all your unanswered
- 89Trump Has Won, ACCEPT IT
Ken Burgess (2 weeks ago)
- 31The VOTE 2024
abwilliams (5 weeks ago)
- 10Trump plan boots deficits by 7.5 Trillion
Valeant (2 months ago)
- 103Hunter & Joe Starring in 'How to Gain Political Wealth in America'
Readmikenow (12 months ago)
- 62What are your views
Nathanville (12 months ago)
- 38Why Has the Press Underreported/Not Reported Terrorist Attacks?
StewartReid (13 months ago)
- 1,495This better be good!?!
Credence2 (14 months ago)
- 10Are YOU Ready For This?
Nathanville (20 months ago)
- 0Great MAGA King,Trump, has Ultra MAGA supporters, Joe Biden has bots:
abwilliams (2 years ago)
- 22Why is Joe Biden so angry and why is he doubling down...
GA Anderson (2 years ago)
- 62What are the Horrible Things President Joe Biden Has Done?
TheShadowSpecter (3 years ago)
Castlepaloma (3 years ago)
- 1What the HELL
Castlepaloma (3 years ago)
- 63Donald Trump is banned indefinitely from Instagram and Facebook.
schoolgirlforreal (3 years ago)
- 638Impeaching Donald Trump - Again
Miebakagh57 (3 years ago)
- 2What Promises Did Trump Not Keep?
My Esoteric (3 years ago)
- 4Trump Stiffs Giuliani and Won’t Take His Calls.
PrettyPanther (3 years ago)
- 21Bye-Bye President Trump
Miebakagh57 (3 years ago)
- 13Trump releases Obamagate files and more!
Kenna McHugh (3 years ago)
- 339Trump just pardoned Sheriff Joe Arpaio...
My Esoteric (3 years ago)
- 15A Dozen Ways Trump Helped the Spread of Covid-19
My Esoteric (4 years ago)
- 23For Conservatives Only- A REVENGE Election?
Stevennix2001 (4 years ago)
- 254Donald Trump tests positive for the coronavirus. Thoughts?
Miebakagh57 (4 years ago)
- 36Bob Woodward Exposes What Trump Knew About Covid-19
Miebakagh57 (4 years ago)
- 48Respecting the Office of the President of the United States
carrie Lee Night (4 years ago)
- 12Is this a Failed Presidency?
Sharlee01 (4 years ago)
- 1Trump's Lack of Civics on Full Display Yet Again
PrettyPanther (4 years ago)
- 52Spanky plans dozens of pardons.
Randy Godwin (4 years ago)
- 69Trump Translated, So His Cult Can Understand What His Lies Mean...
Randy Godwin (4 years ago)
- 5The Acquittal of Trump
Randy Godwin (4 years ago)
- 62What Will Happen NOW
Ken Burgess (4 years ago)
- 7What Articles of Impeachment Should Democrats Charge?
My Esoteric (5 years ago)
- 27Will Impeachment Lead to Removal?
Leland Johnson (5 years ago)
- 427Trump supporters should apologize and repent
dianetrotter (5 years ago)
- 58Trump 2020?
TimArends (5 years ago)
- 112Looking Forward to a Return to Normalcy
TimArends (5 years ago)
- 1Another DEEP Discussion
The0NatureBoy (5 years ago)
- 15Donald Trump From A to Z
JAKE Earthshine (5 years ago)
- 76Will Trump be the costliest elected official ever?
Randy Godwin (5 years ago)
- 71What has Donald Trump Actually Accomplished?
My Esoteric (5 years ago)
- 112020
Ken Burgess (5 years ago)
- 193Impeachment...….a POSSIBILITY
Miebakagh57 (5 years ago)
Live to Learn (5 years ago)
- 1Teleprompter Trump vs. Twitter Trump
JAKE Earthshine (5 years ago)
- 20Assessment Time
Hxprof (5 years ago)
- 5What Would Barr Do?
GA Anderson (5 years ago)
- 33815 People!! close to Trump in contact with Russians. No Conspiracy???
Valeant (5 years ago)
- 0Who's Better?
gmwilliams (6 years ago)
- 1Who do you WANT in the White House in 2020?
PrettyPanther (6 years ago)
- 1,804Who Cares About Trump's Affair with a Porn Star?
JAKE Earthshine (6 years ago)