Trump/Clinton....Are U happy to be an american with these odds?
If Hilary wins america would have traveled back in time to the 1990s (bill clinton) and you'll probably be lied to everyday.
If Trump wins he could start a War.
Choose wisely..........................
It ain't over till the scat lady sings.
Interpret that however you want, what I mean is Hiliary is a human toilet and she'll be singing the blues if and when the FBI files charges.
But then what? Well Trump has no political or public service on which to judge. He didn't vote for the Iraq war like Hiliary and prominent Democrat leaders DID, though they surely want you to forget about that and blame Bush!
We know he can't be bought like Hiliary (and frankly all the rest) although he has gotten more per speech than Hiliary, which is amazing since Hiliary isn't being paid for anything she says in her speeches. (Really, if you were wealthy would YOU pay anything to listen to that voice? If you are honest you'd probably pay her to go away).
So the truth is we know exactly what we'll get with Hiliary, Trump, we'll only know after he is elected, if he is elected. Hey, America elected a total unknown in BO who continued two wars and managed to screw that up, how could Trump ever be worse?
If you want the truth about how this election season is unraveling right now here it is, watch, listen and learn. … r_embedded
You can save the weeping for later.
I like your view....
But is trump caring enough?
Dwight,how can you ask that question of anyone?Look at the Democrats who crave the mantle of "caring" while their policies = strife everywhere they're in control,do nada to help the plights of blacks despite a 2term black (butdivisive)President.
Dwight is asking a legitimate question. Trump is not caring. He hired illegals at a cheap rate over 300 Americans who sought work to on Trump Tower. He claims not to know who David Duke is (anti-Semitic,,former KKK leader. Trump denigrates Hispanics
What I meant was there is no comparison to Trump as far as caring goes, Hiliary and the democrats are the least caring of anyone, they are users of epic proportions of epic millions..
But TSAD U know I still Haven't concluded Ur pick...
But I read between the lines and put U down for Trump.....
If it's Hiliary (or Bernie) against anyone else in the world put my vote down as a vote for anyone who opposes that sociopath or that socialist.
What I worry about Trump is that he talks a good game, but can he pull it off? Has he ever once explained his policies, or how he will make them work?
As a matter of fact he's explained his policies but if all you do is listen to the media you wouldn't know. Try going to his website? … are-reform Trump's not my first pick but not my last either.
Who's your first TSAD......and why isn't that person leading the polls?
Thanks Tsad, will do! I need to know more, because most likely it will be between him and Hilary.
Yeah, you can never go with what the media is saying without checking. THEY LIE.
Start what war? And what do you base that on?
Compared to today the 1990s was prosperity at least until the dot com bubble burst, but that is still no reason to put another Clinton into the presidency.
We got to where we are today because of the loyal party voters, and the experienced but gridlocked politicians.
The country has been in a decline since the fake oil shortage of the 70s. The democratic party really gave their loyal sheep not much of a choice. The republican party gave too many choices to their loyal sheep.
We can guess where the country will go if any of the experience politicians win. The reason is that history can show how the parties have failed because of the divergent goal of the dems and repubs.
We can't even make an intelligent vote because too date the issues have remained off the table, while the media, the polls, and the debates have focused on the personality or lack thereof of the candidates.
We are doing this at the expense of not knowing the positions of the candidates on the real issues, and we are already into the presidential campaign over a year.
They keep saying ridiculous things about what will happen if Trump win the presidency. He will take us down a dangerous road, but they never mention or support the details of that road.
We are on a pretty bad road today, and it was experienced politicians that got us here since the 70s.
You think that Trump will take us into a war, how would that differ from the last several decades?
I am unhappy with the loyal party voters, and the failure of the two parties to come up with some shade of purple instead of blue, and red.
The search for the guilty has hit each presidency for several decades, and nothing is going to change in 2017, if we don't change our political paradigm.
The fact is that neither party has the solutions, and both parties create the problems.
Trump could be the catalyst that will bring us shades of purple. As long as the blue and the red don't run, then the US will remain divided to a level greater and more serious than slavery during the Civil War.
