Kid suspended from school and arrested for wearing a pro NRA shirt? What do you

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  1. Missing Link profile image67
    Missing Linkposted 11 years ago

    Kid suspended from school and arrested for wearing a pro NRA shirt?  What do you think?

    Just recently, an 8th grader from West Virginia was suspended from school for wearing a pro NRA shirt with a picture of a rifle on it.  Even though the school had no specific policy about this I do understand their point of view----post Sandy Hook, etc.  He refused to take it off.  But, he was also arrested which I disagree with and which I think is scary.  Should I worry about wearing my shirts that have a picture of the American flag on them?  What do you think?

  2. profile image0
    Nancy's Nicheposted 11 years ago

    Arrest an 8th grader --- that is OUTRAGEOUS! I personally think things have gotten out of hand with the schools and the public. This is infringing on the Child's freedom of speech and after all, they do have that right too.

    The person responsible for this decision should be fired!  No school wants, or needs this type of teacher or administrator in their system. They do more harm than good. Where the focus needs to be is on the serious issue of bullying --- not a harmless t-shirt!

    1. Missing Link profile image67
      Missing Linkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm middle aged.   When I was in school kids use to routinely bring knives (not for violence) to school, have gun racks in their truck, etc.  They would never have brought a gun into school however.   I grew up in a rural part of Ohio...

  3. peeples profile image92
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    I'm a little conflicted with this. First this was his SECOND time wearing the shirt to school. He got in trouble the first time also. So his parents are using him for their own personal political statement. I also understand freedom of speech, but don't see how this falls into it. Schools have a dress code and shirts with pictures of guns are not allowed in most schools.
    The parents in this case are encouraging their child to break school rules so if anyone is going to be punished it should be them.
    The fact that our school system is wasting time arresting a CHILD over a shirt is stupid. Give him ISS or suspend him for a few days.

    1. Missing Link profile image67
      Missing Linkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I understand the school's viewpoint though I think many would debate this.  I did not realize this was his 2nd time wearing the shirt to school.  I totally disagree with the arrest.  Thanks much!

    2. IDONO profile image59
      IDONOposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm sure there is more to the arrest story. As far as debate, there should be none. This is flat out inappropriate for any 8th grader to wear, let alone in school. Besides, how many times do you think he's studied the Constitution? Never?

  4. The Frog Prince profile image71
    The Frog Princeposted 11 years ago

    Political correctness is making outrageous steps forward.  Every time it does a little more of your freedoms are eroded.

    The Frog

  5. Attikos profile image80
    Attikosposted 11 years ago

    Were he or his parents trying to pick a fight with the school, the administrators played right into their hands. That he was violating no policy means their objection was not a result of a dress code. That leaves little room for any conclusion but that politically correct stupidity has struck again. Maybe the local school board should spend its time looking for more intelligent principals rather than worrying about boys' shirts.

  6. junkseller profile image81
    junksellerposted 11 years ago

    "Teachers and administrators must have the authority to do what they reasonably believe is in the best interest of their educational responsibilities, as we cannot abandon our schools to the whims or proclivities of children." Broussard v. School Bd. of Norfolk, 1992.

    I think this is an appropriate statement in this case. Every kid knows that they aren't completely free to wear whatever they want in school. Our teachers need to have some leeway in regulating the learning environment. Perhaps the teacher was overstepping a little bit, they are still the teacher, and they were making a reasonable request.

    The kid decided that his 'right' to wear a slogan was worth standing up for and chose to go the hard way. That was his choice. He could have changed his shirt and then levied a complaint later. How that ended up as an arrest, I don't know. That part of it seems extreme. From what I heard he was in the office talking to the principal when the officer showed up. It almost sounds like it was the officer who blew this out of proportion more so than the school.

  7. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    WHAT?? This is way over the top to arrest this boy. I can understand suspending him "the second time" but arrest him? Come on. There has been a similar situation in this area some years ago where they would not let kids wear rebel flag t-shirts. But, there is a double standard, and I am by no means racist. At the same time children were being allowed to wear Malcom X t shirts. If they are going to have a standard, it should apply to everyone, Period.

  8. stanwshura profile image70
    stanwshuraposted 11 years ago

    The school was WRONG.  I am a leftie and not a big fan of the NRA - and have a lot to say about how they have corrupted politics.  But an 8th grader who is publically and politically conscious and conscientious enough to HAVE, never mind *express* his thoughts on this should be encouraged and nurtured.

    Then there's this little thing called the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, but don't even get me rolling on that rant!


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