What is the greatest challenge for children in America today?

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  1. glassvisage profile image83
    glassvisageposted 12 years ago

    What is the greatest challenge for children in America today?

  2. learnlovelive profile image61
    learnloveliveposted 12 years ago

    ADHD and finding the true value of life through all the material attachments.

  3. cmlindblom profile image71
    cmlindblomposted 12 years ago

    I going to go with over coming living in a spoiled country... not much more I can really say.

  4. frogtalk profile image59
    frogtalkposted 12 years ago

    We can say materialism, media, etc. When it really comes down to it though the problem is that the majority of them don't have a relationship with God. You could take away materialism, media, and add good after-school activities and better parents but if they don't have a relationship with their creator it won't make a difference. Bring God into their lives will change who they are.

  5. profile image0
    warden-lawposted 12 years ago

    Tough question, but I think that it is increasingly challenging in America for kids to get a good education especially when it comes to college degrees.

    As more and more people realize that a college degree is a key factor in earning potential they increasingly sign up for college degrees.  And I do mean sign up, because today you do not have to have great grades and good background, with lots of well rounded extracurricular activities to get into a college.  With the advent of the for profit education industry in America there is a school for everyone, as long as you can pay the bill.  Sounds good, and it really is because it is the democratization of education, a key to a educated and successful populace.

    But there is a catch.  Unfortunately for America, paying that student's bill usually means some sort of government backed student loan.  As demand for higher education has grown, so has the price of admission, and now almost no one can afford to go to any college without government loan assistance.

    Why is this unfortunate for America?  Because now there is an increasing amount of education loan defaults.  These may be the first signs of an education loan bubble bursting, and when it does burst and these loan defaults get out of hand, it will be as devastating as the home loan disaster we just went through. 

    Cheaper educational institutions may disappear, forced into closing through a combination of less state aide and dropping enrollments.  These schools depend  heavily on economies of scale, relying on huge numbers of students.  When those students now cannot get loans for college they will not be able to pay.  At the same time cash strapped governments, federal and state, will be unable to offer the same amount of state funding of education as they recover from the student loan bubble bursting.  Closure will then be the only option for many cheaper sources of education.

    For the rest of us non students, we will have to face the prospect of another government backed and taxpayer funded bailout of educational institutions and the companies that help facilitate these government student loans.  We will also have to witness our children unable to find affordable educational opportunities, and for the first time in America the very real possibility that the next generation will almost certainly be worse off.

    I hope none of this happens but if we cannot fix our educational model it is a very real possibility.

  6. dsenews profile image58
    dsenewsposted 12 years ago

    Happiness...They are going through such a social condition that within a very short possible time they will unable to find the way to be happy...They will get depressed; so many mental sickness will appear and they will just be covered with mental pain pain and pain...Only way to resolve this problem will be to be poor country again but it quit impossible for America to be poor because they are standing on very strong economic condition...Also they can change their eating behavior,they shuld stop eating meat of any animal; mainly pigs... BUT they can eat goat meat a little bit...Also they can spread out all over the world,mainly in the poor country to know how survive in a poorer situation...Lest but not last that I love American very much,coz they are well behaved,well mannered,and they how to love someone perfectly...They are honest and obviously good people...But to my view to happy,there's we need a little bad behaviors,bad manners,and also should know how hate someone without any reason...In fact happiness seeks some controvarsy to solve...But ancient American children has faced a lot of controvarsy and they have survived in such a strong way that todays  American children are much more away from the controvarsy...Lets just wait and see what happened in the next...The best way is to go with the flow..

  7. chrisami89 profile image61
    chrisami89posted 12 years ago

    I am not so sure about the children in America but i could definitely tell you about what is the greatest challenge for children in the UK..

    I think that toddy's children raise in such a materialist environment and market and in houses full of digital products that their greatest challenges are around these things.

    You can see children in the UK lying about their age in order to do a Facebook profile page, or crying to their parents in order to get the latest video game. I have seen so many kids walking with their parents and playing on their iPhones and i still can't get used to it.

    i do agree that technology can be good and that it might help children to be prepared for the digital revolution that is coming but i don't think that they shouldn't be let around it for that long especially in so young age.


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