These are not protesters in the traditional sense. They are anarchist and violent and destructive. They act like mafia thugs and threaten local shop keepers reminescent of the protection racket.
Why are these people allowed to do what they do wearing black masks - black bloc?
They should be dealt with harshly in my humble opinion.
What is the point of having a police force if they are not allowed to defend against these group mob thugs?
You have any evidence at all that these are paid protesters?
You have any video links or information links to the destruction you are referring to?
You have any idea that your humble opinion and/or feelings don't mean Diddly-squat - other than it appears that you are an internet troll and I wonder if you are getting paid for posting biased leading Q's on HP? … MapzHhpTW6
"Mr. Soros spurred the Ferguson protest movement through years of funding and mobilizing groups across the U.S., according to interviews with key players and financial records reviewed by The Washington Times.
In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations."
FROM … s-to-spur/
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Seriously? Talk about taking the bait and swallowing whole.
Fact Check: Soros donated $33 million to fund rioting Ferguson protest groups
A grantmaking network founded by George Soros provided funding to some groups that engaged in Ferguson-related protest activities.
George Soros gave money to various groups for the express purpose of promoting Ferguson-related protests and riots.
________________________________ You need to be arrested for causing a LAUGH RIOT!
You can laugh all you want. People's property were damaged in these riots and some have died...
Don't tell me they were spontaneous demonstrations... like the one in Benghazi... cause by a youtube video if you believe Susan Rice...
These protests were well planned and funded and signs were printed and made ahead of time.
You don't have to believe me. George Soros has said on many occasion his intent. He is a globalist. He wants to tear down countries like US so that a world government can be formed. It is no secret. I don't think he is evil, just an opportunist. He does what he can to make money on the misery of others. He then turn around and give money to groups that will fulfill his world view.
You can laugh all you want.
Yes, Jacklee, I am laughing at the Right's incredulous leaps of illogic.
there are a lot of dissatisfied people in that community in their own right and for their own reasons. They did not need George Soros to motivate them, how ridiculous? The rightwinger blamed every anti-Trump, anti rightwinger protest, peaceful or not, on Soros. How come every left wing generated protest has to have some big funding ring leader, as if people would not have the resources nor the intelligence to organize for themselves? With the rightwinger in charge, that is sufficient motivation to protest, don't you think?
How do you know the level of planning regarding the protests? I don't care what Soros' intent is, you have to prove that he was directly involved or your credibility is suspect. I think that the Koch Brothers are a couple of fascists trying to short circuit democracy in America. From my perspective, they are much more dangerous. That is what I think, but I will accuse them of specific actions based only upon solid evidence of wrongdoing. I am not using some generalized understanding about the 'evil' Soros to link him to evil doing akin to Satan, himself.
These hackneyed theories of yours isplaying only within the rightwing bubble chamber, the rest of real world sees otherwise.
Credence, I said I don't see Soros as evil. I see him doing and funding groups that will help him with his global view. He doesn't have to be personally involved. He puts up the money, donate to and other similiar organizations. They in turn organize local groups that shows up at events.
You can say the Koch brothers fund similar right leaning organizations. But the difference is, they don't agitate hate. You might disagree with his policies. That is the big difference.
Oh, the 'good guys' don't want to hurt you, no, just kill you.
Vice President Mike Pence met privately with billionaire industrialist Charles Koch to advance his free-market ideas at a fundraising event for GOP Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado on Friday.
Wingnut welfare typically flows from conservative publishing houses, opinion journals, and websites. Such operations are heavily subsidized by wealthy benefactors such as the Koch brothers.
Tim Phillips, the president of the Kochs' political arm Americans For Prosperity, told reporters that they are "disappointed that movement has not been more dramatic toward a full repeal or a broader rollback of this law, ObamaCare.”
The Congressional Budget Office yesterday released a report saying that if the so-called “healthcare” bill now before the Senate becomes law, some 22 million people would be stripped of Medicaid benefits.
This number is not high enough to satisfy Charles and David Koch, the billionaire oil magnates.
They are now using the power and money of Americans For Prosperity (AFP), and the Freedom Partners network, to pressure Senators into ending Medicaid altogether and using the money that’s saved to give tax breaks to the richest people in the country; people like themselves. - … re-in-u-s/
"What Do the Koch Brothers Want?
As a result of the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision, billionaires and large corporations can now spend an unlimited amount of money to influence the political process.
Perhaps, the biggest winners of Citizens United are Charles and David Koch, owners of the second-largest privately run business in America Koch Industries.
Among other things, the Koch brothers own oil refineries in Texas, Alaska, and Minnesota and control some 4,000 miles of pipeline.
According to Forbes Magazine, the Koch brothers are now worth $80 billion, and have increased their wealth by $12 billion since last year alone.
For the Koch brothers, $80 billion in wealth, apparently, is not good enough. Owning the second largest private company in America is, apparently, not good enough. It doesn’t appear that they will be satisfied until they are able to control the entire political process.
It is well known that the Koch brothers have provided the major source of funding to the Tea Party and want to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
David KochWhat else do the Koch brothers want?
In 1980, David Koch ran as the Libertarian Party’s vice-presidential candidate in 1980.
Let’s take a look at the 1980 Libertarian Party platform.
Here are just a few excerpts of the Libertarian Party platform that David Koch ran on in 1980:
“We urge the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, and the immediate abolition of the despotic Federal Election Commission.”
“We favor the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.”
“We oppose any compulsory insurance or tax-supported plan to provide health services, including those which finance abortion services.”
“We also favor the deregulation of the medical insurance industry.”
“We favor the repeal of the fraudulent, virtually bankrupt, and increasingly oppressive Social Security system. Pending that repeal, participation in Social Security should be made voluntary.”
“We propose the abolition of the governmental Postal Service. The present system, in addition to being inefficient, encourages governmental surveillance of private correspondence. Pending abolition, we call for an end to the monopoly system and for allowing free competition in all aspects of postal service.”
“We oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including capital gains taxes.”
“We support the eventual repeal of all taxation.”
“As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.”
“We support repeal of all law which impede the ability of any person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws.”
“We advocate the complete separation of education and State. Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with the free choice of individuals. Government ownership, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended.”
