasant subjects.

    Any others come to mind?

    1. profile image0
      jonnycomelatelyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Do all conservative "right-wingers" live in denial of human-influenced global warning.
      Are they so wrapped up in their godly persuit of commercial enterprise, which needs to promote greed, exploitation, leaving the disadvantaged of this world to fend themselves against extortion?
      I was born and raised in the UK.  We Brits have not always got things right - but even across political parties there has always been a underlying sense of fair play.
      To maintain that requires constant effort.

    2. Nathanville profile image90
      Nathanvilleposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The Telegraph is often referred to as the Torygraph by Labour voters (even the Guardian has used that reference on occasions); Tory being the alternate name for Conservative (used by non-Tory voters), the Conservatives being one of the few Right Wing political parties in the UK.

      British politics is more dynamic and covers a wider political spectrum in the UK than in the USA; with the Liberals being in the centre so their votes are squeezed as voters tend to vote for more Left or Right wing political parties.

      Currently, 11 political parties have elected seats in the House of Commons in Britain; four of the political parties being Right Wing (342 elected seats) with the Conservatives holding the majority of those seats (331 seats); and six political parties being Left Wing (300 elected seats) with Labour holding the majority of those seats (230 seats); and the Liberals (Liberal Democrats) in the centre with 8 elected seats.

      There are differences between Liberals and Right-wingers, but not so much that they can’t form a coalition government i.e. the coalition government from 2010 to 2015; likewise with the Liberals being in the centre they can also find sufficient ground with Left wing politics to keep a Socialist (Labour) government in power e.g. as in 1977.

      What Americans all too often mislabel ‘loonie lefties’ (out of ignorance and fear) is the Labour party; a Social Democratic movement in British politics and Society that’s the mainstream opposition to the Right-wingers (Conservatives).   It’s the Labour party that introduced the much loved NHS (National Health Service) in 1948 with its policy of ‘Free Health Care for All at the Point of Use; at the same time the Labour Party also introduced the comprehensive ‘Welfare State’ which has helped to keep millions of Brits out of poverty ever since.

      In contrast, the Right-wingers all too often advocate ‘austerity’ that hits the poorest the hardest; often chipping away at the ‘Welfare State’ to give tax breaks to the rich; making the poor poorer and the rich richer.  So I guess this is another one of the main differences between Liberals (and Socialists) and Right-wingers; albeit (as jonnycomelately stated) in British politics, there has always been an underlying sense of fair play in British politics; which does require a constant effort to maintain.

      Other differences have already been mentioned e.g. Right-wingers like to avoid unpleasant subjects (bury their heads in the sand), and are too busy pursuing commercial enterprise, promoting greed and exploitation; leaving the disadvantaged to fend for themselves against exploitation.

  2. Live to Learn profile image60
    Live to Learnposted 8 years ago

    I would say a liberal believes the sky is falling, is certain those who aren't certain the sky is falling are idiots and that if we throw enough tax payer dollars at it we might not stop it from falling but we will feel better about it since it's probably our fault it's falling in the first place.

    A conservative agrees the sky may be falling but isn't sure it's a permanent direction of movement, isn't convinced we are necessarily primarily responsible for its current direction and wants proof taxpayer dollars being thrown at it isn't a pointless endeavor prior to raising taxes to cover the expenditure.

    1. profile image0
      jonnycomelatelyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Very good!  Well put, food for thought.

  3. Kathleen Cochran profile image74
    Kathleen Cochranposted 8 years ago

    God Bless America.  Can a conservative on HP make a comment without calling the other side names like "idiots"?

    1. Live to Learn profile image60
      Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It's funny you should post that since I've heard more democrats calling republicans idiots than the other way around. I stopped watching one of the democratic debates because all of the candidates     on the stage were sniggering about how democrats 'believed' in science as if republicans were too stupid to understand how stupid their comments were.

    2. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      At this time there are 3 references to the word "idiot" and none of them is a conservative calling a liberal an idiot.  To what do you refer?

      "I would say a liberal believes the sky is falling, is certain those who aren't certain the sky is falling are idiots and..."

      "Can a conservative on HP make a comment without calling the other side names like "idiots"?"

      "It's funny you should post that since I've heard more democrats calling republicans idiots than the other way around."

      1. Live to Learn profile image60
        Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I assumed she was referring to my comment but decided if she can't read my first comment correctly it wouldn't do much good to attempt to correct the misperception.

  4. Sherry Hewins profile image90
    Sherry Hewinsposted 8 years ago

    It seems to me that the opposite is true, at least currently in the US. The Democrats are singing Kumbaya while the Republicans are singing Eve Of Destruction.

    1. Live to Learn profile image60
      Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The Democrats are singing Kumbaya? I'd laugh but I assume you were already laughing when you said that. You do realize the current administration is Democrat? I don't see the government singing Kumbaya.

  5. profile image0
    PrettyPantherposted 8 years ago

    There are some differences between liberals and conservatives that are documented by research.  This article from Scientific American addresses some of them:
    http://www.scientificamerican.com/artic … ical-wars/

    1. Live to Learn profile image60
      Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That was a good article.


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