Is American Society Currently In Decline or Ascent?

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  1. Rock_nj profile image88
    Rock_njposted 13 years ago

    Is American Society Currently In Decline or Ascent?

    Interestingly, most people believe society is in decline when polled, but in reality things improve over their lifetimes.  Just wondering what people's opinion are about American society at the moment.

  2. Phil Plasma profile image67
    Phil Plasmaposted 13 years ago

    From a lot of what I am reading, Dmitry Orlov in particular, I would say it is in terminal decline.

  3. MOEFLATS profile image67
    MOEFLATSposted 13 years ago

    We are systematically being broken down by Electronic Harassment.  I've been through 5 years of it (at least) and whatever-this-is tried to convince me that I was a woman instead of a man (while simultaneously being electronically-tortured).  I didn't give in.  I'm still a man, not a plastic faced, glassy-eyed, too-perfect-missing-something person who caved in to this "pressure" to be something I'm not.  I am continually bombed with this "ear-ringing-mind-control".  Check out my hubPage for survival tactics to this invasion of our:  privacy, bodies and minds.

  4. Billrrrr profile image85
    Billrrrrposted 13 years ago

    I can only tell you what was overheard in a factory.

    There were 6 or 7  different languages being spoken.  In each, the speakers were bemoaning the decline of the United States.  Costs are up.  Profits are down.  Fuel prices are up.  Wages are falling.  You can't get a living wage anymore.  Immigration is killing the country.  Etc. Etc. Etc.

    The conversations occurred in a business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the year 1922.

    The story was related to me many years later by my grandfather who was there.

  5. scauthor1969 profile image60
    scauthor1969posted 13 years ago

    When you look at the historical rise and decline of societies over time you see a lot of the same factors - overstretched militarily, problems sustaining the food supply, problems maintaining critical infrastructure and a declining stock of leadership.

    In the US we face military challenges in a host of different countries. Food prices are on the rise because of our reliance on oil in the production cycle and because our strategy to resolve the oil dependance is to use food (corn) in our gasoline to strtch it further. Our roads and bridges are a disaster, our air traffic control system is in major need of improvements, and the news on our ports (at least what is written about here in the southeast) is that they need major work to remain competitive. Our rail system stinks as well.

    On the leadership side I am hard pressed to remember that last group of officials from any party that I could call statesmen. There is too much ideology and grandstanding. They debate insignificant issues while the major financial ssues we are facing continue to pound away at our long term solvency.

    I would like to remain hopeful that we will overcome these issues but I fear for the burden my children and grandchildren will face at the rate we are going now.

  6. Ericdierker profile image49
    Ericdierkerposted 11 years ago

    I am old enough to remember JFK being shot. And I cannot for the life of me figure out why people are so negative about our space. My wife is an immigrant and we know why. I remember going through big cities in the 70s and getting physically ill from the air. I remember when our beaches were often strewn with nasty nautical waste. I remember a creek we could not swim in, now you could almost drink it. Be careful. Politics is run on money, it is just a natural fact that voters donate more out of anger and fear toward the other side than out of hope. Don't let the negativity skew your judgment.


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