New Bodycam Footage Shines New Light On George Floyd's Death

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  1. Sharlee01 profile image85
    Sharlee01posted 4 years ago
    Did the Media choose to mislead the general public by showing only a segment of the George Floyd police bodycam footage?   Watch the clip --- consider what the media has possibly caused by not showing the complete footage of George Floyd's arrest and death. This clip was just leaked. Mr. Floyd'd death was in its self a very sad situation. But, did the incomplete bodycam video footage aired by media work to exacerbated what occurred following his death? The Media choose what we the public would see, and what we would not see.   Please watch the complete video --

    Full video

    Has the media skewed the details of George Floyd's arrest, and what lead to his death by not showing the complete video of the arrest caught on bodycam? Does the video show what contributed to the officer accelerating the procedure he used to arrest Mr. Floyd?  Did the media contribute to the protests and riots that occurred following the release of the incomplete bodycam video they chose to televise Nationwide?

    1. GA Anderson profile image82
      GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      The clips in your link also show Floyd wasn't violently resisting, so I am not sure it will help the cops much. At most, it might change the murder charges to homicide charges. I could agree with that.

      I do agree that such a move will probably spark more outrage and riots.


      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Please watch the youtube video note footage at about 7.3. Mr. Floyd clearly became hysterical and combative until he was taken to the ground. I would agree he was not violent. But in my view, his agitation is what lead the officer to take him to the ground. I don't think the officer had the intent to hurt or kill Mr. Floyd. The officer seemed calm, and in control even while he had Mr. Floyd on the ground. He certainly should not have used a knee on a man that already had claimed he was having a problem breathing. Poor judgment, but a plan to murder this man, I would question.

        What is your feeling about this footage being generally withheld until Aug. 3rd? In my view, the media should have shown the entire video, it certainly has me looking at the incident much differently. No one should die at the hands of the police unless they are a very direct threat. But was this an arrest that just went very wrong due to the police officer's poor judgment?

        In my view, the media has further proved how they can manipulate a story, and cause irreparable damage in the form of protests and riots. The officer was charged Second-degree intentional murder that lacks premeditation, as well as, third-degree murder and manslaughter. He most likely will be acquitted on the second and third degree, and sentence for Manslaughter. This will most likely cause more problems with regard to protests and riots. Many will never see the full video of the arrest footage as we did not when the story broke, and without the full picture once again take to the streets. In my view, the media has caused a huge problem due to skewing the reporting on George Floyd's death... Hard question --- Is this kind of media acceptable in America?

        1. Ken Burgess profile image71
          Ken Burgessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Indeed.  The MSM have proven to be the enemy of the people, the enemy of Law, Order, Civility, Rationality, and Reflection.

          The likes of CNN have created an alternate reality built on falsehoods. They are propping up and supporting an entirely fabricated reality.

          Everything from Trump is a Russian Puppet, Mr. Floyd was killed deliberately by racist police, Biden's dementia is a lie of the Alt-Right (yet Democrats closest to him had been voicing their concern over his ailments months ago)... they take things out of context, every article and every show is full of bias.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image85
            Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

            " they take things out of context, every article and every show is full of bias."

            And they do this 24/7. It's clearly a coordinated effort by CNN, MSNBC to spread propaganda, pound it in, dummy their viewers down.

        2. GA Anderson profile image82
          GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I did watch the segment you noted and it seems we agree, Mr. Floyd was hysterical, but not combative or violent.

          Manslaughter seems the right charge to me.


          1. Sharlee01 profile image85
            Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

            I noted you preferred not to answer my question.  After watching the video once again I did not think Floyd's behavior was violent but very combative, resisting strongly not to enter the car, he was hostile, and pugnacious, using his body even though handcuffed to use his bodies weight and power to resist getting in the car. They could actually never get him into the car, that's why he was taken to the ground.

            We can agree on the Manslaughter conviction. Hopefully, the trial will be reported in the proper context by the media or yes we can expect more violence and rioting.  In this case, the truth is hard enough, a man died at the hands of a police officer. But, the full truth may just show it was clearly not premeditated or was Floyd killed maliciously as has been widely reported.

            1. GA Anderson profile image82
              GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              You have left me to guess at the question I did not answer. I will guess that it is your question about the media's bias in its presentation of only the most sensationalist clips of the video.

              If I guessed correctly, then I agree with your OP. The media only presented the biased 'blood and gore' video that reinforced their mantra of social justice.

