Are you surprised that billionaires have addressed Occupy Wall Street?

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  1. Rock_nj profile image85
    Rock_njposted 13 years ago

    Are you surprised that billionaires have addressed Occupy Wall Street?

    I am very surprised that billionaires like Donald Trump and Steve Wynn have addressed the Occupy Wall Street movement.  I am surprised that such a rag tag movement is worthy of their consideration.  Their comments appear to demonstrate that they are out of touch with what Occupy Wall Street is about and how the 99% are really suffering.  I know a lot of the Occupy Wall Street crowd are misguided youth, but people are really suffering in this country and world.  Not all of their compliants are invalid.

  2. profile image0
    Phoebe Pikeposted 13 years ago

    They will speak out to protect themselves and their images.

  3. DonDWest profile image70
    DonDWestposted 13 years ago

    Honestly, I expected more opinions from billionaires about the movement. Either they view the movement with fear or an opportunity to further line their pockets; it's sure to bring out a lot of emotions amongst the business world. The intelligent will see nothing but dollars signs in marketing to a 60's movement version deux; while the stupid will either hide or mock the protesters. I expect most to take the latter route rather than the former. The average C.E.O in America is not as intelligent as we're led to believe; including the very guy you posted in that picture.

  4. M. T. Dremer profile image83
    M. T. Dremerposted 13 years ago

    Money has the power to subtly persuade people one way or the other, but when a large enough mob gets together, it's hard to knock it off course, especially when it starts to gain momentum. A lot of people are frustrated with big banks and corporations, but for the last few years, no one has really been sure where to focus their anger. The corporations have done a good job of shifting the blame on to democrats in Washington, but if we don't start getting the changes we want, it doesn't matter who is getting blamed, everyone is going to get steamrolled together. So I think billionaires really need to pay attention to this movement and try to help rather than resist. Otherwise they're just going to cause more problems and more anger.

  5. Faceless39 profile image92
    Faceless39posted 13 years ago

    While I'm a supporter of the 99% and worldwide occupy movements, at the same time not every wealthy person is a jerk.  Many, if not the majority, of the billionaires were savvy business people who worked their butts off to get where they got. 

    It doesn't surprise me that billionaires would address the Occupy movement--although what would interest me more is what they actually said about it.  I haven't honestly followed what people are saying about it since I support it no matter what.  The country and the world is messed up, and we've finally just woken up en masse.  Thank god.  smile

  6. BizGenGirl profile image80
    BizGenGirlposted 13 years ago

    I'm not surprised that they've attempted to address the movement, nor am I surprised by their lack of genuine knowledge or interest. The only reason they are paying attention at all, is because they see a way to make money or get media attention by becoming a part of the movement, even if they are always on the opposite end.

  7. NotPC profile image60
    NotPCposted 13 years ago

    I agree with Phoebe Pike. The upper middle class is going to fight to keep their money where they want it, in their pockets. Take a look back at the bank bail outs a few years ago. Greedy corporations and their figure heads are exploiting the American people. They will do anything to keep themselves in control. As American's it is our duty to defend the middle and lower classes and stand up to bullies with large wallets.

  8. Mercia Collins profile image65
    Mercia Collinsposted 13 years ago

    the 1% would like the 99%, to shut up and work harder to keep them in the style to which they have become accustomed.

  9. Rock_nj profile image85
    Rock_njposted 13 years ago

    Thank you to everyone for your diverse responses to my question about whether you are surprised that billionaires have addressed the Occupy Wall Street movement.  You certainly helped me think about it more. 

    To take direct action against the banking cabal, consider moving your bank accounts to community banks or credit unions that loan locally and don't take bailouts or charge excessive fees.  November 5, 2011 is the day of action to move bank accounts out of the big banks and send them a message that you don't approve if their actions.  If already bank with a local bank or credit union, then you are already making a positive difference.

  10. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    it's called conning the masses. they are speaking out because it makes them look like they care about the 99%. the people that actually listen and believe them are the reason were in this mess in the first place. you don't become a billionaire honestly no matter what people think and donald trump is living proof.

  11. whoisbid profile image61
    whoisbidposted 13 years ago

    I say we should not believe anything we see in the press if it is either for or against. It is all a distraction to waste people's time and nothing will come out of it. The real issues and problems of this world are never made public and the true suffering of people is almost always unknown. Politics is a waste of time because it does not matter about democracy and what people want. It is the rich and powerful who control the media and the press and everything that goes on. Best to mind your own business and get on with your life and try to make some money and survive yourself and at the same time understand you are living and operating in a very crooked world.


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