Is the innocence of children getting eroded by the bombardment of new technology

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  1. rajan jolly profile image92
    rajan jollyposted 12 years ago

    Is the innocence of children getting eroded by the bombardment of new technology everyday?

  2. maxoxam41 profile image65
    maxoxam41posted 12 years ago

    The future will let us know. Did technology affect my innocence, I will say no but does it mean that the rest of the world won't? Obviously not.

  3. ArtzGirl profile image72
    ArtzGirlposted 12 years ago

    Without a doubt!  Yes.  It is not only eroding children's innocence, but also adult's innocence as well.

  4. jeyaramd profile image65
    jeyaramdposted 12 years ago

    As parents are we contributing to that erosion of innocence by buying them all the technology they crave starting from mindless games. Children are not able to purchase these things on their own. It is we that bombard them with latest gadgets. I think that we should also show some importance to time without technology. For instance, we should try not to be on our email or phone while having dinner or breakfast. Children learn when they see us constantly checking our mail. I think we should visit more often with children or take them out to the cottage so they can see how a lack of technology from time to time will not be the end of the world. The world will go on. Technology is a supplement to make our life easier. Its a tool. Nothing more. We should use the tool and not allow the tool to use us. We should show restraint and self-control. How else are children going to know how to control their impulses when their parents are going bonkers over the latest gadgets. It starts with us. Thank you for asking such a great question.

  5. duffsmom profile image59
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    I believe so.  I think about when I was a kid and we would giggle if we found a word in the dictionary like "breast."  But think of it now - a child, a young boy maybe can access porn on the computer.  Kids are curious but I hate to think this is where they will get their information or entertainment.

    Parents have to monitor internet access - except it is very hard when the schools don't necessarily do it.

    I think ArtzGirl is right, it also affects adults.

  6. profile image0
    Princess Pittposted 12 years ago

    Yes. Obviously.

    What you see...., just look around you, mostly every country....based their lifestyle from the media. Whats hot, what's the trend. You can't stop it. It's already done. As long as there is technology, theres always a lot more disadvantage than its advantage.

  7. Richard Sirota profile image60
    Richard Sirotaposted 12 years ago

    I'm not sure that technology, per se, has any effect one way or the other on the erosion of childhood innocence. Technology is, after all, just technology. Did television or radio destroy a child's innocence. I don't think so. I would blame more the notion that as life gets faster and faster children have less time to develop a sense of right and wrong. This, more than anything else, results in the erosion of basic innocence. Couple this with the  fact that children are growing up in a world where their comfort and stability is, at best, challenged and you have the makings of true erosion. Also, let's not forget peer pressure. Parents have less involvement with their children and this lack of true parenting gets spread around to all other kids. There seems to be an idea that kids can do whatever they damn well want as long as they are under the age of 18 and can only be, either remanded to the custody of their parents or; in worst case scenarios; tried as juveniles with much less in the way of consequence.

  8. Felixedet2000 profile image58
    Felixedet2000posted 12 years ago

    In a way yes, but  the onus is on the parent, civil societies and the government to change the trends.

  9. ithabise profile image71
    ithabiseposted 12 years ago

    I think Richard Sirota has said it best: It's not necessarily technology as much as it is several factors--coupled with the fact that the content that streams on today's advancing technology is too readily available to curious minds. If there is no guard placed on our youth and no self-restraint, even for adults, wherever technology leads, even if that's over the cliff, that's where the followers are headed.

  10. xethonxq profile image66
    xethonxqposted 12 years ago

    Most certainly it is...I notice kids have much less imaginative, creative play that involves the outdoors. It's just too easy to sit in front of a computer, text on a cell or listen to an iPod to be entertained. It feels like kids know too much about the adult world way too early in their lives. Geez, we thought TV was bad...that's tame compared to everything else.

  11. nwarriar profile image60
    nwarriarposted 12 years ago

    It depends on the age of the child. My 3+ grandchild is very observant and mimics what others-both adults and children-do. So the more I'm parked in front of the new tech gadgets the more the child wants to do it too. The good thing is that they become tech savvy at a very young age. The bad is the impact the flashing visuals  have on the young developing brain.
    As parents and grandparents, we influence their behavior. As they grow older they do it alone and it's again up to us to deal with it.
    On the other hand, they learn to deal with new information each second, in a myriad of ways.
    It's not so much the new technology (as they are born in this era) as it is the fact that much of it has become indispensable.


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