Do you think there are life forms like us in the vast outer space?

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  1. Good Guy profile image83
    Good Guyposted 14 years ago

    Do you think there are life forms like us in the vast outer space?

  2. MF8888 profile image60
    MF8888posted 14 years ago

    yes, with the numerous amounts of solar systems still unknown to us, itd be silly to think we are the only intelligent beings out there.

  3. profile image52
    Scott M.posted 14 years ago

    There are definitely other form of life out there, but to think that they are just like us is also silly.  We are humans because we have evolved to live efficiently in our environment, so the only way other forms of life could be like us is to have the same exact conditions during evolution on their planet as we did here.

  4. andrew251075 profile image61
    andrew251075posted 14 years ago

    Yes. There are trillion planets out there so why should we be Special.

  5. Pearldiver profile image69
    Pearldiverposted 14 years ago

    If there are Life forms like us out there then I pity them: as we as a race generally don't accept those that are different to our own expectations, do we?

  6. profile image58
    J.T. Whiteposted 14 years ago

    As a by-the-book Christian I should tell you that we are the only thing in the universe that God has created.

    As an intellectual I will say that it is arrogant to believe that we are the only living sentient beings in the vast reaches of space.
    Time and space are endless so who is to say that we are the first? There could have been countless civilizations that have already died out, and three million years from now we might get a post card from them acknowledging their former existence.

    Or long after we have gone the way of the dodo something out there somewhere will recieve the first television signal as Hitler announced the beginning of the olympic games.

    It's a grand question, and to answer it....yes. Will we ever meet them? I doubt it, at least not in our lifetime. Einstein offered that the only way we will meet or contact intelligent life in this millenia will be through paranormal means (ESP).

    Either that or they will drop by and have a beer with us, which if possible is probably closer to reality.

  7. Emissionguy profile image67
    Emissionguyposted 14 years ago

    As far as we can observe the universe is made of hydrogen, helium and other atoms created from the explosion of dying stars. It stands to reason the unknown world would be similar to the known world.

    Since the conditions for life exsist here its probable they could aslo exsist elsewhere.

  8. Merlin Fraser profile image61
    Merlin Fraserposted 14 years ago

    If we are alone, What an incredible waste of Space !

       Plus I think the fact that this planet has not been visited by aliens proves that they are intellegent !

  9. profile image0
    dreamreachoutposted 14 years ago

    Ahem!! There may be uncountable planets in the galaxy having similar conditions as in Earth where life is flourishing!! The form and definition of God according to early civilization is that of superior beings from such planets!! So it proves life exists elsewhere and we called them God just because they were superior and had capabilities beyond our reach!! The Egyptians believed that these so called God's will be back on Earth and so does the Hindu believe in India!! Whatever, it proves beyond doubt that life is abundant outside our Earth!!

  10. dabeaner profile image60
    dabeanerposted 14 years ago

    Quite possibly.  See the note on my profile about Sitchin and his books about the Annunaki.

  11. J.Blacker profile image60
    J.Blackerposted 13 years ago

    I think that is a strong possibility. If life were to evolve the same way as it has on Earth and that is the norm for all evolution, maybe there are beings out there that may look shockingly similar to humans.

  12. Piotr Yordanov profile image59
    Piotr Yordanovposted 13 years ago

    Yes there are... because of the universe being so vat

    No there are not because we havent seen any!

    Neither can be proven! It's only speculation tongue
    but interresting one smile

  13. Stories Inc. profile image66
    Stories Inc.posted 13 years ago

    How can there not be. Every star you see in the sky at night could be someone else's sun. Each probably forms a solar system with planets. It s nearly impossible that there is no life. And if there is, it will have had evolution, potentially as long or longer as our own, so there has to be intelligent life as well.

  14. golfslicerepair profile image59
    golfslicerepairposted 13 years ago

    Definetly! No doubt what so ever! smile Even though I have never seen a UFO or an alien myself, I really believe that there MUST be other forms of life out there.


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