Contratualtions to our brave Soldiers.
It's been a long time comming to the end of DADT. I'm glad you will now be able to serve your Country as free Men and Women.
This is for you!
And now the mess starts with us in the service having to deal with all the political crap that comes with it, just like what our Commandant said, it's not the right time, oh well.
Stop hiding behind gay people IMIGRANT. The Commandant still can still see you behind that gay soldier, trying to deflect attention from yourself; and he doesn't want you there as soldier in his AMERICAN Military...yet!
That was just mean Friendly.
But let me add:
All of our soldiers fight for the guy next to them. So lets not confuse the regular soldier(gay or straight)with the wanna be politicians in the military. They should all be whipped down the streets and then shot for being the disgusting cowards they are.
First off I am not a soldier I am a United States Marine, and where do I know you from that you call me immigrant? Oh wait it is the same stereotype that you probably claim to get rid off. You see a hispanic name and you jump to conclusions, well let me tell you unfortunately there are many ignorant people like you in the military that will jump to conclusions and bad things will happen and the leadership like myself oh yeah I am a Staff Sergeant in the US Marines will have to deal with it.
By the way if you ever write the word Marine always use capital M, sorry but I have to tell ignorant people like you all the time.
SIR! I WAS RESPONDING TO YOUR GD IGNORANT, BIGOTED, STEROTYPICAL STATEMENT SIR! I heard that BS about waiting for the right time 50 years ago as a young black man because people assumed blacks would destroy the armed services. Here you come with your ignorant Migrated dumb arsh talking the same sht I had to listen to years ago. YOU DONT ASSUME! I WONT ASSUME! SIR!
I am not assuming, it is a fact there will be crap we have to deal with on top of all the crap already with our Armed Forces with the war, budget cuts, suicides, etc, etc etc. This very well could've been done when in the 90's when not much was going on. People like you just say do it, it's the time and then you go back to your nice retired, or civilian job, while we in the military have to deal with it.
You keep calling me immigrant; well I will keep calling you ignorant, I will say you represent your black people very badly.
By the way I am not a Sir, I earn my living, call me Staff Sergeant, I have earned it.
Something is very wrong here! You don't get it or you don't want to get it. You and the other politicians in the military are putting your fellow soldiers through hell. They were unable to defend themselves but still had to fight and die alongside the likes of you. Don't come up in here acting like you are the injured party in all this.
You think you the only one that dislikes being branded something you're not? You are OK with throwing your fellow soldiers out of the military because the time is not right to do the right thing.
I don't think anybody with the name Ruben or Rivera should be allowed to remain in the military. You should be thrown out on your arse until sometime way in the future when our borders are secure and a ID check of you can be verified. Then maybe you should be allowed to reenlist. But now is not the time to do what is right!
I am a US Citizen, have been to Iraq, and been a Marine for more than 12 years. You are the one who don't get it, I don't care if a gay guy or girl serves alongside me. I have never said or will say throw all gays out, you are again assuming which is something you're very good at. I don't care what you think of the name Ruben or Rivera since your opinion doesn't mean crap on this issue. I could be the one going to the border to secure borders just like in the past when Marines have done it and you know what I don't care because that would be my job.
I am not a politician and have not put anyone through hell but now again you assume once this is implemented everything will be fine. Then I will tell you how hellish it will probably be in the beginning because unfortunately there will be incidents and even with all the regulations and rules implemented crap will happen, but YOU and the OTHER POLITICIANS have said it doesn't matter what the military is going trough right now, just do it and we will deal with this while you sit somewhere else drinking your nice cup of coffee.
You have shown some much ignorance and racism with your personal attacks, that is fine. I will keep defending your right to attack me and the other Marines here or Afghanistan will as well, good day SIR.
I am NOT impressed. You could write a book to me, telling me how great you are. You are still willing to see your fellow soldiers thrown out of the Military bacause doing the right thing would be an inconvienience to you. Yet you come up in here again protesting about how you dislike being single out. It doesn't feel good, right? You feel upset about it, right? But, you still have your job...Right? JUST SHUT UP AND DO THE RIGHT THING
OPPS! I'm sorry I forgot to say you stay safe and come home to your family.
