Where were you on sept 11, 2001?

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  1. harmony155 profile image57
    harmony155posted 10 years ago

    Where were you on sept 11, 2001?

  2. BuffaloGal1960 profile image69
    BuffaloGal1960posted 10 years ago

    I was home in bed not feeling well (in Missouri) and my mother was visiting in Indianapolis and she called to tell me to turn the TV on.  She said, "We are under attack"  I had no idea at that point what she meant or how bad it was.  I was glued to the TV like most Americans at that point.  Shepherd Smith and some others on FOX seemed choked up at times and trying to hold it together very well at other times.
    I'll never forget it.

    I also believe, we will see much worse in the next few years or decade because of the silliness of "racial profiling" and many diplomats worrying more about being politically correct than worrying about our safety. 

    On the other hand, many law enforcement officials have it going on.  But I would like to add one thing....in centuries past when times were tough and there were epidemics, the churches were made into hospitals.  That may not be where we are headed but I would challenge churches to think ahead and be prepared for anything and get over messing up the pretty carpet and be more prepared to serve the people.  I add this only because I heard so many stories of church doors being opened to minister to the brokenhearted over their loved ones missing and killed on 9/11.  I thought those were the best stories from a holocaust that began in the air.

    May God bless America and keep her safe.

  3. CraftytotheCore profile image72
    CraftytotheCoreposted 10 years ago

    I was working in a law firm and preparing for a client meeting.  I'll never forget the words, "someone flew a plane in to the World Trade Center".  When I heard it, I honestly thought that someone foolishly just lost their radar and accidentally hit the side of a tall building.  The memories are haunting.

  4. profile image0
    JustCraftyposted 10 years ago

    I was standing in KMart watching the tvs when it came on the screen about the attack.

  5. LastRoseofSummer2 profile image83
    LastRoseofSummer2posted 10 years ago

    I was 9 years old. My family was running a thrift store at the time. I was there with my Mom and my sister; my Dad was somewhere else. Then all of a sudden he called and said "Turn the radio on, something has happened."

  6. janshares profile image91
    jansharesposted 10 years ago

    At home getting ready for work. Saw report on the Today Show. Unbelievable. Drove into work. Watched tv and listened to radio with co-workers. Heard explosion. Walked outside, everyone looking scared, getting in their cars. The Pentagon had just been hit. Boss told us that word was the Capitol was next. We worked on Capitol Hill, nine blocks from the Capitol Building, so we left the area, along with the rest of the neighborhood and entire city. Couldn't speak to my husband for hours who was watching the Pentagon burn from his office window in SE Washington. The same for my family in Buffalo, New York. Couldn't get through phone lines. What a day to remember in Washington, DC. and the entire nation.

  7. duffsmom profile image59
    duffsmomposted 10 years ago

    My daughter was getting ready for school and was sitting watching the news. I woke up my husband up and told him, you need to see this.

  8. Borsia profile image39
    Borsiaposted 10 years ago

    I was at work. The first plane struck during morning break and someone in the office heard it on the radio. We all thought it was just a freak accident until the second plane hit.
    I was amazed that a couple of coworkers started jumping up shouting that we should attack before the dust settles. When I asked them just who we should attack they didn't know,,, but we should attack somebody!
    Apparently they should have been working with Bush & Cheney since they didn't think it out any better.
    We all took a minute to go into the offices that had TVs and saw the live reports but everyone went back to work after a few minutes and it was a normal work day, albeit a very sad one.

