Attorney General Ted Cruz?

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  1. abwilliams profile image67
    abwilliamsposted 7 years ago

    I think I have a solution to the Jeff Sessions dilemma. 
    Don't get me wrong, don't think there's any evidence to boot him and know that this is just more b.s. from the Dems tactical playbook.
    Repeal and Replace Jeff Sessions with Senator Ted Cruz?

    Too much?  Would too many Republican and Democratic heads explode all at once, too messy?

    I, personally, wouldn't mind it sticking in some craws. In fact, it would give me great pleasure!

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      "don't think there's any evidence to boot him"

      ???  But I'm seeing shrieks of rage everywhere and calls to jail him for treason!  He had the unmitigated gall to actually speak to the Russian ambassador at a gathering of ambassadors!  Surely treason is a valid reason for the boot - we don't want him representing the US from behind bars!

      1. abwilliams profile image67
        abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I'm hearing from the Dems that a U.S. Senator meeting with an Ambassador (a Russian Ambassador at that) is worse than Watergate. 
        Who knew?
        All Senators need to be let in on this 'Breaking News'.
        Nancy Pelosi has stated that President Clinton was impeached for far less than what Jeff Sessions is accused of and Nancy knows things!
        Ted needs to be warming up in the batter's box, just in case!

        1. profile image0
          promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          I think you have been misinformed. The issue is Trump campaign aides meeting with Russians during the campaign. Do you agree that we don't want the KGB influencing our elections? Or is it OK?

  2. profile image51
    jfaiposted 7 years ago

    hmm- seems to me that a lot of senators meet with this and other ambassadors but don't come under the same scrutiny because they are not associated with trump.  double standard maybe?  and wasn't it part of his job to meet with them?  and if no one is supposed to talk to anyone, how does all of the conversation get started that changes things in the world?  i am seeing a "witch hunt" because first flynn and now sessions - and i really don't see what they did wrong.  their conversations had nothing to do with the campaign.  if russia was behind the hacking, and it seems they were, i still don't see how just talking to people whose job capacity involved conversations with them is wrong or in any way influenced it.

    so they managed to get rid of flynn, now they are on sessions, and who  is next?  but yeah i would love to see people like ted cruz and marco rubio involved in the federal government in a big way.  there are some democrats i would love to see in there too.  doesn't mean it will happen.

    1. abwilliams profile image67
      abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly.  Who is next?
      Flynn resigned almost immediately.  Sessions recused himself...was it even 24 hours for him? Not enough though, Dems want his scalp!
      Who is next?
      Even with Trump, attempting to drain the swamp, as promised, there is so much build-up of nasty stuff; stubborn clogs that will continue to hold things up and drag things out.... all working against him and his Administration.
      Sessions needs to stand firm, with the President (and ALL Republicans) standing firm, shoulder to shoulder with him, no more backing down!

      1. profile image0
        promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Are you in favor of Russian intelligence helping a candidate from either party winning the White House? It's a simple yes or no question.

      2. GA Anderson profile image81
        GA Andersonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Hello abwilliams, I agree with your sentiment about Mr. Sessions standing firm. I do think recusing himself from any Russian themed investigations was the smart thing to do; it took away the antagonist's thunder - without causing any moral damage to Pres. Trump's decision to pick him, but I absolutely think he should stand firm now, and going forward.


        1. abwilliams profile image67
          abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks for your response GA.
          The sooner the unwavering begins....the sooner We The People will begin to see some real results. (here's hoping)

          1. GA Anderson profile image81
            GA Andersonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Hello again abwilliams, I am late to say I am glad to see a new face in these forums. Welcome.

            Since your OP title included Ted Cruz, I hope I won't be hijacking your thread by taking this direction.

            I am strongly anti-Ted Cruz. I have no basis for this other than my impressions from his media exposure.

            I look at the man, and he just doesn't strike me as trustworthy. I listen to him speak, and my impression is that I don't believe his interest are mine, (ie. Conservative values). My take-away is that his actions are self-serving. For me, this is further validated by his too-soon run for the presidency. I think he is more a political animal than a man of Conservative people.

            I believe that the obvious enmity of his fellow Congressmen is not mostly the result of his political positions. I would not give him the key to my house, much less the confidence of my political representation.

            I freely admit that these opinions are solely the result of what I have seen of him in his public exposures. Which means I also freely admit mine is just an opinion, not a fact-based observation.

            So why are you such a Ted Cruz supporter?


            1. abwilliams profile image67
              abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              I was very active with the Tea Party. Cruz's name came up a lot, as someone who agreed with us, Government's too big and getting bigger by the day. Government's too intrusive and getting more intrusive by the day.
              While Obama seemed laser-focused on continuing the destructive path of building it up, Cruz was there at every turn, to remind the President and everyone....that our Government's not designed to be so massive. He reminded the President and everyone....that the Government is in place to Serve the People, not the other way around!!
              He always, first and foremost, (as it is supposed to be) puts his Constituents best interest first!
              It was refreshing to watch him filibuster [Mandated] disastrous Obamacare and to see him stand up to members of his own Party, such as Mitch McConnell, who has probably been in D.C. for much too long and has forgotten his way and purpose too often.
              He doesn't back down from a fight and that impresses me!
              It took me a long time to come around to Trump (Hillary was never an option)
              I understood why Cruz couldn't endorse Trump at the Convention and understoood, when he finally did, that the time was right.
              I think that members of our Government can learn from Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and Rand Paul and all that believe in Limited Government.

              1. abwilliams profile image67
                abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                p.s. I've been around.

              2. GA Anderson profile image81
                GA Andersonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Hello again ABWilliams what is your understanding of why Ted Cruz could not endorse candidate Trump at the convention, and what do think made the "right time," (when he did endorse nominee Trump), the right time?