“We condemn compulsory education laws … and we call for the immediate repeal of such laws.”
“We support the repeal of all taxes on the income or property of private schools, whether profit or non-profit.”
“We support the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.”
“We support abolition of the Department of Energy.”
“We call for the dissolution of all government agencies concerned with transportation, including the Department of Transportation.”
“We demand the return of America's railroad system to private ownership. We call for the privatization of the public roads and national highway system.”
“We specifically oppose laws requiring an individual to buy or use so-called "self-protection" equipment such as safety belts, air bags, or crash helmets.”
“We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Administration.”
“We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration.”
“We support an end to all subsidies for child-bearing built into our present laws, including all welfare plans and the provision of tax-supported services for children.”
“We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and ‘aid to the poor’ programs. All these government programs are privacy-invading, paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient. The proper source of help for such persons is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals.”
“We call for the privatization of the inland waterways, and of the distribution system that brings water to industry, agriculture and households.”
“We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.”
“We call for the abolition of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.”
“We support the repeal of all state usury laws.”
In other words, the agenda of the Koch brothers is not only to defund Obamacare. The agenda of the Koch brothers is to repeal every major piece of legislation that has been signed into law over the past 80 years that has protected the middle class, the elderly, the children, the sick, and the most vulnerable in this country."
That seal is yawning ... about to fall asleep, thinking, "Yes, everything is fine in the sea … there are NO predators after me. The sea is wonnnnder fulll place ….
If he could, he would be wearing rose colored glasses.
The seal is on land, not in the sea.
What is the greatest land predator on Earth that loves seals?
Seals… "have plenty of large predators that they need to be worried about. One of them is the Great White Shark … Killer Whales are another predator for seals in some areas. It is often the younger pups that have just started going into the water that these larger animals will feed on. This is due to the fact that they swallow their prey instead of chewing it. However, both sharks and killer whales are able to bite of huge chunks to swallow from larger prey. Therefore, adult seals aren’t something they will pass up for a meal should the opportunity present itself.
The biggest threat to seals is from other water animals. This is understandable since they spend a long time (most) of their lives in the water…"
From the above link
PS No name calling … or were you calling my comment stupid?
Probably the same people, and types of people, who are funding the "resist" groups in the U.S. To be more specific, wealthy liberal elites who can't accept the fact that they lost in 2016. The irony is that these anti-capitalist, anti-Wall Street, anti-"the one percent," far-left "protestors" are just pawns of the very people they claim to be fighting against.
It seems it really is impossible for you to believe that some people have principles and care about the world they live in.
Why is that?
Is it painful to bear the implied criticism?
Do you lack all principles and therefore cannot believe others have them?
Is it entirely alien to your character to be concerned about others?
Or is it just a safer universe if the dark secret forces vying for control are outside of your head, rather than inside it?
Just asking...
There are plenty of people who care about our country, our environment and our welfare. They are doing the hard work of trying to fix the broken system liberal politicians created. They are being demonized as racist, or anti poor or selfish or worse "conservative". As one such person, I see the destruction on the American family of all races. I am working to restore America to the ideals of a limited government and self reliance and a free and prosperous country without welfare, and entitlements which only serve to enslave and trap people into a vicious cycle of poverty and despair. If some people have the energy to protest and riot and destroy private property, perhaps they have the energy to get a job...?
How can you be working towards anything?
Unless you are wealthy, you are powerless without the avenues that civil society and democratic government provides.
If you are working toward the castration of democratic government you are working towards your own inconsequence.
Will, Spoken like a true progressive. A person cannot do anything without big government?
I am doing my part by edcucating a new generation of Conservatives... the current crop of leaders are too far gone. The new millennials can see for themselves the failure of the State and how some are being hirt by the very policies progressives implement. I am also doing volunteer work in my retirmemt...
I can show or demonstrate progress can be made at a local and private level far better than a government handout.
Nothing about this reply has anything to do with what I said. Why is that? You can't actually refute anything I said?
It's an absolute joke that you accuse me of not having principles are caring about people (simply because I'm critical of political violence and hypocrisy) while you support the "protestors" who commit assaults, start fires, destroy property and attempt to silence anybody who disagrees with them. Are you being intentionally ironic? Just asking...
"Or is it just a safer universe if the dark secret forces vying for control are outside of your head, rather than inside it?"
That's rich, coming from somebody who likely believes the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theories.
Let's see if you can actually respond to my replay and the original questions. Obviously somebody is funding these protests; If not the wealthy, then whom?
I wonder how many times I can ask on this thread, "Please provide proof from a credible source".
Some of the groups at these protest include Greenpeace, ATTAC, and Refuse Fascism ( … ters-want/), ( … a-39495922). Refuse Fascism is funded in part by George Soros and Cornel West ( … ley-event/). ATTAC receives funding from Le Monde Diplomatique, Transnational Institute, and World Social Forum( … ist-powers). I don't think I need to convince you that Greenpeace is funded largely by "wealthy liberal elites."
Those sites are right-wing blogs and not credible sources of information. But I give you credit for trying.
I haven't seen any news reports indicating that those groups were violent.
Protesting is lawful (and Constitutional) and rioting is unlawful. If Greenpeace members protest and not riot, they are not breaking the law.
I'll admit I wish I could've found better sources, but does anyone else have a better answer?
You haven't seen any news reports indicating these groups were violent? Here ( … -militants) and here ( … de/8691894) are just two examples.
I agree that protesting and lawful and rioting isn't, but it's hard to argue that vandalism and arson is protesting rather than rioting. And I only brought up Greenpeace to support my answer to the original question, that it is mostly wealthy liberals bankrolling the protests.
Just to be clear, I'm not saying that certain groups weren't violent. I just haven't seen any evidence that Soros-funded groups are violent at these protests.
I agree that wealthy liberals donate money to the likes of Greenpeace, just as wealthy conservatives donate money to groups that oppose democracy. Until I see credible evidence, I don't agree that wealthy liberals are bankrolling riots and violence.
While nobody knows exactly who these violent protesters were, basic deductive reasoning says that a prime suspect should be Refuse Fascism, one of the Soros-funded groups. They openly support violent protest, and it seems violence of the exact same kind seen at G20 follows them wherever they go; they were present at the Berkeley riots, where the same "protest" tactics used at G20 were also used. Coincidence? Maybe, but probably not.
