State Department Inspector General: Hillary Clinton stole $6 Billion

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  1. colorfulone profile image77
    colorfuloneposted 8 years ago

    "It was the State Department’s Inspector General that found in THREE SEPARATE INVESTIGATIONS and two audits that $6 billion was lost to contract mismanagement, fraud, and incompetence during Clinton’s tenure. This woman lost that amount of money because of mismanaged contracts, fraud and several other things and she wants to be the leader of the nation?" … secretary/

    HILLARY's SERVICE IS A MATTER OF RECORD PROVEN OVER 30 + YEARS OF CAREER POLITICS: is this who you want as the 1st Woman President?

    * Irresponsible and careless with highly classified data? YES
    * Irresponsible and unaccountable for significant loss and mismanagement of your taxpayer money? YES
    * Irresponsible, nonchalant and careless IN HER CABINET POSITION in the OBAMA Administration AS SECRETARY of STATE with THE LIVES of our Ambassador, and US citizen and military personnel in harms way? YES (WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?)
    * Irresponsible and incorrigible lying to Congress and the American people in every position she has held as a lawyer, 1st lady of Arkansas and the US, Senator, Secretary of State and Democratic Presidential Candidate? YES
    * Represented Child Rapist and bragged she got him off knowing he was guilty? YES
    * Exposed by the MSM for corruption and crime? NO
    * Exposed by WIKILEAKS for corruption and crime, influence peddling (pay for play, TREASON, VOTER FRAUD and much more) VIA HER OWN EMAILS and those of her party & staff? YES

    The list goes on and is an extensive indictment of her criminal enterprise! The only place on her resume that has a very short list, is Hillary's record of positive legislation introduced while Senator and any real accomplishment while serving as a Senator or Sec of State that was positive for the American people!


    Please, consider the factual indictment of her criminal record when you vote... and understand that as POTUS, Hillary has made it clear that she will appoint uber liberal SCOTUS judges that will politicize the Supreme Court in favor of criminals, illegal aliens, etc and destroy the stability of the Rule of Law for the remainder of your life and into that of your Children and grandchildren!

    ITS IMPORTANT TO CONSIDER THIS PRIOR TO VOTING: A vote for CLINTON/KAINE is a vote for someone who verbally champions liberal issues, but her actions do not follow a path of accomplishment for those issues that benefit the American people. Instead they are clearly the criminal use of power to benefit Hillary Clinton! It defies common sense to put a criminal in the Oval Office!

    The choice for America is clear...and give America a chance to be great again!

    Trump / Pence!

    1. emge profile image79
      emgeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      This is sensational news, but now that Hillary is defeated what next? Will Hillary go to jail? I don't think so as even Trump will let her off the hook, but it's sad that such a person aspired and was SELECTED to represent the Democrats as a candidate for president. It reflects badly on America

      1. colorfulone profile image77
        colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I just listened the honest Bernie Sanders saying it wasn't Comey's fault, that the last week of the race had nothing to do with Hillary loosing.  He said millions people who voted for Obama voted for Trump, because of the Democratic party and that they need to do something about it.  To that effect. 

        "Will Hillary go to jail?"
        That would be justice.

        1. colorfulone profile image77
          colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          That discussion should be made by the next administration's justice department.  By an Attorney General who knows the justice system very well.

  2. colorfulone profile image77
    colorfuloneposted 8 years ago

    Here is a list of the crimes Hillary Clinton committed that Comey decided not to recommend prosecution on...

    18 USC 1924... Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents and or material

    18 USC 793 f...Gathering transmitting or losing defense information

    18 USC 2071...Willfully and unlawfully concealed removes mutilate obliterates or destroyed classified material

    18 USC 1519...Knowingly Alters destroys mutilates conceals covers up falsifies makes false entry in any record or document

    America, we have a problem. The level of corruption at the highest levels of our government is unprecedented and intolerable.  I am deeply saddened. sad

    "A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims...but accomplices." - George Orwell

    1. Dont Taze Me Bro profile image61
      Dont Taze Me Broposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      6 billion? Gee aren't you being tough on poor Hillary, how do you expect her to fund her campaign and payoff anyone who can reveal her secrets or indict her. After all we all know you can't get rich devoting your career to public service, she left the white house broke and they wouldn't even let her steal the furniture. You think she doesn't deserve to steal 6 billion ? Where is your respect for our civil servants?

      1. colorfulone profile image77
        colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        "You think she doesn't deserve to steal 6 billion?"

        Liberty and justice for all! 

        "Where is your respect for our civil servants?"

        My respect went down the toilet long ago for corrupt politicians. 


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