              My apologies. Your OP question was such a 'given' that I assumed it to be a rhetorical question. My bad.


              1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

                In my view, between me and you, we see it as a given a very clear given. However, I believe we both realize, unfortunately, there are many that look at the way the media spins things acceptable. They don't look for the entire picture, and how facts are most defiantly being skewed to suit the media's narrative. I posted this thread to point out that if full information is not given the incident could be taken out of context, and cause an inappropriate reaction. In the case of George Floyd, protests that proceeded into violence and death.

                1. GA Anderson profile image82
                  GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  I think you are right. too many people accept what they hear without wondering about 'the rest of the story.'


                  1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                    Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

                    I know I am pushing the ticket with many of my posts... However, this election is one of the most important elections I think in a very long time.  Our very social structure has been rocked much of it can be attributed to our media promoting one agenda, get Trump.  We as American's need to think long and hard about what direction we hope to head. In my view all truth must be sought out and considered,  we should have no room for mistruths.

      2. Ken Burgess profile image71
        Ken Burgessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with the latter.

        The mob has been emboldened by weeks/months of being able to riot,loot, assault without much effort to stop it in many States.

        I don't see this changing anytime in our future, major cities in States like CA, WA, OR, MI, NY will continue to be inflamed by whatever "injustice" they are presented with.

        As our economic situation declines in the months ahead, and the benefits being doled out disappear, the divisiveness and hostilities in these major Democratic population centers will get out of control.

        Fair and reasonable judication of those responsible for Mr. Floyd's death, is not going to be tolerated by this crowd or the MSM sources that stir them up.

        What the videos show, is context.  They did not set out to murder Mr. Floyd, they were trying to arrest him.  One can go into the particulars, the reasons for the arrest, was there a threat present in allowing Mr. Floyd to remain free at that time.  Particulars and context matter.

        There must be justice for Mr. Floyd's death, to what degree was it human error, and what degree was it deliberate callousness a jury will have to decide.

        I doubt the mob will be satisfied with the outcome, and their belief that Mr. Floyd was wronged will be inflamed by a divisive and caustic MSM that will deliberately frame it in the worst light possible.

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
          Kathryn L Hillposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Don't you think it will all subside with the election of Biden?

          Why are the trials of these officers not televised by now? If justice could be served promptly, the protests and riots would not need to be carried on and on and on as they still are!

          The guy was on fentinal/coke so naturally was unruly / way emotional / apparently a bit out of his mind. (Was saying, "Can't breathe!" before he was on the ground under the knee.) Could they really just let him out on the streets?

          (If this person had been white, acting the way he did, would he have gotten the same treatment?)

          I heard he had a heart attack.
          Perhaps from the drugs.
          We need to hear from the officer.

          ... If you ask me.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image71
            Ken Burgessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            I believe the opposite.

            There are a great many people in the DC Belt, in the MSM, and in various political positions in States like CA, WA, IL, NY, etc. that will push their extremist positions like never before... and there will be no authority at the Federal level willing to stop it.

            Combine that with the economic upheaval that is yet to come and what you will have in many cities and progressive states is a failed society.

            Only those who are wealthy enough to have their own security and live in their own gated communities will be relatively safe from the daily struggle to survive the other 80% of America will be contending with.

        2. GA Anderson profile image82
          GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Yep. I can't see a fair jury, (if one can be found), convicting on a murder charge, and that will be the spark that lights the next round of rioting.

          This is not a 'Rodney King' case, but that is how it will be seen.


  2. Santi Salinas profile image75
    Santi Salinasposted 4 years ago

    I watched the video and I do agree that resisting arrest will end up making the situation worse for the officers and the person being arrested but this should in no way be used to justify George Floyd's death. The officer should still be held accountable for his actions and should be put in jail for the murder of a man who posed no threat to him or his partners. The bystanders should also be held accountable for not stopping the officer from going too far and be punished by permanently losing their badges and credibility.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with no one should die at the hands of the police.  In my view, Mr. Floyd would have been alive if he did not struggle with the police, and just have gotten into the police car. He would never have been taken to the ground and subdued with a knee in his neck.

      However, the point of my comment was to point out how the media only showed one part of the video, the sensational part, they did not show the entire clip and possibly took the story to where they hoped it would go. A black man being killed by a police officer. I would have preferred to view the entire video, it certainly sheds new light on the incident. This kind of media is dangerous, many have lost their lives in the protests that followed  George Floyd's death.


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