What would you say is the meaning of the n-word in today's society?

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  1. Right Black profile image60
    Right Blackposted 14 years ago

    What would you say is the meaning of the n-word in today's society?

    Recently, I wrote an article that discussed the n-word. One of my black readers wanted to know what people (especially whites) thought a n-word was. I admit I am curious too. I would also be curious to know what other whites have said the word n-word means if you have heard or had such a discussion? Please only thoughtful answers not rants and don't use the word spelled out or hubpages will remove it and maybe the whole discussion.

  2. Zoidian profile image61
    Zoidianposted 14 years ago

    i was raised being told that it was a bad word. today i still consider it a bad word. i know that people call themselves it between friends. for example i would call my best friend a w*nker and he would laugh it off, but if i call someone in the street the same things its bad. i think your social background and the way you were raised greatly affects your thoughts on the word? personally when i look at someone i dont see a race or colour i just see a person each living a life unique to their own smile

  3. profile image49
    william345posted 14 years ago


  4. justom profile image59
    justomposted 14 years ago

    Not only do I NEVER use that word, I also never slander anyone for where they come from. I had the benefit of being the minority in the grade school I attended and grew up loving everyone but have always seemed to get on better with black folks. It always seemed like a more real world to me.  Peace!!

  5. christiansister profile image60
    christiansisterposted 14 years ago

    It is just a word.
    The meaning of it comes from the context in which it is used.

    It seems to be an acceptable greeting in some instances

    And then in others a most awful disgrace.

    It is the same with many other things in life.

    It is not the actual subject that has the meaning. It is the intent and situation with which it is delivered.  smile

  6. Emissionguy profile image64
    Emissionguyposted 14 years ago

    Its an interesting word in a modern view. Like so many words in english it can have more than one meaning and mean different things to different people.

    I never use the word because as a white man I think its inappropriate and can be easily misinterpreted if overheard by a bystander.

    The word is often used by some of my older black male friends as a term of endearment, such as "hey my N whats up"? When used like this its a compliment especially to a white man.

    When white men use the word its almost always in disrespect and alcohol is usually involved.

    Its almost the same as using the F word, it can be used in a nasty way or a happy way, the context is everything.

  7. SheriSapp profile image59
    SheriSappposted 14 years ago

    Really thought provoking question here. I guess in today's world, the n word is (IMO) just a way to demean a person simply based on skin color. In my life, I try to judge people for their words and deeds and NOT their appearance. However, I deeply dislike the term "African-America" because most blacks living here were born and raised here, and are NOT from Africa themselves, that term simply separates them out, and we need to ALL realize that we are Americans, no matter our color or religion.

  8. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image76
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 14 years ago

    More is said with the tone of voice, a knowledge of the person using that word, and the circumstances.  I've been the only white dude in a big jail tank with all blacks before. . .it wasn't long before everyone called me by that world, just like they did each other.

    For a while there it really seemed like my cell mates forgot that I wasn't black. . . . .

    But if it were a tank or cell full of whites and one black. . . . that world would probably be used only as a hateful thing-but then again, that might not be true either.  So many whites and hispanics both listen to rap and hip hop. . that damned near everyone uses the abbreviated, more "friendly" version of that word. . . ."nigga," instead of the original, which had a hateful connotation.

  9. garynew profile image61
    garynewposted 14 years ago

    I see they deleted your unexpurgated question.  To answer, I don't know.  However, I find it amusing when black people talking among themselves use the word then notice I'm close by and then apologize for using it.

  10. webspider20 profile image60
    webspider20posted 14 years ago

    I really don't think there is a meaning to the n-word. I think people just use and don't think about it.

  11. cathylynn99 profile image78
    cathylynn99posted 14 years ago

    it's usually negative. it can mean someone stingy or with other negative characteristics. because of the racial overtones of inequality, i have never called anyone that in my 54 years.

  12. dsage5139 profile image60
    dsage5139posted 14 years ago

    Honestly, the n-word is how we can easily denote those of lower intellect, prejudicial mentalities, and less-than-adequate vocabularies.  There is neither cause nor purpose to use such a slanderous term for another human being, choosing to display animosity for the color of another person's skin.  There are so many more INDIVIDUALIZED reasons for one person to have contempt for another, so why must we stoop to racial and ethical profiling?  It's not only immoral, it's just plain narrow-minded.

  13. jg555 profile image61
    jg555posted 13 years ago

    I think it can mean many different things. It depends on the tone and context it's used in. It's not soley a negative word anymore and I think the goal of black people using it and not in a negative way was to take away the power of it. The problem is, if it is used negatively by a white or black person, it still has power. I wish it was just never used.

  14. feenix profile image58
    feenixposted 13 years ago

    You can call me a spade, you can call me a spook, you call me a coon, you can me the "N-word" -- just don't call me late for happy hour. ;-)


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