Should we feel sympathy for soldiers who willingly sign up for war and die in wa

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  1. cooldad profile image61
    cooldadposted 13 years ago

    Should we feel sympathy for soldiers who willingly sign up for war and die in war?

    This is a serious question. Why should we feel sympathy for people who knowingly and willingly join the military to go to war and fight?  18 year-old children are not experienced enough, nor intelligent enough to make such decisions. Our freedom as Americans has not been in danger for years.  Iraq and Afghanistan are not posing any imminent danger to the U.S.

    I'm a extremely thankful for the past soldiers who fought to give me the rights of freedom.  But we are free now and we are arguably the greatest country in the world.  The fighting needs to stop.  We need to mind our own business.

  2. BukowskiBabe profile image75
    BukowskiBabeposted 13 years ago

    While I'm ready to see the wars ends, I still have compassion for those who have lost their lives in service to this nation.

  3. profile image0
    joekreydtposted 13 years ago

    i have a lot of sympathy for their parents and family members.

  4. seicheprey profile image60
    seichepreyposted 13 years ago

    Yes, because regardless of where these individuals are being sent they are still offering up their lives for our freedom.  The oath which a serviceman or woman takes requires them to protect against enemies both foreign and domestic, and thus we need a standing military of some sort.

  5. profile image0
    klevifushaposted 13 years ago

    Yeah because people don't sign up for "war". That's ignorant and disrespectful. How the hell do you know the reasons for millions of Americans whom decided to join the military? Most join for money. Others because they want to pursue a career. Others might join for financial security and educational opportunities. No one joins because they want to go to "war" and kill. That is the dumbest statement I've ever heard. And by the way, I promise you, 99% of service men and women don't give a sh*t about your sympathy. They're doing what they're doing either for themselves, or because they believe they are serving a greater cause.

    Also, the military personnel in the picture are Marines, not soldiers.

  6. Jonesy0311 profile image59
    Jonesy0311posted 13 years ago

    Well, I joined when i was 17 and am now convinced that Americans are basically retarded until age 25. I don't feel sorry for them personally...I weep for the families and for a nation that remains a shadow of its former glory. Now, the federal government basically recruits child soldiers for cannon-fodder all in the name of "freedom" and "liberty" to fight "terrorism." What freedom? What liberty? We already had those things and have been slowly giving them away for 10 years.

  7. manlypoetryman profile image80
    manlypoetrymanposted 13 years ago

    "It is the soldier, not the reporter, Who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, Who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the organizer, Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, Who salutes the flag, Who serves beneath the flag, And whose coffin is draped by the flag, Who allows the protestor to burn the flag. - Father Dennis Edward O'Brian, USMC (often incorrectly attributed to Charles M. Province)"

  8. Jackie Lynnley profile image88
    Jackie Lynnleyposted 13 years ago

    If we did not have soldiers who are willing to volunteer then we would have the draft. Then your child or grandchild would be forced to fight whether they wanted to or not. Remember Vietnam? It was generally a birthday card from the government. Trained them and shipped them out. So very many. So many years. Lot of questions there.

  9. Lions Den Media profile image61
    Lions Den Mediaposted 12 years ago

    Soldiers don't ask for your sympathy, they simply want Americans to respect, honor and protect the freedoms they are willing to die for overseas. Soldiers depend on citizens to protect freedom at home, because at home only your government can take your freedom.

  10. Billy Hicks profile image77
    Billy Hicksposted 12 years ago

    Sympathy? Absolutely not.

    Pride, yes. Pride in the fact that so many men and women, step forward and volunteer to help protect and defend our country.

    Gratitude, yes. Gratitude for those who sacrifice so much of themselves, and the families who stand by them.

    Love, yes. Love for everyone who has, or will in the future, laid down their life in defense of this country.

    But sympathy? No never sympathy.

  11. suzettenaples profile image90
    suzettenaplesposted 12 years ago

    No matter what age a soldier is we should mourn those that have fought and died for this nation no matter where in the world they were stationed.  These men and women work hard for us and represent us in foreign lands.  They are on the front lines of danger and we don't pay them enough.  They are barely able to eek out a living on military wages.  It is a disgrace.  They are separated from their families and are tossed into all kinds of horrid situations none of us can even fathom.  The face that they VOLUNTEERED TO STEP UP TO THE PLATE, and did not wait to be drafted (if we had one) or forced to fight (if we were invaded) and WILLINGLY go in harm's way - that is all the more reason to have sympathy and mourn for them.  It is because of our soldiers that we stay safe in our homes here in the U.S.  If our soldiers weren't in those places of the world you mention we could have much more terrorist situations to deal with than we do now.  I am thankful everyday for the men and women who choose, for whatever reason, to serve our nation in this way.


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