I don't care if you are impressed or not, and I have no fellow soldiers, again ignorance, I should have known. Do i single out gays, I do not. You are probably gay and that is fine and that is why you feel it to be so personal and that is when things get out of hand, I will never shut up because I don't have to, just like you aren't.
Funny how you might think I'm here to impress you, you are an ignorant, racist, individual. Hardly someone to impress.
Get your big head or it might float away.
Yes you are right. I'm all fk up...and gay. And I don't want you to shut up. Lets keep talking until I "Float Away". Maybe I can convince you that cute little word games and deflections are not very becoming when they come from a man. Let's keep talking until you realize just how wrong you might be. And lets hope you will use your "interesting" communication skills to speak up for what is right.
You are giving yourself labels I would not even use but of course I already know you assume things all the time. You seem upset because I said you are probably gay, no reason to get upset, but I know why you take it personal.
Don't get blindsided by emotion and ignorance, sorry but you will never convince me of anything, like I said before you are hardly an individual to take advise from since your ignorance, racism, stereotyping seem to indicate you live in a world of actions driven by emotion not by a thoroughly thinking process.
Don't get upset, gays can serve in the military as long as the right provisions and education has been implemented within the troops but of course that will not happen since politicians said do it now, just like yourself.
Good day SIR.
"You seem upset because I said you are probably gay, no reason to get upset, but I know why you take it personal."
I'm a older gay Black male. I love myself. I'm not the type of gay man that gets upset by labels or name calling.
Back to the subject: Marines do not know the gay people they serve with. If they did, their attitude would change completely. Your Commandant said that at a Senate Committee Meeting.
Wow first time I don't see a personal attack. Good that you love yourself.
All I read is about opinions and interpretations of what might happen, I remember during a training class we were asked "what if you found out your roommate in the barracks was gay" What would you do? I'm telling you the majority of responses would not make your case. This is the reality, changing a mindset will not change overnight. It is of course our job as leaders of junior Marines to teach them and educate them but again even with all the training, it's not going be like "oh you're gay, cool", not from my experience in the service for over a decade.
I didn't see this before. I now agree with you. You have a problem with training for DADT. And the scenario will never change. You will have trouble with every batch of new recruits that come in(more gays will join and re-enlist)and you will have to make the same arguments over and over again.
There will never, ever be a good time for this. I understand now. Maybe this information will help you.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Passes Senate 65-31
The people and the soldiers of this Country want DADT repealed.
You work for the US of America; not the other way around.
You are expected to carry out the will of the people as ordered by your Commander in Chief.
I wish you the best of luck.
This was a concern, and it was investigated by the military, and it was the opinion of Gates and Mullen (both military men) that it would not cause a major disruption.
Every step we've made as a nation towards progress, tolerance and humanity has been fought by some. That doesn't make it wrong.
I have never said this is wrong, just not right timing even said by my Commandant. I live within the troops, and I can say if ten Marines are asked their opinion, I'm sure the majority of answers would cause concern.
The survey was politically driven. Push the bill because it was promised before the elections.
No, they ran a large survey. Even among those that actually responded, the vast majority said they'd have no problems.
As for politics: Gates is a Republican, and I'm not sure about Mullen. The only politics was played by the GOP (with McCain the main actor here) who don't want to give any more legislative victories to Obama.
Yeah, some survey.
57500 Active Duty
57500 Reserve
What is the total number of personnel in all Military Branches?
How many of those responses were from currently deployed forces?
How does that matter...
The fact is, if Marines and other active duty soldier serve with a gay person, their attitude changes to a positive view of gays serving alongside them in combat. Combat soldiers are serving right now with gay people. Once you know the truth about someone you tend to like them more. Right now, it's just a matter of learning about people different than you. It's not a big deal it's being made out to be. It's a non event.
Somehow I believe Gates's and Mullen's judgment on the validity of the survey over yours.
