Why are Republicans in denial about Donald Trump and his many scams and lies?
When someone engages contractors and agrees to pay them and then goes bankrupt on that promise it is basically a lie. When a man has a wife AND a mistress, he is certain to be lying to one, or more likely both of them. When someone misleads people to scam them and take their money, s/he basically lies to them about what they will get for their money, and more.
We have proof of so many Trump lies. Why aren't the Republicans talking about them? We have proof that Trump's character is among the worst. Why aren't Republicans shocked and ashamed he is their foremost candidate?
Because he hates the gvt and hates Hillary. Because his lies soothe their hurt egos about losing to a black man. Lose to a woman? Never. Because he's rich and white and a man. Because he tells them what they want to hear. Because deep down inside, they want the safety of their world, their ideology, their way goes. They want to be safe, no matter who has to be chained to make it so. Safe in a vast universe..... A pipe dream. Like clinging to childhood not wanting to grow up. Man controls nothing. It's terrifying to them. I m o
Trump (according to Trump) is the KING of debt. We would be able to easily see this if he would release his tax returns. He is in debt to China (big time) and Russia too. Actually I think he owes more than he can ever repay. Hence the lawsuits.
during a speech, he said "illegal server"...it was not illegal, it is widespread in the gvt. bush used it and it was run by the rnc! rove deleted 22million! but trump followers will now be on the mantra. illegal server, crooked hillary. sinister.evil
I am a Republican voter but I do not support Trump. I can see that there is an element of denied racism (The I have a black friend crowd) among Trump supporters but to believe that percentage is the majority shows your ignorance.
Leslie, I think you're right. Republicans fear progress and change. They especially fear women and people of color having any power. Yours was one of my favorite answers because what you say is so true.
Because to them, no matter what he does or says, Hillary is the worst choice. They have all been brainwashed into thinking Hillary is the evil villain and should be locked up and then put in front of a firing squad. To them, he is their great hero and he can scam and lie as much as he wants. They will just look the other way, because the hero will save them from the evil queen,..even though Trump has a tarnished past, it means nothing to them.
I would like to posit this. The congressional investigation of today are like the Witch Hunts of the McCarthy era. Just for the moment let's suppose there were no investigations for Benghazi, the email, and now the Clinton Foundation. What would be the outcome? Benghazi and those emails are all in the past. What have they affected today?
What has been the consequences of those on our national security and the world stage? Four Americans died. Did Hillary personally kill them? These investigations are just like Joseph McCarthy looking for something they can pin on Hillary. In the meantime, they keep beating their drums about her being a liar and a criminal as they continue to look for the smoking guns. Just like McCarthy did while accusing innocent people of being communist. What was the outcome of that investigation? Literally, thousands of people were wrongfully accused of having communist ties, and hundreds were unjustly imprisoned while thousands of people lost their jobs.
They say that one form of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. The constitution says, you are innocent until proven guilty, but that is not the case in Hillary's investigation. She is presumed guilty until proven innocent, which may be never. But it does provide a smoke screen for Trump and the republican party to cover up his lying and scams.
You may be on to something. Read daily beast, "how breitbart releases hate mobs to threaten, dox and troll trump detractors"...a lot like focus on family/ family research group did to Howard stern
You are correct. We, who lived through the McCarthy era can see the parallels between the Republican witch hunters and the Democrats who have to take the defensive side. It's crazy to the nth degree.
Hillary nailed it. What trump is doing is sinister. And look at guliani.... He bristles with hate. Like his head will explode. Trained monkeys working for the dark side... Calling forth the principalities of the air. I m o
"& the sam thing happend after WWII with the phenomnon that's mislabeled "McCarthyism"... mislabeled becuz it was started by the libl Demcrats in the late 1940s. McCarthy just came alng at the tail end of it, and vulgarized it a l'il." - Noam Cho
ok, so i take it that means i should give these fasists a pass? eh, no. the worst they did was call us dissenters americs haters. that i dont forgive. hate the prez. hate the troops...erm except now.now its patriotic to hate the prez! u see why idc
The answer to the question is very simple. He is a master at playing to people's fantasies and so they overlook the bad things. The republican congress on the other hand is caught between a rock and a hard place.
Tail-gunner Joe McCarthy was right & that lesbian, commie, witch Hillary belongs in prison. Bathhouse Barry MUST face a firing squad for there to be any justice in this life for him.
justice for him, or satisfaction for you? will bush daddy, bush, cheney and netanyahu be in that line? or are you another hasbara runner? quite a lot of them here.
HIllary didn't create the bureaucracy & it would seem that is what got in the way of Benghazi. Many Republicans have used private servers for their email for official business, & deleted thousands. It's all just a Republican smear.
Thank you Au fait for selecting my comments as the best answer. I'm deeply honored. You are such a good writer.
Hillary Clinton's corruption and use of the Clinton Foundation to become personally enriched is far more important and serious.
Donald trumps economic advisors are all his biggest donors. His cabinet will be people who bailed him out of bankruptcy. Corruption? Clinton did not get rich off foundation. Bteitbart media lies.
This is false. Hillary and Bill do NOT even take a salary from the CGI Foundation!
Foreign governments gave millions to foundation while Clinton was at State Dept.
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
You have something against Russia, yet don't mind trump having business deals with the Kremlin? You don't mind his donors being his economic advisors, but hate corruption? You guys have some double standards.
Hillary donates all speaking fees to charity. Republicans overcharge disabled vets to listen to GW.
I think you missed the news that Trump uses his as a personal slush fund. I think you need to do a little more serious research on the two foundations.
Neither Hillary or Donald are standing on "holy ground".
The reality is politics has become another spectator sport!
People root and cheer for their candidate without acknowledging any warts. Hillary has people who can overlook anything negative about her as well. People believe what (they) want to believe!
Some people HATE one candidate so much that they'll believe anything negative about him or her without getting into details. In fact they don't want details. Some people still don't believe Obama was born here! "He (founded) ISIS!" - Seriously???
Whenever the opposition points out a flaw in their candidate they blame the media for fabricating lies or they find a way to justify his or her actions and if's not possible they'll deflect attention.
It would be rare for a Republican to vote Democrat and vice versa regardless of who is representing the opposition party.
Most people vote for a (political party agenda) over a candidate!
No matter who wins a presidential election just about half of the voters voted for the other candidate!
Election results don't solve anything or unite the country. It just makes the opposition party more determined to trip up the sitting president in hopes getting their own candidate into office.
People don't see the lies and scams of either candidate because they don't want to. And the world keeps turning round and round.
dashingscorpio: I agree with everything you have stated. They can promise and pledge the world while they are campaigning, but congress has the final word on what gets passed and they are as divided as the candidates are. No one is accountable.
Well said! We need more posts that are not obsessed with one party or another.
do yiu get that one party is taking away rights left and right? how can anyone support that?!? stop being soft on these cretins!
Both partys are taking away rights. Both are full of cretins!
example of democratically controlled state taking away rightz, please. anywhere you have repub control, voting rights and womens rights are gonzo.
I'm not, and I wonder the same thing as you do.
I also wonder why so many Americans are in denial of Hillary Clinton's scams and lies. She's just as bad, if not worse.
I can't figure out how so many people in this country are brainwashed by one of the other. What is wrong with people?
Can you fathom that I think you're brainwashed to believe the lie campaign of 30 yrs? Cause I do. And there it stands.
Hillary is a smart, experienced politician and philanthropist. Trump is an egotistical pathological liar. It's like comparing gold nuggets to mud. I don't get it.
LM: what is the 'lie campaign of 30 years' that you're referring to? I don't even know so I can't respond.
