Do we really have the right to keep prostitution illegal?

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  1. nightwork4 profile image59
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    Do we really have the right to keep prostitution illegal?

    it's not our bodies or our lives it effects, so why is it illegal? wouldn't it be safer if it was legal and monitored?

  2. lilibees profile image60
    lilibeesposted 13 years ago

    You have a valid point, however just like for example the legalization of weed here in Montana, it has run a muck. Somethings are just meant to stay illegal. Legalizing prostitution can hurt others.

  3. Micky Dee profile image69
    Micky Deeposted 13 years ago

    If it's capitalism - we're all prostituting something. There should be no "reason" to prostitute. We're the only animals that have to pay for food. I guess "God" abides starvation, dependency, slavery, prostitution. But - so do governments, people that have are the hawks. People that don't eat others - are eaten. This "ill-logic" - comes from the top - down. Top of the "food chain". More money - better breeding? That is the "ill-logic" of the rulers of our world. Like it or not - it is what it is. Without the Golden Rule - there is no civilization.

  4. Jo_Goldsmith11 profile image61
    Jo_Goldsmith11posted 13 years ago

    I feel that if we allow prostitution to be legal. We are sending a message to young girls not to respect their bodies or themselves. The sin of committing this act can be forgiven. It should remain illegal. The consequences are great when one decides to let another person entice them to do the same disrespect to their bodies. It didn’t work in the days before Christ, the Roman Empire days. It will not work well now.

  5. munirahmadmughal profile image47
    munirahmadmughalposted 13 years ago

    1. It is not rational.
    2. It ruins the moral fiber of a civilized society.
    3. It destroys the women's right to marriage.
    4. It is interference in the right of the society aw well.
    5. The institution of marriage brings rights and obligations among the spouses and also the law of inheritance is based on its results.
    6. It does effect our bodies and lives.
    7. It has been hated in all societies.
    8. It is darkness and ignorance to call it a right. The word right is a sacred word where there is no scope for any pollution.
    9. It is misuse and abuse of the faculties available on both sides.
    10. It is dishonesty towards the future generations that have the right to come into this world through legitimate and lawful marriages solemnized in a graceful manner witnessed by the society as to its truthfulness.

  6. ChristianRecca profile image61
    ChristianReccaposted 13 years ago

    Yes, prostitution should be legal. Prostitution will always exist; like with abortion or certain drugs, you have the choice to legalize and regulate or to allow dangerous activity to happen when it doesn't have to.

    1. There should be a separation of church and state according to our constitution, and the sinfulness of prostitution is a religious concept. Just because your holy book says that society should not include prostitutes does not mean that you have a right to impose your beliefs on everyone.

    2. The benefits of legalization are myriad. If prostitution were legal:
            a. Women who were forced to do it could avoid being prosecuted.
            b. The government could garner revenue.
            c. The market for sex slaves would be reduced.           
            d. Prostitutes would be less vulnerable to abuses by pimps.

    3. All of these benefits are sacrificed in order to not encourage prostitution. However, our culture encourages prostitution plenty already. Anyone can secure a prostitute with the push of a button.

    4. Law enforcement should be concerned with crimes that actually harm other people, of which there are plenty of followers.

    5. With institutional racism and economic sluggishness, there really are few job options for some people.

    Why do we want to control others' lives so much? Why can't we all be free to try to survive in whatever way we can? Legalize it for goodness' sake.

  7. Pollyannalana profile image60
    Pollyannalanaposted 13 years ago

    Yes and the government could charge taxes, could help the economy, who knows, maybe shoplifting next you think?

  8. Karl  VanGuilder profile image62
    Karl VanGuilderposted 13 years ago

    Yes prostitution in america should be legal if for no other reason than the separation of Church & State issue .
    Gov't has no place enforcing Religions standards/ moralitys .
    and as far as public health goes it be proven to improve sex health issues

  9. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    I keep having to tell people.  "Look, you don't belong to you - you are state property, and should be managed like any other disposable asset for the glory of your worldly masters!"

    I know my sales pitch is somewhat lacking, but so is my. . . that other thing I was supposed to be on top of.  Little wonder, Sir, that I spend so much time consuming the Earth's resources that ought to go exclusively to my betters.

    Luckily for me, I've got my breathing permit paid up for the year!  I only had to borrow against my grand children's health to pay it, no big whup.


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