  9. Billie Kelpin profile image84
    Billie Kelpinposted 10 years ago

    How good of you to let us express our feelings on this day of "infamy" once again.  I had flown to New York from Minneapolis the week before 9/11 to watch my daughter as she stood up for her friend's wedding on Liberty Island.  I remember asking the bride's guests from Michigan if they had done any sightseeing.  They had mentioned having lunch at Windows of the World in the World Trade Center.  I told them I had never heard of that restaurant and told them I'd check that out the next time I came to New York.  As the reception slowly died down, I walked outside and noticed a boat saying "Water Taxi - World Trade Center".  I asked my daughter if we should take that rather than the subway which had to go all the way around to New Jersey and then back to New York.  She looked me in the eye and said, "Mom, do you realize HOW far away I live from the World Trade Center?"  She actually lived up on 117th St. which was not THAT far away, but her words kept ringing through my head that whole morning as I watched the TV at my job at North Hennepin Community College in Minneapolis.  Although she worked in downtown NY, she possibly COULD have had a gig there (her comedian friends had had some kind of performance there that day); nevertheless, I kept hearing her words: "Mom, do you realize how FAR I live from the World Trade Center?" and that comforted me. I also, somehow I knew in my heart she was safe.   I watched TV on campus with a young adult autistic student who was having a difficult time coping with this news. I told him to go into the library and take out his journal and record everything he was seeing and feeling at the moment.  Meanwhile, I tried to get my daughter on her cell phone and, of course, could not.  Hours later, she was able to get through to her dad, so I knew she was ok.  She had been on her way to work on Park Ave. when someone got on the subway all covered in white.  She thought it was some kind of performance art on the train.  Finally, she learned what had happened and eventually walked all the way home.  People were all walking home, she told me, covered in ashes, tears streaming down their faces.  Of course, we didn't know what would happen next and I was ready to drive to New York and get her out. I didn't. But I visited her the month later. The "Shoes of 9/11" is a little record of that visit.  I just hope the families of the victims, and the victims who survived know we will never underestimate their loss and their pain.

    1. BuffaloGal1960 profile image69
      BuffaloGal1960posted 10 years agoin reply to this


  10. penlady profile image61
    penladyposted 10 years ago

    At home washing the car. My sister told me about the first plane hitting the WTC. I couldn't believe that something that usually happens in other countries was now happening in America.

  11. FatFreddysCat profile image96
    FatFreddysCatposted 10 years ago

    I was at home because it was my day off from work. I was actually out running errands for part of the morning so for a while I was at the supermarket, Home Depot, etc. with no idea of what was going on right across the river from me (I live in New Jersey). When I got home, my wife had left several messages on the answering machine telling to turn on the news, because a plane had hit one of the WTC towers. I turned on the news just in time to see the second plane hit the other tower, live.
    The rest of the day, needless to say, was a bit of a blur. Thankfully I didn't lose anyone close to me, but several of my relatives and acquaintances were in Manhattan that awful day and had their own close calls.

  12. tirelesstraveler profile image61
    tirelesstravelerposted 10 years ago

    Ireland, I wrote a hub about my experience. Watching the US crumble while I was in Europe was stunning. Wondering if my friends who were pilots for American and United were in the cockpits, unnerving.  My neighbor, landed a San Francisco to N.Y. United jet about an hour before the first jet hit the towers.
    The post man came to where we were working; he knew there were Americans there.  He couldn't speak English he as so distraught. Finally he turned the radio up and the President came on.
    We continued working for rest of the afternoon like people in a dream.  Those towers coming down rocked the Irish. After Americans more Irish were killed than any other nationality when the twin towers came down.
    I couldn't contact my family for several days. 
    I will never forget.

  13. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 10 years ago

    This is most assuredly, one of those unforgettable events in American History.  I was at work, busily taking inventory in my office, when a co-worker called me and suggested I turn the radio on or find a television.  She was brief and sounded rather concerned, but at the time, the only announcement was about "a plane crashing into one of the Twin Towers." 
    Soon afterward, as we all came to know, the news was expanded and elaborated, into the incredible to the outrageous...to finally, the most egregious attack against us by terrorists, in many decades.

  14. sarahmoose profile image67
    sarahmooseposted 10 years ago

    It was afternoon for us in the UK, I was in an A level chemistry class. A friend of mine text me to say I needed to find a tv, a plane had been flown into the WTC. It was a bit surreal for us, and one of the girls' dads was due to be at a meeting in the WTC that morning; fortunately, he had been working late, and overslept.

  15. epbooks profile image83
    epbooksposted 10 years ago

    I was at work listening to the news on the radio and then eventually, watching it on a small television in the office.


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