Over 100,000 surveyed? That's an incredibly large sample size, large enough to make statistically significant conclusions.
Or did you think this was a "just checking if this would be OK with you?" sort of message to every troop member instead?
Was the last thing that McCain said during his filibuster?
I'm not sure what he said, I wasn't there. it doesn't really matter though. We'll just let you keep on keepin on. Don't stop belieeeevin.
I agree 100%, and I'm glad all of your military experience taught you the core values of teamwork, reliability, and integrity.
I never said I was a former service member. But most current service members and their families agree with me, not you.
Like the segregationists before you, you're simply bitter that the world is moving on and leaving you behind.
Your Commandant should have been fired for insubordination. He wouldn't have lasted five minutes if Truman were president.
Actually I didn't know how to spell Sergeant until today when I came back to this forum.
Attn:Staff Sergeant Ruben Rivera, United States Marine Corp.
Sir, If you are still training Marines; I hope this transition goes smoothly for you. I wish you all the peace and love in this world. I hope you are home, or I hope you come home safe very soon. All I ever want is for all Soldiers to be treated with the same honor and respect I feel you all deserve.
Friendly, that post was most assuredly un.
Over the line, mate.
Gay people have to listen to calm cool collected, even "LOGICAL" justifications for hating and discriminating against gay people. If someone hates me, I'm gonna hate them back. I don't give a @#%@ how slick they think their language is. And my response to someones hate won't be dictated by them. I'm a black man the witness smooth, sweet speeches by David Duke. I'm hearing them all over again, and I'm not goin for it. But my apologies to you for that very gross display of what bigots and racists think and say to people without a secoun thought.
Honestly your name of "friendlyword" does not go with your personality, just saying.
Yeah, Great gimmick!
Keeps you reading Right?
Not really, I think your truth personality would be a better one since it sparks controversy.
I really don't know what you just trying to be nice to me? What's your Gimmick???
I don't like what you are saying about DADT.
I think you are hurting your fellow Marines.
I want you to help the Marines become Honorable Men and Women again.
I hope you have a Happy Safe Holiday.
I would never hurt any of my brothers and sisters regardless of their sexual preference. I just see it a different way.
Happy holidays.
Ok...It's Christmas somewhere already. I'm done. You know what you have to do. All you have to do is look into the decency inside you, and do it.
Stay safe
Staff Sergeant Ruben Rivera
When would be the right time and who should decide?
Congrats to all gay Americans. Important event for civil rights in the U.S. Gay marriage should be made legal now too.
This is a pivotal move to progressive and open-minded thinking for a country in the grips of a theocratic oligarchy.
Whatever else can be said of the gluttons in the House and Senate, this much is true: with the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, they did at least one thing right in 2010.
The structure in the military against hate crimes is rigid enough to support the repeal. Now all that needs to happen is continuing support of those brave men and women who do stand up and make sure they know they have our support. They need to know they have resources, and that they do not have to stand for being attacked, verbally or otherwise, based on their sexual preferences.
Still, a step in the right direction.
It gets better...the military is going to reinstate the soldiers they threw out of the service due to DADT!
I hadn't heard that. This is good news indeed.
Also, congrats to President Obama, Secretary Gates and the men and women of the House and Senate who passed this long overdue measure.
I feel so proud to be human when we take steps towards bettering our World for our fellow men and women.
It seems odd that combat officers of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told Congress to indefinitely postpone DADT. That DADT would have serious negative repercussions later. But Congress -- intent on catering to a loud minority and hopefully pandering to their votes -- refused to listen. So who's running our combat operations? Although it's possible gays could serve in noncombat positions well behind the lines. Sorry folks, but war isn't about being human. Nor is it a feel-good dance into an endless field of flowers. What a helpless feeling it is watching this country spiral downward into a bottom chasm.
People like you said the same thing about blacks and women serving in the military, and they were dead wrong just as you are.
Figures in the range of 70% of enlisted military servicemembers are in favor of the repeal.
The figures vary by poll and study, but in asking upward of 50 active duty service members in the Navy, Army and Marines myself, 41 of them favored the repeal.
