Why do Obama Supporters assume you are a right wing Bush lover if you don't like

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  1. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 12 years ago

    Why do Obama Supporters assume you are a right wing Bush lover if you don't like Obama?

    The second anyone doesn't praise the almighty they are labeled a Bush loving right wing. Why is this? Is it odd for an independent or democrat to not support Obama?

  2. Mr. Happy profile image70
    Mr. Happyposted 12 years ago

    Well, it's kinda like when I am speak against the neo-conservatives - automatically I am labelled as an Obama loving liberal. Then, I gotta start explaining how Obama is just as big of a crook as most politicians out there. Watch the "Obama Deception: The Men Behind the Curtain": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAaQNACwaLw Crooks all around!

    Republicans or Democrats - nothing will change as long as bribery is legal (i.e. lobbyists). Politicians are controlled by the money flow ... people are not represented in gov't any longer - by either party!!

  3. lovemychris profile image77
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    Because you blame Obama for Bush's policies that got us here, and let Bush totally off the hook. What are we supposed to think?

  4. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 12 years ago

    I blamed Bush for the first couple years, at some point obama gets blamed too! I mean what are we suppose to do stay in the past blaming bush for the next 25 years or admit that each president after him is just as responsible for the repair of America? Sorry but reality is every president screws up something and we can't keep giving them free passes forever. Bush had plenty of time to be bashed (by me included) but I don't live in the past. I live in the right now where my husbands insurance sky rocketed thanks to Obama care, His stocks still have not reached back to where they were, Our rental properties are still below tax value, and I still have family fighting in the war! Maybe some just aren't bothered like I am enough to complain about the current administration but I think everyone just blames bush because it's easier than making Obama responsible for something!

  5. EinderDarkwolf profile image60
    EinderDarkwolfposted 12 years ago

    Bush was in office for 8 years. Obama has had only 4 years in which to undo 8 years worth of policies. Can that be done? No. It takes a lot of time and a Congress that doesn't stand against you every time you turn around. Everyone blames The President when things don't go their way. The thing everyone forgets about is that the president has to go through congress and the senate in order to do anything. The only thing he gets is the power of pardoning some people from prison once his time in office is up. If you don't know what the presidents job is and how he does it, then why attack him for things that are literally beyond his power? This seems to be something that everyone forgets.

  6. junkseller profile image79
    junksellerposted 12 years ago

    Well, anyone can be a populist, and I think can look at Obama's policies and say he hasn't done nearly enough to deal with housing issues or to create jobs, and has been far too friendly to corporate interests. Though, we could then have an argument about how much of that is the fault of the GOP and their persistent obstructionism.

    You could also criticize him for not being a stronger supporter for peace, for not reversing the erosion of fundamental rights (e.g. Patriot Act, surveillance, etc), and for not making significant environmental progress (if any at all).

    So I think there are a lot of ways to criticize him. Politically I am probably somewhere off the left side of the map, and unless he suddenly turns into a STRONG progressive, he won't get my support. I am not expecting him to.

  7. nightwork4 profile image59
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    because most of the people i have spoken to or know that don't like Obama are Bush lovers. the rest are racists. i am Canadian and for the life of me, i can't see how anyone who is not a racist or a bush supporter can't like and be happy Obama is their president. he's done everything possible to get the U.S. back to being a country to be proud of but he gets struck down by the republicans no matter what he does.


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