The difference between Murder and Man-Slaughter? (sorry it's a depressing Q)

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  1. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 14 years ago

    The difference between Murder and Man-Slaughter? (sorry it's a depressing Q)

    A man in UK set fire to his friends house because he wasn't allowed into his party. Two people died. The man was cleared of Murder but charged with Man-Slaughter...? To me, both words mean the same. Enlighten me...

  2. romper20 profile image84
    romper20posted 14 years ago

    The reason he got man-slaughter is because he lit the house on fire out of RAGE, anger, or a sudden feeling to do it. In my opinion he should have been charged with murder because he knew he was doing something that could potentially be deadly. In the end it was deadly.

    Manslaughter is a legal term for the killing of a human being, in a manner considered by law as less culpable than murder. Which means OUT OF RAGE HE COMMITED IT.

    Murder- Some sort of planning, executing your plan, or random killings...

    Thats all I know 4 you smile

  3. sportyfunster profile image68
    sportyfunsterposted 14 years ago

    In general terms, murder has a meaning of intending to kill someone on purpose while manslaughter means that the person killed someone else but was not intentional, or in self defense, or could be due to negligence.

    In this case you mentioned above, the man in UK was charged manslaughter because he might not have had any intention to kill people when burning the house, but charged manslaughter due to negligence of burning down the house.

  4. johnshade profile image60
    johnshadeposted 14 years ago

    there two types of manslaughter and they carry different sentences
    voluntary and involuntary
    so it depends if he thought about killing them or not.
    I think in this case its involuntary manslaughter.

  5. Mentalist acer profile image61
    Mentalist acerposted 14 years ago

    When the man set fire to the house it was not inherently clear death would be the result.

  6. profile image57
    Msgracieposted 14 years ago

    Yes, murder is the plotting and planning and wanting someone dead.  Rather it be specific or just wanting to kill someone or even a creature (you could consider it that way, an animal).
    Manslaughter, you possibly accidentally killed someone, but meaning not intentionally.  You get in a fight with a person that dies, it could could be manslaughter, not planned just happened.  If person starts fight with you and you just defend yourself by fighting back and they die, that would be involuntary.

    Or involuntary could be a car accident, hitting someone.
    Also, involuntary are situations I heard of some teenage guys that were robbing a convenient store and one of them was the getaway driver, the actually robbers, killed the clerk so he put in a plead of involuntary manslaughter.

  7. Wayne Brown profile image80
    Wayne Brownposted 14 years ago

    Basically, murder is an "intended" crime. You might not have thought about it beforehand (premeditated) but when the situation occurred, you intended to kill the person.  Conversely, manslaughter is killing without intent, essentially accidental killing. It is usually a by-product of some other situation.  For example, let's say I got drunk at the bar, got in my car and headed home.  On the way, I cross over the center line and hit another car head-on.  I survive but the two people in the other car are killed.  Since I was drunk and I caused the accident by crossing the line, there is a strong likelihood that I will be charged with manslaugher along with being charged with a DWI or DUI.  Hope this helps. WB

  8. profile image49
    CLO 1posted 14 years ago

    In Ireland its classed as murder if it was premeditated that you planned to kill that person but yet if you get in a fight and stab some1 to death its manslaughter cause you didnt mean to do it if that makes sense!

  9. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 14 years ago

    In America , there is first , second,  and third degree murder, Basicly based on levels of premeditation, Manslaughter also in degrees , based on levels of intent ,  controlling circumstances , degrees of personal responsibility, etc.  All varying from state to state as well as federal levels of crime. Confusing as hell and it's all used to plea  down charges constantly.

  10. Proffesor AP profile image53
    Proffesor APposted 14 years ago

    Murder is an intention crime done by the person.Man slaughter is killing someone on accident. Muder charges are more than man slaughter. Man slaughter is an accident. The judge probably charged the man with accidental killing.

  11. Shahid Bukhari profile image61
    Shahid Bukhariposted 14 years ago

    In Islamic Law ... Strangulation by hands, is Murder, in the first degree ...

    When an instrument is involved ... viz.  a stick or a Stone , hence, Bullet, Sword, the Car, or Poison, etc., it is Manslaughter ...

    Murder and manslaughter are punishable by Death, or Blood Money in the prescribed manner ... all cruel practices, such as the cutting of limbs, before the head, are forbidden.

    Though, it is the Intent behind the Crime, that is most important in Islamic Belief...

    But it is not for the Humans to Judge Intent, by Logical Deductions or Proofs based Inductions.

    Because, it is for The Lord to Judge, the Intent, behind any human Action. Thats why we are waiting for the Hereafter, for the Final Judgment.

  12. Mercia Collins profile image65
    Mercia Collinsposted 13 years ago

    In English law murder is unlawful killing that is  premeditated and planned the killer must have the  intention to cause the consequences that led from his action or knowing the consequences to have been reckless as to whether anyone would be killed.

    Manslaughter is unlawful killing  without intent.


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