There is no reason why someone who is gay should be maneuvered out of the job they've been doing prior to the repeal simply because of their sexual orientation. To do so would be more detrimental to operations than the simple revelation of their sexual preference.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell being repealed isn't a measure taken so that every single gay or lesbian person in the military HAS to stand up and say who they bang, it just means that nobody who is enlisted (or officer) will be kicked out and have their lives turned upside down based on their choice of bedpartner.
Or more correctly, someone else's disapproval of their bed partner.
Those in the military are still required to follow orders unless a lot has changed since I was in there. I didn't buy into the bull that it would cause a break down of our Armed Forces. Issue the orders and if they're disobeyed, it's court marshal time. Plain and simple, you don't get to pick the orders you wish to obey.
"Plain and simple, you don't get to pick the orders you wish to obey."
Very true, as this incident shows.
Every officer or enlisted that wants to cause problems over this, can end their military career right then. It's about time we got rid of another cherished form of bigotry, from another segment of American society.
The next step is legalized marriages in all 50 states. That is unless the christian right believes that a person can die for their country and still be denied equal rights because, they say so. Not the courts, not the constitution, just the bigots.
Well, I dunno about the Christians, Stump. but hasn't the U.S already displayed that whole 'Oh sure, we're cool with you dying for us and everything, but that equal rights ain't happening for a while' attitude already? It'd be no surprise if it happened again.
That all being said: Let's hope for that legal gay marriage!
Hubpages! Don't you dare ban me! Don't you do it! Step away from the keyboard...I'll really be upset...don't don't...nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
DADT has more serious repercussions than gays mincing their way through a battlefield. DADT is rapidly becoming a liberalized nation where anything goes. "Will power, self-control, and prudence have declined" since WWII, says a Harvard cognitive scientist. Sodom and Gomorrah will soon become a devastating reality. Look skyward, people, for balls of sulphur will be raining down upon you soon enough.
Make that "The United States is rapidly becoming a liberalized nation . . ."
But DADT could be a nation unto itself anyway. Probably not a bad idea.
If you substitute black for gay and go back 60 years you will hear the same arguements against gays serving in the military you heard from the christians back then. The same level of hate exists today that was so proudly worn in America by the morally superior christians when the black man was the preferred target of this level of christian love.
And just what does the average christian feel the results of gays being allowed to marry? I suppose it will mean the end of the world, at least as we know it. The world where the self rightous are allowed to determine the outcome of everylife that exists on this rock we all share, simply because they think they have this right.
Why is it that so many christians feel it isn't hate as long as it's fine upstanding christians doing the hating? … -debating/
These people are tired of having their hatefullness clasified as hatefullness. It is really an expression of their love when they seek to decide what rights every other group on this planet retains. I for one am a little tired of the constant displays of love so many christian bigots heap upon the shoulders of those the despise. Please don't tell me it is the sin you hate, not the sinner. The entire world can see the level of love you have for those you classify sinner, who are also gay. No one is supposedly above sin, and yet you get your jollies persecuting everyone who doesn't measure up to your idea of a perfectly acceptable hateful prick. Amen!!!
Check out this video.
It made me giggle. - No, it's not porn or a Rickroll. It's Barney Frank being asked about gays in the military.
I said the same thing many times. Just what happens when you find out someone is gay?
Do they suddenly chase guys around the Barracks asking them to be their boyfriend?
Do they start staring at your body in the shower and winking?
Do they try to rape you after lights out?
Do they jump into a foxhole with you wearing a red nightie and spiked heels?
Do they remain the same brave men and women you serve with; and you start treating them differently.
Nooooooooooooooooo..... That's not good enough!
YOU throw them out of the military.
YOU destroy their lives.
YOU betray people that fought with you and maybe would have died for you.
YOU dishonor the gay military personnel and the military it self.
YOU shame this Country in front of the whole world!
And for Gods' Sake...
YOU think you're right!
In the mean time...What did the gay person do to earn your hate or get thrown out of his or her job?
