Do you think aliens are real? Why?

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  1. Reptarking17 profile image60
    Reptarking17posted 13 years ago

    Do you think aliens are real? Why?

  2. MoneyCreator24 profile image58
    MoneyCreator24posted 13 years ago

    Well, I think aliens are very real because we all are aliens almost everywhere. And I think we all are real.

  3. xrocker30 profile image59
    xrocker30posted 13 years ago

    If you mean "aliens" as in from outer space, I would still say they are real.  Think about it, there are billions of stars out there in the universe and it's hard to imagine that out of all those billions or even trillions (I'm no astronomer) of stars that their are no other planets that have life such as earth.

  4. TinaTango profile image69
    TinaTangoposted 13 years ago

    Do I believe there are other forms of life on other planets?  Yes, absolutely.  Do I think they are green in color, large buggy eyes and sharp fingers?  No, absolutely not.

  5. arb profile image77
    arbposted 13 years ago

    I dated some before I got married. I think they've taken over my wife's body. We talked just last night and it was definitely alien!

  6. Iontach profile image71
    Iontachposted 13 years ago

    Of course! Who are we on Earth to think we are the only living things in the galaxy and universe. There has to be aliens out there somewhere considering the billions of planets. Maybe the may not be as advanced as us or maybe they are more advanced, maybe they are just little microbes, who knows...

    They think there may be life in the oceans of Jupiter's moon Europa and it's deffo probable.

  7. detectivejd profile image60
    detectivejdposted 13 years ago

    "Aliens are NOT REAL, because there is no other planet like earth have a complete needed to be live, oxygen, water, four seasons like spring, summer, fall, and winter, etc.. Remember the U.F.O. is still an unidentified."

    I love people that know the universe! That's awesome that you were able to travel around to different galaxies, how was it? Do they have in n out, cuz that would suck if they didn't.  C'mon now

  8. profile image0
    David99999posted 13 years ago

    I'm convinced that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe, in addition Earth.

  9. profile image0
    Butch Newsposted 13 years ago

    I expect there are many intelligent life forms on other planets.  It may be possible that some viruses are alien and no one has figured out what prions are yet.

    I don't think inter stellar travel is an option for most material life forms and I've never seen, nor heard of, any evidence to support alien life forms on Earth except, perhaps, some viruses or, perhaps, certain types of moulds.

    I don't believe in UFO's as practical... nor do I believe in aliens unless you allow for the aforementioned types.

  10. kannanwrites profile image88
    kannanwritesposted 13 years ago

    I do believe that aliens are for real. Many incidents are still being debated.

  11. fundguru profile image60
    fundguruposted 13 years ago

    May sound strange, but yes I believe that Aliens exist and the answer is in the bible. What do you think in the 21.century are Angels, that can descend from heaven and then ascend again?

    For instance read the book of Hesekiel. What did he describe there?

    Furthermore in the bible is mentioned that Henoch was the greatest of all prophets. Today his prophecy is not part anymore in the bible, a few centuries ago it still was. So google a bit and you will find the book of Henoch.

    He described the beginning of mankind till Noah. He wrote that the Angels descended and build cities next to that of humans and started to take human women as wifes.

    So Angels building citties and mating? Doesn´t this sound pretty weird if they are what the churches tell us or does it sound understandable if we think of aliens who came to Earth and build a colony?

    Well in addition as German I have to point out, that in the 1920´s the Thule society declared that the Angels of the bible were extraterrestrials and that the Thule society established contact.

    In this context it is pretty odd, that the Thule society 10 years later was the mother organization of the German Nazi party. What do you think was all this second world war about?

    They then started to build not only the V-Rockets, but also flying disc shaped aircrafts. Just google for Haunebu.

    So there was a an occult group one century ago that claimed being in contact with Aliens and managed to build aircrafts which look like UFO´s in todays science fiction movies.

    Decide yourself if they were just weirdos with genious knowledge in aeronautics or well if somebody really told them how to build such things.

  12. okta12 profile image60
    okta12posted 13 years ago

    They are real, because it would be a waste of space if nobody live out there.

  13. poorconservative1 profile image60
    poorconservative1posted 13 years ago

    Do I believe that there is life on planets that are outside of our solar system? Yes. Do I believe that any of them have visited our planet? No. You have to understand the distance that has to be traversed in order to perform such a task. It would take millennia, and even if they could do it in a reasonable time span why would they give a crap about us with a whole universe to explore.

  14. the50marathons17 profile image84
    the50marathons17posted 13 years ago

    Wouldn't this question test the relevance of planet Earth? Since the known universe is over 13 billion light years in size, the odds that there is a galaxy with a solar system similiar to ours is in our favor. To reiterate, if there is life somewhere else, then we must be aliens to them, and them to us. So, there is no such thing as aliens, just other life forms.
    As to your question, the odds are in favor of Yes, there are other life forms out there somewhere.

  15. 2005Fleet profile image60
    2005Fleetposted 13 years ago

    I think if you mean "aliens" as in is there life other than what we know of yes.

    Will they know more than us and be decades in front of us, maybe. But they might just be years behind us.


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