Yoss: lol, Clinton is fool's gold. Her and Trump are cut from the same cloth.
The vast right wing conspiracy that has demonized the Clinton's for decades.Where do you hear all this stuff after all?Did they go after anyone else ever for embassy deaths? It would have been unthinkable. Forcing bill to go under oath,not gw or dick
LM you make assumptions, I'm not a 'right winger', lol. Yes, the right has often exaggerated and twisted things to point fingers at the Clintons. Sometimes they have a point, sometimes they don't. Same with Dems. Both sides have been dishonest.
They do a lot more than exaggerate or twist. They use their power as our representatives to go after them. Relentlessly. Spend our tax dollars to do it.Meanwhile, Republicans are not even considered wrong for the exact same things.It's quite evil.
I wouldn't use the word 'evil'. Wrong, yes. Reps are corrupt. I honestly don't see Dems as any better at all, though. Opposite sides of the same coin.
So, when pelosi said she didn't want to put the country through an investigating of the bush adm, and Obama said he's moving forward, how is that the same as 8 hearings on whether or not Hillary and Barack deliberately let Stevens die? Emails same
OMG cherry picking a couple of decent dem decisions and pitting them a couple of bad rep decisions doesn't prove one great/one bad. Both have done good and both have done sucky things.
250 char. limit here.
im talking about this current batch. there is no comparison with despicable behavior. people always say theyre both the same i guess thinking it minimizes the despicable behavior. birtherism, filibustering, obstructing, political witch hunts..no comp
MSW you are spot on - this line of comments, between you and Leslie shows just how badly some people can get twisted up by 'politics'... the show is put on for the sake of voters, while they march the country down the same path Dems or Reps in power.
pro choice, anti abortion...not the same at all
There is one MAJOR difference between HRC and Trump. Trump's substantive lies are a known quantity. HRC's substantive lies are a supposition and hyperbole by Hillary haters.
The "vast right-wing conspiracy" is admitted to by Kochs in Jane Meyer's Dark Money; they were proud of it. See http://www.cbsnews.com/news/hillary-cli … unded-now/
Both sides are covered in warts, Washington is corrupt, and the system is broken. Anyone buying into Hillary as this great figure a hero coming to save the day... and Trump as some sort of evil... its scary people can get so deluded by the BS.
its the other way around. you need dumpy to save us from crooked hillary. one of the posters here calls trump superman and hillary the devil. media on hillary 24/7.dumpy gets a pass...on everything!
I've noticed the media has said nothing about Trump's raping that little girl, yet they couldn't get on it fast enough when it was Bill Cosby.
Here's why we have Hillary supporters: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-0 … illiterate
very true af! they say nothing about rape, taxes,stiffing workers(yay hillary),his avoiding the military, his pornopic wife,his business failures, his 3 marriages, his involvement w the kremlin, the panama papers, his paying the ag off 2ignore trumpu
The rape charges are completely without foundation. Failed businesses are an inevitability for one who is in business. (You try it.) "Avoiding the military" occurred during the Viet Nam War. All who were not brain-dead avoided the draft at that time.
really? it sure was an issue for bill clinton. remember? draft-dodger. coward. traitor. my how times have changed. and trump said he was not healthy enough, but he was an athlete in prep school...is that a lie? is he a liar? hillary would be. smh
I would call the GOP evil, they have told us themselves the ONLY THING THEY CARE ABOUT IS BEATING THE DEMS! They have been blaming Hillary for everything - Murder, their lies, their wrongs, & even for not leaving Bill after he fell into their tra
This is puzzling to me also. Trump is touting the most outrageous policies, conspiracy theories, and deliberate lies of the sort - "i know you are, but what am I?" bully tactics imaginable.
Yet no one seems to notice.
All they want to do is BASH Hillary or Obama. Both of which are easily 10 times the upstanding citizen that Trump is.
Hillary has been bashed for over 30 years! You would think that the alt. right wing nut jobs would have run out of things to say about these two.
But now Rush Limbaugh is saying that "Obama is sending Lesbian Farmers" to destroy our nation somehow.
I can't even listen to Trump anymore. What does anyone see in this guy?
He gives them license to hate and blame. Imo
The same reason why Democrats are in denial about Hillary Clinton, her Benghazi, e-mail scandals, & the Clinton Foundation.
On target. Party partisans are in denial about just how bad their candidate is. The US has, almost certainly, the worst choice EVER in a presidential election this year, 2016!
Who made them scandals? Is no scandal when anyone else does it. You've bought into the propaganda. How many hearings? Who ran them? Were there hearings when condi ignored warnings? When Powell lied about Saddam chemical factory? Think about it.
Leslie, legal documentation on H.C's corruption is available if you care to look at it, which you apparently don't. I just finished watching a PBS episode in which a Hillary supporter stated that because she works she has no time to research. Wow!
legal documentation, eh? from where, judicial watch? come now, thats vast right wing stuff. and correct me if im wrong, but why now? no one sued gw for embassy deaths. no one convicted bush adm for using private server from rnc! why now? DUH.politics
She is dirty on the email scandal. (Isn't there just one?) But Benghazi and the foundation have been beaten to death without proof of wrongdoing by House Republicans. If they really CAN prove something illegal, let them try again to do so.
if shes dirty, there are plenty more. in fact, the previous republican adm used a private server run by the rnc...and bushs brain deleted 22million e mails. isnt that dirty? or was it clean then, dirty now? or is it really truly all politics.quibono?
Leslie, we need more voters who can see all politicians objectively instead of thinking that one side is entirely good and the other side entirely bad.
well count me out. i see nothing good about the tea party and the alt right.
http://www.bushcenter.org/about-the-cen … s-releases
/2014/09/president-george-w-bush-and-president-The salesman has never done anything for this country, lies ON A DAILY BASIS. Go to YouTube search. PAGES. It's laughable.
There is solid evidence against the Trumpster, and about to be more with investigations of his Foundation & model agency. There is proof from endless investigations by Republicans that Hillary is not guilty of accusations against her.
Some of his followers see what they want to see. Some are wealthy and just do not care about ethics and integrity. While others are too ignorant to know any better. I am finding that some people are so filled with hatred and fear that they just listen to what he is saying and not looking at what he has done and continues to do. Then there are the so-called Christians who are behind him because he "says" he is pro-life and not considering that a true Christian does not support racism, bigotry, hate, and rip people off. Again, some people are not fans of the truth and just see what they want to see. In addition to this we have never had a female President in our Country and many people are afraid of change and some are old fashioned and still see woman as belonging bare foot, pregnant, and in the kitchen. I know a few woman who are voting for Trump because their husband is for Trump instead of educating themselves on the facts and supporting Hillary. People are influenced by their church, their own ignorance and biases, lack of education, and their spouse. Some people are afraid of the truth. I am a realist and believe all politicians are corrupt to a certain extent and when I vote I pick who I feel is the best choice for me and mine. I am voting for Hillary.
Andrea: I don't know why your comment was hidden on my site. I find everything you said as spot on. I wish more people thought the way you do and be able to cut through Trump's smoke screen of B.S. He is just making it up as he goes along.
Most people hate the truth. Andrea, I really like your answer and I agree with most of what you write. I wish there could be more than one best answer because yours would definitely be one of them.
It is probably for the same reason that Democrats aren't shocked and ashamed of Hillary Clinton's character and lies.
The salesman lies on a daily basis! Even wearing a stupid looking ball cap with a suit just to make you think he's "one of us," is laughable because he's never worn one in his life. Embarrassing
What Republicans view as Hillary's bad character and lies are merely a figment of their imagination and something they made up in hopes it will catch on. They know they can't win unless they can smear Hillary. The Donald is a loser.