Besides, in context of the original question, it's a moot point as to whether or not the Soros groups were violent. The original question is about who was funded the protest, not specifically about who funded the violence. I stand by my answer that the protestors were mostly funded by wealthy liberal elites.
As for conservatives donating to groups that oppose democracy, "Please provide proof from a credible source".
A Google search shows no credible source of Soros funding for Refuse Fascism. It does show the Daily Caller as a major rumor mill for distributing such claims, but again, it offers no proof. Daily Caller is owned in part by Tucker Carlson of Fox News. Quite a coincidence.
Deductive reasoning does not fly in a court of law or prove that he funds such a group, nor that it is responsible for violence.
With due respect, you can stand by your original belief that wealthy liberals are funding violence. But I don't see how you can make such a claim without proof other than rumors from right-wing blogs.
Touche. Please do your research on the Koch brothers funding of the Cato Institute, Prosperity Action, Freedom Partners Action Fund, Citizens for a Sound Economy, the Tea Party Patriots, Citizens United (which wrecked campaign financing and gave the Koch's unlimited funding power) and the Competitive Enterprise Institute, among other organizations devoted to a one-party political system that puts all political and economic power into the hands of a small number of wealthy families.
If you have any doubt, just look at where their political candidate donations go and how the candidates vote. Add the Koch network's $800 million 2016 campaign fund and their 1,200 political operatives in 107 offices nationwide. … les-217124
While we're at it, any reading of the history of spy networks will show that intelligence agencies are often behind violence. Your organized group could just as easily be funded by Putin.
While Tucker Carlson partly owning the Daily Caller suggests it's biased (as is all media), that doesn't automatically mean that everything it reports is completely false. You have to do a bit of digging, but Refuse Fascism lists Alliance for Global Justice as its fiscal sponsor on its website, as does Cornel West on his Facebook page (West is one of the founders of RF). Alliance for Global Justice has received money from Soros( … grpid=7230). So Soros has funded this group, albeit indirectly.
Once again, my claim is only that wealthy liberals have given money to many of the groups present at the G20 protests. I'm not saying they specifically funded the violence.
While you say that wealthy conservatives are funding anti-democracy groups, these groups you listed only seem to be standard conservative organizations. There's no evidence they're against democracy or trying to form a one-party political system. While it is their goal to get like-minded people elected, they've made no effort to eradicate other political parties. Furthermore, I think the 2016 Presidential campaign and the 6th congressional district special election in Georgia proved that money doesn't necessarily translate into votes.
Could Putin have funded any of the G20 protest groups? I haven't seen any evidence of it.
We are talking about 20 wealthy nations meeting, how much funding dose it take. US are Right and left wings of the same bird. When are we having a war on poverty and green energy? The billionaire synthetic are always winning.
<We are talking about 20 wealthy nations meeting, how much funding does it take? The politicians of the US are Right and Left wings on the same bird.
When will we have a war on poverty and promote green energy?
The synthetic billionaires are always winning.>
Hope you don't mind me editing what you have written, CP. This one was very difficult to comprehend.
There has been a war on poverty since the 1960s, and a green movement since the 1990s...
The current poverty rate stayed about the same at 10% after trillions spent on welfare and entitlements...
The green movement is not doing much better. After solar and wind power...and rebates on EV...we are only about 3% total electricity generation from green...
Give up, then.
Give up give up on global prosperity. Give up on a livable future. Give up on democratic government, too.
Spend more time in the mall, while you can.
Or check the facts.
It is the poverty of rightwing aspiration which is driving humanity to the edge.
No one is saying give up...
We are saying there is a better way, that does not necessarily involve big government programs.
Conservative right wing as you call it, wants the private sector and religious organizations and non profits to do the bulk of these social programs...
They tend to work better and more efficient and help the people really in need...
The reason is simple, the motivation of the people doing the work is different than the bureaucrats that runs government agencies. These bureaucrats are more concerned about rules and regulations and fairness... and reelections...rather than helping people in need.
The green movement. A solar cell rep came to do a study on my home, with the results that after my neighbors paid for 30% of the cost my monthly cost for power still went up. I bought a hybrid car, with a $7500 tax find out that it reduced my taxes by up to $7500. As my yearly tax bill isn't near that I got nothing from it - it's only for rich people that can afford the car without any rebate. And now the state has increased my car registration bill by $100 per year "to cover the lack of fuel tax collected". This after paying an additional $600 or so in sales taxes when purchased, and considering it is a sub-compact that does almost zero damage to roads. When a large solar cell manufacturer came into the state they collected massive subsidies and, without ever building a single solar cell, disappeared. I'm left with higher electric bills to pay for installing the power infrastructure (several millions of $$) they were given for free as part of the "green incentive".
The "green" movement should be termed the "money movement" because that's what it's all about. Not being green, but about padding the pockets of unscrupulous businesses and government.
Yes, you have it exactly right. I never bought into the solar and electric rebate programs...
The technology must reach a point where it is competitive with current technology in order for it to survive long term. That is how all previous technology have come and gone. By offering rebates, with tax dolars, we are choosing winners and losers. It is distorting the market place and cannot lead to a better outcome.
The way green policies are applied in the US is entirely a matter for the US, obviously. If it stinks, complain to your representatives.
Dismissing the green movement worldwide simply because the US favors the needs of the wealthy, is not going to get you much sympathy, lol.
We will see who has the last laugh...
After a few more years, when the dire predictions of climate changes does not materialize...
All these green technologies will lose their tax incentives...
What then?
I will have the last laugh mix with horrorable sadness when the Russain missle nuke just one centro USA nuclear plant that shuts down the entire grid system. Being in South America is the place you ought to be with a full working system that can not be shut down.
Sounds like you have it all figured out...Have a great day!!!
When this canard makes the uninformed rounds on conservative talk radio, but now it’s being adopted by elected officials who should know better and are using the dueling myths of “paid protesters” and “outside agitators” to duck their responsibility to hear from their actual constituents.
In reality, organizations often do sponsor or support rallies and send paid staff to help organize them, although unpaid protesters typically outnumber organizers.