Experienced politicians have brought us Failure, after Failure.
Party loyal voters have divided the country to where it can't function.
The media, debates, personal attacks of the candidates have prevented the people from hearing the critical issues, and how the candidates will solve them.
Actually Senator Obama was an inexperience congressman, as he spent the last two yrs campaigning.
First of all Let me just announce that I'm Jamaican sooo. I know little about american politics. However what goes on in America seems to create waves everywhere...And I've been hearing a lot of hate talk about both candidates. I'm just curious....
Well said Brad, this is a vote for or against the status quo if it is Hiliary and Trump,but Trump isn't the winner of the primaries yet.The out of touch establishment Republicans thought he would implode.They now have to do anything to stop him
Hate is not appropriate as it is inflammatory and not correct. Hear what the candidates say themselves, not reports.
Letting Hillary win because they don't want to change the status quo, we are in agreement. good comment
So where is the conclusion? Who is better. After reading what they both have to say online, below are always comments about some hidden skeleton in the closet or in the case of trump "not so hidden". So who is better?
Trump and Hillary are exactly the same. His record in business reveals an egomaniac who takes for himself at the expense of others. Hillary's record in politics shows the exact same thing. They are both morally bankrupt.
So stalemate...................No one should vote...right.
I mean, If u vote because u believe in someone. Why then lie to yourself and the candidate, when U don't believe in them.
ButSDyou are comparing a businessman with a lifelong politician.We know Hiliary is bought&what she will do,Trump can't be bought&if he wins the primary(not a lock yet)&then the election no one can predict how he will govern.We'll see if h
mhhh? here's a chance to polish what U were trying to say.
i understand, the comments are few.............
Thanks Dwight, just would say "we will see if he wins how he governs." If he surrounds himself with intelligent conservative people (unlike Obama choosing admitted communists)& advisers which a shrewd businessman would do he might surprise us
What you are missing is that the media, debates, and name calling has prevented the candidates from talking about the details of their plans on critical issues. In fact, many of the critical issues haven't even been broached.
You know what,in the end I don't think it is the details that most people who vote care about,Obama got elected on Hope&Change,no details,Trump will be elected on Make America Great Again! At least that is a phrase we can know what it means.
TSAD: I couldn't get to commend U on Ur Hub:
"I don't have enough faith to be an atheist, the gay agenda, and abortion."
SO I'm just doing it here. One of the best most detailed hub I've ever read. Awesome.
How long did it take to write it?
Thanksbrother!you are well informed also! I can't take credit,just tried to present the truth&the facts that others who have invested their lives in researching and telling to a lost world.U&I may be separated by ocean but are one in spirit!
lol, it kind of evolved over time.Whenever I came across something I thought would add to the content I put it in there, Started with just Frank Turek and later I added abortion. I closed comments because of vulgarity that started appearing.
Ok...Yeah i realize that folks on HP can get quite heated when it comes to religion..
Hillary is a right-wing conservative pretending to be in the middle. And Trump is an extreme right-wing candidate.
The whole political spectrum went to the right the last 15 years, and not only in the US but in Europe too. The labour parties in Europe, once with a socialist background are now center parties. And the Right-wing parties became more right-wing.
Trump is a businessman and he is buying the presidentcy simply to enlarge and enrich his own company. He doesn't care about people. Using emigrants to build his own Trump towers and now the work is done they can be deported.
As Trump does not believe in Climate Change he is a danger for the next generation who has to live with drought and natural disasters. But he doesn't care. He lives now and doesn't give a damn about the future.
Hillary is a old fashioned conservative and a classic right wing politician. For her too, money and Wallstreet is the main thing. As well as I guess she will continue where Bush left the chaos in the Middle East. Supporting Israel and Saudi Arab at the same time.
If I where a US citizen I would vote for Sanders, he has, just like Trump the guts to give his opinion and criticize the inner circle of politicians. He would change america and bring back a good minimum wage and rights for the labourer. He in contrast of Trump does care for the average man. the lower and middle class. Trump only cares for the 1% (but of course Trump wants your votes so he rages against Muslims and Latinos..)
