The irony of Donald Trump, once a registered Democrat, being elected president as the Republican candidate has not been lost to anyone, least of whom are to the main stream liberal media who tried their mighty best to derail his candidacy, and now are similarly trying to derail his not-even-started-yet presidency.
What would be the reason for such attempts, except for the fact that media and the liberal Democratic party are deathly afraid that their liberal-progressive predisposition/agenda would be buried under an avalanche of icy cold Trumpism?
Now what exactly is Trumpism. Nobody knows... even the Donald doesn't know, since his response to political and non-political affairs are always made on the fly. Now that's what I would call the anarchy that would "trump" the anarchy that is now being purveyed by the multi-billionaire Soros and his cohorts on the extreme left.
The progressives and liberalism will remain a constant burr under Trump's saddle, we will see to that. They all will just ignore us to their peril!!!
LOL. That's what those of us mad at Washington said during the election.
And it will merit a repeat performance if your man gets out of line....
If I honestly believed you, and those of like mind, were waiting for him to get out of line you'd have a valid point.
Your response just reinforced the general idea that liberals are nothing but a bunch of narcissists --- so seemingly sure of themselves and their much ballyhooed leftist ideology. Then when events don't come their way, they start discombobulating about why it was some other people's fault that their expectations did not become reality. The anarchy that they are now imposing on the rest of us, because their hopes and wishes did not come true is totally expected and so revealing of their innermost insecurities. Insecurities, that if laid bare for all to see, lead to the conclusion that liberalism is so totally incompatible with the current worldwide view that human progress can only be done via sensical appropriation of resources that allows for the betterment of all people that works towards the goal of self-discipline and self-improvement.
So, how much crap did we get from rightwing fascists during the Obama administration?
Yes, Trump will be watched closely and will be subject from criticism from progressives, everywhere. So we are bringing it on, how are you going to stop it?
"How are you going to stop it?" I neither have the temerity nor perspicacity to stop anything....the destruction of liberalism by progressive ideologists could be the best entertainment one could hope for , so why stop it.
"How are you going to stop it?" I neither have the temerity nor perspicacity to stop anything"
That is a wise choice
A wise decision indeed....since nothing much is coming from Hollywood these says that could be labeled entertaining.
The entertainment value of seeing liberals and progressives degrade and devalue themselves by constantly harping on why and how Donald Trump is " unfit to be Presudent" could only be a two thumbs up. At this point, you folks must have realized that the more you criticized Trump, the more he became endeared to the rest of the electorate.....really one of the reasons why he won. If you haven't, then you folks are more clueless than I thought you are.
They are more clueless than you thought. Any group that could possible watch Trump being elected on the basis of "cleaning up the swamp" and turn right around and exhort electors to ignore the laws of their state, ignore their written pledge and promise, set aside any ethics they might have and violate those things by voting other than their pledge and the law required truly ARE clueless.
The Chinese Democratic Party - Communism - puts to death those who speak against communism.
Hitler killed the Brown Shirts that took him to power, because they know that the people who are falling in with them are so stupid that they can't trust them. Because, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
Therefore, the people who willingly go along with you, tells the dictator that these people are so stupid, they don't even know what I'm doing. Its incredible, they are so stupid.
Those are notes I took today from a video with, Jordan Maxwell. I fell in love the old guy who has committed 60 years to research, at the price of having a life apart from it.
The liberal agenda has for its underpinning the idea that life could be lived in a manner that does not require much thought and introspection. Take for example the liberal nonchalant attitude towards sexual activity vis-à-vis abortion ie one gets pregnant in whatever sexual way it was done, and whatever is the product of that activity (a living entity we label 'fetus') could and should never be under anyone's sway except the woman whose activity it was that produced that living entity. So if the woman decides that it is in her best interest to terminate the living daylights out of that fetus, it goes down as the mangled detritus of the abortionist's instruments.
