CNN asks high school debate team to critique the presidential debate

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  1. profile image0
    Stevennix2001posted 8 years ago

    After the latest presidential debate on 10/09/2016, CNN asked a championship winning high school debate team to critique both Hilary Clinton's and Donald Trump's performance.   Take in mind, CNN did say these kids aren't old enough to vote yet, but they felt that their experience debating would help in judging who won last night's debate between the presidential candidates. 

    From watching the video, it was implied that either all of them, or most of them, felt that Hilary Clinton not only won the debate, but  many felt that Donald Trump did  a horrible job last night.  Here's the video to know more:

    So what are your thoughts on this?  You think these young debate champions have a point about Trump not doing well?   Or do you think they need to pipe down, and let the adults do the talking?  Please discuss.

    1. mrpopo profile image72
      mrpopoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      My 2 cents on this:

      "I think it's always important to answer the questions"

      This is true if the win-loss is decided by the veracity of each candidate's statements. If this is decided by how persuasive a candidate is, then it doesn't matter. In fact, there would be situations where it'd be better to answer a different question or provide non-answers. Both candidates did that to varying degrees. Which one was more persuasive? Probably Trump.

      "I don't think there was any attack that would particularly sway voters."

      Might be true, though the audience did clap to some of Donald Trump's retorts.

      "People are just tired of the personal attacks"

      Are they? Again, the most audience applause and the most memorable moments came after some of Trump's biting retorts like "Because you'd be in jail."

      "Going back to Bill Clinton, that doesn't affect Hillary Clinton at all. Believe it or not, they're two different people."

      Two things with this:

      1) By contrasting words with actions, Trump provided perspective on the bigger issues at hand. As a politician and former president Bill Clinton is relevant enough to bring up in the discussion even if it had nothing to do with Hillary. Contrast is an effective tool for bringing things into perspective.

      2) Trump made it clear that Hillary attacked the women who accused Bill Clinton of those acts. Talking about Bill Clinton was to create the context. The actual point is: Hillary attacking these women is worse than Trump using crude language in private conversation. (I have no idea if this allegation against Hillary is true, but this is the correct iteration of Trump's argument. Not sure if the kid didn't get access to the full clip or was being disingenuous.)

      "If I have to address something negatively about me in a debate that I have to do, you always want to defuse the situation, and I think the strategy that he took with defusing it is saying that it's 'locker room talk - '"

      I'm in agreement with his statements, but there's no follow-up conclusion about the efficacy of Trump's attempted defusing of the situation because CNN cut the video here. I wish they didn't; I would have liked to hear his elaboration.

      "To just refer to it as 'locker room talk,' basically seems like he was trying to brush it off."

      Obviously Trump was trying to dismiss it. Crude language in private conversation is not relevant to anything. If I said the same thing 11 years ago I'd dismiss it as well. Though Trump didn't just brush it off; he also apologized. I think that's the first time I've seen him do that so far in his campaign (though I think his choice of words were "I'm sorry if I offended you" if I recall correctly).

      "I just couldn't believe that a man who wants to be our president would say these things."

      Probably the dumbest statement of the lot. To disqualify people on the basis of crude language in private conversations is silly. To disqualify people on the basis of crude language in private conversations that occurred more than a decade ago is insanity.

      "They both kind of deviated from the path of actually addressing policy and issues that are facing the United States."

      A valid observation, which indicates that this debate is not being fought on facts but on persuasion (see the first quote).

      "That's what the American people want to know. They don't care about people's past, they want to know what you're gonna do for us in the future."

      Much of the targets of attacks for both candidates occurred decades ago (Hillary defending a rapist in a trial, Trump saying naughty words). Even this CNN video is guilty of that. Unfortunately this kid is assuming his sensible viewpoints are shared among average Americans.

      1. profile image0
        Stevennix2001posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Well it was reported on the news that Trump invited some of Bill's alleged rape victims to the debate, so it might've been them that you heard clapping and cheering Trump on; not necessarily Trump persuading people to his side per se.  However, i get what you're saying.

        1. mrpopo profile image72
          mrpopoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          I didn't mean to imply that the clapping was an indication of the audience being persuaded to Trump, just that people are not tired of personal insults (and if you look to other samples like Twitter and Facebook, you can see that they're definitely not tired).

          I thought the applause came from more than just Bill's alleged victims as well. Either way I agree, it's not an indication of persuasion but it is an indication that the personal insults for both candidates were well received.

  2. whonunuwho profile image51
    whonunuwhoposted 8 years ago

    In poorest taste to expose these impressionable kids to such a tarnished presidential candidacy! The teachers in charge should know better. A travesty to the educational process.

  3. whonunuwho profile image51
    whonunuwhoposted 8 years ago

    Wrong debate, wrong setting. Poor judgment on teacher's part. Shameful!

  4. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    And truly people ,who cares what high school kids  can add to the conversation ,  I mean how will they do it , Snapchat ? Or something even less mature ?

    1. profile image0
      Stevennix2001posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Well they are high school debate champions.  Surely that has to count for something right?

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Why don't you explain the depth of social and especially political insight that high school students have , actually about ANYTHING  ,  one that isn't spoon fed by the liberal education system ,  a liberal teachers union and socialist one world order NEA agenda  ?

        This should be interesting !

        1. profile image0
          Stevennix2001posted 8 years agoin reply to this

          What you're asking of me is impossible to answer because it's kind of a trick question.  First of all, i don't even know any of the students in this video, so it's hard for me to know exactly what any of them would know.  Also keep in mind that not all teenagers are the same. Some might know a lot more than we think, while others obviously not so much.  Again, hard to say. I just think the fact that they're debate champions clearly means that they know how to win a debate; hence CNN (for ratings purposes obviously) wanted to exploit these kids to see what they thought about the presidential debate; considering they have such a bounty of experience debating on stage over various topics. 

          I think that's why their opinions have to count for something.  Granted, i"m not saying any of them are right, nor am I saying I agree with them that Trump lost the last debate.  If anything, I think he won the last debate if you want me to be honest, but that's just me.

          1. profile image0
            ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            No , I just think  youth and even into the twenties and early thirties  , isn't the most  'neutrally ' informed  group of people out there , the importance of their  opinions isn't so weighty  with me .    And , the better debater  isn't necessarily the better mind !  Not by any means .   Debating is mostly about  who best remembers ten second sound-bites of rhetoric .

            Even with  my own  relatives  I have teens that seem to be well centered politically [conservative ],but I  remember they are only following their own parents direction or opinion  AND , I know its no different liberally .   Youth are always idealists at best .  Only with much maturing  do the gain the incredible ability of  being open minded .


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