It's Confirmed: Donald Trump is a Liar

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  1. Sychophantastic profile image69
    Sychophantasticposted 7 years ago

    But most of you already knew this. However, given the level of enthusiasm for Donald Trump at Hubpages, I thought this worth pointing out. This has never happened in modern presidential politics. … index.html

    Some of America's most well-respected newspapers and/or journalistic organizations have called Donald Trump a liar. In other words, what he says simply isn't true a vast majority of the time.

    You may not like Hillary Clinton and there's no doubt that she hasn't been forthcoming on a number of issues. Clearly, her truthfulness is a political hand grenade. However, if she's a hand grenade, Trump is a nuclear bomb.

    Given how many people are still going to vote for Trump, we clearly live in an age where truth simply doesn't matter. Only opinion matters.

    1. CatherineGiordano profile image78
      CatherineGiordanoposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. All politicians lie and exaggerate sometimes. But never the kind of whoppers that Trump tells. And never with his frequency.  An analysis of five of his recent speeches showed one lie every 3 minutes.

    2. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      We aren't there yet, but electing Trump would be a huge step toward "Idiocracy."

    3. wilderness profile image94
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Absolutely!  Clinton lies to congress, Trump lies too, although not under oath and not to congress or the FBI.  Clinton's lies are a "hand grenade" that might cause discomfort to the Democratic Party if not handled discreetly and Trumps lies are a nuclear bomb that should deny him the presidency.

      Reasonable, as Clinton is a Democrat rather than a hated Republican and besides, she has enormous political power to back her up - any politician that mentions her lies will be on the street (or under IRS investigation ?) ) in short order.

      1. profile image0
        PrettyPantherposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        The non-politician, selected because he is a breath of fresh air and not your typical politician (according to his followers) lies even more than the typical politician. Go figure.

        1. wilderness profile image94
          wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          It's old, but...
          "How do you tell when a politician is lying?  When (s)he opens (her)his mouth."

          I'll grant you that Clinton's lies sound a lot better than Trumps.  She's a very accomplished politician and has years of experience in talking around a subject until the listener finally hears what they want to hear and declares it to be truth.

          1. profile image0
            PrettyPantherposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Honestly, my primary reason for not voting for Trump is not his lies but his temperament. I despise his lies because they are idiotic and stupid, which is a direct reflection of his temperament, his inability to think beyond the present moment and his ego. The man would be dangerous as president. I would not trust Trump to take care of my dog, who I love and who is easy to manage, for four years.,much less my country. Hillary will undoubtedly do a bunch of stuff I will not like but she has the temperament and intelligence to be POTUS for four years.

            1. wilderness profile image94
              wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              I don't disagree (much) with your assessment of Trump, but don't believe he's going to actually accomplish much with all of congress and nearly all the business world against him.

              Clinton, on the other hand WILL.  She has both the entire Democratic party and a goodly portion of the business world on her side.  She is a consummate politician, interested only in promoting her personal power base and wealth.  Those two things say that she will accomplish a great deal, and I am unlikely to agree with ANY of it.

              But the biggest single reason is that we have a political system that is utterly failing the people of the country.  Almost nothing being done is for the benefit of the country or it's people; it is all for the rich and powerful.  This must change if we are to remain a country with a viable work force and economy, and that absolutely requires a very basic change in how our politics operates.  As Clinton will stick with that system, and grow it to boot, she cannot serve the country.  She is smart enough to implement some needed change, and has the political power to do so, but not the will as it does not fit within her plans or desires any more than using the required government server did.

              1. profile image0
                PrettyPantherposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                All I ask is this:  Could you PLEASE find a better instrument of disruption than that guy?  It's not just about domestic policy, but also foreign diplomacy and the ability to make important security and diplomatic decisions from a well-informed point of view.  I don't think he's capable.  He's scarily uninformed and not motivated to learn.  That is crystal clear.  I don't want him anywhere near national security decision making.

                1. wilderness profile image94
                  wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  LOL  I feel the same way about Clinton.  She is (politically) evil incarnate - can't you find someone else that can actually run the country without running it into the ground in personal power plays?

                  Even socialist Bernie would have been a better choice - although his plans and proposals would do great harm if enacted.  I doubt that he could get many of them accomplished, though.  But, of course, Clinton and her political back room deals put an end to that one, just as she will continue to do in the future if allowed into the White House.

                  Put Trump in there and he'll stumble around doing nothing.  He'll irritate foreign leaders (but might actually help us economically there).  He won't put us in a war out of anger or spite.

                  But Hillary - we'll see Queen Hillary in a very real sense, not the PR and pomp of Elizabeth.  Her slightest whim will become law and she will build a political machine the likes of which we have never seen (she has nearly accomplished that now, considering the actions of the DNC). 

                  So, PP, the onus is on us both.  Find us a replacement for Demon Hillary, and do it quick.  I dislike most liberal policies, but might consider it if you can come up with another non-politician.  That is imperative - that we change American politics at its roots - and it will not be done by Clinton.

          2. Sychophantastic profile image69
            Sychophantasticposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            I completely agree about Hillary Clinton's lies. I was listening to her early explanation of why she used a private email server and it was just appalling. However, there's a significant difference here. The more you dig into the email server, Benghazi, and the Clinton Foundation, the less you come up with. It's been investigated thoroughly and the results demonstrate that while obfuscation is definitely there, there's no actual crime. The deeper you dig into Donald Trump's past, the worse it gets. Just using his foundation as an example, you are talking about obvious, criminal wrongdoing. And for what it's worth, when she talks, she generally tells the truth (it's just when she lies, it's really big news). When Trump talks, it's almost all lies.

            1. Alternative Prime profile image59
              Alternative Primeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              "FACT-Checkers" have PROVEN the FACT that approx 70% of "Delusional Donald's" CLAIM's are actually LIEs ~

              Another STUDY Revealed Trump Averages 1 LIE every 3 Minutes ~

              He's irrefutably an UNPRECEDENTED "Pathological LIAR" and his SHRINKING Fan Base & REAL POLLs Reflect his Dishonesty ~ sad

  2. Alternative Prime profile image59
    Alternative Primeposted 7 years ago

    Trump's Fan Base appears to be "SHRINKING" Daily therefore VOTEs are DWINDLING as well ~ His "PATHOLOGICAL LIEs & Mental Instability" are just two of MANY Disqualifiers which will result in a LANDSLIDE AGAINST him & Congressional Republicans this NOVEMBER ~

    RECENT "REAL" Polls:

    Hillary 50% Donald 45%
    Hillary 44% Donald 42%
    Hillary 48% Donald 41%
    Hillary 43% Donald 37%

  3. TorontoCaricature profile image60
    TorontoCaricatureposted 7 years ago

    The entire history of the USA has been one of deceit in an even battle with doing the right thing. Why act surprised or astounded. All of the USA's foreign policies have always been based on lies in creating a global Imperial empire. Trump AND Clinton are deceivers - one is strikingly obvious, the other is obvious to those who actually care to follow current events closely. Sanders would have destroyed Trump.


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