Peter,you dyslexic or something?I never heard anyone in the world express the viewHiliary is a conservative pretending to be middle.&Trump an extreme right-wing candidate? So much for anything say after that opening,earth to Peter, come in..
I dn think Trump cares about making more money. Climate control is not the problem for the US, it is global but there are no real solutions. Carbon credits are a joke.
Trumps arg on Muslims and Latinos are valid and not rage.
Tsad this is written from an European point of view.if you don't call Trump extreme right wing I'm clueless about what you do call extreme right wing.
What is your definition of Right, and then Extreme?
I hate labels as they don't mean the same thing to everyone.
What are the Trump examples that conform to your definition.
ultra short. Right wing. Money above people. Extreme right wing. Money only for the elite 1% and cheap workforce 99%. Extreme right sees people as them and us. White elite against blacks/Latinos/Muslims etc. Trump is extreme right wing in my opinion.
Peter you are right about one thing, you are clueless.
Well peter I'm glad we both aren't Americans...
however we both have our own political problems to live in.
Election in Jamaica just concluded Last thursday....(whew)
Here in Spain there is huge corruption problem to be dealt with, thanks to the populist right wing party.
Oh that's right, Europeans consider the far left the middle, that explains it but still doesn't explain Hillary being a right wing conservative? Really?
Tsad, I consider Stalinism and Maoïsme extreme left and not the middle.
In Europe socialism is a normal word and not a word to insult somebody.
You have no evidence that Trump is on the side of the 1%, and Trump made valid arguments about Muslims, and Illegals, but you apparently didn't read them. In general, your opinion appears to have no foundation other than hearsay.
Brad, you only have to read the things Trump says to understand that he's a white sexisist alpha male. If you think that he cares for the average American then you're naive. Clinton doesn't care either though.
I grew up in Manhattan, and I know where Trump is coming from. Politicians tell you what you want to hear, Trump is telling us what he wants to do.
Your statements about Trump are totally emotional and without any foundation or proof.
Trump is a businessman and the only thing he is interested in is money. My opinion is based on newspapers and television, just like yours. Different newspapers, different television but not more or less valid then your opinion.
You are making general assumptions about labels, opinions of the media, yet you have not validated your position with any real facts, or actually any facts.
Yes, as an American my opinion is more valid than yours because I can vote, and u can't
Fact. trump does not believe in climate change he told us so.
Fact. Trump wants a health care system that benefits the rich, he told us so on his website. Tax benefits. He's on the side of 1%
I can go on.
I hope you use you right to vote wisely.
The 1% don't need a healthcare system. And there is no real proof about climate control, and none of these are the important issues for the presidency.
So, you have to go on. and again what is your interest here?
U see this is why I don't vote in Jamaica.....
Too much arguments tend to find their way in simple disagreements over "Blue" or "Red".
Or in my Case: "Green" or "Orange"
Ironically, Trump is probably the only Republican capable of beating Clinton in November. Clinton is the safe, centerline, establishment's candidate. And no one wants that anymore. She's only winning among the least educated and least informed of her party. Her biggest mistake right now isn't her lying. It's her clear cheating and stealing to beat Bernie Sanders. That will come back to haunt her in Nov when disillusioned Democrats abstain from supporting her. A good fight in November would be Bernie versus Trump. For the first time we would see two political parties in an election. One side loves war, money and racism. The other side wants European-style socialism. Religion would be left out of an election for the first time in 40 years.
That's what I'm talking about....If the only candidate capable of beating A bad candidate is another Bad candidate.....why should anyone vote?
unless U look for the lesser of two evils (Which is just sad).
When did america get to that point?
There is no question which of these two are the evilest, that's why in order to vote for Hiliary Democrats have to take a drug called tryphorgetin:
Wow the people in the video are anti-hillary
Seeking to be color blind is not racist. Favoring specific racial groups over others via affirmative action and less severe penalties for minorities than whites IS racist.