If anybody is getting paid then entertain the idea that there might be 'agent provocateurs' & infiltrators. Peaceful protests infiltrated by extremists to incite violence to discredit the entire event.
"Paid protesters" aren't a total myth -- governments use them all the time. The “paid protester” trope is a tired one that has been around almost as long as protesting itself. It typically serves two purposes: it delegitimizes the protests in the eyes of the supporters of those on the receiving end of the protests; and it plays into a comforting fantasy that reassures those same people that what they’re doing isn’t really being opposed by any significant share of the population. - … iltrators/
2004 demonstration at the Republican National Convention in New York, an "arrest" by officers of a man disguised as a protester, but who was actually working with police, incited an uproar as police in riot gear clashed with outraged onlookers. ..
2005, The New York Times reported that police covertly took part in multiple anti-war rallies in the city, also citing extensive videotape footage as evidence.
2011 anti-cuts protest in London, a video filmed by the BBC was distributed throughout the internet, which might show an alleged agent provocateur being passed through police lines after displaying his identification to the officers.
“People now fear that if they attend a protest where someone they don’t know destroys property, then regardless of innocence they will be charged with felonies,” the motion says. “This is unhealthy for a Constitution that lives and dies with the vitality of its First Amendment.”
The only things to gain by rioting are…
1. Risking arrest
2. Discrediting the protest
3. Making protests in general appear dangerous (in an effort to dissuade people from protesting) … onstration … teurs.html … t-wingers/ … onstration … f183b88fdf
Right-Wing ‘Activist’ Can’t Find Any Brown People To Say They Want To Kill Cops - … kill-cops/
In Berkeley and Oakland, protests Wednesday night came to an abrupt halt when two undercover officers say they were forced to begin making arrests. Protesters, however, say that before being unmasked, the officers were banging on windows and trying to get protesters to riot and loot. - … e-looting/
My feeling is that this is too sophisticated a message for your target audience. I will continue to pitch at the 'you are projecting' level, lol.
Interesting case here though: … r-officers
A male police infiltrator formed multiple relationships with surveilled women, whilst spying on their animal rights activities.
Even if the majority of protestors are unpaid (which I don't dispute) the protests are organized by groups funded largely by wealthy elites. And about the alleged undercover officers at protests: bear in mind that, according to the source you cited, it was the protestors who claimed that undercover officers were inciting looting and rioting. They're not exactly impartial witnesses; of course they would want to blame the cops rather than admit responsibility. And I seriously doubt all the people arrested at violent protests were undercover officers. Furthermore, some "activist groups" like Refuse Fascism and Anti-fa explicitly support violent protest.
What possible motive could liberals have for attempting to undermine the G20?
I reckon what is really happening, for you, is something like this:
Protesters are targeting Trump
Trump is me
The protesters are targeting me
Liberals hate me
Ordinary people love me
Liberals must be paying ordinary people to protest, in order to hurt me
The above may or not be strictly true, lol. But something weird is happening for you to be so deluded.
Why is it that your replies are never connected to what I wrote?
Because I'm actually going to post a reply to what you wrote, I'll start by answering your question: "What possible motive could liberals have for attempting to undermine the G20?" Simple; they hate Trump and everything to do with Trump. He was at the G20 therefore they hate it. And I would say it's common knowledge that these were far-left protestors. Since it seems you somehow missed that, see here (
The rest of your reply looks like verbal diarrhea. It's a nonsensical mess and I'm not sure what to make of it, but one thing I can tell you is that I'm not Trump. Do you really think Trump would use an alias if he were on Hubpages? The other odd thing (rather, one of many odd things) is that you actually answered your own question here as to why liberals would attempt to undermine G20: they hate Trump.
Trump was the least engaged and least influential person at that meeting. Anarchists do not care about Trump. Or you.
They occupy a separate universe.
They would probably find it hard to believe in your existence, just as you find it hard to believe in theirs.
Anarchists do indeed care about Trump: ( … ssary.html). Plus, look at photos and videos from the G20 protests and you'll see quite a few anti-Trump signs. Furthermore, I don't recall any violent protests at previous G20 summits; do you think it's a coincidence that this happened at the first one in which Trump participated?
I think it's pretty well established that I believe in the existence of anarchists, but do they believe in my existence? They're not particularly tethered to reality, so I don't know.
At least you seem to acknowledge that I'm not Trump. That's a start.
I suspect Trump is drawing protests in Europe because of his policies about the environment and many insults of European countries and leaders.
Similar protests have taken place for decades. In 1999, I worked in downtown Seattle and was right in the middle of the WTO protests that attracted 40,000 people with grievances against the major countries. About 99% protested peacefully and a handful were violent.
The notion that individuals could act for their own reasons, good or bad, is clearly alien in USA, Inc, lol.
Also the notion that individuals could behave in such individual ways is shocking.
The US has a 2 great potential markets:
Storm police.
Thought police.
Both soon to be AI-ed.
Will, you are defending a group that don't deserve a voice in our society.
Any group had a right to discent peacefully in a democratic society. You get to dictate your policies when you are able to convince enough people to vote for your side...
These group of anarchist are paid to riot and destroy property for what?
Do you even know what they want?
Who care what they want if they are a fringe of a few hundred people wearing masks?
You my friend is living in a delusion.
You have no answers.
What is your proof that they are paid to riot? Disproved here: … h-protest/
And dozens of times here:
Sean Hannity is not a credible source of rumors about George Soros.
These 'protestors' are short on clarity and purpose and vey dangerous. I agree with Jack, they should be dealt with harshly.
The other crime....the Police have their hands tied.
I'm sure, as is often the case in the States, put a mic in their face and if they do not have the deer in the headlights look, followed by uhhh, they'll chant something they've heard, parrot something they've witnessed.
They're For Hire, no doubt!
Do you have no notion that societies are complex? There are many voices. Yes, you can deal harshly with anyone that you disagree with. You can become an enemy of the all those voices that make our civilization. Except your own,
It is interesting to see the conformism. And the hatred. And the gulag mentality, so clearly.
Let's hope European leaders see the dance of values and attitudes for what it is. Part of a dialogue.
Of course, in the US guns would be involved. Then no dialogue would be possible.
