What is a right?

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  1. Harlan Colt profile image80
    Harlan Coltposted 13 years ago

    What is a right?

    In our everyday speech, we often say to someone, "I have a right to "X" or a right to "Y" and "Z"." However, technically, you probably do not.  If asked most cannot give a difinitive answer to what a right is. Is a right a law? or is it protected by a law? Can you define it without looking it up? If you can't even define it, How do you know you have it? How do you even know what you're talking about? If you answered Mr Right Now... move to the next question please.


  2. Jaynie2000 profile image84
    Jaynie2000posted 13 years ago

    Loaded question, for sure. I suppose a right is an entitlement. People would define it differently, and some would assume they have certain rights or entitlements that they do not. In America, our "rights" are defined by our constitution to include such things as freedom of speech or freedom practice our religion. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. For many, those rights are vague. For example, what makes some people "happy" may also be illegal, thus negating that right. Freedom of speech may be a "right" yet most people would agree that if we lie, spread rumors, propagate hate we lose that right.

    That brings up another point. Our society has established laws to help define what the constitution may not specifically clarify about its preamble and articles. In addition, for those who practice religion, "rights" may be further defined by the tenets of their faith.

    For me, our rights should be basic. We should have the right to expect to be treated with dignity and respect, but only if we treat others in the same manner. We should have the right to feel safe in our own homes and communities.

  3. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    Excellent question.  People use the term "right" when they believe they are entitled to something--but generally really have no idea what they are talking about..  I believe that a "right" is something someone is entitled to by law.

  4. The Frog Prince profile image69
    The Frog Princeposted 13 years ago

    When someone asks me about "rights." I whip out my pocket US Constitution and let er rip!

  5. Wayne Brown profile image82
    Wayne Brownposted 13 years ago

    In effect, a right is a grant of contract.  If you lease a building, the contract will spell out certain "rights" both the landlord and the tenant have under the provisions of the contract.  In a more lofty sense but yet in the same vein, a right under the terms of our U.S. Constitution is a priviledge which we hold as citizens which in most cases is recognized as having been granted either within the directions set forth in the document or recognized as a right given by God.  In effect, rights are licensed by our agreement to contract. As long as the contract is binding, our rights are secure and recognized under law. The same is true as to the responsibilities of our citizenship. As long as we support and defend the Constitution of the United States and uphold the laws of the land and requirements of citizenship, we are endowed with a given set of rights which are protected by law.  WB

  6. someonewhoknows profile image71
    someonewhoknowsposted 13 years ago

    Rights are activities that are mutually agreed upon by those involved in documents such as the constitution and the bill of rights.Seperate from the constitution but in addition to it.

    The constitution states that we the people have rights  recognized by men as unalienable .That the rights as  enumerated in the constitution are not necessarily the only rights.Thus we have the bill of rights to ensure that those rights cannot be abridged by any law not in accordance with them.

    We,the people reserve any rights not recognized by the same.

    There's a contract for you!

    Rights are not given !
    Rights are recognized !

    With rights come responsabilities.

    Mutually agreed responsabilities!

    In my opinion we the people refers to citizens who should all be trained in order be citizens.
    Being born does not confer citizenship in this  respect.Citizens need to know what is expected of them as well as their rights as humans in order to be a civilized

  7. DanuckInUSA profile image59
    DanuckInUSAposted 13 years ago

    A right is an inherent ability available to a certain class or group of people.

  8. profile image0
    GavNugentposted 13 years ago

    There are four types of rights,

    1. Claim rights, which create obligation on someone else, such as social welfare rights. They are claims against a person (people) that create a duty on those people to the right-holder.

    2. Liberty rights, you have freedom to do something, but it doesn't create a duty on someone else, for example when playing soccer, you have the liberty to score a goal, but the other team are not duty-bound to let you, they can try to stop you. Legally, you have the liberty to do something, unless there is a law imposing a duty on me not to do it. Usually called liberties.

    3. Powers, this is the legal ability to change legal status, such as entering into a contract or getting married, the right to vote. These are usually known as rights.

    4. Immunities, to possess immunity is not to be subject to another's power. A perfect example of this is the US constitution. The US constitution places some outside the competence of Congress, and in doing so, provides US citizens with immunities on those matters. If Congress tries to pass a law which the Supreme Court judges to intrude on those immunities, the law is declared invalid. These immunities include the right to free speech, press etc.

  9. profile image0
    sinisa_sinaposted 13 years ago

    Rights are somthing with what you're born. Some rights we all shear, that's right to live, then right to breed and right to be free. Every men and women on this world have right on there opinion, right to speak there mind and right to fight for his believes. Noone is entitled to take or disrespect those rights. All other is discussion.

  10. professorsclub profile image60
    professorsclubposted 13 years ago

    wrong is opposite of right therefore, abstain from wrong and you are right

  11. profile image0
    Qbrown9posted 13 years ago

    Each  person is granted the right to ask a random question and believe it's brilliantly simple enough to be worthy. Respondents are equally provided the right to respond to the random question and deem it as such.


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