Have you noticed police officers speeding, running red lights, failing to use tu

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  1. MysteryPlanet profile image60
    MysteryPlanetposted 13 years ago

    Have you noticed police officers speeding, running red lights, failing to use turn signals...

    ... tail gating, and generally breaking traffic laws? In my own experience I see this nearly every time I drive through town. Why do so many cops disregard the simple traffic laws that we must follow or be ticketed by those same cops? Some may say that they do this because they are on their way to some emergency but I dont buy that for a second. I see this a lot and it is just normal every day driving for many cops. NO OFFENSE IS MEANT to police officers as a whole and I realize that this is not all cops that are like this.

  2. Sunnyglitter profile image81
    Sunnyglitterposted 13 years ago

    Yes.  I recently had an officer ride my a** for a mile.  I guess he wanted me to speed up?  He was so close that I was scared he was going to crash into me.  What's weird is that the road was almost empty, and the other lane had no cars in it.  He could have easily got in the other lane and passed me.

    1. profile image0
      Rayne123posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      should of slammed your brakes and let him hit you

  3. ArtByCari profile image72
    ArtByCariposted 13 years ago

    It's not every police officer and not an accepted practice. One police officer recently got caught speeding on the highway in his vehicle while off duty. He got demoted and is working a desk job with no take home car.

  4. kentuckyslone profile image80
    kentuckysloneposted 13 years ago

    I also see this a lot. I realize that it is not "every" police officer but in my view it is the average one. I mean I see this sort of thing so often that although it bothers me I am never surprised.

    I am sure there are lots of good men and women who are police officers and they do the best job that they can do but I also think there a great many who use and abuse their power

  5. Adventure Colorad profile image76
    Adventure Coloradposted 13 years ago

    Law enforcement does have an exception to break traffic laws in order to catch violators or get to a scene when necessary.  Having said that, it certainly does not mean that they are always justfied in doing so.

    They may also follow close at times to read and run your license plate.  There is also a mentality of needing to get to where they are going as fast as possible, that mentality starts to flow over into regular driving, even when it is not necesary.

  6. jcm_blabs profile image69
    jcm_blabsposted 13 years ago

    Yes.  I also see them using their patrol cars to obstruct traffic by closing a lane to just get out of their cars to chat it up on the side of the street and their emergency lights on even though there's no emergency.  Abuse of power much?

  7. Ahnoosh profile image68
    Ahnooshposted 12 years ago

    I work in downtown L.A. and walk on my lunch break.  I see this so often.  Just yesterday, I saw a police car pulled over in a red zone, lights on above, just so the plain clothes officer could stand in line at an ATM.  Really? 

    When I am walking into the office in the morning, they park in the red zone in front of the corner bakery, and are inside getting breakfast. No one is in the car.  They just park and are exempt from the rules.  Anyone else would get towed.

    It's upsetting to me because there IS such a double standard.  Law enforcement should be just as accountable to abiding by the rules as the general populace.  Especially for stuff like ATMS and morning coffee.

  8. NotPC profile image58
    NotPCposted 12 years ago

    Police are required to track down the drivers who are breaking the law. Unfortunately, many Americans interpret helping the law as snitching. This is the worst way to view helping the American Law System. Home of the Brave.Don't forget it.....

  9. profile image0
    Rayne123posted 11 years ago

    It happens all the time, they put their sirens on going down the main highway where I live for no reason. I have seen them fake emergencies which I do write everything down as it is about to come out.

    I have heard and read so many negative stories about cops lately that is almost sad we ask them to protect our children.

    Long time ago they were respected as they respected us/their authority. Now as most agree they abuse their "so called" power and use it for their own personal gain. That is not ethical. What goes around comes around

    There is so much police brutality its very very disturbing. Look at the Robert Leon case (worst than rodney king) that was unreal. Then they have the nerve to say he was assaulting them, are you kidding me, its called self defense.

    Not only that you will always see about 5 or more cops on one person yet we cant fight back, um ok. They have become corrupt.

    This is not all of them there are the good ones as their is in every job dealing with citizens. However no one has the right to misuse a gift given to them to serve and protect the public. A friend and I , followed a couple of them with their lights on and not to our surprise they used them to get through red lights,ended up at Tim Hortons and made uturns. So one time I made a uturn right behind him.

    He did nothing, he did see me.

    Now you can make citizens arrest and you are allowed to film the goings on with police, that tells you right there that they are not to be trusted.

    Some still to this day, do not like colours (blacks, how sad)

    Nothing makes anyone with authority better than without. I actually think in todays world that authority think they are higher up and use it for personal gain hence why the world is out of control.

  10. Florence Gilliam profile image61
    Florence Gilliamposted 8 years ago

    I am with you. Why do they get to break the law but if you did it you would be stopped and ticketed

    it all come down to the good old boys. Just like a lot of other things do.

    We have to be accountable for the law so should the one that enforce the law.


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