That a living fetus is just a product of a woman's activity, and therefore just like any product could be disposed in any manner or form the producer of that product decide to do is an irretrievably mangled equation or predisposition, shrouded in the fog of moral/ethical degradation and devaluation.
Trumpism: the concept that the swamp shall be cleaned.
Credence need not fear as Trumpism guarantees that the "progressives" will not be ignored any more than that brown stuff on the stable floor is. We need some of that "liberalism" mentioned, but not the "progressives" that caused Trump's election with their poor behavior over the years or those that encourage electors to violate the most simple of ethical standards in keeping their word.
Standard right wing clap trap, eh, Wilderness, you are in great form today. But if Trump, Trumpism and the GOP gets too ambitious with their 'swamp draining" operations and they step upon the wrong toes, political retribution with be both certain and severe. No quarter will be given the rightwinger, ever....
Wondered when you'd slither through here, Cred! Liked that, did you?
But yeah, gonna drain the swamp. You progressives better start looking now for both those two honest ones you can send to Washington to represent you. The rest are being flushed out, just like the conservative ones that they hobnob with are.
(Think we can get by with only two senators and two representatives? If we really do a clean up that'll be about all that's left!)
I would not miss it for the world, an opportunity to fence with you once again. I hear rumor that your man is going to become a witless can opener for the GOP apparatchics and their goal of gutting Social Security and Medicare. I almost wish that they would, then I could have the opportunity to preside over the political destruction of the GOP as we currently know it. Trump promised that he would not touch it. This is the First test, let's just see how much "his word" is really worth?
When more of this fleshes out, there will be a new forum topic, so don't change the channel!
"...let's just see how much "his word" is really worth?"
Between Trump and either faithless electors OR the progressives encouraging electors to set aside their ethics to produce what those progressives want, my money is on Trump. Both of those has already proven that their word is worthless while Trump has yet to do so.
While Bernie was but a tool of the DNC, and the DNC but a tool of Clinton, republicans aren't built that way. Don't believe all you hear about either them OR Trump. Integrity, honesty, ethics and morals still matter to conservatives even if progressives have permanently set them aside for personal goals (I hope it isn't really permanent!).
"Integrity, honesty, ethics and morals still matter to conservatives even if progressives have permanently set them aside for personal goals (I hope it isn't really permanent!)."
You all talk a good game, but the proof is in the pudding. If you want to keep that precious party of yours Trump had better not disappoint.
"You all talk a good game, but the proof is in the pudding."
Yes, it is...and the liberals have let their pudding slop out all over the floor with their suggestions to electors. Now I see that massively Democratic Detroit is showing more votes than voters. Sorry progressives, but your slip is showing, and it ain't pretty.
If Trump screws up and I suspect that he will, GOP and conservatives are going have a lot more showing than just, slips, you know what I mean?
And, I will be there with my 'I told you so'.
It does get a little comical, you know, to hear such dire projections and threats...while progressives loudly proclaim and demonstrate their perfidy for all to see. It would seem to be the time to be on their best behavior, a "Look; I'm better than you!" but instead they seem to be digging ever deeper into the swamp mud.
Better pull back into your shell, Cred: your party is not behaving itself and it has to be embarrassing.
As the new left self- disintegrates before their own eye's , first they claimed the rigging of the primaries , when that fails they claimed the rigging of the election and then the rigging by the Russians ,now the rigging of the media , then the rigging of a dictator Trump , then the rigging of delegates , after that ,the rigging of the recounts , the rigging of the computer accuracies , the rigging of the hand counts ........
What next ?
Anybody starting to see a pattern ?
I only know one thing and THIS is what confuses me , This same left couldn't seem to begin to break the system from the primaries onward , they stuck to the "business as usual" politics with the Clintons Mafiosi , Nancy Pelosi , Harry Reid , WHAT exactly has the left done to break the pattern that the right has seemed to have so easily accomplished ?
Want to play games with the $ purchasing of the media , the dissolution of honesty , accuracy , unbiased truth and media integrity ? Then the left deserves exactly what it gets .