"The German police officers' union GdP on Friday hit out at anarchist groups called the Black Blocks, accusing them of "hijacking peaceful demonstrations by tens of thousands of people to deliberately attack" police."
George Sorrows is soroful. He is pure evil and is totally gleeful at causing and beholding the destruction of the world's systems ... toward his own nefarious ends.
" nefarious adjective
wicked, evil, sinful, iniquitous, egregious, heinous, atrocious, vile, foul, abominable, odious, depraved, monstrous, fiendish, diabolical, unspeakable, despicable; villainous, criminal, corrupt, illegal, unlawful; dastardly. ANTONYMS good. " T
I'd love to see some proof of his evil. Are you talking about his Open Society Foundations? Its mission:
"The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant societies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people."
That doesn't sound very evil.
Yes, believe what people tell you...
1. Affordable Care act -- (not so affordably)
2. Patriots's act - (license to spy on US citizen)
3. Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Mission Statement: A Reason for Being
Planned Parenthood believes in the fundamental right of each individual, throughout the world, to manage his or her fertility, regardless of the individual's income, marital status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or residence. We believe that respect and value for diversity in all aspects of our organization are essential to our well-being. We believe that reproductive self-determination must be voluntary and preserve the individual's right to privacy. We further believe that such self-determination will contribute to an enhancement of the quality of life and strong family relationships.
Based on these beliefs, and reflecting the diverse communities within which we operate, the mission of Planned Parenthood is
to provide comprehensive reproductive and complementary health care services in settings which preserve and protect the essential privacy and rights of each individual
to advocate public policies which guarantee these rights and ensure access to such services
to provide educational programs which enhance understanding of individual and societal implications of human sexuality
to promote research and the advancement of technology in reproductive health care and encourage understanding of their inherent bioethical, behavioral, and social implications
They perform over 1 million abortions yearly in the US.)
The "evil" organizations in the article include the Drug Policy Alliance and Christ the King United Church of Christ.
Still no proof that he is evil.
Here are the programs of the Soros foundation. They include initiatives for human rights, early childhood development, scholarships and public health.
I'll take his programs over the Koch brothers' obsession with a Republican dictatorship any day of the week.
I'm not sure I understand the point of your reply. Can you please clarify?
How easily fooled some people are.
He is behind all that is wrong with America … which Trump and the American people (well, half of them … the intelligent half) want fixed.
But don't worry promisem, if you love Soros and his policies, you are getting them. I really doubt that Trump and the intelligent half of the nation can prevent the powerful evil/Darkness which is sweeping the land … mostly in the form ignorance and misinformation regarding the truth about justice and human nature.
Its pathetic.
Yes, some people are easily fooled, especially the ones who believe rumors only because they fit their view of the world.
Meanwhile, you still haven't given any proof to back up your claims.
.... headed for a disaster of biblical proportions, Old Testament, real wrath of God type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
Paling well after sixteen days, a mammoth task was set
Sack the town, and rob the tower, and steal the alphabet
Close the door and bar the gate, but keep the windows clean
God's alive inside a movie! Watch the silver screen!
Rum was served to all the traitors; pygmies held themselves in check
Bloodhounds nosed around the houses, down dark alleys sailors crept
Six bells struck, the pot was boiling - soup spilled out on passers-by
Angels mumbled incantations, closely watched by God on high
Lightning struck out - fire and brimstone! Boiling oil and shrieking steam!
Darkness struck with molten fury, flashbulbs glorified the scene
Not a man who had a finger, not a man who could be seen
Nothing called (not name nor number) - Echo stormed its final scream
Daybreak washed with sands of gladness, rotting all it rotted clean
Windows peeped out on their neighbours, inside fireside bedsides gleam
SHALIMAR, the trumpets chorused, angels wholly all shall take
Those alive will meet the prophets, those at peace shall see their wake
1. One who destroys fjords.
2. A destroyer of worlds.
George Soros is abusing and encouraging the abuse of freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is to be used for some good ...
not pure evil.
He needs to be stopped.
"Past G20 protests
Some G20 summits have been marked by violence.
More than 100 people were arrested during demonstrations at the G20 summit in London in April 2009. Tensions flared as police kept protesters "kettled" in the streets for hours.
There were more than 80 arrests at the G20 summit in the US city of Pittsburgh later that year.
Hundreds of protesters were arrested at the June 2010 summit in Toronto, Canada, as violence and vandalism broke out.
Since then, G20 summits have been largely peaceful. This may be because some locations -- such as Brisbane, Australia -- have been a long way to travel, or because protesters have been kept far from the summit venue amid tight security. Last year, China ramped up security for the summit in Hangzhou and reportedly gave residents a week's vacation."
"'…the point is to disturb the G20," ... "It's not right that a few countries get to decide what happens to the rest of the world at this summit,''' explained one of the (original) protestors in Hamburg.
But then the "Black Blocks"/ thugs hijacked the peaceful protestors.
….>Its not right and its not fair.
Words to the wise: (R)AMP up security BIG TIME!
Like China did!
FROM: … index.html
The G20 in Canada was very physical damaging to the people protesting. The People sued the Police for 1.3 million dollars. Compare that to cost of security over a billion dollars. That is the story of our lives to be lead around by hierarchy and billionaires society . A huge lack of inequality and justice for the majority of the people.
You're so right, I came close to calling the Soros' gang, Hired Guns!
The question is ... why all these global summit meetings??? what ARE they discussing?
"A summit meeting (or just summit) is a meeting of heads of state or government, usually with considerable media exposure, tight security, and a prearranged agenda. Notable summit meetings include those of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin during World War II. However, the term summit was not commonly used for such meetings until the Geneva Summit (1955).[1] During the Cold War, when American presidents joined with Soviet or Chinese counterparts for one-on-one meetings, the media labelled the event as a "summit". The post–Cold War era has produced an increase in the number of "summit" events. Nowadays, international summits are the most common expression for global governance." Wikipedia
Also: … index.html
Oh Will where is your sense of humor?
I'm with you Kathryn...Why indeed?
Putin: "'If we want to resolve bilateral and acute international issues, we definitely need personal meetings. I'm delighted to be able to meet you in person Mr. President, and I hope -- as you have said -- that our meeting will yield positive results,'"
"Trump chided Russia's use of energy as a coercive force and for its actions in Eastern Ukraine."