We have been DYING to have a real choice, a real difference for decades now to vote for... and we finally have one. Unfortunately, the media, the GOP, the corporation PACs are out to convince you that the one person who is finally above corruption and does not need to bow to anyone, is the worst choice you could make... he is more evil than Hitler himself.
Trump has plans... detailed plans... reviewed by qualified advisors
The media lies when they say he has no plans
Donald Trump Economic Plan Part 1 – Tax the Rich: He proposes simplifying it and also targeting hedge fund profits. Trump has said he will lower taxes for the middle class.
Donald Trump Economic Plan Part 2 – Get Rid of Corporate Inversion: "Corporate inversion" is a strategy businesses adopt to reduce their own tax burden. When corporate inversion occurs, a company is reincorporated abroad by a foreign business, which takes over all the assets and operations therein. Trump's solution is to lower corporate taxes. This will prevent American companies from being enticed by foreign nations. Right now, the United States has the highest corporate tax rate among major industrial nations. The U.S.'s effective tax rate of 35.6% on new corporate investment is nearly twice the average rate for other nations.
Donald Trump Economic Plan Part 3 – Lower the Debt Ceiling.
Donald Trump Economic Plan Part 4 – In Trump's book "Time to Get Tough," he stated he believes there should be a 20% tax on imported goods and a 15% tax on U.S. companies that outsource. He also wants a 35% tax on imported cars, especially those built in Canada and Mexico.
THIS is why the CORPORATE Media is out to destroy him this is why the 'establishment' politicians in the GOP are out to destroy him... Trump HAS a plan... his plan will save America and INVIGORATE its economy and bring back millions of jobs... at the EXPENSE of Corporate profits and billionaire bank accounts.
America needs Trump in 2016!!! Trump had to play a tough game, say things that would get him attention, so that he could get out his message, he is a billionaire he has nothing to gain, but a lot to give... we will see if America chooses a chance at prosperity again... over the same old corrupt and careless Washington politics.
Okay....Good I have someone that has made a definite option "Trump".
Thanks for your answer...It was informative. I guess Trump isn't so bad.
Ken has spelled it out&Ken is well informed,but as he says,the media lies&that is the problem with Trump because this is what you are going to hear 24/7 which I have to admit is pretty funny but cra
I feel like I'm running a small HP poll.
SO far Trump------4
D. Trump is the court jester, the man with the mirror and sets the status quo a'tremble. It's hilarious! He's ripping off masks. Dem and Rep both did well under B. Clinton, but it's now 2016. People are tired of the b and the s. Good essay.
Well with hillary we have somebody I don't trust as far as I can throw a condensed dwarf star. However, she's the least likely of all the candidates to permanently damage our economy in ways that can't be reversed later when my fellow Americans have successfully been beaten with a stick that says "Vote moderate or else".
Mike,she is "least likely to damage our economy"?So bankrupting the country or ending the republic as we know it won't hurt the economy? I don't think she can run the country from prison.
So from all the comments coming in it sounds like trump is a better candidate over Hilary. I think Only 2 persons made it clear that they preferred Hilary. I suppose it's then a wise option to choose The guy who is a business man and not a politician
Well dwight here is why the people like Trump … bs-economy
America is in a sad state. No class in representing the country.
And why is that? Because there is no class in the majority of the electorate. Look who they've been voting for! Look at what they watch on TV. If they had class we'd have class in our candidates.
He'll enforce the immigration laws and protect American workers.
He'll play hardball with China
Lowering the corporate tax rate will bring capital back to America
He may be loud and brash, but he puts America first and only....
Well u seem to know trump very well, and what he has planned in mind
Absolutely not. It's like my picture above. Either way...we may be screwed.
That's a "shocking" way to look at it. The most accurate part of that meme is that the electorate is likened to a foolish child.
I was thinking of the sockets--either one will result in serious injury/trauma. Like they are both bad choices. Didn't think about the child though---interesting.
Well you know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. This was like reading between the lines!
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