On the Golden Globes so many actors -actress' dwell in the blue limelight of political loss , Well tell us ; How does political suicide feel ? You have to look no further than the liberal party line itself to conclude Why ?
-Decry capitalism itself , and then go out a purchase another million dollar mansion with the millions of dollars made from" hamburger "documentaries??
-Jump on a private Lear jet , fly hundreds of thousands of miles across the globe itself and give lectures on "Global Warming " ?
-Perform flawlessly acting and rake in the millions of box office dollars in a movie glorifying a desert war , then hypocritically and publically decry the cruelty of war itself ?
-Blame everyone and everything for an incredible political defeat -using the media , But never change tactics or "cover your tracks" in the purchase and sales of media influences themselves ?
Meryl Streep and the rest on the left - you "Bought" the press' influence in this election , what you couldn't buy was the American constitution itself ! Not now -Not ever !
Meryl Streep can say what she likes, it is a free country and I will think more of her as an actress and a human being rather than less. After to having to listen to Rush Limbaugh and Shawn Hannity, those brilliant commentators on contemporary politics, I could not give a rats butt about the concerns of the political Right.
What kind of man gets his panties in a bunch with stupid tweeting over the opinion of a Hollywood actress? Isn't he becoming the 45th President. I see more maturity from a ten year old.
If this is Mr. Trumps best, he staying right on target and plan....
As I have said, 'it's begins'
Yea itsa free country. Really free if you can use the globes as a soapbox. Of course that was the plan. I think her entire career has been a free ride though so I guess its to be expected. Streep was ok in Steel Magnolias, no wait that was Olympia Dukakis. I get them confused. Wasnt Streep the lady that played Maud on TV? Or was it Streep on the Golden Girls? Streep is so, so forgettable.
Hey, Phoenix.
I can't claim to know a great deal about Meryl Streep's career. I remember a film entitled "Sophie's Choice", that was of note. I sure that if I googled, I could find more exemplary film roles. She was far more significant a generation ago than today.
My problem is that Trump would refer to any actor or actress as a ham, if any one of them were critical of him. None of that has anything to do their actual talent. Hitler had a crusade to remove 'degenerate' art from his Reich. That having nothing to do with its actual worth and value from an aesthetic sense.
If he can't handle a few barbs from Hollywood, then he is in big trouble. Because, this is just beginning as he has to expect that the coming criticism will be long, hard and frequent as due course. Childish tantrums do not play well on the international stage. I have every right to expect more and to insist that he get his narcissistic, vindictive nature under control, for the good of the nation.
Did you know that California basically made it legal for anyone under the age of 18 to be active in child prostitution? Gov. Brown signed the bill SB 1322 in September. I didn't believe it when I first heard about a couple months, but its true.
Child sex trafficking happens in every state, but California has always been more liberal. Hollywood in practical and San Francisco lead the way, from what people in the field of rescuing children from sex slavery have reported. Its going to take about a year to overturn SB 1322 that Gov. Brown signed, but it must be overturned.
The pimps are going to love this, not to mention the Hollywood elites.
Pedophiles are scared of Trump. Streep said in her recent speech that they need the Hollywood foreign press to protect them (that's basically the Hollywood Mafia). Protect them from what? Trump, and people like me with a moral code built in our DNA to protect children. Trump would like the death penalty for pedophiles from Hollywood to DC.
Pedophilia & Politics...this should be a fine one to see played out!
ADDED: BTW, Trump knows who is who.
Are you aware of any pizza parlors that sells childrens or infants underwear or sleepware type garments?
Yes. Hillary Clinton's campaign chief's leaked emails have common pedophile-coding according to investigators and police, activities with children, and satanist activities too. Thanks to Pedesta for losing his phone and using "password" as his password (dah), there is more evidence.
"In 2016 NCMEC assisted law enforcement and families with more than 20,500 cases of missing children."
"Existing law makes it a crime to solicit or engage in any act of prostitution. Existing law makes it a crime to loiter in any public place with the intent to commit prostitution."
"This bill would make the above provisions inapplicable to a child under 18 years of age who is alleged to have engaged in conduct that would, if committed by an adult, violate the above provisions. The bill would authorize the minor to be taken into temporary custody under limited circumstances."
That is the synopsis of that bill, Colorfulone. More BS from the right wing peanut gallery, Yes?
I don't have any problem holding minors to differing standards than adults. That is why in that case of those two killers, father and son that were killing people with rifles at various locations in 'Maryland a few years ago, the son, as a minor received life imprisonment but the father received a lethal injection.
