What is the value of poetry in today's society?

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  1. SimeyC profile image82
    SimeyCposted 13 years ago

    What is the value of poetry in today's society?

  2. kittythedreamer profile image76
    kittythedreamerposted 13 years ago

    That's a hard question because many people don't see any value in poetry in today's society. For me, the value is that I have an outlet to let loose my thoughts and emotions that I couldn't let loose otherwise. Does anyone truly read and appreciate my poetry? Maybe...but does it truly matter if my poetry effects society? Not really...I write poetry just for myself and for anyone who might benefit from it...even if it just brings a smile or a thought to someone's face/mind.

  3. ROBERTHEWETTSR profile image67
    ROBERTHEWETTSRposted 13 years ago

    Poetry is Elixir for the soul.  Many people like to read it, write it and talk about it.  Very few want to pay for books of it.  Poets write their eelings, what's on their minds,their troubles, faith, health and you name it.  So if you like poetry just scan the hubpages for some wonderful poetry.  Also there are many forums with talented poets. such as "poetrywithpassion.com" where I was just named Poet of the Year.

  4. carol3san profile image61
    carol3sanposted 13 years ago

    poetry explains relevant (and irrelevant ) issues in life with simplicity.  Poetry makes you feel better, happier, and even more peaceful.

  5. chspublish profile image80
    chspublishposted 13 years ago

    Wow, what a question. I think poetry is needed more and more in today's society. We  need that voice that creates insights, depth of thinking, wonderment of word arrangement and rhythmic flow of expression and the fun for all factor.
    Poetry give us all the chance to reflect and take a breath in today's hectic paced lifestyle or indeed the pain of living in recessionary times and maybe just sit back and enjoy a few moment's reading or laugh at the poet's playfulness with words.
    I'm about to put myself out there in way I've never tried before, to try and capture an audience, an interaction that links us in many ways.
    My tongue-in-cheek approach will, hopefully, defer any fearful expectations of 'highbrow' approach and will hopefully show that poetry performance has a certain credibility in today's fast moving world or indeed painful world.
    Thanks for the question.

  6. whonunuwho profile image52
    whonunuwhoposted 13 years ago

    Not only do you gain by an emotional outlet and a form of therapy, but others who read your work, may well benefit from your shared thoughts.

  7. QUIZ2012 profile image61
    QUIZ2012posted 13 years ago

    To reveal the inner self. Not the you as what our society has wrongfully personified but that voice which directs us. THE TRUTH.

  8. echoe0021 profile image61
    echoe0021posted 13 years ago

    The value of poetry in today's society is that same as any other form of art.  It is to bring to life beauty, but sadly enough the world has become so overrun with clutter it's becoming harder to see that beauty.  Poetry also allows an introspective view of oneself that can hopefully appeal to broad audience and provide a catalyst for the reader to search themselves out as well.  Poetry is art and the world, regardless of the time, will always need art.  It helps us retain our humanity.

  9. larryriegle profile image59
    larryriegleposted 13 years ago

    somebody has to do the painting................................

  10. Austin Dawursk profile image59
    Austin Dawurskposted 13 years ago

    Poetry like, most of the classic arts, is now starting to lose it's luster. People these days don't seem to understand the value in a limerick or sonnet or even a simple haiku. People today don't want to have too think to decipher the meaning behind a poem, the underline message. People hear a song and like it because it sounds cool, but they don't understand that the song may be about a social issue or even about something personal that the artist wanted to share to the world. And now a days songs don't even really have any meaning behind them. I believe art and poetry need some sort of meaning. Some sort of reason why it was created. Yet, in today's society, no one is willing to take the time to truly appreciate a work of art or poetry. Today, sadly, Poetry has very little or no value in society.

  11. tamarawilhite profile image82
    tamarawilhiteposted 13 years ago

    Except for song lyrics and advertising, I can't think of one.

  12. profile image0
    Gelbeeposted 13 years ago

    WoW! That is an interesting and difficult question to pose. I believe the value of poetry lies in the people who write it and people who love to read it. I have written poetry for a number of year's now, and I have very few people to include family who really appreciate it...For the most part, what I have learned is that they either don't understand it, or just don't care for it period. But too I learned that a person might understand it better if it's read to them. For some reason they then get the meaning of it more than if they just sit and read it themselve's...as I love to have poetry read to me, it's more meaningful that way...and the light of day come's through and the person is like wow! Okay...now I get it....there is a lot to reading poetry as well, a person must have the right kind of voice that comes across with a nice tone and place's inflection and empahasis in the right place's so that it come's across in a meaningful way to the listener, thus becoming easier to understand. And then it may touch a deeper spot or emotion in the listener...


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