He did not tell her to use private servers for classified information because he used what was right for classified unlike Hillary who at last count had over 2000 classified US top secret messages on private servers.
She thought to make herself look better thinking everyone would cover and uphold her lies to the point of looking like they were as corrupt as she is but Colin has as good as called her a liar.
Oh no, AGAIN............It just keeps on coming & coming......& coming......
Doesn't it? She never stops and never has to pay. Ridiculous.
I MEAN YOUR THREADS, they never cease to ......REALLY AMAZE.....me............. The conjecture & hyperbole are ever flowing................
Hillary has repeatedly gotten away with telling outright lies, everyone knows they are outright lies, but nothing is done about them. What reason would she have to stop?
I know, makes no sense! I wonder though with so many believing she cannot be trusted why they hang onto her?
Why do they hang on to her? Have you taken a serious look at the candidate the Republican party is offering?
I'll vote Trump before I'll vote Hillary. But, I would have liked another choice. Although, Cruz (the shirt cuff Christian) was worse and so was Rubio. Christie was not someone I could support and Ben Carson was not much more than a nice guy. I suppose I could have been more gung ho about him than Trump. I liked Kasich. He seemed fairly moderate.
But Trump. Without being up against a scumbag like Hillary he wouldn't stand a chance.
I agree, I am another that has no choice, and we must vote but I have a feeling she and Obama have so many things going no one will have a chance...still we have to do what we can and still hope they finally snag her on some of these crimes she commits.
Did you miss the Benghazi hearings? Nine hearings. One she had to testify for 11 hours. And no lies detected. That's not nothing. The reason they haven't "snagged" her is because accusations aren't crimes. At some point don't you have to ask yourself: Who will benefit from these accusations when none of them are proved to be true?
I wasn't referring to the Benghazi hearings. Poor judgment and a lack of ability to competently perform one's job functions is not normally a crime.
I'm sorry L to L. I was replying to Jackie Lynnley"s comment, "Doesn't it? She never stops and never has to pay. Ridiculous."
I suppose it depends on your outlook. It's like when the FBI director said Hillary had used unsecured devices to discuss classified information countless times. Then he said they were not going to recommend prosecution. If he had left it at that, we might have been able to just roll our eyes. But, he then stated that this was not to imply that if anyone else did exactly the same thing that they would not be prosecuted.
You can easily state that she wasn't found guilty of a crime. That is true, on some level. But, a crime was committed. The government simply chose not to hold her accountable. I find that unacceptable.
Governments don't hold people accountable all the time. If a prosecutor does not believe they can make a case beyond a reasonable doubt, they will not prosecute. In all cases, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. If you want to hold Hillary to a higher standard of innocence, that is your prerogative, but given the number of investigations she has endured, with no prosecution much less a conviction, I would say that is a pretty high standard.
No one on these forums is unaware of our presumption of innocence until proven guilty and we are all aware that lawyers can argue anyone out of being held accountable of anything to such an extent that it is necessary to gauge the ability to convict prior to dedicating resources to a trial.
However ( and this is a pretty big however) the FBI director stated that, beyond a doubt, Hillary was negligently careless in her duties of safeguarding American secrets. Now, it would be difficult to prove willful negligence so no case was brought. But, the statement was made that she did discuss classified information on unsecured devices. The statement was made that it is highly likely that these communications could have been intercepted by hostile nations. You don't have to be found guilty in a court of law if the facts are clearly stated. If you think that attitude and that careless disregard for national security is acceptable in a person who is working to become POTUS that is your choice. I find it odd that anyone would consider that acceptable.
I find the democratic propensity to attempt to pretend that Hillary didn't do anything wrong laughable, at best.
I have never said Hillary didn't do anything wrong, and I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone of any political persuasion making that categorical statement. So, you are laughing at an imaginary position, I think. It is easy to characterize people's positions in a black/white manner when most people deal in shades of gray.
My husband is retired from the military where he had the highest security clearance and even he thinks the Hillary bashers are over the top on this one. He cannot stand her, but he also says that what she did is not as earth-shatteringly awful as her opponents are making it out to be. It is more a failure of state department policies than anything, given that other state department officials engaged in the same behavior.
But, I am not trying to convince you, because I can see you will vote for a dog turd before you will vote for Hillary.
PrettyPanther - You are certainly right in the last sentence.
I'm ex military and I can tell you I disagree with your husband. I find her flippant attitude we see at every turn concerning it to be very disconcerting. However, did Powell and Rice send classified information through unsecured devices? If not, you are comparing apples to oranges.