The reason why? It is simple. They are giving him enough rope to hang himself. No worries...
It's a simplistic answer. As simplistic as some of the solutions Trump proposes to cure our societal ills. Build a wall! Ban Muslims! Don't you know if the problems were that easy to solve, the other presidents would have already done it! Duh!
Bingo. A salesman lying to close a deal, wear a stupid ball cap he never would wear otherwise, anything to close a deal...
I believe I represent the views of the majority of conservatives. We have been disenfranchised by the Donald Trump movement. Our party was the Republican party but it was taken hostage by the Trump coup. And, since I find Hillary to be just as disgusting an option I have no plans to cast a vote in November. I will not jump on the "we must defeat Hillary " bandwagon nor "we must defeat Trump". Both sides are asinine at best and I plan to have no part of it. Oh Canada yada yada yada
That's an honest statement. But I think quite a few people will vote for Clinton even though they are critical of her because they are so scared of Trump.
His lying and scams don't' even scare me as much as his ridiculous, unfiltered mouth. He sounds like a bratty, undisciplined child. If he were 5 he'd be sent to his room without supper. I only hope that room is never the oval office.
can you imagine.....a guy who ridicules a disabled person ....president of the united states. GAWD, how far weve fallen! i mean, where is the self respect? *duh duh with his arms flapping.* GAWD!!!
Touche. Thank you, Mac. Yes, horrible sense of party values since I went Dem to Calif GOP during the Reagan era. Dems ARE consistent, civil and sane. Disenchanted with them too.
There is nothing and I repeat nothing Donald Trump has done that even comes close to the history of Hillary Clinton. When compared with her, he looks pretty good. Scams? Look up Hillary's "Bimbo Eruption Unit" a group she headed to destroy women who came forward and spoke about her husband the rapist. This is a woman who pays her male staff more than her female staff. She laughed about getting a plea deal for a child rapist. Then of course there is Vince Foster, Travelgate, the Email scandal, the FBI background scandal, Whitewater scandal as well as the Clinton foundation scandal and that's just the short list. Lies? Landing under sniper fire in Bosnia, Benghazi, cattle future lies and more. Sorry, Trump would have a long way to go to even get close to competing with Hillary when it comes to lies and scams. With Hillary there are just too many to mention.
Very well said but you will not convince her koolaid drinking supporters Lies repeated over and over turn into the truth for them. I feel like I'm living in WWII Germany with the propaganda that has been spread for years against Republicans
That's so true, Readmikenow. Hillary Clinton is a terrific grade A lier. Scam and Scandals? Oh, she leads the world in that.
And they are still being exposed...Clinton is a pure criminal
Wrong. This guy is on a daily basis. He's never HAD any of the country's decisions to make. A greasy salesman who would wear a ball cap (he has never worn one) with a suit (LMAO!) to sucker the naive, greedy, immoral into thinking he's 'one of us.'
Leftist thinking is a kind of religion, completely impervious to facts. They repeat slogans and catechise others in the tenets of their unexamined belief system. Name-calling (racist, homophobe, Islamophobe)--meaning "heretic"--is all they've got.
reallly? twerent them calling me jew hater and having me banned for life. twas the rabid judeoxtian right. the true unmentionable oh so pc topic we may never discuss is bibis treatment of fellow human beings. read what pricectag terror is all about.
Remember when HRC put on that NY ball-cap & said "I've always been a Yankees fan"?
Remember the cute girls that sang and danced to the tune of "Over There"? Trump didn't even bother to pay them. He is stiffing everyone that supports him. What a guy.
The Trump Foundation is about to be investigated as is his model agency for trafficking.Then there's the rape of a 13-year old girl. Plus conning people out of their money in his various business deals & his fake university. Your idea of honorabl
They are not in denial, they just have no other option but to get behind his madness, however a lot of republicans are running away from his as fast as they can.
Elsayedosama, I appreciate your interest in my question, but I'm afraid your response does not meet HubPages standards and must be deleted.. No links please, and also please write in English.
I would concur with the first half... and then add, and what are their other options? Really, most people, Indepenents or Republicans aren't thrilled about either option and really feel there is no good choice, just a lesser of two evils.
Looks like the Republican Party will die off soon. Supposedly, they are "conservatives" but G.W. Bush ran the country into debt with Iraq but it helped his buddy, Chaney, and Haliburton.
starsweightloss, it seems Trump ran faster, though some Republicans are still trying to get away from him. No matter, he's the GOP candidate.
I don't think the republican party as a whole is in denial about The Donald,the majority of Republicans realize he did in fact, execute a hostile takeover of their party and is in fact, destroying it from within.The Trojan horse he used is the Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity audience A.K.A The Tea Party A.K.A. The Republican base,Which are the same 20 million people which are enough to rule the GOP but also ensure the party can never win a general election for president.
I agree completely with your question about The Donald being a terrible candidate. Did you ask the same about Hillary? She's pretty horrible too, and the Democrats I know tend to overlook her horrifying lies just as much as the republicans I know overlook Donald's lies.
Politics have become a team sport. Republicans and Democrats. Each team's goal is to be the one in office. The voters have become spectators picking a side and voting for their side no matter what. Watch pro wrestling for a while and pick a wrestler. Compare the pre-match posturing to political debates and it's scary how similar they are. It's all about putting on a good show and keeping the team rooting for their favorite team, whichever candidate is the favored one.
If you need more proof of this mention other candidates besides Democrat or Republican and watch the blank faces, or listen to the "yeah, but they're not electable" speech that follows. It's all about the team.
theyre not electable, and you wind up helping the one you dont want in there! it will take a long time before third parties win. but they win sometimes on state and local levels. and its not so much party, but platform. night and day.
There is the "they're not electable" argument. It works that way because we as a society let it. When we accept the team narrative, it limits our options. Stop accepting it and the bad candidates are no longer viable.
no really, its just numbers. and when third party gets up there, they will be the establishment and people will look for something better again. nothing new under the sun.
As long as we accept that as truth, that is correct. If we pick the best of the worst, that's what we get. If we stop accepting this false idea, it changes. Revolutions are organized when enough people are willing to take action. Peaceful, or not.
i was indie, voted nader. my vote would otherwise have gone to gore.so in effect, i helped elect gw bush. not doing that again. and johnson is cool and all, but he was a repub. how indie is he really?? theres a reason he chose to be republican first.
Deviating from your norm one time does not disprove. That's like saying, "I bought a lottery ticket once and didn't win, therefore no one ever does." Fear voting keeps the fear system.
um, i was indie for a long time. thought both parties were corporate w**res. then comes howard dean and shows me i can be dem. have been since then. sorry, but you arent inventing the wheel here. been there, done that!
Never said I was inventing the wheel. Far from it, I know what I'm saying isn't new. Just that both parties are as you said, corporate w*****. I think it's sad you went from seeing it to buying the rhetoric of the team.
but inside that corporate hoardom are values,principles, an agenda.i can live with a democratic agenda.it fits my values. the trick is to grow the values, shrink the money. and hillary wants to do away with citizens united.obama was against it.values
Look forward to your proof that Hillary is a horrible liar, etc. 8 Republican investigations say she didn't do what she is accused of. Yet GOP supporters refuse to accept the word of people they voted for & intend to vote for again. Proof pleas
Because some people are ignorant and stubborn and don't want to admit that they are wrong. Trump is a loud-mouthed person. He really doesn't want the job as president. He only wants the prestige to say, "I have the Trump Tower and I want to build another one in Russia." And the golden egg is saying, "I'm president!!!" He is just as bad as my governor of Maine, Paul LePage. Both racists and they have no compassion for the poor, either
I often ask them the same question about Hillary....