But, again, what does that have to do with the discussion at hand?
Also, I KNOW who Trump is as well, and I wait patiently for the next screw-up and it is just a matter of time.
That is exactly what I would expect from a progressive far-left liberal BS peanut gallery.
Thank you!
"But, again, what does that have to do with the discussion at hand?"
You aren't dunce.
"Hollywood Politics" is in the title of this thread. Streep made her speech political. What is she so afraid of? Why did she state they needed to be protected? Perhaps its the pedophiles that are afraid and feel threatened by Trump. They should be.
Sounds like the communist socialist pedophile supporters of Hellywood want to subvert the will of 'We the People'.
Those Aristocrats are anti-American, and don't support American jobs coming back for the common people. They donated millions to Hillary's campaign. They are delusional losers.
What are they so afraid of?
House of cards come crumbling down.
Merle Streep cannot act. She should limit her acting to characters in a coma. I only watch her movies if I have insomnia.
I'm a fan of Meryl Streep. I think she is a great actress. Although, I could care less about her opinions in politics. Didn't bother to read the script of her speech.
I agree with Ahorseback. The hypocrisy of the filthy rich is less than amusing.
Whenever I ask someone what was her greatest movie or role and the name of the character I get a dazed look. 5 minutes later they offer Bridges of Madison County. I have yet to suffer through the movie. Id rather, seriously, throw myself off the Bridge in Madison county than watch it. I took a magic marker and marked out snooze on my alarm clock and wrote Streep instead.
I refuse to watch movies glorifying adultery so have never been inclined to watch 'Bridges of Madison County'. I did like her in 'The Devil Wears Prada' and some silly musical she did. I think she has a broad range of talent you don't see in many actors and actresses.
Range is Hoffman. Graduate. All the presidents men. Then ratso on Midnight Cowboy and Rainman. Although not some fan, Blanchet. Neurotic lady in Bandits to Hepburn in Aviator. Meanwhile Streep drones on in her monotone, devoid of personality or emotion with a blank stare look from part to part from award to award. Pet rocks are also famous and of similar acting ability.
I dare you to watch Mamma Mia and say that again.
Id rather drink cod liver oil. Is it a chick flick thing? Im sorry, women are not the best of actors. When you look up greatest actresses and see sandra bullocks in the mix, ya hurting for talent. Its not politics either. If Dicappachino went off on Trump, hes still a good actor. If Pierce Brosnan went off, well I would say get off my screen and do a movie with streep so i can not watch both of you at the same time. Hollywood has the ability to make a silk purse outa pigs ear. Just nominate em enough and give em some awards.
You don't like Sandra Bullock? Well. I never. There's no accounting for taste. I suppose you think Kevin Costner can act.
True. But that's the best you can say for the guy.
He did Message in a bottle. Im surprised you are not all goofy and lady gaga oer that one.
Its kind of like a streep movie, only with a little more acting. Jean Arthur did bigger movies than streep. Only movie streep been in is Deer Hunter. Thankfully, thank God, she had a tiny insignificant role that kept the audience from going quaalude. Otherwise Id been playing roulette with Christopher Walken.
Well, I guess Streep set herself up for this by using an awards ceremony as an excuse to share her political views. I will say that when an actor or actress goes too far out of their way to make sure I know what they think, or doesn't keep their private life private I lose interest in them as an entertainer.
Im quite sure streeps bodyguards would stun gun any immigrant that got too close for an autograph. Im sure the whole speil and faux award was planned. All I know is i aint gonna pay 5 bux for a box of milkduds to watch streep stink up the screen. I dont care if she voted for Trump twice.
Meryl Streep did not bother to mention the young mentally challenged white guy who was taken hostage for two days and tortured in Chicago recently by four black thugs (who will be spending time in prison, thankfully). Nope...instead she falsely regurgitated the vomit of the liberal media story that Trump mocked a handicapped guy.
Trump’s so-called “impression” of the guy is the same impression he does of people who are not handicapped.
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8JqT2atxD8
There is a special place for liars and deceivers.
I saw a facebook post (if it was true) on the news feed on my phone. It was a young black woman. She said that the handicapped guy who had been beaten used the N work and the four who did this were suffering from ptsd and were victims of systematic racist oppression. They weren't responsible for a hate crime they were simply reacting to it. Unbelievable.