"'When discussing the situation in the global economy, the Russian side intends to focus on issues regarding ensuring positive dynamics of global trade," Putin said. "We oppose the growing policy of protectionism in the world.' … Trump has championed more protectionist policies as President."
What's to protest?
FROM … index.html
It's time for President Trump to declare martial law and clean up our country:
Jail all these protesters.
Jail Hillary Clinton.
Get rid of all the illegal immigrants.
Jail all leakers.
Stop the obstructionist Democrats.
Repeal Obamacare.
Repeal Medicaid.
... and on and on.
Yes, a sense of urgency would be helpful. The Roman empire fell, Technologically advanced Atlantis blew itself into bits … it happens.
We could loose everything the Age of Enlightenment brought forth and slip into an Age of Darkness and Tyranny.
If they are determined to be traitors to their country and/or ruled to be enemies of the state through their actions, then executing them would be an appropriate thing to do. The Rosenbergs were executed for committing espionage. A lot of these people are providing our enemies with leverage to damage the U.S.
If Trump is found guilty of treason by colluding with Vladimir Putin, should he also be executed?
Absolutely! But everyone already agrees that those assertions are one, big nothing burger. I mean, he should also be executed when North Korean soldiers march out of his butt.
Really? Everyone? The FBI, CIA, NSA, independent counsel Robert Mueller, and investigative committees by both houses of Congress apparently haven't heard that the assertions are a big nothing burger.
But they haven't produced any meat, either. Just follow orders and investigate something that isn't there.
I believe the investigation should run its course but it is beginning to appear we are dealing with a tempest in a tea pot. Unlike the allegations made against Hillary and Obama.
Give Trump time. He'll be just as corrupt and abuse power as well as the big guys.
What is this thing about George Soros and the Right? He is the instigator as if people cannot decide their course of action without outside influence.
Sounds a lot like blaming Santa Claus, or The Tooth Fairy?
Trump can't get a hotel room in Hamburg? I LMAO!!!!
Book: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton and the Sixties Radicals seized control of the Democratic Party written by by David Horowitz and Richard Poe.
He is anti-Israel. Are you anti Israel, promisem?
Do you believe US military actions are unjust and immoral?
Do you believe in defending the rights of anti-American terrorists? Do you believe in a steep reduction in military funding? Do you believe in socialized medicine? Do you believe in the demolition of our technological industrial civilization in favor of radical environmentalism? Tax payer abortion on demand? Stricter gun control? Legalization of marijuana? Open borders? Dramatic expansion of social welfare programs funded by ever escalating taxes? Promoting social welfare benefits for illegal aliens?
Luckily for us, Trump has stopped, (is attempting to stop) the (underlying) plans of Soros and his ilk.
Soros is probably pretty furious.
"Trump and the intelligent half of the nation" Can you really say that with a straight face?
Well....some on this thread believe that all of these carbon copy protests, whether Baltimore, Milwaukee or Hamburg are genuine grassroots endeavors, and that George Soros is a great Humanitarian and all-around good guy.....
I love the George Soros thing. It is a vision of the future.
In that future only wealthy people will be able make something happen.
Honestly, how else can you look at it? Protesters could not possibly be protesting on principle, or in defense of their interests, in the bizarre world view of rightwingers.
They could only be motivated by bribes.
And only the wealthy can afford to bribe large numbers of people.
This actually happens in Third World countries, of course. Wealthy groups fighting for power within the ruling elites fund protests to further their aims.
And the more democracy in the US is eroded, the closer it will come to Third World power politics. Even so, I don't think the US has reached the point of mass paid protest yet, and Europe certainly has not.
Of course right wingers belief in peaceful protests. It is the American way just like the TEA party...
What we don't believe is anarchists that are instigated by billionaires that think he can better design a world he controls. Unfortunately, there are miss guided individuals that are being caught in this chaos. That is mob mentality being exploited by the left. The Ferguson riots is a prime example. Take a police shooting incident and stir up race and create a BLM movement...
I'm just right of center but I disagree. The world is lopsided and sits heavily in favor of the powers that be. People are worried about many things those powers are making money (hand over fist) from. People such as myself have become so jaded and defeatist we don't believe change is possible. Not everyone is like me. I say protest on. Peacefully. Change for the better for humanity might be the result.
Live to learn, I don't see the disagreement. What part of my statement did you disagree with?
That people would only protest if paid to do so.
That is not what I said. I said some people are paid agitators funded by Soros groups. Look it up...
Others are miss guided and being led into a mob mentality and will loot and riot by the instigators.
Some are just protesters caught in the moment...
Unlike the TEA party movement, which is a grass root operation, peaceful protest against an over bearing over taxing government. They organized, and elected people into Congress and is taking power back to the people that elected them.
The left can learn a lesson from the TEA party instead of attacking them and calling them racist...
It was never about race but economic empowerment.
Anarchists instigated by billionaires? Lol. Get a grip on reality.
Where did these peope get their masks and professionally printed signs?
Did they just created them from their parent's basement?
You my friend is the one not facing reality...have a great weekend.
I am off to a day trip up north where there are no protesters to be found...haha
Still no proof that he is funding violent anarchists. But let me ask you a question:
If a donate money to a church that protests police brutality, and others commit violence at that protest, does that means I am funding violent protesters?
If you fund a "protest" that becomes a riot then yes, you have funded a riot.
And who funded the protest against the summit?
How would I know? And what does it have to do with the question of funding a protest that turns violent?
"If a donate money to a church that protests police brutality, and others commit violence at that protest, does that means I am funding violent protesters?"
Disregarding the spin that a riot is just a protest, what else could you have meant? If I misunderstood, can you clarify?
One of the groups protesting in Ferguson was a church. If I donate money to that church, members attend the protest, and OTHER PEOPLE committ violence, how am I funding violence?
The church I funded had nothing to do with the violence. My donations had nothing to do with the protest.
A protest with thousands of people that includes a few dozens rioters doesn't mean all of the people there are rioters. Some are protesters and some are rioters.
But then there is Tucker Carlson on Fox: … 82eda8403e
So how do we prove it?