And people wonder why I support Gary Johnson. I don't know. Might have something to do with the alternatives being a corrupt, two-faced career politician with a laundry list of scandals and lies, and a career businessman who has funded every corrupt politician in D.C. while claiming he's an outsider.
That might be why.
then, of course, johnson will have his time in "the smear zone". cant imagine what theyll say about him. i like weld, and i like the socially liberal part...economics, where does he stand? he has a great add on radio. but, hell be vetted if he runs
Oh, wow. She has a long history of lying. cover-ups, getting caught in lies, and then denying that she lied after she's been caught, by claiming to be incompetent.or just plain stupid.
Randy, G. Johnson doesn't know what Aleppo is and is blissfully unaware of our involvement in Syria. Donald Duck is better informed. It's a Republican smear job on Hillary with no substance. 8 Republican investigations have cleared her.
For the same reasons Democrats are in denial about the scandalous life of Hillay Clinton. She is a pathological liar and everyone knows it but Democrats overlook it because they want to.
actually. thats only your opinion. i see nothing scandalous or pathological and never have. in fact, sometimes i think im speaking to martians!
She's lied about her emails (and this has been verified by FBI), she's lied about Benghazi and lied about the Clinton Foundation.
Hxprof, you can see a transcript of James Comey's speech regarding emails and the conclusion about them reached by the FBI. Nowhere does he even suggest Hillary lied about them. https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press … y-fbi-dire
http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/why-hil … -she-did/. Clinton lied to Congress.
lied to this congress? more power to ya! oh, and gonzales lied to congress, powell lied to congress, an iraqi princess lied to congress, and bush and cheney got to testify without being under oath. hillarys a girl scout compared to them. NEXT
She lied to Congress about her emails. Comey has commented on the fact that statements she made weren't accurate. Clinton's running for office, not Bush, Cheney, Powell or a foreign prince.
Clinton believed what she told congress when she testified so it was not a lie. It was a mistake. Rice, Powell, both used private email servers as Sec. of State. They weren't called B4 congress to testify. When did Comey say she lied about emails?
running for office? the mf was president!! and powell, gonzales lies led us into an illegal invasion.where were umpteen million hearings then? nowhere. why? republican congress just like now. its not hillary lies, its politics. ugly, dirty politics.
@Rock Artist, THANK YOU. Democrats are in DEEP, DEEP DENIAL regarding the scandals of Hillary Clinton, c'mon now......be real......
"its not hillary lies, its politics. ugly, dirty politics." Hillary is a big part of ugly, dirty, politics. She's every bit as much filth as those Republicans. No side is pure, that's a fable for children.
she has not said we will ban all muslims from this country, made a campaign out of bashing people, accused dumpy of founding isis. she never accused dumpy of being born in scotland and made a media circus out of his birth certificate. no contest.
Perfectly said - I can't believe the level of ignorance regarding the most criminally corrupt politician in US history. The facts are there to see. Trump's critics are the left wing media who seeks a Clinton presidency,
Here's the latest on the emails: Hillary wiped her server AFTER the emails were subpoenaed. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-0 … hit-moment
yawn. hows the wall coming along? have you spoken to any muslim friends around the globe? make sure you tell them there will be an ideoligical test to enter the country. no, no. not afghanistan and the taliban, america and the religious right.
This article explains the Hillary supporters. "How To Recognize the Dark Ages When You Are in Them." http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-0 … illiterate
@ RArtist The only scandals in Hillary's life are the ones made up to destroy her politically, she is one person who stands for ALL of us against the power hungry greedy.
Not martians Leslie just children.
the waa waa club. "you cant have anything. we want it ALL. and well do whatever it takes to get it" oh we lost an election? WAAAAAA
Democrats overlook your accusations about Hillary because they are baseless. Just a nasty smear that some Republican thought up -- the sort of thing Republicans excel at.
There are some many Red Herrings being tossed about in the election, that the air stinks. You know what happens to fish that is left out, after 3 days it really stinks. And these red herrings are are lot older than 3 days. How many more red herrings will we smell from now until the election? Isn't it time to trash these dead herrings, and throw a lot of bleach on the election platform to clear the air. Demand more from the election, and accept nothing less than the truth, and the plan that can work to reverse the US decline. Or do your like political stench?
who says were in decline? i certainly dont think so. if we were, the cost of living wouldnt be so high. in fact, it takes great effort just to keep up. 15 an hr is a good start. now we need a peoples revolution and i dont mean more tax cuts for rich.
46 mil people on food stamps, 1 out of 5 families are not working.
$15 hr is a handout, it also discriminates against all those people that had to perform to get pay increases to get there. What about Trump scams and lies, What are they????
hes too unhealthy for vietnam, i love you ivana til death do us part, trump u is a legitimate university, i will build a wall and mexico will pay for it, only i can fix america, hillary and barack founded isis, obama was born in kenya, will pay a mil
What is the scam and what is the lie?
Hillary and Bill didn't do anything about immigration or the wall. And neither did any president or US congress. So while Hillary attacks Trump on this she did nothing? Any other scams or lies?
we do not want a wall! what is this east germany? gaza? and every politician tries to do something about immigration. except what would work: throw the scumbag employers in jail. lie: unfit for vietnam. lie: obama was born in kenya. scam: trump u out
Bradmaster, never thought I'd agree with you on anything. In this case the Red Herrings thrown about by GOPers stink to the high heavens. How many more we must smell depends. How many more times GOPers make up more/repeat the old lies about Clinton?
Basically Trump's popularity is high because the Republican establishment has ignored the wishes of their constituents. Republicans controlled Congress for two years and failed to achieve any of their campaign promises.
Donald Trump speaks freely. He says what he thinks without any forethought. Voters like this. But I also think his careless words will be the cause of his defeat in November.
The voters will hold Trump fully accountable for one campaign promise. That promise is the deportation of all illegal immigrants.
His words are only words. So are Hillary's. But since Trump is a business man, I don't think he wants to be president for a moral reason. He wants control and a way to make himself richer
Think you may be right John. Republicans want our president & our country to fail so badly for their own satisfaction. That used to be treason . . .
Your statement is inaccurate. One third of Republicans do not approve of Trump. They are just as cognizant of his shortcomings as they are of Hillary's. They long for better choices.
Spot on savvy. There's a blanket assumption that "Republicans" support Trump....absolutely not true. I registered Republican just to vote in the primaries, and will soon be switching to independent. I suspect many did the same.
cool. maybe theyll call for hearings on trump. what do you say, fair and square? he should have to endure the same interrogation.
No, L.. He'd have to have been responsible for the deaths of four Americans (at least) and for having compromised National Security. But luckily for Hillary, she has fans like you who choose to remain blissfully unaware of reality.
no, i dont believe that lie. otherwise, all other secs of state from all other embssy deaths would also have to be responsible. and not once in the history of usa has a prez and sec of state been blamed for embassy deaths. powell lied. no hearings.
No. HC was part of the policy of doing NOTHING to help Americans in Libya when they clearly needed help. No assets were given the go to respond. If she DIDN'T approve of this, she should have said so and resigned. Didn't happen.