Yes, they did.
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/secretar … d=37404084
Is that some kind of a joke? All that comes up when you click that link is
Oops! Page Unavailable.
This page either does not exist or is currently unavailable.
I did find this though.
'Hillary Clinton’s campaign claimed vindication in the long-running emails saga on Thursday when it emerged that two Republican secretaries of state had also received information later deemed classified on personal accounts.'
I added the bold. I believe Clinton sent what she knew at the time she sent it was secret. There is a difference to that also.
Is this an oops?
Your linked article does not say Powell sent classified e-mails with his private account. It says his assistant sent him 2 e-mails that were not classified at the time. Surely you read his explanation, and his criticism of the State Department's inspector deeming them as containing classified material 12 years after the fact.
That you include Rice, when she did not use e-mail, is also puzzling.
Had the claim included any of either Secretary's staff, then at least there would be room for a maybe, but to stand by the claim that Powell and Rice did the same thing Hillary did, has to imply that you think Powell is lying, and Rice is guilty for something her staff did.
Powell left office before the current rules went into effect. I've not been able to find out just what the rules were, for either classified or unclassified, when he served.
Interesting. Out of the two there were a total of twelve emails in question and those were Powell's. He disagrees with the statement that the emails were classified when sent. So, Hillary had hundreds the FBI says were classified. Powell had twelve that there is no evidence they were.
Did you read the article prior to submitting it in defense of Hillary?
Yes, I read it. Where do you get "hundreds"? Did I miss something?
http://www.factcheck.org/2016/07/revisi … formation/
She sent 3 that were marked classified, I believe on emails she had deleted and were incomplete as a result. And 101 that were not marked as such, but it's part of her job as sec. of state to know what should be classified and what is not. Some of those were later de-classified but at the time they were sent all 101 were classified.
I was going by memory of what the FBI said in their statement. See below.
' 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification. Separate from those, about 2,000 additional e-mails were “up-classified” to make them Confidential; the information in those had not been classified at the time the e-mails were sent.'
So, I was off. It is still quite a few more than twelve that a democratic controlled state department claims Powell sent; with Powell arguing that they were not.
Kathleen, when the person in charge is begged for security from someone in fear for their life for months not just weeks and she does nothing I don't need anyone anywhere to tell me this is OK and nothing wrong with it and I have to wonder about the minds who say it is. You people know what she is, why do you defend her? It makes no sense. You think she is going to do something for you one day? Yes she is, she is going to bring terrorism to your neighborhood and your life and you will not be feeling so kindly to her then.
Now I hear we have new Benghazi emails coming out, maybe now we will see who she is and what she has been up to letting our men die!!!! Mr President too by the way, they may as well be joined at the hip! Equal evils.
If true,.that is deeply troubling. The sad part is it won't matter to democrats. They don't think but just vote party line.
Looks like you snagged a truthful one this time Jackie, good job.
Thank you posting the video, Jackie. I had not seen it. I only saw headlines earlier on Infowars and my first thought was that Hillary threw Colin Powell under bus. Good for him for speaking out, his hands are soiled, but they aren't bloody and dirty like the Clinton's. IMHO
I believe Hillary Clinton is a phenomena of very dark forces.
God bless America!
She sure is, I cannot imagine she will ever get to enjoy the benefits of her corruption.
Here is another that is him saying himself.
Hillary, would she lie?impossible! She only speaks versions of liberal truth.
She will reap what she has sown won't she Michael?
It would be irrelevant Jackie, to express what will she "reap'' while "sowing'' has immeasurable effect on countless people blinded by deception joining her effort to ruin the country by traitorous subversion.
Michael - Just my backhanded way of letting people who support her know that there are prices to pay and consequences even it it does appear people are getting by with things. I know you know as I do, this is not the life that counts even though we do want what is best for everyone even now.
On some levels this is the life that counts. If it was all for naught then there would be no point in this moment of existence. If people would stop counting on the hereafter and focus on the here there would be a better chance for compromise and unity. Love your neighbor and all. It appears to be a b#tch for the religious and nonreligious alike.
My last sentence equals love your neighbor. I am sure Michael understands me perfectly. Guess you have to be there.
I've never read a lot of love in your posts. But, I guess that might fall into the you've got to be cruel to be kind mentality of some Christian philosophies.