Look at his tax filings?
Look at his record?
Look at what's very likely and putting two and two together?
For instance, we know George Soros is influenced by the philosophies of Marx, loves social engineering and despises capitalism. He funded the Center for American Progress, headed by John Podesta, former Clinton chief of staff, to counter The Heritage Foundation. He financially suports Air America Radio which was created to promote the Democrat agenda. There is the Think Progress project of The American Action Progress Action Fund, (tied to Center for American Progress,) created to put progressive ideas into action through legislation, promoting the organization of grassroots movements and establishing progressive partnerships nation/world wide. ETC.
Do we have proof the protestors were paid by Soros?
We would have to get proof by going to Germany and finding someone willing to admit it.
so …..
So George Soros can do whatever he wants in the name of good ... (while we all know it ain't,) but the Kock brothers, (who promote truth and justice,) can't???
R E A L L Y ? ? ?
Self-guided will for the individual and free-market capitalism is what the Kock brothers promote. Soros not so much. Soros does not believe the masses can handle free-market capitalism. He is out to end the Age of Enlightenment and Reason. He could not care less about the roots of true happiness:
Our souls, our abilities, our will-powers, our motivations, our freedom.
This excerpt is from the article, The Capitalist Threat. It is the last paragraph. … at/376773/
To derive a political and social agenda from a philosophical, epistemological argument seems like a hopeless undertaking. Yet it can be done. There is historical precedent. The Enlightenment was a celebration of the power of reason, and it provided the inspiration for the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. The belief in reason was carried to excess in the French Revolution, with unpleasant side effects; nevertheless, it was the beginning of modernity. We have now had 200 years of experience with the Age of Reason, and as reasonable people we ought to recognize that reason has its limitations. The time is ripe for developing a conceptual framework based on our fallibility. Where reason has failed, fallibility may yet succeed." George Soros
H U H ? ? ? ? ? ?
" The group's (The Open Society Foundations) stated goal is “to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens” but critics claim it's a front for Soros’ hard-left political maneuverings."
FROM … urope.html
The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant societies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people.
We seek to strengthen the rule of law; respect for human rights, minorities, and a diversity of opinions; democratically elected governments; and a civil society that helps keep government power in check.
We help to shape public policies that assure greater fairness in political, legal, and economic systems and safeguard fundamental rights.
We implement initiatives to advance justice, education, public health, and independent media.
We build alliances across borders and continents on issues such as corruption and freedom of information.
Working in every part of the world, the Open Society Foundations place a high priority on protecting and improving the lives of people in marginalized communities.
Our Values
We believe in fundamental human rights, dignity, and the rule of law.
We believe in a society where all people are free to participate fully in civic, economic, and cultural life.
We believe in addressing inequalities that cut across multiple lines, including race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and citizenship.
We believe in holding those in power accountable for their actions and in increasing the power of historically excluded groups.
We believe in helping people and communities press for change on their own behalf.
We believe in responding quickly and flexibly to the most critical threats to open society.
We believe in taking on controversial issues and supporting bold, innovative solutions that address root causes and advance systemic change.
We believe in encouraging critical debate and respecting diverse opinions."
Sounds so good.
The question is ----> why are the protestors protesting the summit meeting? do top leaders not have a right to convene????
Ah... an intelligent question. Now you need to find out what anti-globalisation anarchists and all the other associated groups believe.
Then you will realise how foolish it is to suggest that Soros would fund them.
By the way, Deutsche Welle (German public broadcaster) called the G20 group, 'the unofficial world government' recently.
Maybe the anarchists believe that, too.
Yes, we need a world democracy. Isn't that what Soros believes? Open Society and all that?
I'm a pragmatist, so as appealing as a world without nation states is, I ain't willing to think about.
The American Right, the Iranian Ayatollahs, the Chinese Communist Party, ISIS and just about everyone called Vladimir would be against it. And they are sensitive creatures, one and all.
It would be wrong to force them to rely on no more than their shared humanity.
Don"t worry the rest of the world has been catching up and surrpassing US in green energy and poverty wellness industries. US can remain no 1. in prisons, war economy and angels.
What do we care. My eco villages are being built in South America. When war & terrorism dose not work out. We will be back with much better & healthier results. The Bully bussiness abuse can only last for so long before the people change it.
Instead of building eco villages for a dozen or a hundred people that have no particular use for energy, why don't you change over NYC? Make changes so that a metropolis where millions live, work and move won't pollute anymore?
I have made 2 serious attempts to build a sound eco village in Canada. When it cost me millions of $s to insurance a sandcastle or snowman in the US. I know it will be 1000 time worst for an eco village in NYC. I had lawyers kicked us off our OffGrind eco village, saying it was illegal to live offgrid. As if it's illegal to live green.
Must physically prove that off gridoff living is1/10 the cost of regular housing. Much like India most popular car costing $2000. Vs the America dream myth.
Your pipe dream of eco village is just that - a pipe dream. Our society lives and rely on fossil fuel and will be for a long time. The truth is, there is no good replacement at the moment. Not solar, not wind...
I challenge you to live 1 week, anywhere without the influence of some sort of fossil fuel expense. You can't unless you want to live like they did in the stone age. We need power and we have done tremendous progress in improving our quality of life in the US and around the world. We have no reason to apologize for our energy usage. If you or others want to drive around in a small box car, it is your prerogative. I like my minivan for the space and the comfort and the safety. It gets 23 MPG.
I used rolled up newspapers for heating and cooking. A $3500 solar energy system for building houses and work tools for my workshop. Drove an electronic bike through 2 winters and harvest my rain water with greywater system. Four season permacuture greenhouse for food and extra nature heating and cooling. Gave more to the earth than took away.
I commend you for your efforts. It is a small blip in the grand scheme of things. How about if you have to fly? Or visit a hospital or do any kind of intersctions with rest of society? Those facilities are mission critical and cannot rely on solar or wind power 24/7. That is why fossil fuel will be around a long long time. It is cheap reliable and steady power generation.
I went to a sandsculpture contest in China and 8 million people showed up. I ask a person when dose the sun come out. They answered, right now is a sunny day.
Without your health you have nothing. Inside a adverage building is 9 times more toxic than the total natural built houses I build.