It's a lost cause trying to explain things, HXprof. Hillary is much like Al Sharpton, who preys upon the gullible. Both knowingly deceive to gain votes, power, wealth
http://www.americanthinker.com/articles … crats.html
that is total bs.im surprised anyone can belive that. say, and speaking of gullible, ive been trying to convince people 9/11 was an inside job for 15yrs. but not your george, huh? not your president. he wouldnt do that! lolol
Okaaay... I also hear the Loch Ness monster has property in Arizona. Oh, Leslie. You made it too easy to prove my point.
what point was that? im gullible because i believe bush did horrible things, but not hillary? but you believe hillary did horrible things, and nor bush! im gullible, but your conspiracies are true, is that it?
If one third of Republicans don't approve of him, doesn't that mean two thirds do approve? That makes her statement more right than wrong.
The tragedy is how many on the left won't criticize Clinton's proven corruption, bribes to the foundation in return for meetings and state approvals.
really? i think your boy bush allowed 3,000 americans to be murdered for project for a new american century...the banner rubio ran under. i call that much worse than a tragedy. and what do i get from fellow americans? insults and condemnation. 15 yrs
Thank you, sav & hx for honest candor. Not in love with my choices, but evil, inexperienced salesmen I do not support. Hey, ex-California GOP during Reagan & #1 Bush era. What weird values has taken over the GOP in mid-Dad's term? 1st vote &g
@Hx Hillary is not the one who stopped the security group on the way to help. ADDITIONAL HELP WAS ON THE WAY AND COULD HAVE MADE IT IN TIME, BUT SOMEONE ELSE HELD THEM UP! Were you in grammar school at the time?
Shyron - please school me on this by providing the link/links that you're getting your information from. I'll look at it.
read what richard shinnick had to say.he was a member of benghazi review board. he says the republican narrative on benghazi is "total bs"
(anyone and their mother knows that)
The evil Bush-family helped plan, orchestrate & cover-up the 9/11 "attacks" for their Zionist masters. Obama's momma was a porn-star & his nanny was a tranny called "Evie". HRC had to takeout Amb Stevens who used to " hang out" with Bathhouse
All Shinnic said was that her signature on cables doesn't mean she saw a cable & didn't act on it or sent a cable.Her signature is on all cables.He never commented on her lies about the video or anything else.Leslie seems u r the BS
no,he said if you know anything about the state dpt, you know the sec of state is not in the "chain if command"to deal w benghazi. it was an cia outpost!that would be patraeus. --and the zionist master is netanyahu, whom you admire."9/11 good for us"
Savvydating, Republicans wouldn't need to long for better choices if they would just vote Democratic. Voting for the 'other side' makes better choices appear immediately.
Why don't democrats think Hillary's scams, lies, criminal activity, and corruption are pertinent?
i dont see any lies scams or criminal activity. people keep saying it....wheres the beef? its all right wing bulloney. for 6yrs prior repubs had it all. since 2010, theyve had 3out of 4 branches of gvt. if she so crooked, they wouldve hung her.
What about the fact that Hillary claims to be pro-woman while she set out to silence all the women claiming rape or sexual harassment against Bill?
welp, there are 2 sides to that. some of these women were recruted by the right wing to honeypot clinton. if you recall, jones got a new home and a big makeover after she did her part. much like kathryn harris. lewinski, foreign agent. vast network.
Matt, other than the email scandal (which she is certainly guilty of), what scams, lies, criminal activity and corruption do you mean? If she were guilty of more than the email scandal, why haven't House Republicans indicted her?
fbi just said she did not delete any emails relating to the investigation...so where is that story coming from? GEE I WONDER!
People who are unaware of Hillary's absolutely incredible criminality re the emails and the Clinton Foundation--not to mention the scores of highly actuarially improbable deaths--are not keeping up.
@ Rachel Lefler, www.huffingtonpost.com/lisa-bloom/why-t … 19944.html
You people should look into what Hillary did w/former child sex-slave Cathy O'Brien who was purchased at 12YO by Gerald Ford in MI. Robt Byrd was her congressional pimp. Goes back to RWR & the Boy's Town scandal. Those people worship the devil.
So, if she's a criminal, why did we only hear about this while she's running for office, instead of sooner? The Trump backers are bigots and fools. Too bad they couldn't go live with Hitler. I think they'd like him.
Because they're fictitious, brewed in the minds of GOPers to take in people like you so you'll vote Republican. 8 Republican investigations cleared her of all criminal activity. No matter how many times you tell a lie it doesn't become the truth.
Its time to get real dear ! Clinton is far worse ! The obvious truths that you ignore are catching on to most people , By now most people are realizing that , maybe its time you" get on board ".
ahorseback, you want people to add to the trail of lies that has been around the table 100s of times, you can swallow that BS if YOU WANT, but you are not going to feed it to me.
In 1981 CIA Director William Casey told President Reagan "The disinformation program will continue until everything the American public believes is a lie."
Per Clint Eastwood "Obama is the greatest hoax ever petpetrated against the American people."
charlie sheen and rosie odonnell dont believe the gvt 9/11 story. but bill maher does. go figure. what eastwood thinks is neither here nor there. hes an nra rightwingnut
Sgt Prepper, are you talking about the same Clint Eastwood who sees people in empty chairs and talks to them?
Why would an honorable patriot lie about his president's legality?
Why would an illegal president lie about it? Kenyan-born, gay, commie, Moslem Obama is The Antichrist. Get ready!
I think you've been brainwashed. Just because Trump was a bully growing up and his father sent him away and he grew up priviledged, I guess that makes him smarter and better?
Don't patronize me A-horse. I'm not your dear. Show me those so-called truths. I want proof. I never follow the crowd. They're usually wrong. Definitely wrong on this. Show me your proof that 8 investigations couldn't find.
Lol literally could say the exact same about Hillary. Except she's just the worst kind of person who sold herself out to the wrong people
example? just one? who has she sold out to?
Elsayedosama, I must also delete this comment for the reason previously stated.
C E Clark ,I think you should report this clown Elsayedosama. I did.
Mio Cid, I have removed the comments. I appreciate your reporting them. That will save me time. No telling what was said on the websites he placed links to. All in Arabic.
I think a lot of men don't want a woman to be president. I am voting for her instead of Trump and it's not because she's a woman, either. It's because I am a good judge of character and he stinks
Despite several calls for proof I note you have provided none. I think liars are the worst kind of people. People who perpetuate lies and who accept lies without question are the morons in our society. The problem makers.
The Republican Party is so desperate to get the presidency back, that the party is throwing their support behind someone this lame and horrible.
Luckily for them, the Fox News brainwashing has been so thorough and so effective that conservatives distrust all other media reports. Therefore all the facts about how awful Trump is gets completely ignored by Republican voters.
He's just as like-minded as his crony -- Gov. Paul LePage, who a lot of citizens in Maine want to get rid of. Trump and LePage are both egomaniacs. They think whatever they think is right and everyone else is wrong.
As Republicans all say: Look at her don't look at him. I say look in the mirror first.
Mostly agree with you Virginia. However the GOP establishment didn't/doesn't want Trump. It''s the gullible people/GOP supporters who gave him the primary wins and GOP is hesitant to go against what their supporters want.
I wouldn't classify people supporting Trump as Republicans first of all, too many people are getting caught up in this, THEY are Republicans or THEY are liberals or THEY are Socialists. The vast majority supporting him are anti-Washington corruption/politics as normal, anti-Clinton, anti-globalism types, etc. etc.
They are independent, Democrat and Republican voters that are just tired of the BS, tired of the party politics that haven't been, no matter who has control of what, for many years now... we keep marching along, the politicians change nothing whether or not its Dems or Reps... Obamacare remains, despite the waves of Republicans voted in primarily to do away with it... agreements like NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP, etc. keep marching along despite the millions of lost jobs and people put out of work...