I tell the truth on people, if they have not acted in love or honesty I would certainly not color or cover their wrong doings. Right now is very bad times and due to become worse. People need to open their eyes not to be fooled and really it is surprising how blind many are or unwilling to face the truth and facts. That has nothing to do with who I am. I can face my maker and He may even say I sure ran your mouth a lot, but He will not say I lied. Truth is what cut me off from a party I was affiliated with, seeing all the bad things they did and represented. I am not pushing anyone on others, I am simply saying this is what I see and others may want to think twice before supporting it.
It could make a very bad America to live in. Why would anyone want racial wars and battles and people killing our protectors? Taking our weapons when for the first time in American history we may need them more than ever to protect ourselves (and others) against terrorists. They will have weapons and we won't, how does that make sense and why would anyone want that? It is time to wake up before we end up in WWIII. With no way to fight it. Just hiding and running, watching our loved ones killed and wishing we had not been so stupid.
Hillary is going to have to answer some questions under oath as to why she set up her own personal server. She isn't going to get away with throwing Colin Powell under the bus. She has 30 days to answer the questions. Her lies are coming to bit her.
* https://www.facebook.com/dialog/share?a … nkyou.html
"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." ~ George Orwell
The Clinton News Network is greatly deceiving people in mass.
I am not so sure...FBI knew what she was guilty of and let her go. I hope they get her this time but I am not holding my breath. I am not sure what is going on but George Soros could be behind it all and paying Hillary's way out of everything. I mean they can take a few million or be another on Hillary's hit list.
George Soros' email was hacked and there is proof of many wrongs. He has his hands in the corruption in DC. Evil, evil man! He thinks he is the Messiah.
Soros doesn't mind taking credit for his Marxism.
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdwbZGFPXuo
Maybe Col. and I were just "Talking past each other " or perhaps I " misspoke about a mental image or thought and besides ,what difference , at this point , does this make ?" .........".I would sooner think that I thought the thought was a mental image vocalized by someone else at the time as I was imagining where the memory of this spoken idea originated , And , it All really does depend on what - WHAT really means !"
"It really all depends on what is , is "
There are really people who do still believe her !
Yes, too many. How sorry they will one day be.
Jackie , remember , when liberals disagree with the politics of the righteous - It automatically comes down to one of the following accusations . You are either a ;
-religious nut
-nationalist right wing extremist
All sense of reason or debate goes right out the door .
"... politics of the righteous."
Is it your perspective that only conservatives can be righteous? That Conservatives are Godly and non-Conservatives are not?
If a non-Liberal disagreed with your politics would you expect the same accusations? Do you think an atheist Conservative can be reasonable in a discussion of "the politics of the righteous?"
We both know those were rhetorical questions, but at least they were polite.
I can just speak for myself and judge by right and wrong. I was once a liberal until I saw they killed babies, stir up trouble to get what they want and why should I even go into what Hillary has been up to? Everyone knows it is a fact she is corrupt and anyone upholder her is no better. How could they be? I am not comparing her to anyone, I just see what she is and I cannot believe she is even allowed to run for president. Our president is an Islamic Muslim that we have let into our country to destroy it and fill our country with more of the same and Sharia Law. You look like an educated man, surely you know Hillary will just finish off what he has not done to finish us off. Take religion out of it, it is just a fact and she has told us, no use guessing.
Wellll... Jackie,
"...Our president is an Islamic Muslim that we have let into our country to destroy it and fill our country with more of the same and Sharia Law."
I am afraid you are a bit over the edge for me. I did pipe in for you in another thread where I thought you were being hammered a bit too harshly. I disagree with many of your comments, but most were not beyond discussion if a little tolerance was tossed into the mix.
But on this one, if you really believe the above statement, I don't think there is anywhere positive we can go. I look at Aliens Among Us and Conspiracy sites for entertainment - not information. Your Obama statement is one that is frequently found there.
I am not racist, I even voted for him his first term but anyone that cannot see how he bows and caters to Muslims and has refused to call ISIS what it is just has a real problem. It is there for all to see and if you don't want to see then fine. He is bringing the end to our country and has done no good for it whatsoever and even blacks that he should have represented are seeing him for what he is. I am certain glad I was not a Democrat that had to hang on regardless and wear blinders no matter what. Only a very uneducated person could miss all this man has done to destroy us.
Very interesting that a Muslim will head citizenship and has absolutely no experience.
Jackie, you really would benefit from an effort to confirm these videos that you post.
The following information took less than ten minutes to find.