I'm not sure why you're making those statements at me, Friendlyword.
I am one of the few who was discharged under the DADT for reasons that saved my life.
I have a hub in the works on the topic as well. I am one of the few people who benefited from DADT after dealing with violent reactions to homophobia from those I shared close quarters with, even though I did not behave any differently toward those who I shared space with beyond them being aware that I was dating a woman at the time.
In return, I suffered. So you'll excuse me if your logical fallacies do not phase me. Your appeals to emotion do not work on me.
I believe that the DADT needed to be repealed, and am glad it was. I also believe that in response, the military needs to incorporate open door structures for its gay, lesbian and transgendered service members to be able to expose the torments they suffer from close minded, ignorant, threatening people within the ranks.
As a queer person, I can proudly say that I love my fags, queers, lesbos and every other fond word I've ever used to refer to the folks I have known in the military and out who bang who they desire, not who they're expected to bang.
Like was pointed out in the video, the repeal of DADT offers homosexual people in the military the option of being truthful, and to live life normally without fear of losing their chosen duties, their volunteered positions in the military. The rest is up to other people to behave like mature, decent human beings. It is a lot to hope for, isn't it?
Great post, gamergirl. Thank you for your service, and I'm sorry you had to go through what you went through.
"I'm not sure why you're making those statements at me, Friendlyword."
"I am one of the few who was discharged under the DADT for reasons that saved my life."
My response was to the Barney Frank interview. The interviewer would not answer the question Barney Frank asked him. I had a few more questions for the Millitary Men that are against DADT.
I'm really sorry about what happened to you. Will you reinlist?
All the love in the world to you Gamergirl!
UN General Assembly Votes To Allow Gays To Be Executed Without Cause. … 1/20/15449
People need to see this! This can't be allowed to happen in the UN. The genocide of gay people in Uganda was stopped when people spoke out against it. I hope everyone will speak out against the latest atrocity to come out of Africa,
Since the 1980s, massive numbers of Christian fundamentalist missionaries, many if not most from the United States, have flooded the African continent in search of new converts to their retrogressive and narrow beliefs. The Roman Catholic Church, decidedly anti-gay, and the Mormons, known as the Latter Days Saints, who condemn homosexuality, both proselytize throughout Africa. Africa is also a Muslim continent. During a period of rising fundamentalism within many Muslim sects throughout the world, Islam shapes the cultural and religious life of people who live in Northern, Western, Eastern and some Central African countries. Of 53 African countries, 26 countries are members of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIS).
The most blatantly destructive policy outcomes of pervasive Christian fundamentalist proselytizing in Africa has been in Uganda, where “ The Family,” also known as “The Fellowship,” a Christian and political organization based in the United States, played a key role in advising its parliament to adopt legislation last year that called for the death penalty of known homosexuals.
In favor of the amendment to remove sexual orientation from the resolution on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions (79):
Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belize, Benin, Botswana, Brunei Dar-Sala, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, China, Comoros, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Republic of Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe
OH IT GETS BETTER! Rick Warren(The Preacher up on the grandstand at the Obama inauguration!) Chuck Grassley...and the installed President of Uganda are "Family Members"
I have to say; The President really redeemed hisself with the DADT repeal.
Nice to see so many hubbers are interested in the life of gay people. How about asking deep questions or looking for serious answers to the human condition that is homosexuality? Get real!
by Justin Aptaker 14 years ago
Will the recent repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" herald a new era of gay rights victories?Do you think that the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" will give the gay rights movement the additional momentum it needs to begin making serious headway in its other major battles...
by yankeeintexas 14 years ago
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by eculligan 14 years ago
Should the U.S. Military allow men and woman to take showers together?It only makes sense now that Gay's and Lesbians can be open about there sexuality. Why not just create one facility for everyone to just have one big shower party. I wouldn't mind taking a shower with Jessica Alba or...
by pegw 14 years ago
Don't you think that "don't ask don't tell" should be a decision by the soldiers and not the...government nor you? I mean the soldiers are the one having to live with it, so let them vote.
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