Sure a percentage of the populace is so into politics that they truly do identify with Democrat or Republican parties the way some people do a religion, some as fanatically as any ISIS card carrying member out there.
But for the rest, the 75% of Americans, it isn't like that at all. They are going to weigh their choices, and choose the lesser of two evils... and in this election like no other, it is most definitely a choice of the lesser of two evils, and nothing better.
Now... why do so many people support Trump despite all the stories out there of his lying and cheating and being a racist, etc.
First because the vast majority of those aforementioned 75% of the people put no stock in anything the media puts out there... the press could (and has) say Trump is everything evil under the sun they can think of, most realize that 90% of those reports are just worthless noise, the daily dribble attack to get a click or view.
The second reason for it, is that Clinton has all the same trust, honesty, character issues that you mention about Trump (other than the wives) and the difference there is he did those things as a private businessman, and not a public servant.
Trump got rich the old fashioned way, he worked and conned and took gambles to get where he is today. Clinton got her hundreds of millions through making political deals, and other unsavory ways, often most likely at the expense of American interests and American workers.
exactly why i put no stock in the things said anout hillary. and that malarkey has been going on for 30 yrs.
rush the clown limbaugh. "feminazi." "had foster killed." worthless noise since 1991
Certainly true Leslie, however I go back to the last paragraph... and ask again, how does a life long public servant, who does not come from a family of wealth (IE - Kennedy) become worth hundreds of millions? We know how Trump got his, but Hillary?
i dont know how she got rich but i know shes not hiding anything. she released 20 yrs worth of tax returns so we could all see. you all go on and on with this innuendo, as if you know for a fact all these things you hear or read. she wrote books. spe
Ken, I have gone through Hillary's tax returns. There is no proof in them that she has generated enough money to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. She has a 34% effective tax rate. She makes a lot of money from books and speeches.
Scott she owns homes in some of the richest neighborhoods going, she made more than 30 million just two years ago... that is someone who, if not making it through business efforts, but as a politician, is bought and paid for, and not by voters.
Ken, I don't disagree with your basic point. If you look up the tax returns of other candidates from both parties, you will see they also have made tens of millions before and after serving in office. Money has completely corrupted politics.
I agree with that Scott, in fact it is my point. The majority of people are starting to realize that Dem or Rep doesn't matter, they are all paid for, all voting for things not in American's best interests... and hence we get anti-Washington Trump
its not all of them. thats like saying all lawyers are crooks, all businessmen are corrupt, all cashiers are stupid, etc. i think a lot of them are decent and caring human beings.the system needs changing. no more citizens u, big lobbies, aipac, etc
Leslie, both parties are corrupt, largely exposed this election with how the 'click' got behind Hillary and handed her the nomination before the race, or Bernie, even got going... same for how the Reps trashed Trump, since he is not 'one of them'.
oh pkz, hes one of them. they loved him when he was demanding obamas birth certificate didnt they? and read daily beast, trump hires original hillary hunter. a veteran hound dog for the vast right wing. oh trumps in the club. he knows the underground
Leslie, one day you will realize that Dem or Rep doesn't matter, it is all a bunch of hogwash, a big show... the politicians that pass the laws and write the trade agreements, are being paid by the same sources... and those sources run things, not us
yes but they let us little people feed our derangements. one of the repubs is that a fetus is deserving of more rights than the person whose body its in. dems think the person matters more. repubs love guns, war. stuff like that.
Actually, Donald Trump grew up with servants and a chauffeur. His father made money off the US govt. by building shoddy, low-income housing. Donald Trump did not earn what he has today.
yes, hes always been a part of that club, which epstein was their jimmy saville *allegedly*. and he admitted to it. buying politicans, etc. people think hes going to fix it because of that. oh no. hes becoming a politician daily. hes not comfortable
There is solid evidence proving Trump guilty of ugly business dealings and worse. 8 GOP investigations have cleared Hillary of any criminal activity, but R'pubs don't believe their own elected officials! Where's your proof to back up your charges?
I'm not a Republican, but I do recognize that a good portion of the country, myself included, is fed up with the political correctness. It's not just Republicans, it's people who generally identify as Democrats as well. Take Orlando...so many people I know in the LGBT community realized that the Democrats support our rights only as long as it agrees with their agenda. That's not to say that Trump isn't corrupt, but when you're dealing with a lineup of corrupt politicians, it's not hard to understand why some prefer the politician who is corrupt in obvious ways.
Trump wears his character on his sleeve, for better or worse. God help us that Trump and Clinton are the two options we have to choose from, but it is what it is. Yes, yes, Gary Johnson, I know. I'm voting for him because I can't in good conscience vote for either of them or not vote at all as a patriot, but realistically, those are the options.
All politicians are liars and crooked. They are just salespeople who are trying to sell themselves no matter what the cost so they can get what "they want".
Like any other type of work, there are good politicans and bad ones. The bad ones get that way because too many ignorant and self-centered voters make them that way. We live in a democracy and "get the government we deserve".
Mary Ann, there is a lot of truth in what you say. Think a lot of people take candidate's statements/opinions too seriously. They aren't dictators once elected, & will tow the party line if they want to keep their job.They can't do what they want
I'm a long-time Republican who'll be voting for Johnson/Weld. D.
Trump has a long history of talking like a Democrat (see youtube vid Trump Tapes Volume 1). Hillary is worse than Trump in a lot of ways, and he's worse than she on some things. Johnson/Weld seem to be pro TPP which doesn't blow my hair back... I doubt if they've been through the fine print on that one, but even if they push that through, it's just one more trade agreement on top of NAFTA, GATT, WTO, etc. If the economy means anything to you, you're a fool to vote for either of the "big-two" mindless, pandering-for-your-vote parties that dug us this deeply into debt. Let's TRULY change the trajectory of our nation... imagine voting for a party that actually believes in bringing our troops home-yet wants a strong defense-AND eschews surreptitious drone attacks and the like. Imagine a party that would allow migrant workers to come across the border and let "market forces" influence their direction and numbers (while maintaining judicious safeguards against al Qaeda, ISIS, etc.)
Weld and Johnson are truly the most qualified candidates out there; their credentials are impeccable. Hillary's seizures/spasms appear very serious, Trump's flair for verbal unrestraint may be just as serious, and nobody likes the hyper-regulatory, Gestapo-like, goose-stepping of the Greens. And as far as McMullin is concerned, do we really want a CIA agent monitoring all our phone calls in the Oval Office? I'd sooner vote for Edward Snowden.
A vote for the Libertarians is a vote for Liberty, but more than that, we owe it to ourselves to tell the two major leagues "WE ARE NOT HAPPY!!!" The CFR and Trilateral crowd can eat crow for four years, although, I'm sure they'll rig some event designed to bring down a truly independent party, regardless of who got hurt in the process. I think it's safe to say the powers-that-be won't bat an eyelash playing hardball. Think World Wars I and II... the military extrapolations of political decisions.
Best of luck to all of you in our post November 8 world!
well, since all politicians are corrupt, whats the point?
Nudely, if you'd sooner vote for Snowden, you can write in Edward Snowden.
Anyone who doesn't know what Aleppo is or that the U.S. is involved in Syria is not a qualified candidate. Talking your fav G. Johnson. 8 Republican investigations have cleared Hillary of any crimes. They're still monitoring the phone calls..
Au fait....What I can clearly see is that there are those ridiculously die-hard Righties as well as die-hard lefties who flat-out refuse to admit (or even publicly accept) that their candidate may have numerous flaws, both small and huge. This is all part & parcel of the game..(at the very least I think we may all be able to agree such gruesome games are played during election battles)
I've made my stand so often in print here, once more can't hurt. I'm in a heck of a mud puddle. I have never been a fan of either of these individuals as far back as I can recall. Never could I have wildly imagined being faced with (perhaps) having to choose between 2 people I have no great fondness or respect for! At least I can claim my Independent status (which still solves no dilemma for me!)
