Will the recent repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" herald a new era of gay rights

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  1. japtaker profile image80
    japtakerposted 14 years ago

    Will the recent repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" herald a new era of gay rights victories?

    Do you think that the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" will give the gay rights movement the additional momentum it needs to begin making serious headway in its other major battles (especially the right to marry)?

  2. The Suburban Poet profile image83
    The Suburban Poetposted 14 years ago

    I would think so... it's another right that has been established and it should definitely continue the momentum. I'm not sure if there is a legal connection between the right to serve your country versus the right to marry but there sure seems to be a common sense connection that you should be able to have the same rights as everyone else if you also have the right to die for those rights....

  3. japtaker profile image80
    japtakerposted 14 years ago

    Suburban Poet,
    I would tend to agree with you that it's common sense that if you can die fighting for your country, you should enjoy the same rights as everyone else. I do hope it works out that way, but I am wary. After all, eighteen year old boys have the right to die for their country, but they don't have the right to drink alcohol. And correct me if I'm wrong (as I don't know much about this topic), but didn't African Americans serve in many of our wars and military conflicts long before they were granted anything like equal rights?

  4. Tusitala Tom profile image69
    Tusitala Tomposted 14 years ago

    I think it will.   Moreover, its effects will gradually bring about changes all over the world.  Not quick changes, just help to move things along a little.   Don't forget, in some places in the world it is still a jailer offence to even admit to being a homosexual.

  5. nicehubs profile image39
    nicehubsposted 14 years ago

    This is not about gay rights. This is about civil rights. If gays are good enough to fight and die for their country, and good enough to pay the same taxes everyone else (gay or non-gay) pays, they should be given access to equal rights.

  6. wingedcentaur profile image61
    wingedcentaurposted 14 years ago

    I would say no. I don't see the repeal of DADT as a "victory" for the LGBT community. Rather I see it as a victory for the American military machine. The military is facing problems with recruitment as I understand it. Of course the authorities have partially solved the problem of the draft with privatization (Blackwater and other such entities).

    The repeal of that measure was handily approved by both the Senate and House -- all but the most rabid right-wingers voted in favor of the repeal, if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, my understanding is that the military had been weakened by the loss of experienced soldiers, through resignation or dishcharge because of DADT -- its a matter of military strength ultimately. Even Barry Goldwater said that he didn't care if a person was "straight" or not, as long as he could shoot straight.

    But marriage is something else. President Obama does not support gay marriage. He has said that his "baseline" is support for strong civil union, and so on and so forth. But to be fair, his views are constantly "evolving."

    What I'm trying to say is that though Obama, himself, may be relatively (I stress 'relatively') progressive on this issue, he will (even if he devotes a lot of effort to this) have a much harder time convincing Republicans and any conservative/ "Independent" Democrats left over, that this would be a good thing -- this is to say nothing of the configuration of the Congress coming in; it is highly saturated with Tea Party personnel, is it not?

    I think there must be a political sea change of the magnitude of this "Tea Party" revolution, that destroys that movement and creates its progressive equivalent, in order for the gay liberation movement in this country to gain any (I don't even say 'additional') momentum.


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