Greatest threat to humankind is our natural enviorment because we are bio organism first. We have already killed most of the animals on this planet the last 50 years, why continue? Many other species have a better chance of avoiding extinction on earth than humams do.
Money is only 1/5 of my
I agree we can do much more to clean our air and water... we have done it in LA and NY in the 1980s.
Our anti pollution efforts worked. Adding catalytic converters and increased exhaust standards has done the trick. They need to do the same in many large cities in China like Beijing and Shanghai.
However, that does not mean we need to go back to the stone ages... We are protecting other species and preventing extinction. In nature, many species come and go. It is a natural cycle. We have advanced enough so that we can avert many natural extinctions. These advances go hand in hand with our development and the harness and use of fossil fuel energy.
Then you're more than willing to use fossil fuels. Newspapers aren't picked out of trees, and neither are the electronics in the bicycle you use for short trips. Your solar system required fossil fuels to produce, and lots of it.
Bottom line is that you will build a barely livable residence for someone in a stone age culture. And you will do so with the technology and materials produced from fossil fuels.
Of course living off grid is illegal, particularly in the middle of millions of other people. Residences without water, sewer and electricity are breeding grounds for disease, disease which is then spread to other people. Surely you know that!
I was much healthier in my eco village, in a city worst, In my other village in Belize the average age is 92. Human waste should never lead to our rivers and lakes. We are dying faster than any other time in modern history. If you can be lied to about live expectancy and lie about 9/11. They can lie to you about anything like terrorism.
Wow, conspiracy theories abounds... what is in your drinking water? You might want to get it checked haha.
Oh that's awesome. A person gives you their personal story and you ridicule them to the point where anything further they say would be considered ridiculous and completely dismissble.
Fair play?
I think you can be a better person than that. Possibly.
I lived through 9/11 in NY. I saw first hand what happened. For some conspiracies theory to propose this whole incident was a lie or perpetrated by our government is beyond pale. Unfortunately, you have naive people who buy into this...I was just point it out, and having fun. Not any way to attack or denigrade him. I commend him for living that lifestyle.
My water comes from river water wells, the best water and the most importance ingredient for 70% make up of our bodies. That is why my Belize village life expectancy, lives live12 years longer than yours.
Money may cause laughing to the bank, the side effect is least to do with happiness and root of all evil.
If you are going to quote scriptures, please make it complete. It is the love of money that is the root of all evil...
Correct . Would you rather be wise than wealthy?
I think you can be both...wealthy and wise.
It is not an either/or situation.
With this I can agree. City life is not as healthy as rural.
Nevertheless, we DO live in huge cities. It's not even particularly by choice; we cannot all live in rural areas (or there will BE no rural areas). We are no longer hunter/gatherers, we are no longer farmers planting an acre or three. There is simply not room enough for what you would propose for everyone.
Which brings us back to the original question: why don't you design energy free living (or at least fossil fuel free living) for whole cities? It would be far more valuable to the world than creating a tiny village or two.
About 1% of sand, on the surface face of the earth. Could turn the earth total energy into running operational by solar power from the sun, instead of fossil energy or hydro.
Also the majic of much illegal cannibis making a car and fuel it on hemp/ Cannibis . Cannibis can replace oil and 50, 000 other products. Only stopped by greedy snythtic corperation lacking the political will to help mankind. Democracy cooperative get harmed by hierarchy control system of competition.
Solar power is unreliable because it rely on weather. You can have over caste for a week. What do you do if your hospital needs power 24/7?
Solar and wind power suffers from the same problem.
They are not easily transported or stored.
In many instances, we need power local and fossil fuel is the cheapest and most efficient and easily harnessed. Batteries are heavy and require long charge cycles. Thst is why electric cars has not been as widely used. It is too expensive even with tax credit incentives. It takes 20-40 minutes to charge a car, where as you can gas up a tank for about 5 minutes. No comparison.
My friend makes millions of $s farming solar and selling it back on to the Grid. Others have designed solar generating plants without battery, knowing it"s lower cost than hydro. Synthetic corperations will do anything to stop the advancement of green energy and living. The greedy code everything into their favour for themselves. Green is power for the people and the wealthy don't like competition.
In Ontario we a cost of $1 per minute, good for driving for 1 hour. I hook up my charger the eletrical bike like a charger to a cell phone. Overall it is less problems and less cost, it"s always the battle of the class and wealthy stack the deck.
I realize you believe in class warfare. I am sure some of it exist. it is just human nature. If you were in that upper class, you probably would do the same.
However, when it comes to energy, I am making a comment from a practical point of view. I have no agenda. I am pointing out the problems with renewable energy at this moment. It is not ready for prime time. We have solar farms in Ca. that are abandoned. We have ugly solar panels lined in NJ streets that does very little...We have electric cars that costs 90K and can't run more than 200 miles at a charge.
I hope you see my point. I am not against renewable energy. It is just crazy to think it can replace all our gas, coal and oil...
Except for city commuting, electric cars aren't very useful. On the other hand, I love my Volt - a hybrid that can and does use gas as necessary. My lifetime average is 150 MPG, and the odometer is currently showing I've gone 2,000 miles on 4 gallons. Were I to stay around town it would use zero gas, but I do make longer trips not infrequently (200-400 miles) and that's where the gas goes.
yes, that is good for you but not very helpful for people driving long distances... or truckers or ...I see electric taxis all over Beijing... and electric bikes...
again it is small numbers compared to all the cars and scooters around the world.
Where do you think the power in your wall comes from? more than 80% from gas and coal...
BTW, our local nuclear power plant is scheduled to close in 2020.
I know energy of the sun and cannibis is the best green modle to replace oil a d gas. Our enviromental community has proven it time and time again. But our owners of you and me will not allow it on the mainstream market. The Government tries to prove Cannabis/marijuana is public enemy no. I. They dropped a 25lb bale of marijuana on a lad rat from 10 stories high. To prove marijanna will kill you. This has Breen stopping 50, 000 other green cannibis/ hemp products. The first proabition was over moonshine alcohol because alcohol was cleaner and cheaper than gasoline, it's all in tbe hands of your greedy corperations.
When has your Government not lie to you, should be asked. Everything is so backwards.
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