I have no problem at all believing DT has his share of slippery business dealings, scams (Trump University?) etc. I was literally appalled when he made such a stink over the Obama birther thing. I still recall thinking, "Who the HELL asked him to stick his 2 cents into any of that?" I won't comment again on my sincere opinion of HC....it's so terribly ugly, I don't want to print the words. Frankly, they both literally nauseate me.
In my many decades as a voter, I can count on one hand, politicians I have considered a wise, strong, qualified & valuable human being.
Surely you can see the number of "R's" who have NOT supported DT & have no intention of doing so. There are "D's" as well who have expressed their disillusionment with HC.
When they are public figures, high-profile people or faces & names in the media, we see & hear it all. BUT....
The millions of average Joe's on the streets of America....can we really know at the end of the day, how they'll be voting? I have this gut feeling that we are going to realize this time how many Americans did not vote at all or perhaps just to exercise their right, will go 3rd party.
This question needed to be asked. Bravo, Au fait.
Perhaps it is high time that the United States ripped up its Constitution and tried a different way of governing itself. 200 years ago you had a reasonable prospect that the people who were elected were honorable people who had the best interests of the people at heart (even if they did own slaves). These days - I'm not so sure that the "honorable" label applies.
Mr. Welford. "Slave owners were HONORABLE people??" Thanks for your logical opinion. At least I know not to ask you for any rational advice of any kind for any reason. Saves me time. Good luck w/ UR thought process.
John Welford, perhaps you would honor us all with your entire definition of "honorable," since people who enslave others apparently fit into that definition. What else can people do, in your estimation, and still be honorable?
When a man has a wife and a mistress he is a lot like Bill Clinton.
bill clinton isnt running..
but oh yah....trump had a wife and mistress..derp!
LOL.OK, I don't like Bill. BUT, Hello? Hot off the press! Bill is hardly the "Lone Ranger!" especially within the Political arena! Shall we name them all?? HA! We'd need 10 times 250 characters! Cheating could be an Olympic Sport!! Get OVER it!
PDXBuys, if we ruled out every man who cheated on his wife, or went further and kept a mistress, there would be no men in government.
Leslie - If Hillary wins then Bill Clinton will be back in the White House and he will be heavily advising Hillary. So, in a sense, he IS running again.
so that means we must consider melania as well. hmmmmmmm, a model/escort running my country...... i dont think so!!!
No, Leslie, Bill in the white house has no likeness whatsoever to Melania in the white house. U know that. Secretly, Melania probably hopes like hell that donald loses. She's pretty damned happy w/ her life just the way it is!
Having Bill in the W.H. in terms of his political wisdom & talents is about the only positive thing to a Hillary win. We could only hope that Hillary would even listen to Bill and not think she could ever out-perform his presidency.
Paula, I don't think I would change places with Melania. Something tells me Trump treats wives more like employees. Ivanka and little Don seem to have it made, but Melania, I think, earns her opulent lifestyle.
oh! Au fait..Put the coffee on! We could chat for days on this topic. My belief is DT treats "his" woman like royalty, w/ kid gloves, all luxuries, etc. He seems 2 totally different men to me.1.public business persona..2. devoted family man.
Not to say I would trade places w/ Melania (NO thank you! LOL) but it's interesting how we individually see others. Melania appears 2B an independent, strong-willed woman. She gave him another son..that makes her the Golden Girl! LOL
Ivana gave him 2 sons AND his favorite girl Ivanka. No Ivana replacement can compete with Ivanka and I'd bet money on it. Melania often gives the impression of confidence, but sometimes she seems a little concerned she may displease him.
True, very true.Spkng of his adult kids, all 4 R stellar individuals, perhaps the best thing about DT. They do impress me. So I wonder why he can be so unlikable! Remember, Melania can't help but hold a bit of "European" culture of "wives."
Trump is vain. Sunbathes and makes his hair look like a rooster's comb.
A wife isn't to blame when her husband strays & a woman who has been raped isn't to blame for her rapist's actions. Men need to learn to take responsibility for their own decisions & actions. God thinks men can control themselves. Bill isn't
It would be rare for a Republican to vote Democrat and vice versa regardless of who is representing the opposition party.
Most people vote for a (political party agenda) over a candidate!
This is one historically Republican voter that is definitely behind the Libertarian Presidential ticket and any other Libertarians that I can find on the ballot. Republican votes will only be used to fill in the blanks.
you do know that johnson supports the tpp? does that make him a globalist one world order type?or just a smart pragmatist like obama?oh i know!! johnsons a smart pragmatist, but obamas the nwo! just like the ndaa.people slammed bo until romney for it
Johnson isn't smart. He had no idea what Aleppo was when asked. He's another G.W. Don't know if the U.S. can handle 2 major economy crashes so close together (due to ignorance of leaders) and still remain standing.
If you were truly honest to yourself, you'd realize that what Trump has done in his life is just Business. Business in this country and elsewhere is accepted to be a bit dirty. Politicians are expected to be liars. Trump isn't a politician.
My question to you is have you actually done any research into Trump that isn't tainted by the media?
Hillary is a lying, killer who has done more horrific things in her life in the name of doing something good. And that can be proven. To me, that's really wrong. Obviously, you don't mind it so much, which really shows a lot about your character.
Trump is a business man -- he files for bankruptcy sometimes. His father built shoddy low-income homes. That's how Donald learned to be sneaky and dishonest.
Nika, speak for yourself. I don't expect business people to be liars, nor business to be dirty. Trump is worse than a politician. You would seem to be the gullible one. Prove your claims against Hillary. 8 GOP investigations say she's not guilty.
your answer...it all just campaign. I wish america republic were more truthful
So when Trump attempted to grow a part of his empire and it failed, he used the law(bankruptcy) to exit. When Hillary purposely circumnavigated the law to hide illegal action, she committed a felony. See the difference?
you swallow the lies lock stock and barrell, dont you?
If Hillary did something illegal, then why hasn't she been charged yet? U want Trump, a communist sympathizer as president? Think again
8 Republican investigations conclude you are mistaken about Hillary. I'm a lawyer's widow and have worked in law for years. What's legal isn't always moral or right.
because if people have money - like Trump and Clinton - the rest of us are in awe of them. We have built a world that respects money above all else. We should not be surprised.
What kind of bizarro parallel universe are you in, where business bankruptcies are the acts of evil-doers? 80% of businesses fail in the first 18 months. Almost all businesses take a year or two to reach break-even, let alone make a profit. If you yourself have never started a business, it is probably partly because you are not eager (or able) to work full time and more for a year or two, without getting paid.
Business is VERY risky, and business bankruptcy is one of the expected risks. Ones creditors are familiar with these risks and structure business loans in such a way that they will not themselves become insolvent, should some of those the loaned money to go bankrupt. (They have actuaries to evaluate these risks.) Or at least that's the way it's supposed to work. Nowadays the government bails out the banks.
I have a feeling that you and many others would eagerly embrace the opportunity to discharge student-loan debt through bankruptcy--which IMHO you should be able to do. It would be a sad day for all those college administrators and professors, who would doubtless find themselves unemployed. (And deservedly so.) This is what happens to people who sell stuff (such as college degrees) that have a negative marginal utility. They should stuff it and become roofers.
I think I have read that Trump started around 500 businesses. If a few bankruptcies is all the dirt they can dig up on him--apart from several attractive wives--the guy must be squeaky clean.
