if you could change one thing about your country what would it be?

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  1. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    if you could change one thing about your country what would it be?

    i don't mean things like the weather, but rather social or political issues.


  2. vicki simms profile image67
    vicki simmsposted 13 years ago

    I would definately change the taxes in england, they are quite shocking and expensive!

  3. Thesource profile image67
    Thesourceposted 13 years ago

    Everyone in the US should have health coverage by using the public option. This will also lower health cost.

    Currently 45 thousand die every year because they cannot afford the profit based health care system. Millions more suffer in silence.

    The high profit based system is the most expensive in the world and is not the best. This system is  major cause of personal bankruptcy.
    About 75% of those who are bankrupt have medical insurance coverage and followed all the rules.

    So in order to have medical service we have to pay some profit-based insurance company, and then you still have to pay exorbitant fees invented by the lucrative health industry.

    The health industry supports many politicians who defend and protect the business interest of the health industry. Many doctors may millions of dollars not just in their lifetime, but every year on the back of the sick. A decent salary should be sufficient for them not millions of dollars every year.

    These politicians who are funded by these groups are planning to repeal any improvements in the health care system. The media will tell you who the are.

    They will scare you saying the it will make the deficit bad. With millions of American dying and more going broke are they really interested in the deficit  or the business interest of certain groups.
    Give me a break! They say our grandchildren will have to pay for it.
    Yes the grandchildren will pay for it by having poor health.

    Actually children normally don't pay taxes.
    Corporations with high profits should pay more taxes. The Oil companies, Insurance companies, Drug companies and many other corporations should pay more taxes. That will take care of the deficit. When they pay taxes because of high profits nobody goes hungry or broke. Give me a break when they insist poor children will be paying taxes. Don't fall for their scare tactics.
    Follow the money-trail and see how many became millionaires on the back of the sick.

    America please wake-up!

  4. Ashantina profile image62
    Ashantinaposted 13 years ago

    1. To make the grey suits in the city magically disappear then maybe we could get some sun over here...
    2 Abolish the congestion charge [how can you charge owner drivers £10 - daily, to drive into central London??!]
    3. Burn all pay parking meters throughout the UK! Ridiculously expensive and totally unnecessary..

  5. Right On Time profile image61
    Right On Timeposted 13 years ago

    Ok well apart from the floods in Queensland absolutely nothing - Australia is perfect.

  6. Beege215e profile image58
    Beege215eposted 13 years ago

    I would close all American military bases around the world, bring all of our soldiers home and put a wall of those soldiers around our borders and at shipping locations, airports and such to protect our own country. Stop spending American dollars overseas and spend it at home.

  7. shynsly profile image59
    shynslyposted 13 years ago

    Get all the undercover politicians and union thugs out of our education system and replace them with actual teachers more concerned with teaching our youth things like math and science than furthering some political agenda. I don't want my kids being taught an opinion, I want them being taught the skills to succeed in life and logically form their own opinions.

  8. Loveslove profile image60
    Lovesloveposted 13 years ago

    I would get rid of the present government !!

  9. Emily40 profile image61
    Emily40posted 13 years ago

    The crime rate. There's too much crime in such a small country!

  10. PaulaHenry1 profile image63
    PaulaHenry1posted 13 years ago

    I wish my country would help itself and not everyone else. Its frustrating.....

  11. mkvealsh profile image62
    mkvealshposted 13 years ago

    I'm pretty sure I would un-bail-out the big banks!!

  12. ToriTyler profile image60
    ToriTylerposted 13 years ago

    If I could change one thing about the United States of America, it would be to rid the government of corrupt, money-stealing thieves who hold high-paying jobs in Washington D.C. and have the mistaken idea that they are entitled to more than just their paycheck.  Dishonest congressmen, cabinet members, and others in elite positions who cheat on their taxes and embezzle billions of tax-payer dollars simply because they CAN must be exposed, removed from their offices, and escorted to small locked cells. 
    While corruption and wallet-padding has no doubt been a problem in Washington since the first Congress, the problem seems to have escalated out of control.  Google Congressmen indicted and several names will pop up.  And reports of 162 million stimulus dollars are reported to be unaccounted for and missing, and I would guess that is only the tip.  Pick pocketing the government wallet seems to have become a national pastime for tax cheats, dishonest record keepers, and greedy companies who charge the government $1500 for a 50 cent screw--and no one seems to notice . . . or care!   
    Instead of having the government peopled by criminals who embezzle billions of tax-payer dollars simply because they are accountable to NO one, I would change the system to make those in power accountable for the decisions that affect the entire country.  Perhaps jail time for those responsible for throwing the country into financial chaos would make people realize there are consequences for their action—or inaction.  Perhaps a longer jail sentence for Congressmen convicted of corruption, bribery, racketeering, and money mismanagement would send the statement that they are not above the law and that rampant abuse of power is wrong.  Perhaps investigations (and lengthy jail time) of companies who make billions of excessive dollars overcharging for services and products sold to the United States would remind CEO’s that fairness rather than greed is what made our country once great.       
    Unfortunately, in order to change a system now as shattered and broken as Humpty Dumpty, a need to change must first be recognized.   But all the king's horses and all the king's men . . .

  13. profile image53
    Andy the Greatposted 13 years ago

    If we're talking about magic wand sort of stuff, I'd make our public school system much more strict. It's failed 20-30 years of young people, and those young people can vote now. As a result, we've lost quite a bit of the knowledge that the Greatest Generation once possessed regarding civility, duty, honor, and respect. I'm not saying we haven't made some good progress on some fronts, but unfortunately it seems like large portions of the population don't understand them anymore.

  14. CreatePerfection profile image77
    CreatePerfectionposted 13 years ago

    I would change it back to a country of the people, by the people, and for the people.  It has become a country of large corporate interests and the people have been forgotten.

  15. Julie Cole profile image60
    Julie Coleposted 12 years ago

    Teach our children respect and morality.  It's all we can do at this point.  Without it we have no hope.

  16. Xenonlit profile image60
    Xenonlitposted 12 years ago

    I would raise taxes on the 1 percent and on the corporations so the middle class would not have to carry all of the tax burden.

    I would allow the voters to override the House of Representatives by petition.

  17. kmaskreations profile image57
    kmaskreationsposted 11 years ago

    To come back to God. This is not likely to happen; however, as few read the Bible. The results of sin are evident as fewer understand the ways of God, or even want to, for that matter.  Highly educated people are ignorant concerning the important matters that could make our country great again.  Divorce, alcohol, television, drugs, sexual immorality, have taken their toll and will continue to do so as more drift away from the written word of God.  Still, this is the only change that would make a profound change in the future course of this great country - back to God.


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