                1. abwilliams profile image67
                  abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  Too much transpired between them during the campaign,  We all know that it got pretty ugly!  The Convention was too soon, it would not have been believable to most (just politics as usual)
                  They gave wounds time to heal, talked it out and moved on, as two adults should. Joining forces to defeat the true problem....Hillary.
                  I like him, sorry you don't!

    2. GA Anderson profile image81
      GA Andersonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hello again jfai, on your point about General Flynn - I think you are wrong. He very definitely did something wrong, he lied to the Vice Pres. His sin was not talking to the Russians - it was lying to one of his superiors.

      I did not get aboard the 'he talked to the Russians' train, but I certainly agree he should have lost his position for lying to the V.P. The question that comes to mind is why. They were all on the same team. I think his actions were well within his job description. So why did he feel the need to lie to one of his own team members?

      But, I do agree with you that there is a Democrat witch hunt. It just remains to be seen if there are any more real witches.

      Just as a matter of opinion, I would not want to see Cruz or Rubio involved in Pres. Trump's administration. My perception is that they are both just political animals. The very type that Trump's campaign railed against.


  3. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    Pretty simple - Obama appointees are trying anything  and everything to  sabotage Trumps progress ,    The first Hundred days of Trump is more productive than eight years of Obama , So much jealousy  on the part of dems .

    Trump needs to clean out ALL  the Obama appointees.

    1. abwilliams profile image67
      abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed. Speaking of Obama...where is he? Behind the curtain perhaps?

      1. Paul Wingert profile image60
        Paul Wingertposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I love how trumptards like to use "Obama" or "Hilary" in their comments when the article or post has nothing to do with either of them.

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Paul , Perhaps because people like yourself have no memory of the disaster  that  WAS right there before your eyes . Well known fact  -- The left has no political memory

  4. abwilliams profile image67
    abwilliamsposted 7 years ago

    Speaking of Obama.... Where is he and what has he been up to?
    Sounds as if he may very well be the man behind the curtain.
    This is all getting very interesting indeed!

    1. profile image0
      promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Says who? Fox News?

      1. abwilliams profile image67
        abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        That's not where I heard it Promise.
        Is Fox News reporting the wire-tapping of Trump Tower too?

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          All-- the news outlets are reporting Trump Tower Bugging By Obama .
          For liberals -Is this also fake news ?
          Is It possible that the same left suffers  two realities ?

          1. abwilliams profile image67
            abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Wow! it possible?
            So now we may know why the former President didn't leave town.
            Bush left for Texas to tend to cattle or whatever, didn't look back.....but not Barack...He still had 'work' left to do?

            1. profile image0
              ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Darned right , Almost without precedent ,all presidents back off  after their terms  because of their unique previous incumbency and popularity  , yet Obama has an different agenda  . Well , I suppose if you amount to nothing in eight years .............

              1. abwilliams profile image67
                abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

       attempt to create your Legacy. But, to have it backfire and to be remembered for the same thing Nixon is remembered for.......

            2. profile image0
              promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Do you mean waiting for his daughter to graduate from high school?

              1. abwilliams profile image67
                abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                I was responding to the previous comment. Not sure what you mean?

                1. profile image0
                  promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  My apologies. I misunderstood your comment.

        2. profile image0
          promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Really? Where did you hear or read it? Trump's Twitter account is the origial source. Maybe you got it from other media outlets that can't believe the garbage he posts without a shred of evidence.

          1. abwilliams profile image67
            abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            I was on my computer, so it was in my News Feed.
            I believe it was you that mentioned it was on Fox News!
            I haven't heard that there isn't a shred of evidence. Where did you hear or read that?

            1. profile image0
              promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              I track many media sources. They all say that Trump hasn't offered any evidence. He was responding to an article on Breitbart, which got it from a conservative radio talk show host.

              "Trump, in a series of five tweets, cited no evidence for the alleged secret monitoring of conversations, but accused Obama of orchestrating a “Nixon/Watergate” plot."

     … retapping/

              1. abwilliams profile image67
                abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                I don't think that is proof that there is nothing going on. We'll see what comes out over the next few days.

                Why do you think Obama stayed in D.C.?

                Also, can you answer me honestly, this question? If the Dems were to get their way, Sessions succumbs and resigns. Ted Cruz becomes a narrow margin, he's not the most loved guy in D.C., because he is the most Conservative! Conservatives would love it...I'd love it, but how would the Left react?

                (Careful what ya'll wish for)

                1. Dont Taze Me Bro profile image59
                  Dont Taze Me Broposted 7 years agoin reply to this


                  promisem says he tracks media sources - that's a joke...more like he spews left wing media talking points ad infinitum.

                2. profile image0
                  promisemposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  I sincerely appreciate your willingness to discuss these issues in a civil way.

                  Despite the abuse I get from extremists like Don't Taze Me Bro who shoot from the hip, I have voted for more Republicans than Democrats during my life. I just don't like extremists of either party. That being said, I am fully in favor of Obama getting what he deserves if he ordered illegal wiretaps.

                  But first we need proof from credible sources. I haven't seen any such proof. If there is some evidence, there should be an investigation. But there should not be one if Trump is simply blowing smoke. So far that appears to be the case.

                  Regarding Cruz, everything I have read indicates that his biggest problem is bad relationships with other Senators. They would have to confirm him. So it seems a long shot.

                  1. abwilliams profile image67
                    abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    Thank you for responding. Taze is passionate, wouldn't  put him in Extremist category!! Much is yet to be learned!

  5. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    Sessions isn't going to resign  liberals ,   keep grasping at straws though ,  eventually you will come up with something .

    1. abwilliams profile image67
      abwilliamsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yep! Grasping, as they continually (gleefully) hold things up!


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