I agree with Montel. Put them behind bars. For life. No opportunity for parole.
I read about how Montel spoke out. Whoa, he came down hard. Good for him, he has a good heart. He probably even donated to the fund raiser for the 18 year old victim.
Hard to believe Meryl Streep is so far out of touch.
I dont think it is coincidental. A few things Merle could have *savagely and viciously* assaulted Trump on but chose something that could be conflated with current news. Or 10 seconds of news on NBC that is.
I agree. Streep has said and done some unsavory things. I think I mentioned something about pedophiles in another post. She gave a convicted child rapist, Roman Polanski a standing ovation at the Oscars along with several other low morals Hellywood celebs. The rape happened at Jack Nicholson's house. Polanski only got about 45 days in jail for child rape.
Trump would like to see the death penalty for pedophiles. You know, like people Streep applaudes. Maybe that's why she stuck her stiletto into President-elect again. She seems to think they need to be protected from Trump from what she said in her lame speech. I think she talks too much, kind of stupid that way.
Merle and Hillary are friends.
O.K., this brings me to the press. We need the principled press to hold power to account, to call him on the carpet for every outrage. That’s why our founders enshrined the press and its freedoms in the Constitution. So I only ask the famously well-heeled Hollywood Foreign Press and all of us in our community to join me in supporting the Committee to Protect Journalists, because we’re gonna need them going forward, and they’ll need us to safeguard the truth.
The principled press? Safeguard the truth?
Fake news. Streep doing damage crontrol for their pig slop msm news.
Merle Streep was not there to accept some lifetime of notably boring movies and at best mediocre acting.
She was there with a crafted liberal propaganda speech. With Joe the plumber from argentina, maybe it was ireland, and its all about the community and gee aint the news trustworthy.
In a business where a camera and ultra-ego centric presence becomes part of ones psyche -- what does anyone expect ? She is just one more has been who can attempt to reignite a career with an outrageous blurb . I have turned off Hollywood for that reason - all the great movies have already been made and exploited - today - they all rot !
Meryl S. came out dressed as Donald Trump at one of Hilliary's events and made fun of him...
Now at the Golden Globes she says one of the reasons she hates Donald is that he makes fun of people.. Confused Meryl.. The pot calling the Kettle black..
Meryl, is a proper worthless hypocrite.
Very childish to think Trump cannot fire back at her political crap. Funny how "worthless hypocrites" are. I wonder how much she is getting rewarded by her corrupt friend that's married to a rapist. Such drama!
Rosie mocked trumps kid. Streep mocking trump. Victims. If that journalist writes for the NYT he needs to be mocked for the liberal birdcage liner he works for. You find out why the pizza place is selling childrens underwear? DC pizza joints I guess different from the pizza places I visit.
Unlike Trump who is little too honest to ACT, hollywood actors know so well how to S E E M / A C T.
They seem so kind and they seem so cool and they seem so compassionate and they seem so empathetic and they seem so patient ... until you DO NOT, (because you are not as good at acting as they are!) Then they point out you are the worst of the worst, (with total HATRED for YOU.)
Just pointing out what I see all around me.
Reminds me of this video that, while a little old, is much the same. Actors and actresses, somber and sad as they demand gun controls on one day and go back to their shoot-em-up acting the next.
by Audrey Selig 13 years ago
Do you regularly watch political news, and how does it effect your outlook? Does it put you in a...good or bad mood?
by Sharlee 5 months ago
It deeply saddens me to witness Joe Biden's recent proclamation, which I perceive as a blatant disregard for the sanctity of Easter Sunday. By choosing to declare Trans Visibility Day on this holiest of days for Christians, Biden has, in my opinion, committed an act that can only be described as...
by Kayode Doyak 3 years ago
Well here it ishttps://youtu.be/uKjkSzsQWi8
by Charlu 11 years ago
Why is it Presidential debates have to be on every channel? I feel like a child being punished.Seriously, do they have to be on every channel? Do they think that we are not smart enough to turn to the right one, tape it, or watch it online afterwards? It's as if I'm a child being punished who...
by Jack Lee 6 years ago
Where are the others? This news is not news at all. This has been going on forever ever since the early days of film...It is only now that people are coming out to speaking about it...The big question is who else? Will they come forward and admit their bad behavior?Where are all the victims?...
by S K G Rao. 11 years ago
Will you vote out corrupt politicians.?People West Bengal and Tamil Nadu have done a remarkable change in politics,will the few more states have the same capasity.
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