I saw that they brought back that fake news reporter, Brian Williams to complain about fake news. Have they got nothing better than low-life minions?
Sure the failing news organizations do! I don't want to call them 'mainstream' anymore, because they aren't. They have some good people, but the guys at the top won't allow them to report like good journalists want to. I hear names we would recognize are putting in applications in for jobs at trustworthy news sites, that are the new mainstream that actually report honest news. They are doing interviews and expanding their reach.
So, all this bias-bull is only working together for the good of honest news sites, and journalists with true moral integrity. Its sad that so many have been brainwashed already to the point of showing symptoms of mental illnesses. But, they can have a spiritual experience and wake up delivered.
It doesn't seem that the left wants to break the pattern. Hillary and her friends have made a bundle off "business as usual"; it would be folly for them to demand honest politicians with integrity. So they don't.
As if the right already have such politicians? I doubt it....
Already figured out. There will be no Democrats and no Republicans, so after eliminating the fringe whackos, we will use the "Trumpists"; those that actually care what kind of leaders we have.
Interesting observation, let's hope for the sake of those people that are supposed to care, that Trump turns out actually to be truly the best representative of Trumpism....
Well, it's a little difficult to walk with toes all crossed, not to speak of eating with 2 pair of crossed fingers on each hand, but we're hoping!
A perfect example of Trumpism: Putin says that he was going to increase and improve Russia's nuclear capabilities. Trump immediately tweets.. yeah let's have a nuclear arms race. ... meaning you Putin are not going to intimidate us and just to remind you--- the last time we had a nuclear arms race (during Reagan and Gorbachev's tandem) , the Soviet empire lost and it disintegrated leaving the empire solely in the shaky hands of Russian apparachiks.
That's the way I saw it, too - Trump calling the Russian bluff. We'll see if it is more effective than bowing down in fear to outlandish claims.
I think we see a lot of cause and effect going on for sure, in all that we are seeing. I don't post much lately in the forums and perhaps I will again, but I wanted to say its great to see you posting.
It's interesting when the subject of voter fraud is brought up most democrats insist it happens on both ends, equally, but the facts continue to support the obvious conclusion that the democrats are much more inclined to find ways to pad their numbers than are republicans.
Speaking of Fake Stream Media, they actually tried to influence the election by using the stock market as a scare tactic. They should all be jailed.
The nature of robust 'do your own thing' Americans is to support, sympathize with, and root for the underdog. The elitists who laughed so loudly at the prospect of a Trump run for the presidency are now either yelling "foul" or kissing his ring. How ironic. I'm sure that The Donald loves every moment of it, considering the humiliation that was heaped upon him mercilessly by the kind of village mob that resembled a Frankenstein movie. Hatred breeds more hatred, and it would be difficult to find more hatred and dictatorial attitude than that which exists in the so called "progressive liberal". These are the folks that insist that using the greeting "Merry Christmas" can be insulting and inappropriate. They're the know it alls who want to tell people what to think, how to think and when to think - if they allow us to think at all. The "elitist" is the most dangerous of species because of the hatred they instill in societies in the name of "fairness" and "decency", of which it is neither. This is precisely the way a counter-dictator comes to power (and I am not referring to the president elect).
But if anyone understands history, they will know how much momentum can result from the oppression that begins with the demands of the elitist, demands that the average person sees as an upper class looking down upon them. Once a counterforce comes to power, these worms who made those demands become the source for true backlash. And that is where the true danger lies, when the "average" lawful person with no real anger in their hearts become angry after years of abuse by those who look down their nose. There is a difference between "don't ask don't tell" and a raunchy gay-pride parade where the alternate lifestyle folks choose to be abusively outrageous is as annoying as a "straight-pride" parade. We, as Americans, should take pride in ourselves not because we are white, black, gay or straight, but because we are decent Americans. Simplicity is the key to synergy. Let us all "just get along".
Thor, the god of the common people! (not the entitled people).
Jobs, lots of jobs. We are winning biggly! Winning!
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