First, Ms. Noor will not "head citizenship" as you posted. Neither will she be Assistant Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration, (as your video link states), as apparently that position does not exist.
It also appears that she wasn't appointed to anything, certainly not by Pres. Obama. (according to Snopes.com)
"WHAT'S TRUE: Fatima Noor once worked as a special assistant in the Office of the Director for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)."
According to a University of Memphis July, 2014 announcement, three of their graduate students, including a woman named Fatima Noor, had landed full-time positions with the Obama administration:
Fatima Noor will be a special assistant in the Office of the Director for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the Department of Homeland Security beginning July 28."
A University spokesperson described it this way:
"Rosie Phillips Bingham, vice president for Student Affairs at the University of Memphis, said of Noor's appointment:
The University of Memphis graduates exceptional students who make significant differences in the world. These three students are stellar examples. They competed with students from the country's most elite institutions and they prevailed. More importantly, these three will do a superior job for the Obama administration. "
Ms. Bingham also said that these positions are typically filled by graduates of Ivy League schools. So it appears that rather than a presidential appointment, it was this naturalized Somali refugee's personal and academic qualifications that landed her the position. Consider that she was brought to the United states as a child, achieved a college education, and excelled well enough to compete with other academic graduates and win. Geesh! Isn't that what America is about? Effort and achievement?
Ms. Noor described her position as this:
"In my position, I coordinated special naturalization ceremonies. These commemorate national holidays or other special events and feature prominent speakers, guests, and locations. "
You post this as if it is recent news, when it happened in 2014, and she is no longer in that position.
But you and your link were right about one thing - she is a Muslim.
Does any of this information change your perspective about that video?
GA- Obama says he is Muslim and tells how much it has been in his life. What do you say about this?
Well Jackie, since you asked...
I did view your linked video, and I must admit that I find it incredible...
Now if I just left it at that, (as your video creators did with their clips), it seems that I am agreeing with you, but when I supply the context of the rest of that statement;
... incredible that anyone would swallow such a bunch of malarky as portrayed by those purposely manipulated out-of-context video snippets.
... you find quite a different meaning.
I know it is not worth the effort to debunk all of those clips in the video because you have found something that affirms your beliefs - so the truth doesn't matter.
But... here are just a couple starters for you:
This is the legal disclaimer that starts your video:
"The writers, producers and editors of this video are not stating, claiming, or implying that Barack Hussien Obama is a Muslim, or that Barack himself claimed or admitted to being a Muslim"
Uh... isn't that the content of the video? Are they afraid their truth can't stand examination?
They started off with a video clip that was a real eye-opener:
"Many other Americans have Muslims in their families, ot have lived in a Muslim-majority country, I know because I am one of them...... that experience guides my conviction...[end of clip]"
He sure sounds like he is saying he is a Muslim...
... until you hear the context of his full statement:
"The United States has been enriched by Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country — I know, because I am one of them"
Well hell, if he has Muslims in his family, or has lived in Muslim countries - then he must be a Muslim right?
Or does it matter that his statement was part of a speech he gave to the Turkish Parliament telling them that many other non-Muslim Americans, (including himself), Are aware of Muslim [/i]American's contributions to the United States.
Then they nailed him with the real truth in their second video clip:
"My father came from a Kenyan family that includes generations of Muslims. As a boy, I spent several years in Indonesia and heard the call of the azaan [call to prayer] at the break of dawn and at the fall of dusk."
Now if that isn't saying he is a Muslim, what else do you want?
Well, how about the full statement, including the three beginning words that your video's editors clipped out"
"I’m a Christian, but my father came from a Kenyan family that includes generations of Muslims. As a boy, I spent several years in Indonesia and heard the call of the azaan at the break of dawn and at the fall of dusk."
Well damn! He says he is a Christian???
The rest of the clips are just as bad, or even worse displays of mangled manipulations of various video snippets selectively edited to produce completely false impressions.
If you are interested, here is the fact check on your video that takes those snippets on, one-by-one:
Truth on the Cutting Room Floor - Obama Admits He Is A Muslim
So what I have to say is that this information only took me five minutes to find. You have been offered the advice that you should double-check this kind of garbage before you believe it and post it by at least a couple of folks... maybe you should consider taking it.
True enough ahorseback, and so many to agree with them!
GA and others, I will come back to this later, meaning in a few days. I am prepping for a big fundraiser tomorrow night and then leaving for camping. Didn't want you to think I'm skping out.
Have fun! I've missed my camping this year - didn't get out but once, although that was for a week.
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