Trump supposedly is a millionaire/billionaire. He should not be starting businesses that he cannot afford to lose money on. A Bankruptcy is FAILURE to be able to pay your creditors. No matter how you try to soft sell it as legitimate.
Without the availability of bankruptcy protection, LLCs, and the like, a lawsuit or a government fine could result in a business person losing their home--losing everything. No one would start a business without such protections.
I wonder how many actual businessmen who created companies like Ford Motors, without all those 'protections' feel about having started their businesses so naively? Maybe they were smart enough to care about being fiscally responsible?
Didn't the Government take over GM, and then allow it to go into Bankruptcy? What about all those small businesses that got slammed because GM no longer had to pay them? Trump has like 100 businesses and 4 or 5 fail? That is an unreal success rate
You can't discharge student loans through bankruptcy. Not allowed. I have had 5 small businesses. None went bankrupt. All were solvent from day one. I was able to live off the proceeds entirely or in part & pay any debts I had at the time.
Ms. Vile, how about rape? www.huffingtonpost.com/.../why-the-new- … _b_1061...
Republicans are in denial about Donald Trump because they are purely voting a Republican for president. Republicans are stuck in their political party's box and are unwilling budge from it - even if it means voting for a scoundrel like Donald Trump.
Because they are too busy looking for the splinters in Hillary's eyes to see the bolder in his eye. You don't find what you aren't looking for. All they ever wanted was for President Obama to fail. All they want now is for the Democrats to lose. America doesn't need enemies. We have our own right here.
I don't know why they are so afraid of peace and prosperity, which is the direction we head in when a Democrat is in the White House. Look at the record.
I judge a man by who his enemies are. Socialists, illegal-aliens, The Illuminati, Vatican, Moslems and homosexuals are my enemies so I support birther-Trump & have already sent money to his campaign.
I see Kevin appears to be one of those under educated, alt right folks that Trump is so fond of!
I have over four years of college including Kansas State University where I studied American History and Carthage College in Kenosha WI. I did take and pass a couple CLEP tests for credit too. Also studied at Moody Bible among others. 2 degrees
Kevin: I guess they never taught you how to use critical thinking or you failed the course.
Too bad I didn't invent a new noun like "deplorables" however I am proud to be one.
R's won't even speak of one of Obama's achievements. They lie about that too. He fixed so much George W messed up. I wish he did have another turn. R's couldn't stand a black POTUS, and will do the same with the first woman.
yes, i dont know where they get this idea that its their country and theyre the only ones that matter. white privilege, male privilege and money. its crumbling. and they cant save it by force. they will have to adjust. no more secret underground bs
Kathleen, I like your answer very much and agree with what you say. What kind of person wants their own country to fail, just to make a black man look badly? If failure occurs history will lay it at the Republican door where it would belong.
There are two things you never talk about; Politics and Religion. That tired cliche has a purpose. Because like religion, politics are deep seated in an individual. Once someone believes in something, it is exceedingly difficult to alter their opinion or view. Even in the light of a candidate that he himself most likely didn't believe he would make it this far, true believers will fall in line. Nevertheless, when I first started debating the points of Mr. Trump with his supporters, I noticed two trends. The first was they had no solid argument and would usually just repeat tired campaign lines with no new perspective in defense. The second group's answer can be paraphrased as; What choice do we have? Clinton is proved untrustworthy, at least Trump isn't a career politician.
He isn't? I would imagine being in business like his requires a keen understanding of politics, especially deception. Now, I don't want to get into here, so, my answer to your question is as I said.
Beliefs become deep seated. We kill, torture, blame, and other atrocities in the name of our beliefs. It's also proved that once we commit to something, seldom will we back out. Even on a sinking ship, they'll be polishing the silver.
Basically, you cannot teach an old dog new tricks, eh? Well, this old dog can certainly tell the difference between someone who is intelligent and honorable, (Hillary) and someone who is F.O.S. (Trump).
Trump is a businessman liar who has taken people like the ones who support him to the cleaners many times. They enjoyed it so much they want a daily dose. Like Little Bush, Trump will do for the country what he's done privately. Disaster if he wins.
It does seem like some people have tunnel vision. They can see everyone else's shortcomings, but not their own. Trouble is, the issues Republicans have with Hillary are non-issues. She didn't do anything differently with official emails than Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powel, Jeb Bush or President G.W. Bush, and others. No one investigated them for 2 years and 20 million dollars. No one said a single syllable, much less a whole word about it! Isn't this a little hypocritical?
When G.W. was president, at least 10 of our foreign consulates were attacked and a total of 53 people were killed as a result. No investigation, no accusations of murderer, etc. No blaming Bush or Rice or anyone else.
It seems to me with the poor record Republicans have of electing crooked presidents beginning with Nixon, then G. Ford who gave an unqualified pardon to Nixon for any and all crimes he did while in the White House, then Reagan with his Iran-Contra Affair and more, then the Bush Dynasty both of whom broke the law numerous times, it seems like Republicans would want to hide their red faces. (In fact they have no shame and are proud of getting away with these illegal things.) Every single president they have elected since and including Nixon were criminals. Their judgment is obviously flawed.
While being able to identify crooks is a good talent to have, electing them to office, especially the presidency, is not the best idea. It seems to me when Republicans support a particular person we should be suspicious that person is corrupt. If on the other hand they hate somebody, that should be a sign that person is A-OK. Republicans just seem to get everything backwards, bless their hearts. I know they mean well, but look how things turn out and how our country suffers.
I think any time Republicans support someone, if their history is any clue, that is the person we should run from as fast as we can.
Donald Trump has shown himself to be a bigot of the highest caliber. I can't imagine anyone supporting him if they don't agree with his values and opinions. He has stated his ideas and thoughts plainly regarding people of color, and of different religions than Christian. While he employs lots of women, some in high positions, he seems to have no respect and only wants to use them. I really wonder why the media is ignoring what he did to that poor 13-year old little girl. I'd like to see evidence provided in a court of law and figure it out.
Good job Aunt Jimi, I couldn't have said it better.
I agree with you it's amazing that in todays world where we have more resources to get information than ever it seems people are more ignorant than ever or is there a deeper darker issued that is starting to come to light?
thank you! we have lived thru their horror shows over and over again with their unapologetic, self righteous attitude. now were supposed to stop the world because theyve just discovered corruption! edwin meese!! ollie north. shredding freaking proof!
Wow! I really like your answer. If only I could choose more than one best answer or at least give some honorable mentions, you would surly be among them!
aww, thanks! its just so pathetic. like all the corruption before never existed until obummer obamarama obongo. and we all are supposed to be outraged or something. weve been outraged! these alt rights can get in line
Yes!! You guys tell it like it is and like it should be, proud to call you friends.
Good to see you Aunt Jimi, I hope you get best answer.
i just read trump has promised to select anti abortion justices...so while the phony crying about hillary taking their guns gets headlines, womens rights really are being demolished! in real time. same w voting rights. but all press goes to phony gop
As a so-called "conspiracy theorist" I predict that this very night something extremely significant will be made to happen. It will be likely something Obama-driven either as a diversion from Trump trouncing HRC in the debate or something secret.
yeah-' i notice you, castlepaloma and i all are against zionists. but somehow you two avoid the anti semite label they give me. in fact, ive been waiting for you to get banned, but it never happens. wonder why?
Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to this question even if I don't necessarily agree with your viewpoint/opinion (or you with mine). I really appreciate that you gave me and my question some of your time. There were several great answers to this question and I regret that I can choose only one as best answer.
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